Gabby Watson

Gabby Watson (serial adoption scammer)

Read about this horrid cunt a few weeks ago. I meant to cunt her, but forgot:

She basically, over many years, has tricked thousands of adoptive parents into thinking she has a baby for them, by pretending to be pregnant. Apparently, she does this because she has a history of people hurting her, so she wants to hurt people first and takes pleasure in seeing/hearing them cry. Pick the bones out of that fucking twisted, sociopathic logic.

Now, I don’t have children (never wanted the jam-eating cunts), but imagine how you’d feel if you were taken in by this fetid fucker. The emotional heartache and turmoil, not to mention all of the associated costs involved – legal fees, travelling costs, baby stuff etc.

By all accounts, she actually enjoys doing this and has said that she will continue – it’s not against U.S. law, so she cannot be stopped. Even her father has tried to stop her, but has failed.

Surely, she is the living breathing definition of a ‘cunt’.

Nominated by 3D Cunt

53 thoughts on “Gabby Watson

  1. I was adopted as a child in the 70s, and later in life I decided to track down my biological parents. Having seen the argument from both sides, I can tell you the stress of adopting a child is enormous and the decision for parents to give up a child is heartbreaking.

    This cunt in the nom knowingly preys on other people and their inability to have their own children, and for that she should be shot in her smug fucking face.

  2. Tattoo “mental cunt”across it’s forehead.
    If it carries on with bullshit oven.

    • Not too sure what punishment would fit the bill with this particular cunt. An oven would be a nice finale Unkle, but maybe after a bit of dismemberment first? Fuck how I’d love to hear that spiteful cunt scream.

  3. She’s gorgeous! Those come to bed eyes, cute whiskers.

    The person on the left not so much.

    • Anyone with a hole in their arse can tell shes evil!
      She has a black cat familiar!
      Bet she causes cows milk to curdle an crops to wither.
      More worringly 3D in your nom you seem to dislike ‘jam eaters’?

      • The pantry stocked with marmalade jam is all that is keeping Creampuff and his good wife going during this corona crisis.

      • Morning LL.
        3D doesnt say if its all fruit based preserves he has a issue with, lumps marmalade fans in with jam eaters?

      • No toast and marmalade (Seville orange) for Lady Creampuff LL, as you must know from your short stint with us at the manor.

        She dines on terror blanched peanuts and chilli flavour rice crackers.

      • Morning chaps, I would like it to be known that I have no issue with adults eating jam (or for the more discerning of us, ‘conserve’) especially my fellow esteemed cunters…

        I only have a problem with sticky fingered little fuckers 😉

  4. I an imagine my anguish and distress if she rang me up to say that she DID have a child for me….especially if it was one who wanted to eat my Strawberry Conserve.

    • Morning Dick, are we going into lockdown nationwide today?
      Its looking like it might?
      Ive got loads of booking too!£££
      An its my 50th birthday an cant go pub,
      Fuckin Jam eaters!!

      • Happy Birthday,MNC.

        I’m sorry to hear that your party is cancelled. I was looking forward to giving you my present of 2 rolls of luxury 3-ply toilet-roll…I couldn’t wait to see the baffled look on your face as I explained that they were to replace the cut up copies of The Sun that usually hang behind your “netty” door.
        The rolls are very valuable but “you’re worth it”.

        I expect that you enjoy blackcurrant jam…the most Common of the preserves.

      • Cheers Dick, blackcurrant jam is like me, common, full of seeds,an stick to upholstery.
        Thanks for the loo rolls!
        What i wanted☺?

      • Many happy returns Miserable!

        Though that may be rather stretching things considering current circümstances. Best I leave you with:

        Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself,
        It’s later than you think. ?

        (Guy Lumbago version)

      • Cheers Rtc, yeah struggling to have fun, sat here in a party hat, big ’50 today!’ Badge on,
        Nothing brewing.
        A party blower is the loneliest sound in the world in a empty room.

        “Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear miserable, happy birthday to you! ?” (been singing it for two fucking weeks whilst I wash my hands!)
        All the best Admin.

      • Cheers Admin, thought itd be bouncy castle in back garden, jelly n cake etc.
        To be fair the missus hired a clown but going to ask him to leave,
        Hes got a terrible cough and keeps fainting!

      • Happy birthday Miserable, don’t know about your area but it’s like a graveyard here, not seen a single person yet this morning.

      • Cheers Moggie!
        Yeah, quiet to say the least.
        Said theyd have a major announcement later today, im thinking a lockdown?
        Dunno, whats best to do,
        Got loads of removals booked in, but if I cancel what do i do for money?
        Judi Dench & co ruined my birthday!!☺

      • Many happy returns, MNC. Fuck me, a Miserable party for a Miserable Northern Cunt. You couldn’t have timed it better, squire!

