Dame Emma of Twatson once described Britain as, “a tiny, cloud-bolted, rainy corner of ‘sort of’ Europe, a cake-filled, misery-laden, grey old island”. I think we may assume then that she has little time for the country which has done so much to give her fame and fortune. We love you too, Emma.
Anyway, there’s good news and bad news on the Dame Edna front. The good news is that Twatson (together with husband Sir Greg of Twatson) has become officially registered as a resident of Italy, and has been made an honorary citizen of Venice on the back of buying a flash pad in the historic centre of the city. Apparently the catalyst for this relocation comes from Brexit. Arch-Remoaner Thompson has always said that Britain would be “mad” to leave the EU, and whines that she’s always “just felt European” (newsflash: you’ve always been European, you dozy twat, and still are).
There’s bad news though. Luvvy, Champagne Socialist Emma still owns a £3 million pad in (you guessed it) West Hampstead, and a holiday home in Scotland. She and husband Greg are also retaining their British passports. We haven’t seen the back of her for good. No doubt she’ll continue to honour us with her presence from time to time; of course she’ll be popping back and forth for luvvy wankfests such as awards ceremonies and appearances on “The Graham Numpty Show”, not to mention finger-wagging appearances at Extinction Rebellion demonstrations. At the same time, I think we can safely assume that she won’t be travelling around by eco-friendly gondola.
I used to have a lot of time for Emma Thompson the actress, and I was also quite charmed by her air of amusing eccentricity, but no longer. She’s morphed into a tiresome, pompous hypocrite, the epitome of the word smug, as she jets around telling the rest of us to change. Please accept this two-fingered “virtue signal” from everyone at IsAC, and try not to trip over your own huge carbon footprint. We’d hate to see you fall flat on your self-important face.
Nominated by Ron Knee
What an ugly old tart. She almost makes Emily Thornberry look desirable, despite the directoire knickers. I would still baulk at tongues and arses though.
There becomes a time in life when the nursery is closed but the backroom is open, well you can fumble with the locks if you like but you are not getting in so a compromise is in order.
a little tongue secures the secret of the entrance via the tradesman.
After all you are not going to boast i did my Mrs up the Grinner when she can retort only after you have tonged it whilst flicking my clit.
I rest my case.
Christ, it’s getting like xhamster on here!
I do not understand this fascination with Xhamster, Xvideos is a much better site, (same format) but more content.
I genuinely had to read this twice… I don’t believe that even B+WC would write something so….I’ll settle on the word “sordid”,although that hardly does it justice.
You should indeed “rest your case”,Lord B….you’re a shameless debauchee….and a disgrace.
🙂 .
She is a bonified utter cunt.
She buys a gaff in sinking stinking Venice and is an honourary citizen. She hates Brexit and slags off our island but clings on to her British passport like the turd she is. Hypocritical little rat.
When it all goes belly up in the EU she will run,like the satsuma Brits sitting in Spain with their wrinkly skin,back to the UK like the coward she is. No conviction and no backbone. How I wish she and her ilk would fuck off permanently and go down with their beloved EU. Our great nation does not need ,nor would we miss ,them.
She’s a vile uppity skank.
I am surprised she hasn’t shown her arsehole to Verminhofstadt in order to get an EU Federal Reichsreisepass…
She was good in Fortunes Of War, but that was a long time ago.
I heard that the cunt-husband is in “Military Wives”, so I can scratch that off the list.
I hope she gets Corbyn-19 and/or drowns.
One of the most obnoxious virtue-signallers ever.
Her again? Do me a favour Emma, fuck of somewhere more sunny and woke. Try L.A or San Fran, when you get there take sometime to go and see what normal people in Wokeville live with, don’t turn tail and head home, you ain’t fucking welcome.
Britain can be much improved by you and your like leaving.
They have some nasty shit on that site, seems to have footage of the murder of the Danish girl in Morocco, not nice
The shit eating video is available on various sites Admin, that site was the first one returned by Google search.
