Hey all. A nomination for taxi drivers who refuse to accept blind people with guide dogs:
Here in Kent, two taxi drivers have been found guilty of discrimination, had their taxi operators licenses revoked and have been fined, and quelle surprise, the drivers have peaceful names. Funny thing is, why do the authorities act quickly and publicly when it’s a disability issue, but you hear fuck all about when young girls are involved in any complaints? Answers on a postcard please to: BBC Question Time , BBC Wood Lane…etc, etc.
Nominated by Sidthesexistsforeskin
‘The judge said to interpret the act any other way would “drive a coach and horses” through the intention of parliament when they drafted the Act’
So the taxi drivers drove a coach and horses through the Equality Act when they refused to take them.
Let’s go back to coach and horses. Greta would approve.
I don’t like a doggy smell in a home. Or in a car. The cars were theirs. They have a more fundamental right because of ownership. IMHO..
They are providing a service. So it against the law to refuse to provide a service now?
The Equality Act is pernicious.
If any further proof is needed, look at that bloody gay cake in Northern Ireland. As Christians they should have been allowed to say no, but the law would rather the shop closed down than show some common sense. Personally I’d rather have a dog in the car than a peaceful but if I own a business I should be able to set my own rules about what happens in that business.
Quite so.
No way would I allow a Catholic in my cab! ?
I think apart from a Bar person I am in one of the few trades where I can refuse to serve.
If I deem you unfit or a danger to yourself or others I can refuse to supply you with equipment or plant, You do have a right of appeal and you can take me to court where I must make my case.
As far as dogs and taxi’s are concerned I always tell them I have a fuck off big dog and normally need a mini bus, If I had have had a daughter I think I would tell the taxi firm that my little girl had her Jack Russel with her, just to stop the wrong kind of taxi driver turning up.
Camel drivers are all the same, Mohammeeeed said all dogs were the devil so the sand shitters can’t stand animals
The peacefuls hate dogs with a passion. They believe they are all the devil in disguise or some such superstitious bollocks. A clear case of discrimination against the sons of Allah here.
Shameful fucking raaay-sism.
Im with Stevie wonder an the Labrador on this!
Pakis shouldnt have motor vehicles, and should have to carry a white man & his dog if told to do so.
Blind or not.
If given a voice, the dogs wouldn’t be keen on sharing a taxi with a smelly soap dodging, inbred goat fucking peaceful either.
Well he can’t have his car smelling of dog when he’s driving round looking for 12-13 yr old’s to pick up. At least the Chinese and Koreans wouldn’t turn there nose up at having a dog in the car?
Isn’t medievalist squmbags driving motor vehicles “cultural appropriation” ??
A fantastic reason for owning a dog.
Hours of fun.
sand dwellers are out breeding us, so no RSPCA or Dogs Trust in the future in Britain, no charities at all as the peacefuls don’t believe in charity and won’t give any money anyway. DIY stores won’t exist as peacefuls don’t decorate and no furniture stores as they prefer squatting on the floor on piss smelling secondhand mattresses. Lots of them living near me and all live in filthy run down houses even though they own them.
Apparently mo said dog saliva is poison or some such. I didn’t know the cunt was a vet. I thought he was just a cunt. Live and learn.
The Hounds and I would never get in a Taxi-Of-Peace anyhow. We have no desire to have front-row seats as we barrel through a crowd of Christmas shoppers in an untaxed,uninsured 2001 VW Passat;nor do we much fancy being fed drugs and molested due to my undoubted good looks and youthful appearance.
Perhaps the Govt. should buy every child in care a dog?
Morning Dick, nice to have you back!
Not many of the carpet kissers in Northumbria is there?
Seconded Miserable, not been bobbing around in the games room of Fiddler Towers under 3ft of water then Dick? As long as the tasteful cock shot negatives you keep sending Gemma Arterton are safe and dry.
Very few,Miserable.
We don’t even have many Dark-Keys. I remember the excitement just a few years ago when the local hotel took on a coloured Chef….he was actually a nice bloke and used to play up to it when young kids pointed at him or customers joked about “Not long-pig on the menu tonight,I hope”.
Fucking good cricketer,too. I was sorry when he moved away.
Your a awful liar Dick.
You phoned Department of immigration didnt you?
No need.LL.
