‘Clap for Carers’ – Applause for the NHS (8)

A cunting for those who stand outside clapping on command through peer pressure.

Some people can appreciate the NHS without clapping like a spastic, signalling their virtue like some attention-seeking cunt.

I don’t mind modifying my behaviour for common sense purposes, but that is pathetic.

Worse than the Ice Bucket Challenge. Worse than Pavlov’s dogs.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

Whilst the time set aside to applaud the NHS is all very nice, I cannot help but think it is also bollocks in extremis.

Years and years…decades in fact of the NHS being slated, complained about, front line staff being chastised as inefficient and uncaring in a system that is, quite frankly, unworkable (Flo Nightingale would struggle with the fucker) Now, however, Joe Public have suddenly realised that the NHS are worthy of praise in the midst of a pandemic. I actually find it quite ridiculous, as well as deeply hypocritical.

They could have been praising them up until now. Why does it take a global crisis for people to suddenly see the NHS and its staff’s worth? Why the sudden applause? Because they are dealing with sick people? Newsflash: they have always done that. Because they are overrun and over-worked with the sheer number of sick people they are treating and trying to save? They have always done that too. Because they are working in tenuous conditions with limited means, limited staff and limited downtime? Yes, that’s right. they have always done that too.

But let’s now applaud them…..the staff who won’t even be listening to your pathetic clapping as they are too busy trying to save lives and keeping everything crossed that they will not become sick too.


Sorry if I cannot get enthused about this ‘recognition’ of the NHS. It all seems a bit after the fact to me.

Nominated by Nurse Cunty

Mawkish, sentimental, virtue-signalling bollocks. Do we have to keep demonstrating to health sector workers that we don’t despise them? And, of course, it costs nothing which, in my view, makes it worth nothing.

We all appreciate what health workers do, but here’s a thought – how about showing some solidarity with all the hospitality, retail and personal service sector workers who have lost, or are under threat of losing, their livelihoods? I don’t think any doctors or nurses will be losing their jobs over this. I do accept that one or two may lose their lives, like the 76 year old GP in Southend in today’s news, and that they put themselves in danger for our good, but this is part of what they do, as it is with the police, rescue services and military.

We’ll probably be expected to do this regularly in future now, like the obligatory two minutes silences for any newsworthy deaths. I hate attempts to emotionally cajole me into doing something I wouldn’t do of my own volition – Movember, Stoptober, dry Jan, children in need, sports relief, even new year’s resolutions. All a load of old wank.

Nominated by Harry Axwound

108 thoughts on “‘Clap for Carers’ – Applause for the NHS (8)

  1. It always boils my piss when politicians refer to “OUR” NHS. I first heard it uttered sentimentally by the late Robin Cook, then it was taken up by Anthony Blair and the rest of the old queens of New Labour, but it has got now that every politician regardless of party uses it. It is THE not our NHS.

      • Fuck off, you trolling cunt. If it wasn’t for my colleagues and I in the NHS, your tongue would still be stuck to that window and you’d still be in ICU after your fucking lobotomy.

        Now, fuck off and self-isolate for the next three hundred years and leave the fine people of this wonderful site in peace, you shite-hawk. Remember, one day I might save your life. Introduce yourself as the cunt on here, however….

      • Good Man DCI – risking your lives for the benefit of all gets my serious respect, thanks to you and all your colleagues ???

  2. Well regrettably I am one of those cunts that stood on my doorstep last night and clapped for the NHS.

    Reason being is that my sister works in the NHS, and over the last 2 weeks has been working 16-18 shifts to try and cope with the demand. Add to that the amount of abuse (both physical and verbal) from impatient ungrateful fucking patients and their fucking families – all of them demanding immediate attention for their little darlings!

    She comes home sometimes in tears because not only is she getting it in the neck from the frontline, but also the fucking beancounters at the trust hospital, who are more concerned about targets and turnarounds rather than the welfare of NHS staff. (2 days ago for example, she was rebuked by some cunt for not dealing with certain targeted referrals)

    So last night’s “applause” may have been seen by some as a lame gesture, but my sister and her colleagues were emotionally uplifted and pleased that the nation does care.

