However, the likes of the BBC are complaining about Trump and others calling it ‘Chinese flu’ or ‘Wuhan flu’ or other variants that ‘stigmatise’ China. The WHO and some politicians have been at it to.
Well guess what you woke cunts? Most people are now praying that they’ll keep their jobs. My job is on the line now. I can afford to be paid for another 2 months but then it’ll be up in the air. Was about to move home and buy a new car. All up in shit now. My sister was told she’ll have to go part time now. She has a 2 year old daughter and has a mortgage with her other half, whose job is also at risk now.
Add to that, everyone worrying about older or at risk relatives and having to isolate them. And of course, the difficulties in getting shopping done and these cunts are more interested in policing the sounds that come out of our heads?
Fuck right off! As if we can be bothered with your woke shit right now?
This disease came from Wuhan, China. Due to filthy habits. And it’s the umpteenth virus to come out of the same country for the same reasons.
And have you noticed how the BBC et al never question the figures out of China? Are we supposed to believe that Italy will end up with more cases than China? Really? Like those fuckers running China wouldn’t lie to the world, would they?
No, I call bollocks on that.
But it would be nice if we could all just call it ‘Chinese flu’. When this shit is over, it would be nice if the rest of the world told the Chinese to pay up or be alienated. Stop trading with the cunts and close borders to them. Deport any of them too if China refuses to pay up.
Sure, economies will take a hit by not dealing with China, but look at the hit we’re all taking right now.
About time the woketards got their priorities in order. Because now is not the time for these cunts to tell us what we should and shouldn’t say about this crisis.
Nominated by Cuntybollocks
The Chinese communist party are the biggest cunts on earth. These fuckers new about the wuhan virus back in December and murdered “wistleblowers” to “save face’ . They are the same as the German national socialist workers party and should be faced down by the rest of the world as such. We should stand with Hong Kong and Taiwan. We should divorce our economy from them. Fuck China. Stay strong, look after the old and teach the mong millenials freedom is never free. Thank you for you attention. End of message…….
Nominated by Smug cunt
I am lucky to be retired, house paid for and generous pensions. My heart goes out to those (most people) who are far less fortunate than myself. I bought a scooter last week for around town riding. The shop, Beechdale Motorcycles in Nottingham is run by a great bloke and his daughter. I went in on Tuesday to find that his daughter, being pregnant is not allowed in the shop. The poor bloke is trying to work on bikes and answer the phone. I am about to go over there to collect the new bike. I will buy oil, spare plugs, some new gloves etc, anything to get some cash in his till. These are fucking hard times for so many people.
China- bunch of cunts in charge.
The irony is, some of what you buy will be made in China.
Good morning.
No, it is made in Taiwan, the bunch who hate the Chinese. It has just occurred to me that this situation might encourage the rest of the world to tell the Chinese to stop their global domination efforts. The false islands which are being created in Asian seas so that the cunts can claim territorial waters is especially loathsome.
Never trusted the Chinkies and never will. Slitty eyed dirty bastards.
Aye and I’m all for fucking them right off.
That’ll be a Kymco or a SYM both excellent scoots
Kymco People 300 to complement my Kawasaki Ninja and Guzzi California. I have a crap car though!
I like those, like a Honda SH300. I’ve had two Guzzi Calis! Absolutely love Guzzis, last ptw I had was a Vespa Gts 300 brilliant thing it was.
A man of impeccable taste.
TT Bertram @3:50 – I have always wanted a Guzzi Le Mans (the thousand not the eight fifty) – along with the original Ducati Pantah 600SS they are just beautiful, and as soon as I sell the good lady I am the lookout!
(The good lady takes issue with being sold apparently!)
Jaws to the floor and rocking horse shit all over the forecourt last month as what should hove into the petrol station next to me but … fuck me ‘ol brown boots its…
…a Moto Morini 350 V-Twin..!!!!!
and last year I rubber-necked a Benelli Sei six pot in that knockout rainbow metalflaked livery and also a Suzy RE5!
Fuck chinkeee motorbikes. Substandard in every way, I’d rather crawl.
