I know it has been cunted already and we all know that it’s now a woke propaganda vehicle, but the show and the BBC deserve another cunting for the latest, and final nail in this once great show’s coffin.
The fact that the BBC appointed a female Doctor was just part of a grand and dastardly PC plan. Choose an attractive enough actress in Jodie Whittaker to make the change more acceptable, and although real and longstanding fans had misgivings, the libfuck wokeflakes and cunts at the Grauniad were ecstatic. However, Whittaker must now realise she had been well and truly duped and that she was merely a guinea pig and a PC test subject. For already her days as the Doc are numbered. There is a new Doctor coming up and – you fucking guessed it – they are female and yeah, (drum roll) they are black.
The new black Doc will also have that mincing blancmange, John Barrowman, as Captain Jack and as the sidekick. They say Whittaker is going to continue, but its only a matter of time. A female Doctor is not enough for the psychotic, woke mob and a white one was never going to last. With a black female Doctor in the works and a Packing Stan Lee Master, I don’t think the BBC or the PC cunts Gestapo will be satisfied until the entire cast is ethnic or queer. Steven Moffatt was a cunt and still is, but Chris Chibnall is an even bigger twat. They were probably planning this as far back as Matt Smith’s time on the show. The plan to have a black female lead and turn a once fine series into a propaganda piece that would put Leni Riefenstahl to shame…Cunts!
Nominated by Norman
I can’t ignore it any longer. My inner nerd just won’t let me. I’m nominating, the BBC, Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker for their wilful destruction of Dr Who. When Chris Chinballs took on the job of showrunner for Dr Who, he did so with the demand the Doctor be made a woman. This led to a lot of fans, myself included, switching off and not going back to it.
My problem with it was that it was not being done to shake things up a bit with a show that was getting a little stale. It was done entirely to further the far left agenda of the BBC and Chinballs. And their choice of female was an instant turn off, because I’ve seen Whittaker giving interviews and she’s a nasty, misandrist twat. And of course, a person of talent could have created a spin off show with a female Timelord, but Chinballs has no talent, he’s just an ignorant hack. And it’s not like there are no female Timelords (without the transgender bullshit). Romana and the Rani are two who spring immediately to mind.
Anyway, I made the mistake of watching the final two episodes of the recently ended season, and I wish to God I hadn’t. They have completely destroyed a show that I have watched since I was a small boy. According to Chinballs, the first Doctor wasn’t William Hartnell, it was a young non-Gallifreyan black girl, who was found on a planet by the first Gallifreyan space explorer (a white woman who built her own spaceship). This explorer adopted the young black girl and started to raise her as her own daughter, until the girl fell off a cliff (because of a boy) and regenerated. She then spent years experimenting on the girl/boy/girl. Killing her and making her regenerate, until she understood the nature of regeneration. She and the other Gallifreyans then appropriated the regenerations and Timelords were born. Then it was revealed that that little black girl had her memories suppressed and she eventually became the Doctor.
That’s a basic explanation, but it’ll do. The point is, the BBC and Chinballs have completely and utter shit all over a fifty seven year old intellectual property, destroying it utterly. Not only that, but, as usual with woke arseholes, they’re doubling down over the massive backlash their getting from genuine fans. Apparently, we’re nothing but entitled, racist, misogynist far right trolls.
The sooner the BBC licence tax is revoked, the better. They deserve it.
The BBC is determined to kill off anything that was even remotely watchable.
Never liked the programme from when Jon Pertwee was the cunting doctor.
Didn’t watch it then and i don’t watch it now.
Christopher Eccleston was OK.
That said, I stopped tuning in on a regular basis after William Hartnell quit.
Oh, and Tom Baker was OK too.
‘Care for a jellybaby?’
Baker was the consumate Dr! My kids liked Matt Smith and David Tenant but they turn their noses up at the woke bullshit it’s become. I’m a proud dad?
Fucking BBC cunts can stick their fucking agenda. Thank God for YouTube and books.
