We know this type of cunt. Rich cunts who, thanks to the world’s oil-based economy, have become wealthy enough to drive a Tesla and install solar panels on their houses in Chelsea. The problem is, these cunts are now able to influence gullible governments which, in turn, start legislating to “reverse” climate change.
I write this as a climate change sceptic, even though I have a degree in Environmental Science. The world’s climate has changed very frequently – dinosaurs roamed a very warm world and an ice age ended just over 11,000 years ago. But the rot set in during the 90s when scientific researchers couldn’t get funding unless it was linked to climate change. So proving global warming became the new alchemy and climate change denial a sign of madness.
Now the UK government is determined to take the lead in saving the planet, even though the biggest problem is over-population. Whilst it is laudable that the UK does this, it’s going to be waste of time unless other countries follow our example. Here’s why:
Cars: In the UK, the sale of petrol and diesel cars will be illegal from 2035. This could lead to glut of second-hand worthless cars that nobody will buy. Where to sell them? To countries which still use oil to drive their economies – America, Africa, China, etc. So the problem of CO2-spewing cars won’t go away, they’ll just leave the UK. The alternatives – battery or hydrogen – require electricity.
Public transport: works great in cities where Climate Change Zealots live but needs massive investment, and that budget is being spunked on HS2. The big problem with public transport is that the public use it, i.e. cunts. These people need training how to be good citizens before public transport catches on. Oh, and environmentally friendly public transport requires electricity.
Domestic heating: The are 25 million domestic gas boilers in the UK. OK, let’s ban them, but if you live in the Highlands rather than an ultra-modern flat in Chelsea, then it’s going to be very hard to heat a home with the alternatives, which, yes, require electricity.
So from these few examples, you can deduce that the solution to the climate change is plentiful and cheap electricity. This means spending a load of tax pounds on wind farms (which don’t work) or, preferably, nuclear power, but the Climate Change Zealot cunts don’t like that either. So, as our economy goes down the toilet due to Greta, the rest of the world will be buying our cars and laughing at us. At least that could put them off from coming here on their rubber dinghies.
As a footnote, the Climate Change Zealots need to be careful of what they wish for. Today’s snowflakes couldn’t cope with the winters we used have, so there’s no pleasing these cunts.
Nominated by Sgt Maj Cunt
I accept that the climate is changing…and Mankind certainly isn’t helping. Without wishing to sound too “biblical”,why are we so surprised? We poison our environment and breed like shit-house rats….never mind Coronavirus,Mankind is the virus that will bring about it’s own destruction. I firmly believe that the Earth will flush us out like the parasites we are…and I couldn’t care less.
We are past the tipping-point and no amount of recyclable paper-bags or electric diddy-chariots will change our fate….might as well sit back,chuck another shovel of coal on the fire and enjoy it.
While the sight of landfill areas and coastlines filled with plastic waste sickens me, I can’t help being cynical about recycling when I now learn that the cap on my bottle of Evian CAN be recycled along with the bottle itself after being told to take it off because it was non-recyclable. I look at certain packaging and it says ‘Not currently recyclable’ in small print. To cap it all (No pun intended) I see waste collectors emptying the contents of separate designated materials dumpsters into one mixed heap thus rendering separation pointless.
There’s not much the little guy can do if the big cunts can’t be arsed to get things sorted. We can do what governments and local authorities ask and if my neighbourhood is anything to go by most people are conscientious, but I’ll be fucked if I’m going to lose sleep over the next generation having to wear face masks and protection suits. I didn’t start the fire and neither did you and it’s not our job to put it out without the means.
Greta, don’t preach to sandal wearing lentil munchers in Bristol, go and start by giving the FTSE 100 bosses a bollocking in that nice little yellow coat of yours. Cheers sweetie.
Nature selected us so we’re not parasites Dick. It selected against dinosaurs.
You sound like the kind of person that would save a puppy rather than a drowning child.
People are more important. That’s why you don’t get life for killing a dog.
The earth is in no danger. Most Iife on earth became extinct long before we came along so be cool and the world will turn.
Afternoon Mac.
