Gemma Brushett

Most people will not have heard of this thick bint, but she most definitely deserves an absolutely gigantic cunting. For the unaware, let me break it down:

This airhead cunt flap was crossing a road at a set of traffic lights at a time when it was green for road traffic, (therefore obviously red for pedestrians), whilst looking at her phone. An approaching cyclist then collided with her, knocking her down leaving her with busted front teeth and scars. And guess what? She sued him!!! What the absolute fuck?!

Then some cunt judge awards her over £4K in damages. Now the cyclist has been saddled with her £30K of court fees, as well as his own £25K bill. A crowdfunding page was set up for him to cover his costs.

Have we entered the fucking twilight zone without me noticing? In what fucking world does this seem right? This cunt flap is a Yoga teacher apparently. Really? Let me do some fucking poses with my gash spread out and pretend I know everything about this ancient Hindu way of life. Cunt!

I wish for a whole Peloton to run this cunt over one day.

Nominated by Bill

130 thoughts on “Gemma Brushett

  1. I’d like to say this story is unbelievable, but unfortunately it’s not. These days people get rewarded for being fucking stupid. She should have been fined and given a suspended jail sentence for acting in a way likely to cause an accident.

  2. Expect loads of phone zombies (especially Eastern European types) to start jumping out in front of traffic for their 30 pieces of silver!

    A precedent has been set, and now we’re all in the shite thanks to a dumb fuck judge.

    Hope it goes to appeal

    • This has to be overturned Techno – it sets a very dangerous legal precedent.
      Judges? Stick to rent boys and p*ssing yourselves.

      • ‘Stick to rent boys and p*ssing yourselves.’
        Thank you Vernon, that made me laugh aloud.

    • This silly little bitch has been rewarded for her carelessness on a legal technicality. This technicality has now set a precedent. Numerous parking Stanley types have exploited the law that deems that the driver behind another vehicle is to blame for a rear end collision because of not keeping a DVLA text book specified distance, but doesn’t allow for the driver slamming his brakes on for no reason to get an insurance pay out.

      Expect to hear about a flood of claims from cunts jaywalking and dodging traffic because they can’t be arsed to wait for the lights to change.

      Brushett teaches an ancient method of mental and physical discipline and yet has displayed a total lack of discipline for road safety. I hope she gets pay back karma further on up the road. Cunt.

      • I hope that next time she’s twattering/face-acheing, she gets splattered by a loaded gravel lorry.

        This is what I have feared for a long time. Snopake cunts will get immunity for everything, because…there mobile phone is the most important thing in the universe.

      • Mourn the death of natural justice, bury the codex of jurisprudence. Some of these legal decisions are so wrong. The daft women got hit by cycle because she walked out into the road whilst her head was firmly inserted into her arse; one could say that she had put herself in danger. This danger to herself originated in her totally ignoring the dynamics of her situation; any reasonable person would reason that she put herself in danger. The cunt of a judge thinks fuck all that logic and shit; she deserves to be rewarded for being a gormless fuckwit. Wonder if there is a name for the yoga position “single speed bicycle inserted into arse crack whilst being propelled rapidly through the air”

  3. The silly cunt looks an ideal candidate for the BBC TV series Escape To The Cuntry where deluded up-their-own-arses Hyacinth Bucket wanabees swank in front of the cameras to get a free weeks holiday then turn all snooty and pretend the houses they are offered are not good enough for them.

    She could be a Labour MP in that she enjoys poncing off other people’s money.

    • Baffled by this – liability rests in legal terms with the f*cking idiot who walks into the road under a green light, it is the responsibility of every person to be mindful of their own safety and the cyclist needs to appeal this and get it overturned, not just because it’s wrong but also sets a case law precedent.
      What next – some daft c*nt runs onto a motorway, gets hit and sues the driver?
      Madness, and worrying madness, because this could now be extended to cover every damned idiot pedestrian who cannot be bothered to check THE ROAD IS CLEAR BEFORE WALKING ON IT!
      Good nom Bill ?