What a pile of cunt this is. I feel for all the people for who this has caused stress, worry and even death
However I have my suspicions as to the origins of this ‘Flu’ and the motives behind all this economic mayhem and also the emergency legislation going through without no cunt questioning it.
The world economy was fucked and this will kill it…
This will cause a back to basics attitude and make people realise what’s really important in life.
However when this ends the new economic beginning will probably balance out China’s dominance in the world and get other nations back in contention.
Don’t believe everything the sensationalist media keep bombarding you with.
One positive is that my mate who owns a Garage will have to give me a healthy discount on the BMW I have had my eye on, however to offset my cuntish me, me attitude I have told some old cunt neighbors to let me know if they need any help.
‘One has to make the most, of the very worst situations’
Copyright Black and White cunt.
Morning B&W, good to see Trump is still winding up the libtard US media by refusing to bow to their PC bollocks and carrying on calling it the Chinese virus. That said, he could conjure up a vaccine and vaccinate every cunt in the world and they would still not be happy.
Morning LL, I agree. I have to admit I love The Donald and the way he doesn’t toe the PC line.
I do hope you are practising ‘ arsehole distancing ‘ while you’re aaaaht and abaaaaht .
You must resist your dėviant lusts.
You filthy man.
I have drawn up a list to reassure the fans of female arsehole tonguing JTC.
In these difficult times where you take your life in your own hands by even sitting next to the Mrs…you have to be careful.
My fully featured list is available for download for the reasonable fee if £79.00 from I’
There was some old cunt on Week At Westminster on Wireless 4 this morning (11-11.30) Sir Anthony Seddon, I think, who seemed to be pleading for a second referendum and raising the possibility of a “government of national unity” – laughable when you remember how divided the Labour cunts are between themselves.
Why are so many *Anthony’s* such gold plated cunts?
Jeddah, Rotterdam, Winnipeg .. WuFlu?
H3N2 has been a cunt.
When this is finally sorted, our reliance on China should be scaled right back. I want to see ‘ Made in UK ‘ on products, fuck globalisation.
I see that the fat cunt with the shit haircut in N. Korea has lobbed a couple of ballistic missiles into the sea, there’s a fucking pandemic , and all this
fucking ugly bloater can do is play fucking soldiers .
I hope Fu Manchu Flu wipes the fuckers out.
Get To Fuck.
Been saying it for yonks Jack,stop relying on chink manufacturing and start to rejuvenate our country by making our own. I think a lot of countries are going to have fewer dealings with those manky cunts. We can start the ball rolling ourselves by making British and buying British.
Sheffield steel used to be stamped on all our cutlery. We need to get back to that and a hell of a lot more.
Fuck buying from the chinks and Asia.
Too few people for an economy of scale in Britain.
The U.S plus Britain on the other hand would be over 300 million people, building an economy of scale there (cars, technology,etc)
Excellent cunting BTW.
It is indeed the Chinese virus. It originated there geographically and, more importantly, culturally. Which means that it is the fault not of just the administration but of the nation as a whole.
Individual communities could have stopped such disgusting markets or the totalitarian govt could have. Neither chose to. If it was just the govt’s fault somehow, or just an unlucky fluke that might’ve happened anywhere then it would be unfair to smite all its people by calling it the Chinese virus.
But the virus is just the latest of many that come from this dirty country and culture and they should indeed be shamed for it by calling the virus what it is: The Chinese virus.
BMW have said despite the world health crisis they still intend to recall most Beamers currently in the UK as a record number of drivers have reported that they’ve had their lights punched out….
I do beleive Audi have the same recall, its due to defective indicators and defective windscreen glass thickness that causes them to pull out infront of you, cut you up and drive three inches from your back bumper as if they are trying to get into your boot, also a record number of Audi drivers have been chinned in 2020 acording to the latest scientific study….
It is claimed that China has no new cases. This has to be rubbish spread by the Chinese. Fake fucking news indeed. Unless of course they are shooting everyone with a cough. This is indeed possible.
I admire the Chinese for their good points – work ethic, family etc. But. Their culinary tastes are disgusting, their attitude to animals is appalling, their medicines which prey on endangered species are indefensible and their government is on a par with the N Koreans.