      • Cheers Paul!
        Yeah party is good,
        Moping too Morrissey
        No booze no cake no mates.
        Like being a jehovahs witness!☺

      • Happy Birthday MNC! All the very best!

        Hope it is not too much of a downer for you not to have a few jars at the pub, as one would on your special day. If it is any help, I’ve got a big, fuck-off bottle of Bailey’s in the fridge (been there since Christmas) that needs a-drinking. I can carrier pigeon it over to you, just say the word.

        That is if the fucking panic buying cunts haven’t sniffed it out and half-inched it from our fridge by then…..

      • Cheers everyone,
        Been out on the moors with missus an dog, had a great day, got beer an whisky so happy as Larry!☺??

      • Many happy returns MNC.
        Scrounge up some booze and get pissed alone.
        It’s the most healthy way despite what the do gooders say…?

      • Have a miserable birthday Happy. I mean have a have a happy birthday Miserable.

      • 50? Time to reflect on how little you’ve really achieved! ?
        Happy Birthday mate!

      • Cheers fellas, lived to see the end of the world!?
        Id celebrate with a jam buttie,
        But no bread,
        Or jam for that matter.
        Boiled rice birthday tea anyone?!!

      • Oh no.Spoony….I’ve got a Dark-key for that….no need to waste money hosing him down when he’s done….if he ever gets jammed up there I just light a fire below him…that wakens the idle bugger’s ideas up.
        I call him “Sooty the Sweep”.

  5. Fucking weird twat. If this cunt walked up to me and said “I have a baby for you” my answer would be “fuck off you cunt”. Bloody window licker, should be in a secure unit for fucks sake.

      • I’ve got kids and grandchildren. If I’d known how much fun grandchildren were, I’d have had them first!

  6. This evil turd has few facial photos on the net as she prefers to use photos of friends when offering her ‘services’ to unwitting couples.

    Of the two photos I have seen, Watson is grossly overweight. I would question her ability to carry a baby given her corpulent frame.

    She is more likely to successfully carry a tray of several Grand Big Macs and large fries for personal consumption.

    Cunt – in Unkle’s oven. You might get a bit of crispy crackling off the sow.

  7. Ideal candidate for the firing range.
    Six rounds rapid fire followed by bayonet practice.

    Evil heartless harpy.

  8. One day the tables will be turned, and she’ll find herself in desperate need of help – perhaps a new lung or kidney, or even a heart (assuming she has one!)

    Would be rather perfect if the hospital said “We’ve found a heart donor!”, and then right at the last minute shout “April Fool!”

  9. So many cunts, so little time. But my God this demented bitch needs a giant “IS A CUNT” tattooed on her forehead, makes me sick.

  10. Whilst I agree that she is indeed a cunt, I do have concerns over the intelligence of those who fall for her scam. I’m thinking they will have emailed a few exiled Nigerian princes in their time.

  11. Probably for the best. Any kids dropping out of her vag would be right ugly bastards anyway.

    That cat looks fucking happy too, doesn’t it? Probably puts food in its dish and when it tries to eat she kicks it up the arse.

    Put the mad bitch down.

  12. The poor cat looks fucking terrified.

    Cats sense batshit crazy when they are near it. That pussy looks ready to scratch her eyes out, if he/she can get past that pair of fucking TV screens she is wearing.

    Sick twat. The cunt should be sectioned for behaviour like that as it is clearly NOT SANE.

  13. Happy birthday MNC – I came round in a clown outfit to do my show but some guy threw me out for coughing and fainting – then an Akito bit me on the a*se!
    Business dead, nothing to do, emailed me old mate Rishi to see what he’s going to do for me (methinks f*ck all!) – if this gets much worse I will have to put the good lady in the window!

    • Cheers Foxy,
      Thought that clown was a bit ‘blue’ for a birthday party!!??

  14. It’s amazing to hear that there aren’t enough babies to go around for all the people who want them. I assume this means orphanages will soon become a thing of the past.
    The ugly bitch is a nut job and should be shackled in a dungeon. What do they mean, they can’t charge her with anything? If I witnessed her squeezing her cat and making it yelp, she would find out what intermittent explosive disorder is all about.

  15. Happy Birthday Miserable, look on the bright side. This is the dress rehersal for your next birthday. Sorry there’s no cake I had it on the way up.

    • Cheers Cuntymort!!
      Hope it was nice?
      Bet id of liked it!
      Can add the NO cake
      To my NO party
      NO pub
      NO balloons.

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