Sixdog Media Inc does not condone the sharing of gratuitous videos for the pleasure of the sick minded.
The internet is a murky place and I’ll be more careful when linking in future.
Apologies Sick Sixdog
I have to admit that I dug into your link , there are numerous suicides, (interesting) some shootings, and suicide bombers.
These were sort of day to day in a previous life, but when it mentioned rape and torture I sort of drew the line.
Take it from me, I was what is described as a professional killer ( my job) and have never taken any pleasure from it, only relief that they have stopped trying to do it to me.
Even I have my standards, no matter how low some people think they are.
I do hope she is still in Venice. They will be the next big hit with the virus and at her age it might hopefully kill her.
Luvvy cunt
I’m rather hoping she brings it back to the UK and frees up some accommodation in West Hampstead.
Isn’t West Hampstead the wanker’s name for Kilburn? Who on earth would want to live there with its’ IRA pubs and general air of depression?
Sadly no. It’s next to Kilburn, but describes itself as Camden, with the associated arty-fartery diverse and perversity vibe. Cf. St John’s Wood and Swiss Cottage: “one of the nicest areas” for a woke vegan with an arts degree “in London,” as this ex-Cricklewood mick describes it. Handy for Hampstead Heath if you want to meet Owen Jones. Kilburn, I believe, remains unspoiled.
Link, sorry –
Russel Brand had cancelled his trip to Perth (Oz) because of the bat soup flu. God bless that sainted virus!
But now WE will be stuck with the cunts. They’ll all be at home moaning like fuckery.
She, and hubby will be smearing her rancid fanny batter on their top lips and nostrils to keep safe. If that doesn’t kill Covid-19, I don’t know what will.
Absolute cunts.
So she is moving to Venice, and presumably won’t be making numerous trips to the UK by PLANE to visit her elderly mother, Phyllida Law then?? Thus demonstrating, yet again, her extreme hypocrisy when it comes to climate change, carbon footprints, blah, blah, fucking blah.
Or is she going to ‘gondola it’ back to the UK?
Like all of these preaching celebrities, she is pain in the arsehole. Venice, you can have her. You’re welcome.
One rule for them, another for us plebs. She’ll just say she planted a tree – a la fat Reg.
May her gondola have many holes.
She suffers from extreme wokism and should be duly pittied for this horrible affliction.
Female version of Owen Jones.
Why are all lefties so fucking ugly i wonder? Is there a single reasonably good looking one?
That is all.
Good nom RK ?
The photo provided by Admin makes her look like the dyke warrior in Game of Thrones, the one who killed The Hound.
Shouldn’t her title be taken away after she slagged off the Queen’s homeland?
Just a thought .
Public flogging.
I wonder where the raddled old tart is at the minute? Trying to play it safer over here, in ‘lockdown’ with the rest of northern Italy, or was she one of those scrabbling to get out before the ‘lockdown’ came into force?
Whatever. I’m sick of her luvvy cant and hypocrisy anyway. It’s infecting her films now; anyone who cares to should grab a look at ‘Late Night’. It’s so uproariously ‘woke’ that it’s pitiful; prime IsAC material.
Don’t know about a public flogging, but I’ll admit that being a bit that way inclined, I would smack her bottom long and hard.
Works for me RK – that would teach the gobby mare!
I think “Dual Nationality” should be abolished. A bit like this boy-girl-it-half it thing.
You are one or the other. It would certainly end this shit once and for all.As for Watacunt’s new status. She’s a cunt, an eyetie cunt at that !
The only benefit to dual citizenship is that we can revoke U.K citizenship without making someone stateless.
(I personally would love to exile the cunt but at the moment, making someone stateless is a bitch to do)
Now I never knew that!! Why don’t we raise a petition to have the bitches UK citizenship revoked !?
As I understand it, Mr and Mrs T have been officially granted ‘residency’ in Italy; is that the same as full citizenship? (the ‘citizenship’ of Venice is purely honorary apparently).