    • I saw that programme once. It was a pair of The Gays. They had sold their businesses (florist and hairdressing) and wanted to retire to the country with a couple of teenage B+WC teenage lads who they had recently adopted.

      Mind-boggling stuff indeed.

  4. First of all she looks quite shaggable and I would be willing to volunteer to give her punishment fuckings for at least 12 months.

    She is a cunt for not paying due care and attention.

    Cyclists are cunts, it doesn’t matter what colour the lights are they seem to think they have right of way.

    • As a cyclist, I have found that we are forced to act how we do on roads. I have been cut up, sideswiped, forced to stop infront of vehicles, forced onto thd pavement, knocked off my bike. All because of twatty drivers AND pedestrians with no sense of their surroundings and a total lack of care for other peoples safety.

      • No-one forces you to act the cunt. I’ve attended many cycling accidents. The cyclist was not to blame in only two of them. I’ve never had a car go straight through a red light straight into the side of my ambulance, lights and sirens going on it. Drivers are cunts, but that’s another story. They’re traffic LAWS, not advisories as the majority of cunts on bikes think.

      • In order of annoyance:
        1) Cyclists. Anyone who owns one should be hanged.

        2) Pedestrians. Be aware of your surroundings. I know I’m not the king of England but I’m sick of ALWAYS moving because you’re too stupid/unaware of people around you.

        3) Drivers. Playing loud music, driving fast, personalized number plates, driving through a red light and stopping across a pedestrian crossing because you can’t think ahead.

  5. What a cunt the cyclist was who hit her…he didn’t even give her arsehole a good tonguing after the crash while she lay spread aaaaht on the road, I would have.
    No wonder she sued.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • You should become a registered First-Aider,B+WC….I can see you now…. “Stand back you Caaannnnnttttts…Give her some air while I administer mouth-to-arse resuscitation”

      Next time I take my first-aid refresher course I shall have to ask the instructor about the correct procedure when administering a tongue-punch up the fart-box to an accident victim.

      • So, today’s First Aid – take Gemma’s brain out and replace it with a working one..

      • A career I had thought abaaaht Mr Fiddler. However due to my dashing looks and charm there would’ve been a massive rise in ladies self harming in the hope that I am one of the First aiders.
        I wouldn’t want to burden the NHS with more injured people at this difficult time.

      • She is a bit of alright VF…a pity the good looking birds are usually the thick ones. I bet she can get in some interesting sexual positions being a Yoga cunt.

      • I bet she could get into some interesting positions if she saw you bearing down on her,tongue at half-mast…..probably the greatest recovery since Lazarus as she sprang upright and bolted off down the road..

      • Nah… she’d grab her arse cheeks and spread them shouting ….take me now you black and White cunt.

      • She is quite easy on the eye B&WC – but anyone claiming to be a Yogi instructor has a bear faced cheek!
        My speciality in law was road traffic regulations, and I would have counter-claimed for damage to my bicycle, clothing, personal injury, loss of amenities and quality of life, stress and psychological trauma and what in law is called “vicarious and vexatious litigation” – that silly girl would have been taken to school as I was something of an attack dog in legal terms.

      • Afternoon BBTC, I could work with that position. Perhaps I should join her Yoga class.

      • She has something abaaaht her VF but she is also a massive cunt.
        One for being a Yoga teacher and two for even having the cheek to sue the cyclist cunt.
        The legal costs that he has to pay are £100,000.
        How she can let it go this far shows what a cunt she is.
        She probably a lesbian as well.

  6. A push-biker or a phone-zombie?

    Hard to build up any sympathy for either of the Cunts. Probably wise to deport the pair of them.

    • Well said DF!

      Off topic but thought I would share this quote from our esteemed friends at the Guardian:
      “The entire race equality committee of Equity has resigned in protest after the actors’ union apologised on its behalf for criticising Laurence Fox’s views on race and paid an out-of-court settlement to the actor after he threatened to sue them for libel”.

      • I bet that he still finds it harder to get work in the future,Vernon….just take one “Oooohh,he’s a racist” and the entire cast of Dark-Keys,Gays and Raspberries’ll be calling a boycott. It will be a brave production company that employs Fox unfortunately.

