A Whoops-duckie, “Boy, do I feel queer” cunting please, for this overweight, flabby faced poofter in denial, alleged ‘comedian’, who has announced to a theatre audience that he is quitting “entertainment” to become a Labour MP:
Yes, the whey-faced, entitled sack of shit thinks the voters behind the former red wall in the Labour heartlands will be just duckie with his ageing (nearly 60) cracked face caked in makeup and expensive wimmin’s clothing mincing and fawning round their homes, with his childish and sarcastic little put-downs. Who could take the old queen seriously, especially now the former heartlands have shown their willingness to give the fuck off sign to Labour candidates who they feel do not share their own values? He is not one of us, much more one of them. A typical Soy Boy (well Soy Old Man)…a soft cunt with all the charisma of a pair of Jess Phillips soiled Tena Ladies.
It just shows the drift back to the New Labour era though, that this fairly wealthy, never done a proper days work in his life, mincing, fruit-flavoured heap of confused sexuality can make such an announcement, even before Dame Kweer has been elected. Labour is the home of the self deceiving mincer.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Yuck! Double Yuck! And Triple Yuck!
Spledid cunting Mr Boggs ?
Splendid…. ?
to be fair to him he did run 26 Marathons in 26 days. an outstanding( if somewhat pointless) achievement.
You can never cunt this creature often enough. Expect he will go for a London seat though. Sneering patronising unfunny cunt.
I’ve never seen him in the same room as Clare Balding.
Same thing with Jo Brand and John Sergeant.
Does he actually “swim upstream” or is does he just like dressing up as a butch granny?
‘butch granny’
Same with Paul O’Grady. Well no because he doesn’t dress up anymore. But he’s very grandmotherly in his manner now. So gentle and soft and kind..
The onlly tranny in my village dresses like a grandmother. Even to having a grey wig.
They don’t dress as career women but in granny stuff like lacy collars and blouses.
My theory a lot of kids (boys) are brought by their grannies now. The world is tough. They want to escape into an old-fashioned kindly grandmother world.
It makes you wonder how many Ganymedes and Violas one has encountered throughout life, doesn’t it.
It just goes to show that The Islington Labour fraternity have learned fuck all from their miserable defeat.
In a way I’m glad every fuckin Dukie-Boy and Momentum Loonie are going to run The Labour Party from now on, it will keep the Fuckers out for at least another 10 years or longer.
As for Duckie Izzard he seems oblivious that he is a total laughing stock outside the London Bubble.
Carry on Labour starring Eddie ooh you are awful Cunting Izzard.
Even most Londoners must regard this cross-dresser with contempt. Particularly with their winning demographic changes. Africans and mudslimes hate his kind even more than us cunts.
That’s true Vengeance… some Joe Daki might stroll into his office one day with a peace offering strapped to his body ???♂️
I believe that Labour do not wish to win an election. They realise that there is little talent in the party and are content to indulge in saying ‘yah boo sucks’ from the sidelines.
Yeah, I reckon you are completely right. Not that they would ever admit it.
He was barely tolerable in Oceans Twelve. If it wasn’t for the sexy assistant who showed up, I would have switched channels.
Slightly off topic but the black guy in Oceans Twelve had THE worst cockney accent I’ve ever heard.
Was his accent worse than Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins .
Afternoon Guest
Don Cheadle played the tanned mockney in Oceans 11. I’ve never seen the follow up films, but his accent is grade A bollocks, although in fairness, he could be playing it for laughs rather than authenticity. Just as well if he is.
Morning Fenton. In answer to your question… not worse in my opinion, but his accent is definitely on a par with old Dicky boy.
Kiwi – At least Don Cheadle and Dick van Dyke attempted their wretched accents. Kevin Costner, in that shite Robin Hood along with a crow-barred in, token nëgro, sounded like he’d gone straight from Buttfuck, Indiana to 14th century England.
“Ah’m gonna gehht that Sherrrif o’ Nodding-Ham, wherever he iiiis!”
Very true Cap’n. Cunts in films that make no effort to attempt the local accent, or worse, can’t manage a sentence or two without reverting to their own, certainly grind my gears. Fucking off putting trying to listen to the dialogue and hearing two separate accents from the same actor.
Finally a bird who B&W wouldn’t tongue in the arse. Presumably.
How can a grown man walking about dressed like Dick Emery be taken seriously ? It’s fuckin hilarious but also worrying when they get positions of power. Who the fuck would elect him/ it to be there MP ?
Oh wait a minute I live in Brighton.
