Eddie Izzard (5)

A Whoops-duckie, “Boy, do I feel queer” cunting please, for this overweight, flabby faced poofter in denial, alleged ‘comedian’, who has announced to a theatre audience that he is quitting “entertainment” to become a Labour MP:


Yes, the whey-faced, entitled sack of shit thinks the voters behind the former red wall in the Labour heartlands will be just duckie with his ageing (nearly 60) cracked face caked in makeup and expensive wimmin’s clothing mincing and fawning round their homes, with his childish and sarcastic little put-downs. Who could take the old queen seriously, especially now the former heartlands have shown their willingness to give the fuck off sign to Labour candidates who they feel do not share their own values? He is not one of us, much more one of them. A typical Soy Boy (well Soy Old Man)…a soft cunt with all the charisma of a pair of Jess Phillips soiled Tena Ladies.

It just shows the drift back to the New Labour era though, that this fairly wealthy, never done a proper days work in his life, mincing, fruit-flavoured heap of confused sexuality can make such an announcement, even before Dame Kweer has been elected. Labour is the home of the self deceiving mincer.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

104 thoughts on “Eddie Izzard (5)

  1. coming up at 8 on C4 .Celebs who charge huge fees to support charities. disgusting !! wonder if Eddie is guilty?

  2. ah! Harry fuckin Redknapp fuckin dodgy bloke, always thought so £20,000 for a few minutes ‘work ‘. ‘ cheeky chappie ‘ my arse.

  3. Fuck my old boots, more mince than dewhurst butchers, this old poofcake makes dale winton look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, hoo eeee, bring your swimming trunks, Mr Barrymore is having a pool party, ohhh look, see that at the bottom of the pool? Can you bend over and pick it up?

  4. I liked the old days, when a tranny was either something you listened to Simon Bates on, or you rented one to transport your band to gigs. I don’t know why he thinks looking ‘fabulous’ makes him suitable for politics. Then again, it’s no more ridiculous than any of the other fools in the Labour Party.

  5. There’s money to be made with all of this.

    I’m thinking of re-wokeing an old classic for the 2020s and trying to sell it to the BBC.

    I call it HE-Tran.

    Prince Adam of Wokernia is a young bi-curious man until he wields the rainbow wand of GaySkull and becomes HE-Tran.

    Skeletor is no longer a person with a skull for a face and is now a white, middle-aged, middle class straight man called Derek.

    Ram-Man and Fisto are unchanged apart from the fact that they are same sex orientated. Fisto enjoys fisting and gerbilling. Man-at-Arms is now a strong, independent BAME female and called Woke-at-arms.

    Beast man is now one of those gay bear types like that Tank Hefertepen, and will be wearing a fetching leather waistcoat.

    Think they’ll lap this shit up and ask for more like Oliver Twist.

  6. This pillow biting cunts about as funny as a rectal prolapse. Every time I see his insipid face I want to pull my own eyeballs out, put my fingers in the sockets and squish my brain till it hurts. Really wish old Bernard Manning was alive so he tear this cunt a new arsehole but he’d probably like it the closet woofter.

  7. I just Eddie Izzard up on google. Google says he’s not only a transvestite but also a transsexual.
    I think he is repulsive and a laughing stock.

    Politicians are supposed to have broad mass appeal, not be freaks and laughing stock.

    Wonder (!!) who are the freaks that Izzard dates? Other sexual deviants, transsexuals etc.

    I wouldn’t foresee him winning a majority in a working class town nor in a gimmiegrant mudslime slum (Londonstabistan)


  8. I would imagine that this creature would like to represent a constituency within easy mincing distance of Hampstead Heath.
    He says that his urge to dress as a woman is uncontrollable, but he seemed to overcome it when filming a charity video in the land of the Peaceful Ones.
    The thing is an attention seeking exhibitionist.
    He, and the Labour party deserve each other.
    Ten more years ! ……. In the wilderness.
    Get To Fuck.

    • No doubt he will have the full support of Emma Thompson, and perhaps the use of her premises in West Hampstead (see earlier cunting)

  9. Outstanding cunting, Mr. Boggs, outstanding.
    Get you a case of beer for that one.

    • An excellent cunting – couldn’t agree more Lt. Col. Kilgore
      “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” – especially if it cooks this daft cunt

      He WAS funny 30 yrs ago…

    • Holy christ she’s a savage…I’m gonna get that dink bitch.

  10. HAAARRRRRUMMMPPPPPHHHHHH! Now then. Special Ed, is it? Very special Ed indeed! Hate ‘im like nobody’s business. Proper cunt, this one. Another jumped-up, semi-talented and confused entity who thinks he can make the successful transition into the world of politics. I don’t think he got off to the most auspicious start politically, and long may it continue. Useless, attention-seeking cunt. His freaky face appearing on the idiot’s lantern and wretched rags more frequently would be totally fucking unbearable. Jim Henson’s Creature shop cunt!

  11. Eddie Izzard…Because there aren’t already enough ugly wimmin in the world.
    That was also my belated cuntribution to Innernashunal Wimminz Day…

  12. More corpses in the labour party than my local cemetery – it’s over for them isn’t it?

    • I hope the cunt wins.
      Another one for the commie freak show and another nail in their rotten coffin.

  13. I fuckin love the direction the Labour Party is going. When North Korea starts chucking nuclear missiles around cunts like IsHard will be shrieking about whether a trans brickie can use the little girls bogs at the local nursery. I feel another war coming on and it won’t be the handbag army winning it. Time for a clear out.

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