      • Agreed DF – the man got crucified for being honest and giving a boot up the a*se to the PC N*zis.
        We live in dangerous times for the common sense majority.
        I wonder what naughty person contacted one of film and media’s biggest Corporate financiers and pointed out the damage that would be done if Equity did not retract and Laurence Fox sued…

      • I have to disagree about LF’s career being damaged. Many more people are aware of him- that must be a positive as far as producers are concerned. As for fellow actors being reluctant to work with LF I would point to the unemployment rate amongst actors plus the fact that the only person they care about is themselves. Such people tend to have elastic morals.

  7. No doubt she’ll play the PTSD for a few more years, whinging on social media that the £4k simply isn’t enough for her to cope due to mental issues etc.

    I suppose she could always jump in front of a train while checking her phone. Assuming she survives she might sue for £100k this time round.

    • Im ambivalent about this one,
      Dozy not looking where theyre going cunts,
      And lycra clap traffic causing cunts, i despise both.
      In a ideal world both would get a prison sentence or the lash,
      No, both.
      Actually the lash, then the cat.
      An a shovel to the back of the nut.

      • Lycra monsters? They are the enemy – I do lots of cycling, but spend good money on lights, tyres, brakes etc, make sure my machine is safe for road use, comply with road traffic laws as a bicycle is a road vehicle and get a bit sick of idiots running lights, deliberately obstructing motorists by not riding in single file and generally doing what they please.
        Out with the lash for them!

      • Well said Vernon. As is usually the case it’s a minority giving the law-abiding majority a bad name. Death to minorities.

      • Never understood it DCI – I am 14 stones of Human, and realise that tangling with tonnes of metal will hurt so I ride safely, but some idiots do not seem to realise this very simple principle until they are being levered out from under a vehicle!
        It genuinely does tick me off the amount of utter dangerous fools we seem to have on bicycles – they are vehicles and should be ridden safely, considerately and withing the remit of road traffic laws.
        I would go further – all potential cyclists should undergo compulsory cycle training before being allowed on the road, simple common sense.

  8. From his comment, the judge sounded completely unbiased . . . . . . . . . .

    Awarding Ms Brushett’s damages, the judge said the 8mm scar she suffered to her lip did not wreck her ‘very attractive’ appearance.

    What the fuck has her “very attractive” appearance got to do with it? This fuckin’ judge needs sacking for being sexist.

    • PS looking at the cyclist, he could have done with it more, receiving a bung to fix his face.

    • Daft old Fart probably thought that she was a young man and reckoned he might get a gobble out of it.

    • Good job I wasn’t the judge “Did your firm young breasts get damaged in the accident, m’dear?. Let’s have a look – get them out, don’t be shy……”

    • Doesn’t get round the fact she wasn’t paying attention to the road ahead!

      Yet another clear case of lack of self-responsibility

    • Females are protected class in court, ‘specially pretty one’s. If it was a fat Polish builder knocked down he wouldn’t have got fuck all.

      • A fat Polish builder would have got up, brushed himself off and walked off looking embarrassed, realising as anyone with sense would that he was the one in the wrong.
        I am incredulous at this ruling.

  9. This story infuriated me (it doesn’t take much these days, mind)

    Basically rewarding this cunt for her brain dead, self-absorbed, irresponsible behaviour by crossing a road whilst staring at the fucking arsehole that is a mobile phone. I say ‘fucking arsehole’ as these satanic devices have basically created even more cuntery in the world than there was before. I have lost count of the number of times some zombie cunt has almost walked into me when out in town buying my shit from Poundland.

    SHE was supposed to be aware of her surroundings, looking where she was walking, mindful of what is on the road before she crosses, but she wasn’t.

    The cyclist was where he should be, not expecting some cunt to be fucking around in the middle of the road, then dithering as to which way to go because she finally got the memo that this was a ROAD with TRAFFIC on it…..all sorts of traffic, including bicycles.