I have to wonder if the BBCistan have come up with a computer that simply turns any ideas or history into complete shit at the press of a button.
Then again they are all such cunts that 5 minutes discussion round one of their walnut conference tables would produce the same result.
Go woke go broke,please.
Get fucked.
How the fuck is that whale meant to be Dr Who?
I have a prediction…the next Dr Who after the blackie will be…A Muslim… Allah Akbar… exterminate, exterminate.
What a pile of cunt.
Cmon Boris pull your finger aaaaht of your Mrs bumhole and drop the licence fee.
You’re right Black and White. Probably replace the Tardis with a magic carpet.
Dr Allah Who-ackbar.
That’s a joke you’d be proud of Bertie. ?
I like it!
Likes it up the cyber pass..
I’ll bet they don’t have Pakistani Daleks like Spike Milligan did….
“Put it in the curry”..
Akbar? No, he’s an Admiral. IT’S A TRAP!
Mr lone Cyberman kept calling them ‘the cyber army’ very gender neutral. I wonder if black doctor turns out to be a feminist, vegetarian, man-hating, lesbian, and every episode has her defeating bigoted men in a various ways to show feminist vegetarian women are superior.
The BBC have also now entirely wiped out the show’s entire history and continuity… All 57 years of it… And now William Hartnell wasn’t the first Doctor… It is now a (fucking wait for it!) black girl…. As Coronation Streets nears to its 60th year, can you imagine ITV or Granada saying the previous five decades never happened, or that characters like Elsie Tanner, Albert Tatlock, Bet Lynch, and Stan and Hilda Ogden never actually existed and that all the Street’s residents were actually black since day one? No, me neither…. But the ‘Beeb’ has no problem with pissing on its legacy or on a once much loved institution… QDM nailed it in his recent nomination…
I spit on Chibnall,,, The fucking cunt….
James O’Shithead is a HUGE fan of Whittaker’s Doctor Who. Apparently it is the ONLY programme he and his family religiously sit down to watch together every week.
Nuff said.
Has O’shithead found a way of blaming Brexit for Coronavirus yet RTCP?
Not yet… but he has been blaming the economic effects of Coronavirus on Brexit.
Only last week he blamed the collapse of Flybe entirely on Brexit, no mention of gross mismanagement of the company and fears over Coronavirus.
Poor James, he is still as deluded as ever. He has this way of talking that winds me up…like a moaning teenager.
What a cunt he is.
He probably sees Corbyn-19 as his ‘get out of jail free’ card – his knight in shining armour coming to wreck the UK economy, thus vindicating his Project Fear predictions that post Brexit Britain would descend into social and economic meltdown.
Didn’t think if that RTCP, of course O’shithead will twist things to link the economic downturn caused by Coronavirus to Brexit.
He’ll then talk abaaaht all the EU NHS staff who left after Brexit, the companies leaving Britain. Blah blah blah.
The rest of the week his arse hole is too painful to sit down.
I don’t watch it anymore, it’s gone fucking PC bananas
The side kicks…. One black one, one white one and one with a bit of shite on!
Doctor Who, like Rentaghost, the Wombles, kicking a football against a wall, reading comics, and eating mud, is for children.
I wanted to say that Captain but as usual, I was too polite to do so!
Yes, you’re nothing but courteous, our Bertie.
However, if you were a Rentaghost character I reckon you’d be Mr.Meaker.
More like Mr Leaker, the way my prostate’s playing up!
Leaky hole? Timothy Claypole then.
Prostate’s a bastard. Got to go for a PSA check on Wednesday. The reading was up last time, so I’m dreading it. Please oh Almighty, NOT the fucking biopsy again!
Stopped watching Dr Who after Peter Davison. It went downhill fast from there…
I stopped after William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton were alright it was after that it turned to cuntitude.
Are the Cybermen still in it or are they cyber-trânnies?
“Surrender or we will force you to identify as a cyber-trânny and cut off your cyber-schlông.”