    Simple gestures mean a lot, and seeing my sister actually crying with gratitude & happiness last night will stick with me for quite awhile!

    Thank you some of Admin work in support in various degrees

    • Technocunt, I feel for your sister, It must be utterly horrendous right now and I can relate to everything you describe. I worked in A&E and the managers were more worried about hitting targets and not breaching patients, rather than the patients welfare and as for staff, they came way down on the importance list. On more than one occasion during a very busy shift, i would lock myself in the toilet or go into a stock cupboard and shed tears. No lie.

      I can also relate to the abuse, I got verbal from many a family member when I could do zilch about their complaint. It is demoralising and makes you feel like total shit.

      I just think that this is far too little, too late. Staff in the NHS have never been valued….if so, only by a small minority. This praise should have been there well before any pandemic. I am glad your sister felt some benefit from it though and I wish her strength and wellness and thank her for her tireless and dedicated work and help..

      • I can say with all honesty I have always appreciated and valued the NHS and I stood outside and clapped.Not doing it doesn’t show the government that they’re twats for denying the NHS it’s proper funding but it just might be in earshot of a knackered NHS worker who will appreciate being valued.

      • Sadly too true…The gvnmnt’s “Our NHS” – the same NHS that has been stripped back to the bone over decades…
        The nom was all the more relevant – and poignant – coming from a member of NHS staff.
        If I ever meet Campbellend, his bagpipes will be so far up his sphincter that he will be well beyond assistance from the greatest medical team in the world.
        Apologies to Aristophanes, A Campbellend’s bagpipes is its arse.
        To my list of previously-posted candidates for summary execution would be arsewipes who attack emergency services staff.
        I have to think what Grannie would say…”Hanging’s too good for them.” I’m not sure quite what she had in mind, but given her facility with vermin control, stoning to death with half-bricks seems quite likely.
        No, she wasn’t a slime…Her intellect was just fuelled by gallons of Peter Dominic’s Military Gin.

    • I read over half those in the NHS have no medical qualifications.
      Get rid of them and it might work.
      I ain’t applauding on demand. I pay for it and if I appreciate it I’ll show it by being courteous and polite.
      Now fuck off all these posturing cunts.

      • Glad I’m not the only one who found it pathetic.
        My mum had tears in her eyes. What a faaaag! ?

    • If you have too much time on your hands look this up on youtube .. “The trap what happened to our dream of freedom”. Filed under know your enemy.

    • Those very same mongoloids clapping their hands like retarded seals will be the same fucking baboons making your poor sister’s life a misery when they don’t get what they want, immediately. Fucking worthless filth.

  3. Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for these carers fighting this virus and they get an STD as well….

  4. Were any of the hordes of foreign cunts who overrun the NHS to breaking point in ‘normal time’ doing any of this clapping then?…. I went to North Manchester for a blood test last December… I waited four and a half fucking hours… The waiting room looked like Casualty meets Zulu with a bit of Al Jazeera thrown in… Out of about 400 people there, about seven were English and I was one of them… If the NHS wasn’t so overworked and swamped by these taking the UK for granted freeloading cunts who have never paid into the damn thing (and never will), they might have a better chance of doing their job properly at a time like this….

    ‘But… But… That’s racist!’

    To sort of borrow from the Four Tops, ‘But it’s the same old shit…’

    • And I know it’s not a very right on thing to say, but if these ‘No speaky English’ cunts weren’t also doing their ‘take take take’ routine in shops and supermarkets, things would be that bit easier for the vulnerable and elderly and NHS workers who have to get shopping like everyone else…

      • These cunts clean out places like Farmfoods and Aldi in ‘normal time’, I’ve seen them do it… Trollies of bog roll, bread and coca cola… They are like locusts as it is… Most of the crippling waiting lists on supermarket deliveries will be hampered by these cunts…

        I hope Bozza gets better…

    • ‘The waiting room looked like Casualty meets Zulu with a bit of Al Jazeera thrown in…’


  5. Looked outside at 8pm last night and was surprised to see the woman opposite out whooping and cheering, clapping like a demented seal. She’s a nurse. Bit of a brass neck clapping and hollering yourself.