    It was a totally lunatic and unfair decision by that cunt judge. It beggars belief (actually no, it doesn’t) that the courts validate this kind of mindless behaviour and say people are not responsible for their own utter stupidity. Now every cunt gawping at these things and creating shit for others can claim it is always someone else’s fault.

    • Madness, it is! My tea was hot this morning, no warning labels, no Government advice, no grown up supervising me, no safe space – not sure who to sue about this one, either Richy Sunak or Mr T as far as I can work out.
      It’s all about me…

      • That is both a disgrace and an outrage, Mr. Fox.

        Irresponsible fuckers not warning that boiling water is hot. I blame the kettle manufacturers….cunts!! Oh, and the water company for supplying the water. What the fuck are they doing to the public?

      • I feel I have to take this legal NC, I feel violated, my Human wights compromised, traumatising hot tea – if this gets much worse I will have to get the good Lady to dress me on a morning in case I injure myself!
        Terrible it is ?

    • Living in Cardiff, home to Dog knows how many monkey-houses and snopakes, this sort of idiocy is par for the course amongst both walking clinical waste, and the bicycling variety. Frankly, I am amazed that I haven’t yet witnessed a fatality.
      If I do, I shall take pics, and send them in. I am a fatalist, a cynic, and a pessimist, with a strong stomach. Have seen death close to (tho prob not as much as you, NC); but the incident that left me scarred for life was a televised Royal Variety performance when I was about 9.
      That alone makes me feel sorry for the senior royals. Can you imagine the agony ??

  10. The fucking temerity of this vegan down doggy yoga cunt – only solace is if her teeth were smashed out she might give good head now.

    Dude should counter sue the cunt for stress and loss of earnings.

  11. Bumping into cunts glued to their mobiles (usually teens) happens at least once every time I’m out. Even muttering ‘Look where you’re going’ gets you a sigh or an offended look. How these shitbirds get through life is beyond me.

    • That’ll be the next litigation issue – bumping into a phone zombie!

      They’ll fall to the ground, withering about, clutching their neck and banging on about whiplash due to the violent and unprovoked “attack”

      You’ll be sued for thousands!

    • “Bumping into” – I have been known to do that on occasion as I refuse to be the eyes and ears of phone zombies and will not move – I am quite a sizeable chap and they tend to bounce off me in a rather comical way, when I get the inevitable whining I quietly point out “what if I had been driving a car”?
      It makes them think, hopefully.

      • Nice logic, but given this precedent, they would respond by saying “Well if you hit me in your car I will sue you!” That’s all they’ll be thinking about.

      • Which reminds of Iron Maiden’s “Can I Play with Madness” Might give that a whirl.

      • Some of them are watching films but probably not the famous Road Safety ones from the 70s. Green Cross Code Man says, ‘Don’t Be A Cunt’

      • Agreed, Vern.

        Why the fuck should us responsible ones knacker our eyes by having to do twice the visual work. But, as I’ve said before, am convinced the time will come when “twattering on one’s phone” will be a defence in any legal sit.
        Total fuckcuntery.
        If you’ve seen those “Hitler Rants Parodies” on youtube…well, that’s mild, compared to my feelings…

    • Nice profile picture! Last time I bumped into a phone zombie (a teenagd boy, unusual as its normally a girl), he turned round started calling me a prick and stuff. So I told him exactly what I thought of people like him and walked off, with the local crowd clapping in agreement.

  12. As I understand it, the cyclist didn’t sue the silly tart for damage to his bike (and any injuries) while she did sue him. This is a warning to all – in similar situations, get your damages claim in first.

  13. It’s this “I’ll sue you asshole!” culture we have adopted from the colonials across the Atlantic. Law firms love it as it’s a source of untold revenue and snowflakes love it because it’s a platform on which to ‘be heard’. But, for normal people it’s a fucking massive irritation and waste of time. Cunts to the fucking core – the lot of them.

      • What do you call 10,000 lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean? A good start. Where there’s blame, there’s a claim, if you’ve had an accident and it wasn’t your fault…tough shit!