If Nature selected us,then presumably it can deselect us? I honestly believe that we are causing Nature (or the Earth) to deselect us through our poisoning of the Oceans and atmosphere. Humans seem to hubristically believe that we truly are Lords and Masters of all we survey…a dangerous assumption. We believe that we can continue to exploit and exhaust naturural resources past the point of sustainability. I believe (and yes,I’m aware that it may sound “crankish” that the Earth will,and is, capable of fighting back. We are nothing more than a short unpleasant Fart in the history of “our” planet . Mankind may not be obliterated,but I believe that there will be some mass extinction event ( my own personal favourite is magnetic Pole shift) which may not be caused by Humans but will serve the Earth’s purpose of “resetting the clock.
“The Earth is in no danger”…there we agree…precisely because I believe that it is capable of “fighting back”and removing the threat that we pose when we continue to poison our own environment. I have wondered if Earth hasn’t gone through this before and perhaps we are reaching the end of the current cycle…perhaps there have been several previous Ages of Man which have been “sent back to Go” when they reached the point of actually threatening the Earth’s existence?
I will admit that I genuinely don’t hold Mankind in high regard and wonder at the belief that we are so important. If I’m to be brutally honest I have derived more pleasure over my lifetime from dogs than I ever have from children,but would disagree with your suggestion that I would save a puppy before a child…although,thinking about it,you may well be correct.
Never mind all that Dick.
Hows the puppy?
sick of plodging through fucking clarts,the same as me.
Afternoon pal, in all seriousness i completely agree about mankinds locust like destruction of natural resources, and also believe that our planet has a way of ridding itself of us.
The analogy of puppy/kid drowning?
Once took the missus an kids to Gournes in Greece, just arrived at the hotel and little kid in swimming pool, fuckin drowning!
His halfwit parents hadnt noticed, i shouted “hes drowning!- managed to hook him out.
His parents never even sent me a pint over!!
The Earth is indeed alive. Not in an abstract sense but is a very real, conscious body – as are all the Planets and Stars in the Universe. We’re like ants crawling across the leg hairs of a character from Shakespeare – no clue the leg is part of a larger living being, or the drama the being is involved in, while we preoccupy ourselves with personal narrow trivialities.
Afternoon to you Dick,
I wish you were a tad more positive. You seem to be in deep despair at the state of the Earth and us in particular.
I suppose you either think we’re all good with a little evil or all evil with a little good.
There is a point beyond which the earth cannot sustain a certain number of people and maybe we’ve reached that . I don’t think we’ll be around as long as old t Rex and his chums .
We will become extinct at some point then it’ll start all over again.
Only people can be cruel and kind. I think we’ll find a way , we’re great at adapting but what do I really know.
I suppose all we really have is hope.
It’s all that was left in Pandora’s box.
MNC the parents who didn’t see there kid drowning , it wasn’t the McCanns was it?
Hehee, no Telly some fuckin cockney types,
Said “fanks” thats it!
If someone had saved my lad id of at least shook his hand bought him a drink.
Should of let his kid carry on playing Aquaman an seen how it unfolded the rude cunts.
Totally agree dick. It is not cranky.The Schummann resonance count is way off the scale and by some accounts will lead to polar reversal.
Im conflicted.
While i love my diesel vehicles i also love a hard winter,3ft of snow, abandoned cars, air dropped emergency food, pensioners eaten by wolves etc
Why should i have to choose?
I want both.
These climate loonies dont see its global overpopulation thats the villain!
Hopefully once corvid 19 mutates an wipes out the whole of Asia, Africa an hopefully France, ill be able to have both.
It’s just a money making scheme. And it is that simple.
As a nation were are one of the greenest on the planet and account for the square root of fuck all in whatever shit goes into the atmosphere globally.
Also it’s amazing what a bit of “computer model adjustment” can do to make data “look right” to suit the climate terrorists’ agenda:
But hey, just as soon as China, India, Russia, Brazil and the US get their levels down to ours, then we can have a discussion.
Until then, fuck off!
Let’s introduce unilateral measures which drive what is left of British manufacturing out of business. We can then import everything from China which has sweet fuck all in the way of environmental legislation and hasten the end of the planet. BTW the additional pollution due to shipping stuff half way around the world is the icing on the cake.