She must have a bastard of a tooth ache in that picture.
Well I for one would gladly give up my old car and motorbike, just so that she could still jet all over the planet lecturing us lesser mortals.
Only joking. Fuck off and die you awful old cunt.
Preferably screaming in the inferno of a crashed private jet…
Byron lived there.
Emma Thomson… In those surroundings,? St. Mark’s Square? The Grand Canal? La Fenice?
Not so suitable.
“Venice is greatest surviving work of art in the world” Evelyn Waugh.
And it’s sinking-
Oh Venice! Venice! when thy marble walls
Are level with the waters, there shall be
A cry of nations o’er thy sunken halls,
A loud lament along the sweeping sea!
Lord Byron.
“Arrived in Venice, streets flooded – please advise”
Plagiarised but still funny!
She’s just a heap of shit.
Dear Emma, please accept this fuck off, together with a complimentary cunt. I hope some wop gives you Corona virus real soon.
An acceptable option would be some cunt jizzing in your pasta, pliz, try this special peaceful sauce.
Oh, I bet she’s a shit shag as well.
Judging by that picture, the fucking hypocritical old scarecrow is now living in another “tiny, cloud-bolted, rainy corner of ‘sort of’ Europe”. Considering that northern Italy is in lockdown, fuck knows how she’s going to jet across the world lecturing us stupid and ignorant plebs on climate change. Hopefully she’ll catch Coronavirus and die a slow and painful death.
P.S. I never used to be such a miserable aggressive cunt but fuck me, there’s only so much a lad can take!
Did anyone have Max Von Sydow in the Dead Pool?
She will be back to support Extinction cunts, can’t wait for those twats to start again, after all the crap we are about to endure with China virus, Joe public won’t be happy with The rebellion fucking up peoples lives.
I am sure they will try to claim the virus is linked to climate change
Fuck off Emma Thompson, live in fucking Italy or the US or anywhere except here.
Venice is nothing more than an open-sewer populated by greasy,cowardly,greedy Wops…and this desperate auld trout.
I’m proud to say that I’ve never seen one of films…no point, I like a film with a bit of bush and tit,but even if this old baggage was to spend 2 fucking hours in the nip demonstrating positions from The Karma Sutra, I can’t imagine that I’d even get mildly turgid,tbh.
Hopefully Venice and all of it’s native inhabitants will soon sink and Dame Emma can go down with them… while still being so delightfully “La-di-da…Oh, I was in The Footlights with Stephen Fry,din’t you know….British people are so parochial…….little people shouldn’t be allowed to fly,only Stars,like me…etc.” patronising.
Ta Fuck with the rancid old bitch.
‘Venice is nothing more than an open-sewer populated by greasy,cowardly,greedy Wops’
That’s no way to talk about our ‘European friends’.
She’s the same sort of person as those bemoaning President Donald Trump when He became President If He becomes President I’m going to live in Canada Surprise Surprise they are still living in the States Total hypocrites
It’s a great pity that twats like this old bag cannot have their passports revoked when they leave this Country Leave Means Leave that’s democracy you silly old cow stay in Italy and don’t come back ?
Fucking old slag. Hope she gets Corbyn19 and they dump her stinking body in the canal. That would boost tourism……..thousands of Brits flocking to Venice to see the bitch floating past. ???
Face down, Union Flag shoved up the arse.
Or would it be the Union Jack as technically she would be a marine vessel?
No need for “lowering standards now” – we are British remember!
Emma Ratbag is bilge. So I suppose that counts as marine…
“..thousands of Brits flocking to Venice to see the bitch floating past.”
…thousands of Brits packing the bridges, each with a structural breeze block in hand…
And when the breezeblocks run out – grab a handful of darts!
Good form.
Stupid tart.
I am english, and partly of irish descent, I am not european! Europe is europe, and we are not part of it.
Since when?