You’re not wrong about Dick Emery.
They could be twins.
More like this one:
…..the major difference being that Dick Emery was funny unlike this desperately unfunny pink-bereted piece of slimy rancid dog smegma.
Ooo! You’re awful but I like you!
Another cunt driving traditional labour voters towards the tories. Next election will be even worse than the last for them.
Yeah Brighton is the only place that this filthy pervert could get in. The Londonstabistan immos aren’t overkeen on poofs and trannies. Perhaps he could unseat that Lucas bitch? Now that would be the first time this horrible cunt made me laugh.
I don’t know. He makes me laugh every time I look at him.
Izzard is hysterically funny by proxy – someone told me once that he claimed to be a “comedian” and I laughed my f*cking head off!
They all laughed when he said he was going to become a comedian.
They’re not laughing now!
Even Labour is likely to be unhappy with this, despite his ostentatious support of the party – including cash. He’s tried three times to be elected to the NEC, and failed three times. He managed to slide in when another member resigned, after his second failure, but when that post went up for election, he dipped out again. Lives on another planet: the view of which is mildly entertaining from a distance of a light year or so.
His ‘surreal’ humour was supposedly light years ahead of its time, on a different plane, And it was shit.
Problem is, Komodo, that Izzard has had some real life experience instead of studying PPE and starting life as a Westminster intern. Although wealthy (tick) and a cunt (tick), he’s possibly had too much contact with reality to fit into the Labour party.
I do take your point, S-M and to some extent agree. And I found him original and funny when he first started, although the campness wasn’t really necessary for the humour. It’s a long long time since he was cutting-edge, though.. perhaps that’s why he wants a career change. “Too much contact with reality?” Yes, Labour now is composed of fantasists it would be difficult to parody.
Relax cunters.
Unless he’s parachuted in somewhere via a by-election*, we’ll be safe from this fuckwit for at least 5 yrs.
* And even in that eventuality, voters take a pretty dim view being taken the piss out of by some half baked tranny counter-jumper.
I’d be happy if he’d just fuck off to Brussels and take every other luvvy Remoaner with him.
Perchance Lizzard could secure gainful employ as one of Meghan Wokle’s Ladies in Waiting?
That would p*ss the other Pwincess Eddie off, thought he was a sequined shoe – in for that one!
When will we be rid of these people?
Good nom WC ?
Got to admit, Death Star Canteen was bloody funny, though!
I agree, Shitty. “Le singe est dans l’arbre” is worth a glance too.
Politically he’s a stinker. Nonetheless, half decent as a performer, just overrated like all the stooodent “comedians? (Ben bloody Elton, Vic bloody Reeves, etc).
Sorry captain but to me his tree monkey skit was fucking dreadful. Clever, clever, but not funny.
Each to their own, Cuntstable. It tickled me how these were the only Frog words he could remember so went to find a monkey in a tree.
Bit racist of the old tranny if you ask me, doing gags about monkeys. I might report him to Lammy HQ.
Izzard’s not fit to lick the shit off Vic Reeves’ shoes.
Probably not Ben Elton’s either, come to think of it.
? Evening mein kapitan.
Evening Ruffmeister
I couldn’t bear Vic Reeves. He was as funny as finding blood in your stools.
Naa, not as funny as that.
Another cunt in denial. We liked Larry Grayson. We dont like you. Were only prejudiced about cunts without a cunt.
Just look at the fucking state of him.
Sad pathetic fucker.
Bet this faggot stands for Parliament somewhere like London Poofters like him are not liked up North We usually turn benders like him into pork pies ?
He will fit in well with other bunch of cunts on the labour benches, the Labour Party are just a conglomerate of misfits.
He is a weird cunt!
I don’t like Izzard very much, mostly because he’s a lefty cunt and partly because he has ruined the beret.
He’s another like that Grayson Perry…I’m never sure if they are Trannies,Cross-Dressers or just Common-or- Garden Gays…..not that it really makes a lot of difference,they’re all away with the Fairies.
Afternoon Fiddler, I wonder what seat he will be standing for? He probably wont be tottering in his heels campaigning around Bradfordistan of the Caliphate of Brumibad.
I hope that he stands in my constituency tbh,LL. I’ve long fancied adding a cute little pink beret to my hat collection…especially if it’s still sat on his head while mounted on the wall between my other exotic/endangered species trophy-heads.
It would fit in well between the rare White Rhino and unfortunately all too common Black Somalian Tribesman heads.
Evening Dick,is that a shrunken tribesman’s head or the full version??