The only reason the northern hemisphere has large populations of humans is because of fossil fuels. Its cheap and plentiful and co2 follows heat not the other way around. Im not going to give up anything to these cunts.
Petrol’s a fossil fuel. Cheap? I don’t think so.
It would be cheap if 80% of the cost wasn’t tax.
Very true, I’d forgotten it was almost all tax, which then has VAT added, or taxed.
There isn’t anything wrong with helping the environment, start with removing the imported shit from Eastern Europe closely followed by the Peacefuls and the London knife wielding cunts.
Recycling is fine, re work the plastics, metal cans and paper/cardboard, anything else incinerate and use the energy.
The energy program needs to be based on nuclear and planting trees, restoring the natural environment in moorlands.
The governments ban on new petrol and diesel from 2035 included hybrids which is stupid, in many ways they are better than electric, great for long journeys but can be used on electric in built up areas.
In 2040 when the roads are full of electric cars the amount of breakdown will be huge, flat batteries everywhere ?, but by then I will be dust!
Electric cars in urban areas is a joke; it’s currently difficult enough to park cars, so plugging into charge is a bit of a joke, isn’t it ? Unless everybody’s obliged to use huge out-of-town “chargeing stations” ? Which somewhat defeats the object. Or I suppose the gvnmnt (the CUNTS) will dig up the road to install some sort of induction-pad system.
I suspect Lord Fiddler has already considered this, but we could start building something like rickshaws, and use idle cunts of all sorts as motive power. It would help them lose weight, at no cost to anybody, and those that drop dead of exhaustion…who gives a fuck, anyway ?
Exactly, unless you have a place with a drive or private parking electric is useless that is why I can’t understand the negativity about hybrid, makes sense to me.
Personally I’m convinced that man-made global warming is happening, and some of the predicted consequences are already with us. e.g. Greater frequency of extreme weather events. The Royal Society website has some good stuff for sceptics to read.
The problem, of course, is that spineless and/or self-serving governments across the world have done fuck-all of consequence to address it. Where is the investment in nuclear power and grid infrastructure? Why are we still allowing new houses to be build to shite standards? Where is the drive to get population under control? etc. etc.
The whole thing is a massive failure of leadership. To my mind, the whole point of government is to do the difficult things that individuals cannot, thus providing an environment where individuals can get on with their lives. In summary, our politicians have let us all down on this issue, which is no surprise really given that they’re cunts who think it’s more advantageous to legislate on woke issues than actually grasp the nettle and do difficult and potentially unpopular stuff.
We will never take the unpopular decisions that are needed until the swamp is drained of obstructive libtard parasites that exist in the legal profession, judiciary and Civil Service.
A perfect example of this is the uproar over the case of the Home Office civil servant whose is so self- entitled that he thinks the Civil Service is run on his behalf and that he should remain as one of the few who have a job for life.
A fascinating and educative read.
Nonetheless, within a hundred years robots will be doing all the work and soon after will have replaced us, not in a nefarious way but simply because they will be able. Good job too. Humans have ruined the planet with insatiable greed and religion.
And it can’t come too soon, with the price of Harmony, the sex robot getting cheaper by the day.
Probably more intelligent than most of the tarts on love island ?
I hate robots.
Creep me out, theyre plotting already, snidey little cunts.
From R2#metoo to daleks to Marvin to the iron giant they are cunts.
Never saw a robot i wouldnt put a axe into.
Bertrand, that top sex doll looks good from the neck down. Could I order one dark-haired one and one oriental one. Will I have a discount if you leave off any voice box?
Mine would require a breast reduction, to 34B-ish, lips need tweaking, and don’t get me started on those fucking eyebrows!
That said, I’d like to order two: one for the kitchen (hope it’s programmed to clean behind the fridge-freezer) and one for the bedroom. ❤️
I’ll order those for you today Captain. If you’re in to tongue plunging, they come with optional starfish flavourings – chocolate, spearmint or marmite.
Your two RTC are out of stock I’m afraid!
I can, however, get my hands on two second hand reconditioned ones with very low mileage. They do have a tendency to overheat though.
Jeez man its a piece of fucking plastic!
I want to get one of those dolls and take it to a restaurant just to freak people the fuck out. But if if any cunt gets wide I’ll have my claw hammer handy, nobody takes the piss out of by bird.