Since europe is a continent, a continent is a large land mass, and we aren island: as defined ‘smaller than a continent and surrounded by water’ https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/continent https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/island
You are confusing continental Europe (the largest part of Europe) with Europe as a whole, of which the UK is a part.
No, I’m not. Even the dictionary says ‘europe is a continent’. We are an island, not connected to ANY continent. And, pre ice-age, what is now ‘britain’ was nowhere near what is now ‘europe’. Saying england is in europe is like saying cuba is in USA.
Ok, you just keep on telling yourself that.
You probably think Northern Ireland isn’t part of the UK either. ?
Northern ireland is part of the UK (though not great britain) because we conquered it. Before that, ireland was ireland, as independent to us as we are to the EU.
Northern Ireland is part of the UK not because we conquered it but because in 1973 it voted 98.9% in a referendum to remain in the UK.
Yes, we are now technically independent of the EU. But we are still part of Europe.
True, but they were only in it at all because we invaded or something. I wasnt taught certain parts of english history, mainly the ireland thing and anything around the time of alfred the great.
Diablo, I bet you love those bloody HSBC adverts as much as I do…
‘we are not angisland’ ? I like the dude, he funny,abut I hate them. We ARE a fucking island. I want to staple a map to their marketing guys/girls head!
If England is so bad, with our shit government, crap services, racists, sexists, morons and cunts…why do so many foreign people want to come here?
They are probably trying to get to Wales?
Because they know that when they have travelled through all those Countries Diablo, with their poor bearded 10 Year old “children” and 90% of fighting age “Men” running like cowardly sh*ts they can get to the promised land.
A Government awarded and snowflake approved licence to engage in their filthy evil ways, rob, scrounge, r*ape and thieve all they want and we can do nothing.
Clean those out who infest us and any trying to enter will be met with a map to any mudslime Country in the World – take your pick boys and girls.
Oh, I forgot – the mudslime Nations do not take mudslime “refugees” do they.
I agree about the rob and rape stuff, and we cant say shit about that because its ‘racist’.
Suppose a virus arose that only affected wokes.
Keep seeing this word ‘woke’, um, what is it? We need a virus that only affects posh twats and dictatorial twats…thats our government gone, and big business magnates.
“Keep seeing this word ‘woke’, um, what is it?”
A contraction of ‘awoken’ i.e. someone who has woke to the the awful unfairness caused by inequality, (all the while ignoring the fact that inequality is encoded in our very fucking DNA!!) minority status, ‘racism’, ‘sexism’…every other fucking “…ism” or ‘privilege’ you’ve ever been told you suffer or benefit from on the count of one being white and male.
You might also encounter an “SJW” (social ‘justice wanker/worker”)… same thing… both types being delusional lefty cunts.
Ah, thank you. Just to clarify…wokes and SJWs are cunts?
Sorted CC sorted! Who needs the OD? Perfect description of a woke. When I use your definition you will be credited. Well done sir.
She hasn’t done a half decent film since In the name of the Father. I loathe cunts who slag off the UK but still suck on the tit for their own selfish gain. An utter cunt who tells the great unwashed not to travel by plane but has herself more air miles than Buzz Aldrin. Venice just about suits her. The genuine working class of Naples etc hate the fucking rich ponces of the rest of Italy with a fucking passion. Fucking cunt.
Not bad in Love Actually, but I only watch for Tiffany Mitchell. She was creepy as fuck playing (witch?) Nanny ‘bang my stick’ McPhee.
Emma Thompson was worth a fuck back in the 1990’s but not any more.
I didn’t know she’d been on the honours list, what the fucking fuck for, a fucking Dame for fucks sake.
Italy including Venice is full of Coronavirus.
Venice and especially the historic centre IS sinking into the sea.
The should chuck her out of Britain and remove her Dame status.
Another champers socialist that looks as though she’s been to one too many Japanese jizz parties. Old snooty virago with a large, gapey equestrian smile and grin. Said grin usually portends something very cuntish. Get fucked!
Champagne Socialist Cunt!