  6. Anybody with a brain appreciates what the NHS workers are doing right now and don’t need to be told to do so. How many of us would swap places with them? We can hide at home, they don’t have that option.
    I’m still seeing people walking around the streets in two’s, three’s and four’s. Fat chance of the number of virus cases reducing. I just hope these idiots only infect each other and not those of us who are worth saving.

    • Might be family walking in 4’s. Anyway you’re right about there being lots of people. I use side roads as much as possible when shopping.

  7. I wonder if some cunt has worked out what percentage Coronavirus has effected people of ‘not so white skin’? If they ever do this, I’m sure some insignificant, pissant corporation – for example (just off the top of my head) the BBC will have a fucking field day with it.

  8. Any non white being infected is clear racism.
    It will turn out in the following Months, expect hordes of peacefuls and dooshkas being wheeled out for Al-Beeb to tell their sob stories of whiteys waycism – that’s of course after the “self employed” non whites have their money claims straight in, fast tracked into one of their innumerable accounts whilst whitey the oppressor goes to the wall. (Already happening IMO).
    And when this plague is finally gone we need to shake ourselves off, realise finally where our loyalties and priorities lie – and put the boot into the filthy bat snafflers, because after this Man made purge they will owe us FUCKING BIG TIME!

    • There was footage last night of some (admittedly loopy-looking) blonde bint being turfed out of the local park (somewhere in Bath, IIRC).
      “Me no speaky very good eeenglish, me I thinky go home”, and off she staggered, probably 50% bootleg vodka and crack flowing through her stringy veins. Looked completely addled, sounded Polish.Not before she’d put headphones back on, while police were still talking to her…

  9. I felt quite humbled if I’m honest. Stopped whilst wearing uniform and being thanked for the job I do. But, we’ve ALWAYS done it. Wonder if the support’ll be there when we want a payrise?

    Thank you DCI, Every little helps.

      • That made me laugh UC! But DCI does make a very valid point – key frontline staff are putting their own lives at risk to minimise harm for the many – respect to them all but we will see how much respect they get at pay negotiation time.

  10. There has now been decades of evidence that a national health service simply doesn’t work. If by “work” we mean has the ability to provide affordable, timely and consistently high quality healthcare for an entire country’s population. I would think even NHS staff would acknowledge this, which makes them even more courageous for trying.

    The Demoncrat party over here in Yankland are always barking on about ‘socialised medicine’, meaning they want an NHS for the US. Like there are models of unequivocal success to follow. No politician in my lifetime has ever had the balls or intelligence to admit a simple truth about universal healthcare. Which is, demand will always outpace supply. We will never live in a world (or country) where there are fully equipped and fully staffed hospitals with no patients and the doctors and nurses sit around all day with nothing to do. As such, there are two immediate consequences.

    First, there will be pockets of excellent healthcare delivery where first appointment, diagnosis, treatment and after care follow up all happen quickly and efficiently. If/when you hit one of those pockets, be very grateful because the second consequence is, choices have to be made. This comes in many forms but the ones we’re most familiar with are some drugs or treatments are not available on the NHS due to cost and some patients will have to wait for treatment due to a lack of resources to handle the demand. Again, NHS staff know this and the fact they continue to try in the face of adversity is incredible to me.

    Not sure people clapping does these incredible people any good. Maybe slipping them a tenner, a nice bottle of wine or a box of choccies would be more practical and appreciated.

      • THAT is shocking, FF.

        So many things factor into the expenditure though, plus there are significant life style aspects too. I’ll shoot you a few examples:

        Eating out is not prohibitively expensive here. You could reasonably afford to do it a few times per week. It’s often not the healthiest option and the portion sizes are insane. Hence, over eating is a common issue which explains why so many Yanks are lard arses. This leads to increased consumption of medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory issues, acid reflux disease, etc. Being over weight can lead to anxiety and depression and there’s a ton of drugs to help treat that too. And so on and so on.