Climate Change? Go visit Blue John Mine ( Derbyshire ) …..stand upon the sea bed of a tropical sea, see the evidence of Ice Ages and “Warmings” and listen to the excellent narrative of the guide.
Upon leaving, soot the first Climate Emergency Cunt you come across. It’s ALL Bulshit !
RIP David Bellamy ( a climate change denier )
Blue John is mentioned on here a lot!
I was there yesterday walking the dog.
I think it should be the ISAC bolthole when the shit comes down an the civil war starts.
Why was he called ‘Blue John’ Miserable? Was it because of the jokes he told or that he just froze his arse off being so far underground?
Its a florite with blue and yellow banding, in french?
‘Bleu jeune’ =blue yellow.
But thats just between us, hate the fact somewhere i love has french name.
So the official story is John told dirty jokes.
I can remember the terrible winters we used to have. Mike and Bernie they were called.
Every climate change fanatic is worth a few years of driving my old diesel. A coupe of them sacrifice themselves and I can be carbon neutral for a couple of decades.
You know it makes sense you green cunts.
I’m still not clear how a trace gas .004% of the atmosphere can have such a dramatic effect on the climate. And remember the man made element of that .004% is tiny % of that tiny %. Another plug for Tony Heller. YouTube him.
Forget what it is doing for global warming, it hasn’t stopped raining since September ?, bloody CO2 has a lot to answer for….
I am not an expert but as I understand it the molecule absorbs energy, in terms of the globe ppm doesn’t sound very much but in tonnage it’s significant.
I watch him quite a lot, makes a great deal of sense that man.
Anyone notice how all those brats are girls. Ffs. Overly emotional but little actual knowledge.
Manipulated fools.
There’s a certain brainwashed quality about them.
Village of the Damned! Remember it….?
gather round my children of the flowers, together we can save the world, Here is one of the many instructional videos available to you.
next in the series will be knit your own house.
Have been doing a Google search for the worst offending countries when it comes to CO2 emissions. Plenty of empirical evidence from organisations with no agendas just scientific fact.
Not surprisingly the worst offenders are in order of cuntitude:-
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
15th is Australia
16th is the good old UK
20th is France
So why does St Greta of Cuntbergs and Extinction Rebollox keep on dictating and pointing fingers at the UK “to do more about CC?” Why don’t they take a look at these stats and fuck off to the top 10 offending countries and see how they get on over there!
The cunt has been to USA to reveal her global climate change master plan, protected by her ilk she wouldn’t suffer any harm there. But she would never dare go to China, Russia or India and spout her ‘How Dare You’ bullshit there.
She should be tied to a wind turbine blade the retarded cunt!
Well she keeps saying that ‘the Earth is on fire’ so it must be true.
I’m sure if she goes to China and starts her schoolmarm-ish finger-wagging, they’ll welcome her with open arms.
She did give the Donald a death stare, but I don’t think he noticed, she could take a nice little wooden (sustainable) chair and sit across from the Chinese embassy everyday with her best death stare and see if it works ?
There is definitely something a bit creepy about young Greta.
Whenever I see her face I’m reminded of Hammer House of Horror, although nothing specific.
‘Dont look now’ starring Donald Sutherland.
It that?
Sorry cant do links Mogs
No MNC, never heard of it, but the whole Hammer thing niggles. Unless it just looks like that’s what somebody took to her face.
She was definitely a character from ‘The Village of the Damned.’
I’d love to know what Donald Trump has said about her in private.
She looks like Molesworth…
Two photos this weekend really depressed me:
1. Tens of thousands of gullible kids and their supine yummy mummys attended a rally in Bristol to see this dwarf in yellow mac when they shouldve been at school
2. Said ddwarf pictured with that other troublemaker in waiting, Malala. She will no doubt to be spewed out of Cambridge to launch a career in – yep – Parliament
Why the fuck is that little cunt Malala here!? We’re a pit for the worlds genetic waste!
I see these cocksuckers have closed 100 branches of Barclays Bank today by blocking the employees from getting into work. This is because they invest money in fossil fuels apparently.
Ok cunts, fuck off home, sit in the dark and freezing cold, get your acoustic guitar out and sing along to Kumbaya you hippy dippy fucking wankstains.