The BBC and the Labour Party are both on the same path to self destruction. Labour have no one bright enough to see this but you would think that someone in authority at the BBC has the brains and balls to the top brass.
Don’t see why, both are left wing, both believe, against all available evidence, that they have the support of the masses, and both believe they are invincible/infallible.
You would have thought so Guzzi. I think the problem in the BBC’s case is that they have become so fucking arrogant that they know whatever shit they turn out there are going to get paid anyway. Their programmes now are not produced for the viewers’ enjoyment but for the BBC’s own agenda. It’s quite a peculiar ‘business’ model – they really don’t have customers as such because anyone who owns a television set has to give them money regardless if they use their services or not. Outdated and bizarre.
The BBCunts problem is that while they believe in diversity of colour, gender, ethnicity and any other woke thing you can think of they don’t believe in diversity of opinion.
It has just occurred to me that the BBC was infiltrated by the USSR in the 1950s and the descendants of that mindset are still there. Harold Wilson was very critical of the left wing bias he thought was in the organisation and that was 50+ years ago.
Should we tell the soppy cunts that the Cold War is over?
And Whittaker is as much a man loathing woke cunt in real life as she is on the screen… From resurrecting a dead franchise and doing it rather well to totally destroying it 15 years later…. The Eccleston and Tennant years now seem a like a long lost golden era compared to this steaming shit… Tennant wasn’t everybody’s cup of tea, but he did put everything into it and he did love the show as a boy… Smith tried too. but he was given mostly Moffat written drivel to do… Capaldi could have been the best since Tom Baker, but it was fucked by then… Focusing more on a black lezza horse faced cunt than on the Doc himself…
Whittaker is a fucking joke… She didn’t even research the part or the show’s history… There is no trace whatsoever of the Doctor’s previous incarnations or the past in any way… Tennant really was an authority on the show (he knew every episode and every villain), as was Peter Davison… Whitttaker obviously knows fuck all about it and worse still, she doesn’t care… A typical ‘My Way’ wokeflake cunt in a nutshell… Fuck 57 years of TV history, I’ve got what I want… Fucking clueless bitch….
The great Tom Baker summed up the latest series finale … He simply said
‘Jesus Christ’…
The Guardianista and Independiente critics adore it of course, and dribble about it like a fucked fridge. By and large the public seems to hate it, as indicated by the drop off in viewing figures.
Fucking off the fans by pushing a ‘woke’ agenda seems to be the trend if Dr Who, Star Trek and Star Wars are anything to go by. The Marvel ‘universe’ is going the same way by the look of things.
Chibnall’s response to the fan loathing is double down on the wokeness, a deliberate two fingers to the people who pay his wages. He seems like a particularly obnoxious and smug cunt. The next Doc (assuming the programme survives) will have to be black, or Asian, I suppose. Doubt we’ll ever see a ‘traditional’ Doc again; too male and stale for the progressives at the Beeb. I hope this government cuts the cunts off at the knees.
I don’t bother with social media for all the obvious reasons; but I cannot believe that the vocal woke minority seem to have so much influence on our lives, and institutions line the BBC seem to so readily to fall in line and obey whatever these fascists decree!
There must be a silent majority on the likes of Twatter and Shitebook, hiding in the shadows and letting all this shit happen much to their dismay and bewilderment.
Moreover, I cannot understand how watchdogs like the ASA (or whatever they call themselves these days), can ban an advert because 3 or 4 people complained because the ad wasn’t suitably woke enough.
And yet if you complain about how ads have become too far woke, nothing happens!
Similarly with the BBC – they will fall over backwards at any complaint from the Left; but choose to ignore the complaints from the Silent Majority. So where’s the fucking accountability, especially since a large proportion of the population by the fucking licence fee!
I suppose next they will be expunging from their archives any hint that we won the 1st and 2nd World Wars, or how we beat the Argies over the Falklands; or that all our greatest heroes, scientists, writers, pioneers etc should also be erased for fear of upsetting so soft-as-shite Millennial!