Their good points – work ethic, family etc. sound a bit like 1930s Chairmany. But, indeed, the rest decidedly iffy…
PJW on YouTube or Summit News sums it up well enough.
Everyone stop being so nasty and waaaaaaayyyyyysist towards the slitty eyed ones who started this debacle.
What if the we are the disease and the virus is the cure to our collective sins of cheap labor and crony capitalism?!
Seriously tho, GDP is king and we should have never been China’s bitch in the first place, all the major viruses in the last 20 years all come from exotic meat consumption. Sure china are cunts for eating this but we shouldn’t have them as a major trading partner if thats the case but big corporations love cheap GDP and cheap labor so we are chinas bitch and our politicians are corrupt both liberal and yes especially tories are at fault for this
Spanish Flu, Australian Flu, Japanese Flu……….. Swine Flu? Offensive to pigs?
What a load of bollocks
You no call it ‘Chinese fru’. Just coz some clazy person eat a rittle bit of bat soup all people say Chinese people eat bat all time. Dis not fact. This big rie. Dis big stinky, fat rie! Dis lacism and anybody say it, dat person is leally a lacist.
Sometime we eat dog, cat, cow, or squilell.
Haha! That made I larf.
Dats laycist
You mean squillerr?
Absolutley brilliant!! I don’t laugh much but this has got me pissing myself. Thankyou velly much.
Lemember what supleme reader Chairman Mao said: ‘If music be food of ruv, pray on.’
Yoo waaan flied lice????
”flied lice? Its fried rice, you plick” ah, uncle benny.
I am surprised no one has blamed this one on the Jews, yet…..
However, Israel has more PhD scientists (pro rata) than any other country in the world.
I watched a documentary a few weeks ago. It was about a Jewish family who lived,for 18 months during WW2 in a sewer.
No light,no access to medicine, extremely low rations of food and having to lick dripping water from walls whilst,literally, living in shit.
People of the UK: Get some fucking perspective.
At least the other 6 million got a shower.
The vast majority of holocaust victims were shot .Gassing started much later. However, not much point trying to educate a thick moronic cunt like you.
Fuck off.
Krav – I cant see what the hell your comment about Ph D scientists in Israel has to do with this nomination. ‘Making a rod for your own back‘ springs to mind.
Simple: They have more scientists, pro-rata than any other country.
Sorry Earl Krav, I stand corrected. I’m a cunt yes. Moron no. Should have checked facts before I posted. I’m not getting in to a spat. I think I’ll keep it shut from now on.
Don’t upset the chosen ones. We are mere Gentiles built to serve their perpetual victimhood ?
Better than perpetual ignorance and cuntitude
Agree entirely, K. Dog knows what would happen if we were REALLY up against something evil.
David ‘kill the jews but they’re not Jews they’re evil space lizards so that makes it ok to abuse them’ Icke said that Israel is behind the high numbers of deaths in Iran.
So there you go…
Icke? Nutter! Never met a Jew I didn’t like, never met a muslim I liked.
And the Germans will and should be constantly reminded what the N*zis did, not as a stick to beat them with, but so we remember for all time the annihilation of a religion because an angry little Austrian house painter did not like them.
It’s a little bit more involved than that Vern, we were reading the Gestapo decrypts (43 volumes of them contaiing 2000 pages EACH!) from mid-May 1940 and knew a lot more about what was going on than ‘court’ historians will ever summon the courage to put in print.
Our mam and da would cut us in half wiv t’breadknife and dance on us graves.
Hellava immune system to be able to lick sewer walls and not die of typhoid or some other vile disease.
The Spanish Flu pandemic from 1918 is still referred to as Spanish Flu. Hong-Kong should be brought back under the control of the British Empire. A bunch of Ching-chong manks eating cats, dogs, bats and mice should be stopped.
The US I’m sure would be keen to make stuff in their own countries again instead of dealing with a bunch of stone-age clarty bastards.
Spanish flu actually originated in…guess where?
So typical of the woke libtards to focus their attention on not offending the Chinese by not calling it “Chinese Flu” or the “Chinese virus”
With that kind of naming convention logic does that mean every time the US import from abroad they won’t be able to name the country it came from in case it causes offence?