Izzard’s napper would spoil the display.
Full version Mac…. I am,of course, an avid but rather cowardly Big Game Hunter. While on a trip to Somalia I chanced upon what I took to be Mo Farah quietly having a doze in the sun after a drug-free training run….I crept up and gave him both barrels up the arsehole….imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be just the corpse of a famine victim that had been left lying in the sun for several years….still.easy mistake to make in the heat of the hunt when allied to my bloodlust and hatred of that cheating “British” National Treasure.
Quite. Easily confused. You should have been wearing your sunglasses to shield your eyes from that ugly African glare.
Ugly,pug faced remoaner.
He needs to go fuck a duck.
Anyone have Max Von Sydow on their deadpool?
Hail Ming!!
‘you alone have stood up to their guards, and what are you…thieves’
“What do you mean, Flash Gordon approaching”!
Princess Aurora in Flash Gordon had the finest little ass, dirty girl! ?
‘So, what would you little monsters like to do first’. Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science.
Labour have just suspended Trevor Phillips for supposed you know what phobia.
Thus demonstrating that they’ve finally disapeared up their own woke marxist arsehole.
And I’ll be grinning for a month at the delicious irony, positively made my year hearing that this morning this bouyant Guyanan turd has been flushed. Next stop, a salaried sinecure at the UN or some arsehole university I suppose.
Islam is the biggest threat facing this country. And in combating Islam in the public conversation, we need every man we can get. Non-whites are especially useful because they can’t have the same white-supremacist accusations brainlessly leveled at them.
“Okey dokey pig in a pokey, morning job seekers. Hand out the pens Mickey love”….
“I wanna be a fireman”
“You can’t Jeremy – hand out the pens love”
“Thanks Rebecca/Pauline”
How the fuck does this attention seeking mincing fuckwit expect to be taken seriously? He/she/it is entering politics now, not some fucking freak show at the circus…..err, hold on a second…
Top nom, by the way
He saw that quote: “Politics is show business for ugly people” and exclaimed “THAT’S MEEE!!!”
Poor old Dame Kweer doesn’t know if he is coming or going A couple of weeks ago he said that the EU question was now “settled”, now the old fucker can’t rule it out:
Typical flip-flopper If that was an Olympic event he would win gold
Also says he’ll reintroduce freedom of movement. With hordes of orcs currently at the gates his political instincts are about a sharp as Corbyn’s. Do they even want to win?
Well, Edith Lizzard will get my vote!
She looks positively lovely!
Pearls, understated make up, upstanding type!
Is she the one whos with prince Charles?
Lost a bit of weight!
Go girl!!??
He looks like an Anna Soubry tribute act.
Like Julie Walters with AIDS.
Like Elton John without the looks.
Or the charisma! ?
Labour put the monster raving loony party to shame,
Lord sutches lot consider wearing a womble suit or deelyboppers wacky!
Labour pulls out all the stops!
Like a circus!
If they found Bigfoot hed be a labour mp within a month campaigning for sasquatch rights.
My ex-wife used to like this filthy cunt, which is reason enough to shoot the unfunny bastard.
This is one confused heap of shit, 1. if this creature has any children it should only see them under proper adult supervision. 2. It should only venture outdoors after the hours of darkness. 3. When speaking in public said species should be made to do so with its lungs full of balloon Helium so that it’s voice matches it’s grotesque appearance . And 4. Any member of the public if they feel the need should be allowed to knock its fuckin teeth out.!
What a fuckin day, not stopped raining,
Working right near that dam in whalley bridge that nearly burst and theyre still working on it.
Customer jumped in van with us an wouldnt stop coughing, cunts probably given me Wuhan bat plague.
Envy this Lizzard cunt worst his day gets is a hole in his tights, running out of tampax, or worrying about getting pregnant.
Fuckin jammy Freak.
Have some Bat soup and a glass of stfu.
Glass of what Cap?
Bats should be crispy fried not in soup.
Can get coronavirus off tofu you know?..ohh yes,
Most people who are getting ill caught it in Holland& Barrett.
Some bloke on the telly had a roomful of bog roll ready for the national shortage, foreigner naturally.
“Yes pliz, thanking you, you want shitty paper? Good price I doing for you, six rolls only feefty pounds”.
Something like this, LL?
With the media hysteria you’d think they’d be lamping each other over bog paper and poptarts . I went today and it’s the same as usual. Over priced British fruit’n’veg, three checkouts open out of 18, and gangs of Dooshkas with trolleys full of booze.