Truly pathetic
Ofcom’s the same. They had over 300 complaints about that uppity negger Dave’s performance at the Brit Awards but were dismissed with the following unbelievably bizarre comment: “But the watchdog said it was “likely to be within most viewers’ expectations of this well-established awards ceremony””. What the fuck does that mean? They went on to say: “The regulator noted it was “not uncommon for artists to express personal political views during their performances”” So calling a white person racist with absolutely no evidence at all to back it up is a ‘political view’. Boris should sue the cunt for slander. It’s getting out of hand now, and I would like to see the accusation of anyone of racism to be a hate crime.
Want to know how thoughtless and clueless the new lot actually are?
That Chibnall cunt recently said ‘I would like to bring back Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith’…
Errr… She sadly died in 2010, you stupid fucking cunt… And I dare say Whittaker has said something just as daft and as clueless…. Word also is Terry Nation’s estate has vetoed any Dalek episodes for the Whittaker era… Apparently they don’t want a television icon associated with such politically correct and insane drivel….
I’d like to bring Patrick Troughton back as the Doctor myself.
I’d like Tom Baker as the Doc… With Leela, Peri, Jo Grant, Mary Tamm’s Romana, and Amy Pond as the sidekicks… All the girls wearing as little as possible, of course…
Peri and her wobbling tits are enough for me.
Peri!! Nicola Bryant!!!! I’m off for a milk…
I used to have a bit of an eye for Tegan. I always got the impression that she could be a bit tasty bent over the old control panel.
I went off Dr Who when they kept fuckin’ about with the words of the tune . . . . . .
?. Derdl a der, derdl a der, derdl a der, Dum dum. ?
interesting fact, the tardis noise was a key being drawn down a piano string!
another pointless fact is that the toilet in the white Hart in Dorking is referred to as the “Turdis”
Locally the pub is known as “The snake pit” as it is a bit of a druggy pub.
So. is Diane Abbott the new Doctor?
Dat is one big chiggun eatin’ momma!
Jo Martin. It would be one brave Dalek to fuck with that big mamma.
I’d rather shag a pig.
You are David Cameron and I claim my £5.
I am surprised that you still watch it,
Both Blakes 7 and a few of the Doctor Who’s were filmed on location at Betchworth Quarry surrey ( now land filled and a grassy slope) I used to play on the sets when I was very little ( the Tonka toy advert was also filmed there too!).
The sets were shit and I was fuck scared of Darliks so I never really got into it.
K9 was a cunt too.
Well, it was dormant and there were no episodes from 1990 to 2004…. Brought back with a new lease of life and some good ideas in 2005, but it became more PC based in 2010 and now it has totally taken over… It was the one golden goose the BBC had in this modern era, but they still decided to kill it…
I saw the approaching unpleasant future of Dr Who when Tennant’s doctor started sneering at UNIT soldiers trying to defend the Earth, while describing the invading aliens as the “finest soldiers in the universe”
Plus the “guns bad, cars bad, bla bla bla” lectures built into the plot.
When Capaldi started spouting similar shit in his debut story I switched off permanently.
Who wants to watch their childhood memories being raped and murdered?
BBC cunts…
Put it to bed ffs. It’s had its day.
Time gentlemen please.
Dr Who watches this shit anyway. It’s not fucking real, just like other BBC programmes Eastbenders and their news propaganda. It’s scary to think fully grown adults try to entertain themselves with something so piss poor. Get a fucking life…. how did this become a nom, we all know what the BBC are. Dr Who just like the BBC should have been turned off years ago. NEXT!
If a black female takes the lead role it’s crying out to be renamed….
‘Doctor Ho’….
Dr MmmmHmm ?
This was a bag of shit when I was a kid. I realise it has it’s adherents but the fucking BBC are bent on destroying everyfuckingthing they touch.
Like the Labour party thinks Twatter is the electorate, the BBC thinks Twatter is it’s audience demographic.