So no more “Made in China” or “Made in Germany” etc because you can’t have it both ways!
You could take it further by no longer calling takeaways by their cultural origin – so no more Indian, no more Italian, no more Chinese etc. because that may cause offence for the same reason Chinese Virus is now.
How about doing away with song titles too? No more “Born in the USA” or “Don’t Cry for me Argentina” or “Walk like an Egyptian” as these too – based on Woke logic – may cause offence.
Lets’ ban national flags too!
In fact lets’ go the whole fucking hog and do away with the names of countries, cultures, creeds, city names, town names, village names…… after all the woke community don’t like gender typing, so let’s take identity politics to the full extreme so that we’re all faceless, nameless, colourless, sizeless, ageless, brainless, genderless, nationaless zombies – perhaps that might just please the Woke cunts once and for all!
Of course it might make playing sports a bit difficult, especially the World Cup – no more Brazil Vs England, but just 22 people (not blokes) from “one global nation” having a kick about!
Upside to your idea: football may disappear forever except among kids. Overpaid underperforming diving bastards the lot of them.
“Overpaid underperforming diving bastards the lot of them?”
I’ve always taught my kids to respect the laws of the game and not to indulge in simulation!
It is NOT racist to state a fact! China made covid-19, and Hitler supported zionism (for a while).
“…and Hitler supported zionism (for a while).”
Naturally; particularly when one considers the origins and affiliations of the two leading Berlin financiers who amply funded the fledgling NSDAP.
Cover your face. Stay in the house except for shopping. Social distancing. We’ve all turned into muslim women.
Speak for yourself. I can’t grow a ‘tache for love nor money.
I could do with a laugh and you just gave me one.
A laugh, that is. I am not, as Lord Fiddler would pronounce, ‘inflicted with the gayness’.
Do you want prawn crackers with your zombie apocalypse?
Bet they didnt notice this in their fortune cookie!
I want bat crackers
My only problem with the Chinese is that there’s about a billion too many of the cunts.
Afternoon all.
Afternoon Ron. The one thing that annoys me is the number of people that have popped up to make cheap jokes at the Chinese’s expense.
I could tell you a coronavirus joke now, but you’d have to wait two weeks to see if you got it.
Fuck China. The people never integrate, everywhere there is a Chinatown for a reason. I saw a video the other day about them ‘recycling’ cooking oil, enterprising cunts scraping used oil from the GUTTER, then selling it on, usually to street food vendors. They love gobbing too. I remember my first job, delivering fruit and veg, and saw some real sights at the takeaways, but one will always stay with me. Carrying sacks of spuds into a local chinky, there was this little old lady, real old, she looked like a yellow yoda. Anyway, she drags this lunger up, and phlegs it across the room into a bowl of what I hope was scraps of food, but knowing the dirty bastards, it may well have been the oyster sauce in that nights chop suey.
A mate of mine picked up a takeaway from his local Chinese and saw a lady changing a babies nappy in the back where the food is prepared. Filthy fuckers.
He never ate there again, naturally.
I wonder if any Chinese takeaways will fold because people might now avoid the dirty bastards?
Well, the ‘chinese’deat here isnt exactly what they eat in china. Just like if we had a korean takeaway here we wouldnd have roast dog…
Boris Johnson is in thrall to the Chinese. He’s a Chinkophile.
And the UK is in hock to the little yellow commie devils right up to our necks.
Guess who is the biggest creditor re our £2 trillion+ and rising National Debt?
Not to mention the security risks posed by Johnson’s irrational Huawei deal:
The only time I heard of this vast shithole when I was younger was when Wham! toured there or when those tanks flattened those student types…
Since then the rest of the civilised world has let the buggers in (or is it out?) and look at the fucking trouble they have caused… Fucking cunts like Blair and their open door policy and freedom of movement… Now look where it’s got us… In the 70s and 80s we had Ivan nukes pointing at us, Maggie was in, the IRA were up our arse, AIDS was lurking about… But it was a bloody sight better than it is now….
Whoever invented the term ‘The Yellow Peril’ was not fucking wrong… We should have never had anything to do with the cunts….