        Yanks have a hard time being responsible and accountable for their own actions and welfare. It’s always someone else’s fault or someone else has to fix it. For example, little Johnny trips and scrapes his knee. In the UK, mum dabs it with some TCP, puts a plaster (Band Aid) on it, pats him on the head and tells him it’ll be better in the morning. In the US, little Johnny is rushed to the Emergency Room where the parents demand X-rays, skin grafts, blood transfusions and re-constructive knee surgery plus months of counselling for the kid because of the trauma and counselling for the parents trying to deal with and come to terms with the tragedy and heartbreak of a scraped knee. I’m not saying Yanks are hypochondriacs who often lack perspective and a measured approach, but…..well…..erm…..yeah, they actually are.

        Last summer I was struck down with some awful germ. Long story short, it kicked my arse and I barely left the bed for 3 weeks. It was like a combination of pneumonia and laryngitis. I won’t lie, I was in a bad way for a while there. I had no health insurance and refused my wife’s pleas that I go to Urgent Care or a walk-in clinic for advice/treatment, etc. Should I have gone? Probably. Did I get better on my own? Yep. I knew I would. That’s the British Bulldog spirit. Get in!

    • Two extremes really. Either try to help everyone (UK) or tell the deserving poor and high cost cases to fuck off (US).

      Rationing plus charge those who can afford it seems logical. Young and healthy prioritized. Once I’m old I will have the opposite opinion. ?

      • You’re about right there, UC.

        It’s obviously an emotive subject which is understandable. One of the major issues I have with the Demoncrats is their belief access to healthcare is a right. I disagree. Just because you exist should not mean you automatically have unrestricted access to medical services just because. If healthcare is a right, then so too is being a millionaire. In which case, where’s my fucking cheque?

        It’s unfortunate and the luck of the draw that some people will live healthy and relatively illness free lives and some people won’t. Why should the financial burden of treating someone else’s chronic health issue be passed on to other people as a matter of course? That’s wrong. That’s what health insurance is for. If you’re a high risk person your monthly premium should reflect that. Similarly if you’re not high risk. Unfortunately, every cunt politician wants to even things out by effectively subsidising those who are less fortunate. It’s comes across as caring and a real vote winner, but who pays for that? The middle classes of course. The same people whose wealth is constantly stolen via taxation and given to the weak minded, weak willed, lazy and poor. It’s odd that the so called poor seem to have money for booze, fags, drugs, mobile ‘phones, etc. but can’t scrape enough together to pay a health insurance premium. Fuck ’em.

        On the other side of the coin we have the healthcare professionals themselves. I don’t deny anyone who has studied and sacrificed to earn a decent wage for their expertise. But let’s take a real example from personal experience. Some time ago I needed an MRI. MRI machines are spendy (a few millions of dollars), so you’d think an MRI scan should also be spendy, which they are. Mine was $600. Comes to find out, MRI machines actually pay for themselves in a few months, after which they’re effectively cash point machines (ATMs). Then we have the expert who took about 5 seconds to assess my scan and give his opinion. Guess how much that was. $400!!!!! I get he’s a doctor. I get he’s trained in reading MRI images. I get he can make a diagnosis on the back of that, but $400 for a few seconds work? Fucking seriously?????? Make a decent living by all means, but come on. That’s daylight robbery and nobody does anything about it while people like me pay through the nose and fucking downtrodden poor people get the same MRI for NOTHING!!!!

        You are constantly discriminated for having a job in this world and I’m sick of paying for everyone else and their fucking kids. I pay my way and everyone else should do that same. If they can’t, too bad. Life’s not fair.

      • ?
        I’m your doctor and here’s the bill
        He’s your doctor and here’s the bill
        Doctor steel and here’s the bill
        He likes to steal, so here’s your bill ?

        (Devo – Speed Racer – 1982)

        Evening IY ? Great post!