  14. Fuck me what a panto.
    This cunt will only be safe in a wheelchair.
    Put it in the oven with the judge.

  15. I walk straight into phone zombies, they’re the ones who apologise.
    The little cunts.
    On the subject matter, she’s a colossal fanny and the cyclist is also a cunt just for being a cyclist. If they’d both imploded and fallen off a cliff I would have been ecstatic but you can’t have everything I guess. He’ll get restitution via the appeal process I’m sure.
    May they and their ilk rot in hell.
    Good afternoon fellow cunters.

  16. I think this case sends out a clear message.
    If you’re involved in an accident that’s not your fault, DRIVE ON.

    • “It puts the lotion in the basket, or else it gets the hose again”..
      Buffalo creampuff
      Silence of the lambs.

    • just make sure you don’t push her down the stairs otherwise she’ll sue again.

  17. A couple of days ago, I was driving through town and there was some fucking retarded Dooshka Dooshka bitch deliberately stepping in front of moving traffic. As I pulled away from the lights I kept my mincers on her, sure enough, she stepped out in front of my 3 tons of heavy metal, now normally, this type of deliberate cuntery does not induce me to brake, I almost had some young gobshite on a powered scooter, as bumper adornment,a few months ago. But on this occasion I did, perhaps it was my last remaining shred of human decency that made me brake, perhaps I was impatient to get me dinner, but I managed to stop with less than a foot to spare.
    I gave her a very fruity and forceful barrage of verbal abuse, accompanied by a face contorted with anger and pure hatred, this was so seismic that another piece of Eastern European Filth, who was stood with his bicycle ( which was probably someone else’s bicycle less than an hour before ) on the pavement, looked at me with wide eyes and a jaw slacker than a village idiots. I gave him a cheery wink, floored the accelerator, and left them both in a cloud of Lode Lane’s finest particulate enriched exhaust fumes.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Good form JTC – now the “crash for cash” ongoing scams by the peacefuls have been exposed they are moving onto “pedestrian idiots for cash”, the Eastern European rodents are straight on this one as well and expect a lot of these claims in the very near future.
      Unkle Terry needs to get building a bigger oven!

  18. In other news Spain are going to close their airspace and I presume borders.
    Watch the hoardes of Ex (Cow) pat cunts whining abaaaht themselves and how hard life is for them.
    Traitor cunts, they can fuck right off.

    • Got nothing to worry about here.
      Fridge full of cold beer and food. Plenty of cheap wine and fags. Village bar is open and no need to work. So go fuck yourself.?

      • Sir Mali, I thought you’d pop up again when the ‘Ex pat’ came up.
        How’s it going out there old chap?

      • Living the dream. No stress, cheap living, no rain, hot days, cold beer. We have been put in lockdown but no worries in a village of 150 people. Gives me plenty of time to tinker with my motor bikes

    • Yes , we don’t pay any taxes in the U.K. but we expect HMG to spend millions on bringing them ‘Home’ to se NHS facilities.

  19. This botch deserved what she got, the judge should be jailed the cunt, was it a woman judge or a randy old cunt thinking he’d get some free fitness training?

    Not often on the side of a cyclist but in this case I am.

    • Where I live the chav cyclists ride on the paths scattering all before them, so I am in the habit of blocking the path with the assistance of my young chum “Ishfan the Hungarian Man Mountain”, good chap he is but unwise to argue with him – the naughty chavs tend to move!
      The Law has just officially resolved us of all personal responsibility with this ruling.

    • Especially a cyclist with a soy-boy beard who’s an obvious remoaner – could even be a female to male (faux) transsexual!

      Incredible how the judge allowed a well turned ankle to warp his objectivity.