And no mobile phones Tarquin ok?
It’s no coincidence that Greta and her puppet masters chose the UK as the base for all their climate change shit. In choosing a country, it was important to choose somewhere where the yoof are so gullible, maximum disruption can be caused with such little effort and the police and authorities will actually support your anarchistic behaviour.
Grungeberg is like McCavity the Mystery Cat, that when it all kicks off, she’s long since fucked off to avoid any accusations that she’s inciting lawlessness as a professional agitator.
Is Gretta relate to Joey Deacon?
Until they even mention population, they are wasting their breath on me. Thing is they can’t mention population because they would have to acknowledge the real culprits here. In the West, the average birth rate is an average of about 1.5, well below the 2.3 required to sustain a population. Yet in most of Africa, it is around 7. Statistics are racist. That’s without China and India. Fuck them.
We sensibles DO have a Champion, one Naomi Seibt. Look her up.Article – https://dailym.ai/3c8adF1, Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD7dswQZgwI
Yes, I came across her the other day (fnarr fnarr) whilst looking for something else entirely. Although prettier than Thunderbird by a long way, she manages to look equally plastic.
I feel the climate debate has jumped the shark.
I’ve never in one place seen so many hymens intacto .
It’s not overpopulation so much as under development that causes issues. One of which is peaceful migration. The most rapid way to deal with it is fossil fuel use in developing economies.
Which is among the many reasons for carbon rationing. Keep ’em poor and breeding and they will migrate west and destroy us.
Maybe Greta will catch Corvid-19 and drop dead but more than likely I will. However, I am considering buying an Ebola style personal protection outfit for when I have to use public transport or a supermarket and I’ve priced it all up on Amazon.
Ten and nineteen corvids/ baked in a pie
Look at those cunts in the picture , all teenage girls by the look of them , the young Asian girl at the front has obviously skipped off doing a shift in her dads shop to be there . The rest of the cunts probably don’t give two fucks about climate change , as long as they have there phones and social media that is all that there bothered about they don’t give a shit. I wouldn’t be surprised if Greta doesn’t just disappear soon never to be seen again.
Yeah they love social media, but it all works because of satellites sent up by big rockets burning tons of fuel and not floated up on a cloud of eco-friendly self-righteousness.
Yeah they forget about that (surprisingly) all they are is just hypocritical fantasists who need a good clout and dragged back to school.
Why isn’t the planet mars being colonised? We should be living there by now.
I’ve heard there’s spiders there.
Hordes of peacefuls have migrated there apparently. All that rock and sand reminds them of home. DHSS has even set up a benefits office.
Yeah i saw that…on the web.
I predict we’ll have destroyed ourselves or suffered societal collapse by natural cataclysm before then. No political will to make it happen.
These girls want to take us back to year zero. Have they asked themselves what life is like for women in agrarian societies? Basically they’ll be domestic servants to farmers, carpenters and soldiers, including putting out when they’re told, because they’ll be no sophisticated economy for them to do all the jobs a woman can do in the modern world, and as such no female independence. They should value the modern world most of all because they experience the most benefit. Bloody stupid women.
Why was she dressed like Georgie from Stephen King’s IT on Friday?
Pennywise: “Hey Greta. Don’t you want your balloon?”
Greta: (Gives Pennywise the penance stare) “How dare you!”
Pennywise: “Ok ok no red balloon, bad for the environment nevermind.”
Yep banning diesel and petrol cars is great. Everyone can afford a rip off electric car at twice the fucking price. Will the government pay for the gap in price as it’s their stupid fucking law any way? It’s a money making scheme
Given that half of the cunts will, at the end of a hard day’s squealing, hop in Mummy’s SUV and head back to the oil-fired comfort of the poorly-insulated parental nest…fuck them. They’re part of the problem.
It’s either not happening anywhere near as fast as the loons say, or it’s tioo late anyway and we’re entering a feedback loop of arctic ice melting= less radiation reflected into space = more heating and expansion of oceans = more ice melting, whether CO2 emissions cease tomorrow or not.
I l’m a misanthrope and borderline sociopath who lives 50 metres above sea level so dont really give a fuck.