  11. Happy to admit that I stood outside and gave the clap to the NHS nurse, two doors down! On a more serious note, right now it’s not about virtue signaling, or peer pressure, it’s about a bit of morale boosting! I’ve been hanging by my chinstrap a few times, and been given a boost by just a few words by a senior NCO, usually along the lines of ‘get yer fukkin fat heed out yer fukkin arse ye wee cunt’, but you get the drift! Sometimes, it’s just nice to know that people are thinking about you, and the shit hand you’ve been dealt on that shift!

    Cheers mate, did the same ambulance staff live near to me.

    • Self glorifying bollox the lot of it. Pity it had to take a crisis for people.to.appreciate the NHS and carers no one seemed to give a fuck before. Another way of videoing themselves for self gratification much like the pricks who are always taking selfies of themselves the self absorbed wankers sick of em all. I havent clapped and I wont but I am grateful to the NHS without showing off clapping fuckin tossers.

  12. Clapping is apparently ‘OK’ for the moment…. But put out a Union Jack out and see what you get… It’s not the gesture that’s really the problem… The problem is these liberal fuckwits telling us it’s wrong to do something, but then suddenly change their minds and decide it’s acceptable…. Whatever happened to their ridiculous ‘jazz hands’ idea? The cunts….

    • Jazz hands! I’d completely forgotten all about that particular brand of bullshit, as no doubt the ass clown who decided it was a fucking awesome idea, did! Whenever I think of that student, I’m smug in the knowledge that although I’ve been known to be a bit of a cunt, at least I won’t be remembered for always being one!

  13. Donald Trump is an oaf. A New York doctor asked on the street what it was like in the hospital he had just left -‘Biblical”.
    Cut to The Donald- ‘Everything is going great right now’. ‘We had a fantastic meeting this morning and everything is fine’, ”We’re doing a great job’.

    • Fuck’s sake Miles, that bloke’s a cunt.

      Must be nice in his little bubble of delusion. Probably has something to do with the fact he has been brought up with money and buffered from reality, so he still doesn’t recognise the very stark and dangerous reality of the present time.


  14. Are we to have a clap for the 5 million that will be out of work by the time this shit is over with? Probably not. All this public virtue signalling just makes me whince to be honest. It can be done in not so public settings. Not blowing my own trumpet, but I just quietly thanked a soldier that comes into our pub for his service. What’s wrong with being strong, silent and dignified?

  15. Just because the French and Italians do it doesnt mean the Brits have to follow, what happened to th stiff upper lip, keep calm and carry on.

    Everyone appreciates the current crisis and the work of the NHS, we dont have make it into a bloody pantomime, the best way to show appreciation is to do as instructed and ensure socail distancing and not treat the time off as a fucking holiday.

    stay at home and only mix with people in your household, I saw one if my neighbours today with her mum round doing the garden… doesnt live with her just visiting….. wanker!!

  16. I don’t think the average Brit knows how utterly fucking useless the NHS actually is.

    How about an evening of clapping for the small and medium sized private businesses, most working damned hard to keep things afloat.

  17. I don’t like the NHS. It makes people work a gazillion hours a week, some of them working in it are fucking useless, if you go to some hospitals you are likely to die instead of coming out alive and recovered, costs a gazillion pounds a year, allegedly has more admins than medics, there are never enough appointments etc etc etc. Don’t get me started on GP Receptionists (menopausal, uncaring, rude old bats). And as for NHS Dentists, there are never any taking on new patients. And in this current scripted human malware situation, well the NHS can’t cope but then I don’t think it could cope with an extra 1000 people coming in with the runs. To think the economy has been all but shut down so we don’t overwhelm the pathetic NHS, well it beggars belief where we are and what is happening.

    So no hand clap from me, not even a Nancy Pelosi style one. Might not be a popular point of view but at least its honest.

    • I’m with you on this one as my current, and recent, experiences with the NHS have left me in turn bemused, annoyed and in pain which can’t be dealt with until dentists are open again.

      • It’s not constant, just an exposed nerve under a temporary crown which should have been replaced with the permanent ones today. Of course, the lab making them is closed for at least a month and the dentist is closed so can’t just reseat the temp one. Very sensitive to cold especially.