The Yellow Peril strikes again.
I dread to think what those little cunts are doing. First it was Bird Flu then SARS Virus and now Covid 19. All out If China.
I played this video by the great Pat Condell in another post.
Here it is again for those who didn’t see it.
I entirely agree with this cunting. When this has finally blown over, hopefully in a few months time, the word on everyone’s lips has to be Reparation.
The Chinese created it, they lied about it. So they can pay for it. And they should be treated as the pariahs of the world until they’ve done so.
One of the great errors of the last century was not letting the Japs keep China.
They are a right set of cunts.
The Chinese Cuntist Party are lying, deceitful, dog eating, murdering, thieving, bastards like no other.
You want a Great Leap Forward? Fuck right off and leap off a cliff into the sea you dirty, filthy, disgusting cunts.
You inflict yet another disease on to the world only then to blame US soldiers for spreading it. Do they even realise how pathetic that sounds? Own up to your disgusting practices and how it has led to this pandemic.
“Do they even realise how pathetic that sounds?”
Nope, they are metapolitical teenagers on the world stage and like all miscreant teenagers will come out with all manner of ludicrous statements and laughable excuses in their defence but fail utterly to notice the mocking and open disbelief it generates in their elders. They display an almost autistic mentality to the world.
You see it is an odd one,
when the world was rocked by Spanish flu after the first world war that was ok although some sources do not know where it originated from .
Chinese flu (like the food) originates from strangely enough China so I do not see the problem.
I am now wondering if “Person of planet” will be the next thing, well if you can not call covid19 Chinese flu then the next logical step is you wont be able to call people Africans or Indians.
I know the Coronavirus is serious but the knee jerk, I’ll thought out reactions from our Government will be a part of bringing around a depression circa 1929. 99% of the people who will die will be over 70 and others with underlying health conditions. I don’t mean to sound heartless but old people die. What about younger people, starting out in life with jobs, mortgages? I don’t think I’m exaggerating but the suicide rate in this country brought about by job losses, losing homes will outstrip the amount of people who will die from the virus.
Apparently it is not just a myth that Chinese males are slung like dwarf mice. This must apply especially to the leaders of the Chinese Communist Dictatorship otherwise they would stop slaughtering, rhinos, tigers etc in the fond hope that they will be able to have an erection. It doesn’t stop the general population (who won’t be able to afford endangered animal parts) from breeding like rabbits. Our Government is endangering our national security by continuing to pander (pun intended) to the duplicitous amoral CUNTS.
It’s a great way to control the population and convince them it’s for their own good, government if cynical could test martial law under these circumstances.
“It’s a great way to control the population and convince them it’s for their own good, government if cynical could test martial law under these circumstances.”
Exactly so. I’ve long held that these situations are used and viewed by gov’t as societal “non-destructive shock testing” from which much behavioural data can be harvested, graphed, analysed, projected forward,and fed through the “Nudge Unit” to determine just how far and how fast they can push us down history’s memory hole (at our own expense btw)
Chin-keys are the dirtiest, most unhygienic cunts on the face of this planet.
I mean for fuck sake, they harvest oil from sewer fatbergs, then use it to cook street food.
Fucking vomit inducing.
My ex-landlord rented a flat to a couple of them a few years ago. It was a beautiful pad, almost luxurious. Within a year they had almost completely destroyed it and inexplicably had literally covered the entire surface area of the kitchen, including floor and ceiling with cling film which was covered ina layer of fat, oil and food.
The little yellow cunts need to be curtailed, now.
Mate o mine had same problem. Rented to Chinese students. Good payers. No noise complaints. No parties etc.
But they almost destroyed his house. He had builders in to fit a second bathroom and they called him to say that he house was ‘covered in fat’. He came around and gave the tenants their marching orders after he saw his walls covered in grease. They had cooking pots and fryers in their bedrooms. No need they had a big, modern kitchen but didn’t use it much.
He was (and still is) ‘woke’ but he said he’ll never take Chinese students again as tenants.
He said it cost him over 4 grand to clean it up/redecorate.
Pat has some good points to make on the subject, as he does most other things