He genuinely got a lassie pregnant and was last seen heading South back to London.
I suppose the horse and carriage is still the preferred mode of transport in the countryside Mr F? What a decorous, gentile way of traveling about-trotting along the lanes and byways the sound of the cliperty -clop of the horses’ hooves commingling with bees buzzing, birds twittering.
And arriving (with your young Lady friend) at the beauty spot you have chosen. Helping her off in that gentlemanly way. Spreading the tablecloth on the summer grass and unharnessing the horses to let them graze. Oh how idyllic.
I can borrow my mates rag an bone cart if you want to take the missus for a picnic Miles?
What an idyllic picture you paint,Miles…I did once share a packet of scotch eggs with a woman while we were out hunting…what a gal she was..tremendous aim and throwing arm to hit an Anti between the eyes with a 3 week old sausagey hand-grenade while at full gallop.
Would the burning cross have anything to do with it?
I think the inflatable crocodile in the hotel pool put the wind up the bugger,tbh.
Dick that made me laugh aloud, thank you.
Looking at that cunt driver in the picture, the first thing that springs to mind is, ‘what the fuck are you doing in my country, looking as if you’ve just climbed out of a rubber boat in the channel, driving a nice new car and behaving with such entitled impertinence towards one of my fellow countrymen when you’re lucky not to be dodging bombs in that fly ridden shithole that you’ve decided to abandon along with your wife and kids no doubt you smelly gold digging rag head cunt’.
To be honest Sid, I think the authorities feel they’re on solid ground when it comes to disability issues as there is some written rule in the terms and conditions of working for a taxi firm (maybe someone could confirm this) but when it comes to young girls complaining about perving and letching then they fear the race card is immediately going to be played against them so they get the benefit of the doubt. What makes me sick is, they (the ragheads) know exactly how to play the system in this land long before they’ve left the refuse tips of the Middle East they were spawned in.
Let’s get the 747’s ready and let’s get deporting the free loading vermin.
Let them get coronavirus first then deport them on mass to spread it to the other sand shitters, and no 747s, fuck em, came by dinghy return by dinghy
I hope the cunt drives off a cliff,hopefully also sinking a shifty migration vessel along the way.
The little bastard.
If the cunts weren’t here we wouldn’t have a problem, just saying.
and smeghan wouldn’t have a fan base or be worshipped as the Queen of hearts, sorry spades
My best mate at work was a little blackfella with dreadlocks. On a job, if he was there, the work would be easy and we’d always have a laugh. His boss was a bit sombre; my boss was completely insane and would slope of with the first bit of skirt presenting herself. Happy days! They were all atheists. I never asked them if they’d rather oblige a mohammedan or a dog. The skirts were never dogs though. And the others never paid..
Seems a fuckwat or something has been passed by some peaceful organisations to allow guide dogs inside mosques. The dogs are not allowed in the prayer hall for “hygiene reasons” but can guide their handler to the place where the shoes are left prior to the handler entering the prayer space. Peacefuls eh, anything that benefits the fuckers they grab with both hands if its haram so what some bunch of self styled mullahs will proclaim that yes you can do this cos it helps our cause. If mass gay gang rape was found to be a positive force for bodily longevity the fuckers would be at it like rabid weasels bad example they are apparently well practised in the subject.
Change the gay gang rape to licking bicycle saddles and let your mind boggle.
“A nomination for taxi drivers who refuse to accept blind people with guide dogs”
I bet the smelly peaceful cunts would accept girl guides with blind dogs.
Jesus H Fucking Christ I can’t even get my user name right.
You have to be a callous cunt to refuse a blind person.
Yes “peacefuls” don’t like canines.
I hope they don’t get their licences taken off them, the need them for grooming and that would be waycist.
you don’t need a dog to piss on the back seat of a cab of peace :))
These taxi driver cunts even discriminate against foreigners who live in or are visiting this country.
Apparently, because of the Coronavirus, Italians in London are being harassed with bullying and discrimination common.
Luigi Rossi, a banker living in London, told us he was verbally abused by taxi driver, Mustafa Kamal who shouted at him “I don’t know what you fuckin’ foreigners are doing in our country spreading these viruses with your disgusting habits.”