      • Bloody hell, Moggs. That’s awful. Been down a similar road in the past and it’s not fun. Wishing you the best and hope you have something on hand for the pain. Cheers – IY.

    • Indeed, somebody mentioned “NHS…receptionists” at some point.
      Why is it that my dentist’s receptionists (the practice, like many, is largely private, but they believed enough to take me on as NHS when I was really desperate) are great, the vets’ receptionists have always been great, but the GPs’…I get the feeling the cunts on front desk are awaiting my demise, so they can have my skin for “edgy, right-on trend” lampshades. My GPs’ receptionists are old bitches of both sexes, bladders of lard just waiting to be used by one of the many local chiggun outlets. At least after installation of a new computer system, there seem to be far fewer of them; probably because space behind the desk is now rather restricted…

  18. Admin :

    Can you tell me why my earlier post was deleted on here, I’m pretty sure it was fairly tame…

    Probably because you pissed them off! The admin base is funny enough “Carers either after life of during”

  19. We could always pay them properly or even provide them with proper protective equipment but no, let’s have a look at me, virtue signalling, patronising round of applause. I heard the cunts last night whooping and shouting to draw attention to themselves followed by some arsehole setting off a couple of fireworks. Wankers.
    My mate told me that his neighbours, a well known anti social pack of bastards were out on their doorstep filming themselves. Last Saturday they nearly started a fight in the supermarket grabbing the last bottles of cheap wine. No doubt their “appreciation” was all over soshul meeja.
    Empty gestures.

  20. I have no problem with people who work in the NHS but the sight of all those fucking morons on the streets last night clapping their hands and banging pots and pans wanting everyone to see them made me puke . What a bunch of self satisfying cunts . I wonder if our troops ever return from future conflicts if these cunts will do the same for them because they really do put their lives o the line

    • I clapped, was admittedly already outside in the garden, an know its a bit ‘virtue signalling’ but didn’t do it to ‘fit in’ or because others did,
      But because i admire the courageous efforts being made by frontline staff.
      These are dark times,
      And a claps the least i can do.
      Dont give a fuck whether people think im soft doing it.

      • Good form MNC – without frontline services we would currently be getting our a*ses handed to us!
        And we need to save our a*ses so we can continue tamely handing them to everyone but our own! ?

  21. I wondered why I saw a lad with Downs Syndrome start clapping spontaneously, now it all makes perfect sense.

    • Sorry Spoons, thought you were being literal there, I was about to run down the street celebrating – I would take the f*cking risk to spread such joyous news! ?

      • Must admit I clicked the link too full of joy and expectation. Hopes dashed. If anyone deserves a deadly virus, he’s defo top 10.

  22. What’s wrong with offering a silent thanks or applauding in your own home?
    It’s another virtue signalling “look at me, we are the world” fest. Yeah, let’s all put our differences to one side for just two minutes, afterwards we can carry on cunting. Ooh, look at me, I have empathy, can you feel my empathy?
    There’s many doctors and nurses who fully support treating health tourists instead of the indigenous so they can fuck themselves for a start,. And what about this gender re-assignment bollocks, hardly a medical emergency but if it means you’ll have social anxiety and depression….. pull yourself together, people are dying.
    Poxy administrators, bean counters and pen pushers have overloaded the system without gimmigrants and lowlife Chav slugs taking more resources.
    I despise this public, attention seeking posturing, it’s purely to serve smug cunts who think they’ve done a good thing. Fuck off, how about buying your NHS worker a bottle of plonk or a takeaway delivery? Oh no, you’d rather make just an empty gesture to provide good ‘feelz’. Cunts.
    Arse biscuits.

  23. With any luck, once this Coronavirus tomfoolery is finally over and the country is bankrupt, the NHS can go back to being a ‘Health Service’ rather than a ‘Lifestyle Choice Service’ as it’s morphed into over recent decades.

    Taxpayer funded NHS should be there to treat proper ill cunts ONLY..

    Charge ALL non UK nationals, stop pissing away valuable resources subsidising expensive lifestyle choices like IVF, removing cunts’ tattoos, enlarging otherwise perfectly good tits for deluded, aspiring page 3 snowflake bimbos /trannies, etc, etc, etc.