  20. Absolutely astonishing judgement by District judge and obvious bean-flicker Shanti Mauger (what sort of cunt christens their white child Shanti, for fucks sake?) She concluded that it was the cunt cyclist’s fault for not having insurance. Considering it’s not a legal requirement for cyclists to have insurance (although it probably should be) surely that’s fucking irrelevant. The fucking idiot also said “cyclists must be prepared at all times for people to behave in unexpected ways”. Of course that’s true but the cyclist had sounded a loud air horn attached to his bike, as well as shouting, swerving and braking in a bid to avoid the airhead cunt. I’m not sure what more he could have done. Another example of an elitist establishment fucker completely out of touch with reality. No doubt a Remoaner also. Jaywalking should be a fucking crime in this country although pedestrians do have a personal responsibility to cross the road safely

  21. Cunts on phones, oblivious to anyone or anything, are now to be protected instead of letting Darwinism take it’s natural cause and remove idiots like this from society!

    And I don’t give two fucks from the Plumrose Hot Dog sausage cock of a trans “man”, any illegal who gets treated for Covid19 in a hospital, over and above UK folk I DON’T CARE HOW FUCKING OLD THEY ARE, then those medical staff should be fired – and if foreign themselves, deported – once the dust has settled!

    Boris do right by YOUR people! They voted for YOU! Do not let them down in their time of most need!

  22. Fucking disgrace this is , she should hang.
    A lad who i used to work with tried to sue for anything and everything , he was at the hospital and had an injection and was told to stay seated but the silly cunt got up and fell breaking his leg . He tried to sue the hospital but failed , another time he was riding his bike to work and stopped at the corner and a car cut the corner and knocked him off his bike.
    It caused no damage to his bike and only faintly marked his leg , he sued her and when he got his money he told me with a smug face that he was awarded £2000 the cunt. Anyway it turned out his missus was sexting behind his back and fucked off with someone else , how we all laughed , use your £2000 to buy tissues to dry your tears you cunt.

  23. excuse my innocence but i keep hearing talk of ‘arsehole tonguing’. is this actually a thing? if it is i must say the attraction is somewhat lost on me..

    • It’s an acquired taste. Residenti IsAC stud B&W Cunt is a master of the art but he does show some discernment in his choice of Filly with whom to share his expertise.

      I’m pretty much an “Exit Only” type of chap when it comes to the botty. ?

    • Richard, it originates from B&W Cunt who is a model of depravity. Although if you ask the cunt about it he ‘knows nuffink abaaaht it’

      • It’s B&W’s fault – blame him for dragging down the ISAC etiquette!

        That said, Gemma does probably deserve a good tongue up the arsehole (just so long as she doesn’t sue for trauma afterwards)

    • I had a girl wanted me to do it to here , in fact she was more bothered i tongued her arse than her pussy. I didn’t hesitate my tongue was right up there and she loved it.
      I had a girl do it to me once out of the blue and it was rather nice , i did ask her to check on my piles while she was down there.

      • You’re right, drives birds into a carnal frenzy.

        I learned that from my sexual guru, Reg Varney. He was a great proponent.

    • Arsehole tonguing or rimming, is officially known as analingus. It is the act of orally pleasuring the anus. Telling Owen Jones that he’s a nice chap is another example of orally pleasuring the anus. Never felt the need to rim anyone, not when there’s a perfectly good fanny within a couple of inches.

  24. Richard you can send of for his book “the tongue remains the same”
    From waterstones.

  25. I told Spoonington at the time he was knocked down by a car, that he should put in a claim. As we all know, Spoons is very self-effacing and said he didn’t want to make any fuss at the time.
    Get that claim in Spoons! Where there’s a claim, there’s someone to blame.
    IsAC will be with you all the way and willing to crowd fund you if needed.
    PS. If you get the same judge, it won’t make a fuckin’ bit of difference that you were playing hopscotch on the cats’ eyes at the time!

    • Cheers Bertie.

      I remember you saying your Percy is naughty with bad language.
      I can imagine you out and about with him perched on your shoulder.
      When an ignorant pedestrian preoccupied with their phone comes near, Percy squawks, “Oi c*nt look where ya going!” hehe

  26. Most likely a Sorostitute who was hired and paid to get this done to legitimise being a phone zombie in public. After all $oro$ and the Clit-Offs need to control the world population outside, as well as just inside with Rachel MadCow indoctrinating them.

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