Newcastle Central Station. Move along the stand to select your preferred camel. Next, attempt to communicate intelligibly ( in English ) with its owner. If able , mount said camel and stuff your baggage in the boot ( its arsehole )
Next prepare for a hilarious and dangerous navigation of Pink Lane and Clayton St as the beast ( and its driver ) take you to the Town Moor. That is your final destination. It may not where you want to be, but that is where you will end. Pay the Jockey his usual fee ( the contents of your wallet ) and make your way to the bus stop at Nun’s Moor.
All Taxi Drivers in Newcastle are cunts, they all live in the West End, they all stink of Camel Shit, and they all need euthenased !
Have you heard of the Victoria Tunnel that runs under Newcastle from the Town Moor down to the Tyne? I hadn’t until a few years ago when I did some tree work near the entrance. There was talk of them opening it up but not sure if it happened… been used for coal originally and then an air-raid shelter during the war.
Afternoon Dick. Yes, and another runs from the Hancock museum I believe. That must be the ones you worked on. They open for a few days each month only and you have to book.
BTW. finally will be returning very soon, got the house in Cullercoates !! Yippeee !
Glad to hear you’ve got the house sorted,ASA.
Yes muslim drivers don’t like dogs and pigs less! Years ago in Sumatra the lads were out on a field trip, a Muslim driving and three Batak christians on board. Rounding a corner ploughed into a bunch of wild piglets following their mam across the road. The driver was horrified that his mount was desecrated by the unclean pig hair and blood on his car, and was even more aghast when the Christian lads leapt out and threw the unclean carcasses into the tray (for dinner)
Another is that muslims are not allowed to touch their cock when pissing so semi-control the process by holding the scrote. The Koran prescribes water as the cleanest way to wash up, and a remarkable sight is a Muslim pouring water on his cock while keeping it under semi control by holding the nakabag. Still they were good humoured about it and gave as good as they got.
the sand shitters are happy enough to touch little boys cocks, they all wipe their arses with their hands so here’s hoping coro virus goes through these rats like bubonic plague
Don’t get me wrong I love dogs and anyone who hates guide dogs, which are even more precious, should be deported. But it seems the nation cares more about dogs that white British children being drugged and raped by these savages.
Pathetic cunts. For some reason, ethnics of this particular variety are generally scared of dogs. You see it all of the time here in Londonistan. Ethnic kids clinging to mummy’s sari as soon as they catch site of a chihuahua, who let’s be honest, would quite feasibly attack and rip their leg off…..dumb fuckers.
I had a driving instructor who was another one. I made the mistake of choosing a Muzzy woman for my lessons, albeit a more modern one who didn’t don the ridiculous garb, but nevertheless, an unreliable, always late, changing dates and times constantly, mammoth twat who I swiftly got rid of after 8 hours of lessons. Anyhoo, I was parking up one day and a local man and his little schitzu dog, Betsy (we were doing lessons on my road) were passing us on the pavement and Betsy barked at the car…….said instructor looked horrified (like she had shit her knick-knocks) asked me if I ‘liked dogs’ , to which I said yes. She then went on to say ‘I don’t. I am scared of them’.
“Oh right”. I said.
What I wanted to say was.”What a surprise there then. Get a fucking grip, you useless cunt, and keep your eyes on my bad parking, please”.
But, I digress. ANYONE – black, white or otherwise, who refuses to accept a blind person and their wonderful guide dog in their taxi is a fucking soulless, heartless, irresponsible piece of excrement, in my humble opinion.
If I had my way, I would smother the cunts in ‘Pedigree Chum’ and set a pack of pitbulls on them.
Perhaps the solution is to license cabs only on the owners’ recognition that what animals the passengers bring with them are none of their bloody business, subject only to safety constraints. Should lead to a sharp reduction in cunts trying to impose sharia on the public, anyway.
(must find a Jewish cab driver and see if he’ll take my pet pig)
BBC couldn’t handle being nasty to a peaceful. I will dance a merry jig the day the licence fee is revoked.
Our local station looks like the subcontinent version of “Taxi” fecking Karachi cabs not a pale face anywhere
Beats me why anyone wants to give money to a peaceful type, I thought losing your eyesight meant heightened awareness from the other senses so the aroma of peaceful should be prevelant.
If you haven’t got a dog please feel free to shit on this cabbie’s back seat before alighting the vehicle, or just a piss on the floor.