I can’t wait until the licence fee actually becomes the voluntary BBC subscription fee (how the fuck is the licence fee allowed in the days of fair competition is beyond me). Then they’ll lose all funding as people are not interested in this PC shite and lose all their money, and will then cry like the Labour Party and blame racist Britain for their demise, rather than the total cunting bollocks that they peddle.
Never ever liked this show. Even the great Peter Capaldi couldn’t save it. Would make me suicidal if I watched it for more than 5 minutes, the bag of cunt that it is. I reckon its audience is old bitter middle Englanders who can’t accept the world is changing and heterogenous society IS the way it is now and there is no turning back; it’s irreversible and the die is cast. Deal with it and stop fucking moaning, you gullible cunts!
PS: They should reintroduce and commission another few series of ‘The Thick Of It‘ — there’s certainly a considerable amount of material and topics to choose from given what the political landscape has been like (and continues to be like). Hell, they could make a fucking one-off Thick Of It special about Brexit, though I suspect some film studio will make a feature film about brexit. I miss that show like squadron Douglas Bader missed his standind up equipment! Armando Ianucchi for the win.
I hope you have taken the hint too, it is embarrassing that we have to talk to adults like this, rule 1 you can not cunt cunters, something pisses you off go kick the cat or something do not retaliate.
Point taken, admin. I wasn’t targeting anyone with my previous post in this thread, though. Btw, how do I log in to this site? I swapped over to the desktop version on my mobile phone there to try and login, but to no avail. Any ideas?
In what way do you mean “log in”?
All you need to do is type in your Name and Email in the ‘Leave a Reply’ section, then tick the little box at the bottom where it says: “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”
I have to log in, my password is “WherearemyCuntingKarkeys!-” pretty secure hey!
Anybody kicks me and being called a cunt will be the least of their problems.
What the fuck? ???
Admin said to kick a cat instead of cunting cunters. Well, I don’t think much of that as a fucking alternative.
As someone with a cat I agree Moggie, my reply was towards someone wanting to log in. ?
That made me laugh Mog! ?
Peter Capaldi is a talentless Sweaty with a face like Mary Beard’s quim. He was even worse than that other Scotch cunt Dave Tennant, an actor with as much range as a seven-day old pavement turd. Shockingly unentertaining.
We are of one mind Captain… ?
You sassanachs know which side your bread’s buttered on. Your white massas (keep crackin’ dat whip, massa johnson, you devil cracka) in Westminster are terrified of us leaving and know good ol’ Blighty wouldn’t be as potent a force in any capacity without us, not least politically. You keep harping on about the fargin’ Barnett Formula, etc, and how we’re always moaning up here; a lot of you likeable silly sassanachs don’t like us because, like the oirish, we never ever give in and are tenacious, dogged and determined. You likeable has-been old cunts make me smile. ??
What’s that proverb again, Jeeves? How does it begin again, old boy? Was it ‘Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred, strong in the arm . . . ‘ fill in the blanks! ???
Dear oh dear, we are witnessing the death of Funboy. Rest in Porridge. ?
Someone pull up his skirt and give him a kick in the bollocks…put him out of his misery.
He’s probably about as much Scottish as I am Martian.
You have a cat B&W? Is it a tom with plenty of neighbourhood hoes?
I have a cat called Kenny. But he keeps getting into scraps with the other toms, especially the neighbour’s cat called Danny. They’re always figting. I never see any other cats other than Toms. Perhaps they all afflicted with ‘teh gayness’. Messed up world currently.
Evening LL, got a female Cat. Like most of the women in my life she can be a cunt.
Had a couple of male cats before her but they both got ran over.
? Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his Black and White cunt…
Group Captain Douglas Bader, you disrespectful cunt.