    In short: Excepting emergencies, foreigners without health insurance to pay cash up front of fuck off.
    No more free tattoo removals.
    No more free comedy breast enlargements
    No more free gender reassignment surgery
    Substitute scam Homeopathic crap for placebos, cos that’s all Homeopathy is anyway.
    No more free cosmetic surgery except for cunts who have accidents, get disfigured fighting for their country, or fall foul of disease.
    No more free liposuction or gastric bands
    No more free IVF
    No more free translators – learn the fucking language you cunts!
    No more free counselling for cunts who think they might have known someone who died in Grenfell.
    Sack 90% of hospital managers
    PPI contracts to be renegotiated or cancelled. No more charging the NHS £75 for changing a lightbulb, £850 for a new window blind, £350 for a mattress, etc. And make cunts return crutches instead of buying new ones at £250 a pop.
    No more ripping off the NHS for drugs, charging £5 for a pack of paracetamol you can get in Boots for 75p.
    Recreational drugs to be issued free on demand to responsible degenerates like me and B&WC.

    We pay on average £5,000+ per annum whether we use the service or not. I fully back the ethos behind NHS (free and equal treatment for all UK citizens) but as things stand we’re not getting value for money.

    • Fuckin’ hell, this is a rescue plan for the NHS! Well done sir!

    • That’s a great list, RTC.

      Any elective surgeries – no!
      Foreigners treated for free – no! Why can’t the government have an agreement in place with foreign governments such that if one of their citizens seeks treatment on the NHS, the foreign government will underwrite the cost? It seems so basic and obvious to me.

      I do think that if you have private medical insurance, you should get a tax break since you aren’t going to be using the NHS. Paying twice and not being a burden on NHS resources isn’t on.

      • Reciprocal billing is how it’s supposed to work between EU member states. Except that our cunt government /NHS bureaucrats can’t be arsed to charge and invoice all the EU nationals governments who get treated here.

        On the other hand most other member states are well on top of charging our government when UK citizens receive treatment from their health services.

        Doubtless not much will change when the transition period ends and we eventually leave the EU. The rest of the world seem to have no problem getting treated for free on the NHS, so why not EU citizens?

        A bit like immigration. We could have done a lot more to stem the tide of flotsam and jetsam coming to settle here from other EU countries, but our government /authorities chose not to.

      • Nice. Thanks for explaining that, RTC. I love how I do actually learn a little here and there on ISAC. Much obliged for the intel. Cheers – IY.

  24. Yeah I wonder how many of the vast army of NHS managers are in the hospitals actually organising things and making sure the front line staff have what they need? My guess would be zero.
    All at home refilling their staplers and counting the paperclips , thus proving what a waste of space they are in the first place. Fucking cunts.

    • A lot of truth in that post Freddie – in far too many cases managers are like nappies – full of s*it and always hanging round your arse! ?
      Then not a single sighting when needed.

  25. And how many of these happy clappy shitters were stockpiling food and have been socialising the past few days thus denying front line services the chance to shop and potentially adding to the burden?
    Offsetting their selfish cuntiousness by virtue signalling for wankbook/twatter approval by their fellow herd mentality sheep?
    Arse biscuits, candles and a massive shit smear for the stain that is vacous, social media dependent humanity today.

  26. There was footage last night of some (admittedly loopy-looking) blonde bint being turfed out of the local park (somewhere in Bath, IIRC).
    “Me no speaky very good eeenglish, me I thinky go home”, and off she staggered, probably 50% bootleg vodka and crack flowing through her stringy veins. Looked completely addled, sounded Polish.Not before she’d put headphones back on, while police were still talking to her…

  27. How about instead of clapping leave the lights on in all the rooms in the place for five minutes – it would p*ss Greta the sweater and excrement rebellion off if nothing else! ?
    And wait for an announcement in the next few days about Branson the Bastard whining for a Government bail out – this Man has some brass f*cking neck!
    Which I would rather enjoy wringing.

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