At Dotheboys Hall, back in 1963, about all we were allowed to watch on the black and white TV (thumping it when the horizontal hold had a fit) was Doctor Who. It was pretty tacky even then, but it had storylines, not agendas. It was entertainment, at least compared to Dotheboys Hall, and other than that all aliens were evil (WOKE ALERT) had no particular message. I never learned what the Doctor was a Doctor of, and I never cared. It didn’t bear examination or interpretation. It just filled the gap between compulsory church on a Sunday morning and more compulsory sky fairy in the evening, as I remember*, and it was an improvement on these. I don’t remember anyone ever discussing it. It didn’t matter. O tempora! O mores!
Next up, I imagine, a transgender lesbian Nigerian hemiplegic with Downs’ as the Doctor? I shall not be watching, of course, but will have my piss boiled again at a second remove here, no doubt. Stop the world, I want to get off. And not in a long-redundant police box, either.
Sound cunting. But unlikely to be the last word.
*Could be wrong here: it was well over half a century ago. Bloody hell.
You watched TV during term time? What kind of liberal, ultra-progressive institution was this, Borstal?
Sundays only, RTC. It was a religious foundation. We were also allowed nay encouraged to watch that WW1 epic series. And Chrurchill’s funeral. And that was definitely our lot. Didn’t mean to make you jealous.
That’s ok K.
My dad made me watch Churchill’s funeral. Never been so bored in my life.
Tom Baker was the best as far as I am concerned.
The leering grin – “would you like a jelly baby?”
Try instead putting on the same grin and chatting up some young Doris in a nightclub (in a Tom Baker baritone) – “would you like a cream horn?” Worked well enough for me.
Can’t be long till we get a gay dalek on Dr. Whoke.
“Exfoliate, Exfoliate”
Afternoon MNC – wait for the Chinese version, Dr Hu!
“I am Dench, leader of the Chinese – we wipe out your planet with remoaner virus”!
Afternoon Foxy,
A chinese Doctor who!
Charging gullible twats across time with alternative medicine?
“Eat lorra bat, bat good, make you rucky in rove,”
Id like dr who carlos the Jackal crossover,
Where the Doc travels time assassinating people, mandela, Gerry Adams, Corbyn etc
Id watch that.
That’s a mash up I would commission MNC!
“Doctor run slow – try some completely innocent energy giving caterpillars, run much faster – no d*ug cheating to see here round eyes”!
But Carlos the Jackal did let himself go a bit from the arrest photos I saw, no need for an untidy assassin – should have had style like my Uncle Eddie in Day of the Jackal! ?
(a superb film by the way).
Yeah Carlos the Jackal looked a bit like Roy orbison without the beautiful voice.
Energy caterpillars? Hehehe, ???
They’re here already Steaming!
Dr Who…Dr Where me rice and pea more like.
Go fuck yourselves. ?
I loved Ace in the series with Sylvester McCoy. I think it was on when Red Dwarf began. I loved that, too, until the look of it changed and had that Hollywood movie look to it.
The speed of the film when recording?
Weird how they cast a noce posh girl for Ace, who was clearly a female lLister from Ted Dwarf, as well as replacing Claire Grogan with posh bird Chloe Annett
Never was much of a fan pf Dr Who, but i did like Red Dwarf.
Liked Dr Who as a kid, liked the Daleks, liked their Fascism, ?
But as a adult, well i dont trust doctors, and know id blow a gasket at how it preaches leftism,
So i give it a swerve.
What were them terrapin people, sea devils or summat? In 1974 they made me piss the bed wi fear!!
See one now ill put the cunt through a wall.
Daleks are famous for not going up the stairs. I thought that was good because my bedroom was upstairs, then I see that episode were the doctor and ace are at the top of the stairs then the dalek says “Elevate!” Fork sake 🙁
Exsperminate !
That weally fwightened me…
Has there ever been a German Doctor ?
Did the Krauts ever show it in Chairmany ? Dubbed or subtitled ?
Doctor Mengele… or Dr. Merkel…
Iv heard that Tommy Robinson is the new Doctor.
Oh Tommy Tommy!
Tommy Tommy Tommy time traveller!”