Britannia Hotels

‘At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s history has been forged by people and communities coming together to work as one’ – HM the Queen.

A stirring sentiment no doubt, in times of crisis, but sadly it seems, not shared by everyone on this sceptred isle. Take, for instance, the case of Britannia Hotels. This warm-hearted organisation wrote to staff at its Aviemore hotel stating:

‘On government advice, this letter is to confirm that from March 19th 2020, your employment has been terminated’. Staff were told to ‘vacate the hotel accommodation immediately, returning any company property’.

There you have it. Fired and chucked out of their accommodation, with no notice and no lay-off pay. Yes, at this awful time, the milk of human kindness overflows. This group’s hotels have a poor reputation for quality at the best of times, but its management really shot itself in both feet with this public relations disaster. Oh, naturally, it wasn’t THEIR fault; they were ‘acting on government advice’, the weaselling cunts. No room at the inn for the workers then, find yourselves a stable somewhere.

Of course, having generated a media shitstorm for themselves, the group issued a retraction. Now these letters must have been issued  as part of a management process; somebody somewhere gave the order. But apparently it was all a simple mistake,  apparently, a dastardly ‘administrative error’. That’s alright then, we all believe you, don’t we?

Nominated by Ron Knee

52 thoughts on “Britannia Hotels

  1. In my experience of hotels in this country the overwhelming majority of the employees, especially in the chain hotels, are foreigners, usually from the EU. In which case they can all fuck off back where they came from.
    Well done Brittania Hotels, you money grabbing rip off bastards.

    • Capitalism at its worst. Ruthless, insensitive, disgusting. They wouldn’t have got away with it if Jeremy Corbyn had been our leader.
      Although to give them credit, they do say thank you at the end of the letter.

  2. Britannia Hotels, has a particularly shite hotel in Brum city centre that is notorious for its appalling room service, shite standard of rooms & facilities, and is consistently ranked as one of the worst hotels in the city!

    Add to that all the bad reviews for it on the likes of Tripadvisor, and it never ceases to amaze me how it stays open!

    But going back the main point: perhaps whoever the cunt was who “gave the order” to fire their staff, jhad ust waited a few more days the cunt would have realised the government (or rather, the Taxpayer) will be bailing them (and most other businesses) out to the tune of £330bn, including business rates holidays and paying 80% of staff’s wages who can no longer work!

    As for the “admin error” – that’s one good thing about social media: the viral shitstorm that can kick off forcing a shit company like BH to backtrack on its heavy-handedness.


    • The virus will end one day. Who will want to stay in any hotel run by this bunch of cunts?

      • And who will want to work for them? I hope this shity chain gets flushed down the bog. Greedy heartless cunts .

      • I don’t stay in hotels since I never go anywhere but I wouldn’t dream of staying in any hotel in this chain. A few months ago they featured heavily in a Watchdog report with standards of cleanliness the fucking Chinese would be embarrassed by.

      • The chinks would love it Moggie.
        Plenty of cockroaches for tasty snacks.

      • I thought I had burned down this hotel with all the managers inside. If the coppers want to know anything I will tell them it’s an admin error.
        I got sacked from a management job for Forte Hotels some Years ago for refusing to sign an opt out to the social chapter of the Maastricht treaty, went banzai on them and ended up with a glowing reference, a lump of compensation and a personal apology from the UK Director of Forte Plc.
        Possibly the phone calls from the Times newspaper political editor and my MP helped with that one..
        Just a fly on the wall in the Britannia boardroom at the moment – “bookings down 90%, every newspaper and tv news channel in the UK calling us to ask why we did it – who the shortly to be fired and thrown out of the building by their intestines thought this was a good f*cking idea then”?
        “You? get f*cking here”..
        Good nom, rat bastards.

      • I sent these cunts an email saying I hope their doss houses get flushed down the bog.
        Utter cunts.

  3. On Monday – before Rishi’s safety blanket was announced – 1 million people were immediately axed in the entertainment and leisure industry, including these poor cunts.

    This was a cynical move by hoteliers planning on recouping some of their loses by offering their hotels as emergency NHS facilities, either for round the clock staff to stay in, or as temporary beds for recovering – but still infectious – patients, to free up ward and intensive care beds.

    All those interviewed that I saw didn’t seem to have Jock, or even British accents. Let’s just say, I bets there’s not a lot of tax being generated by them. Those here legally that is…

    • Yeah, because the best place to recover from any sort of infection is some filthy, shit-stained hotel room.

  4. My brother in law was made redundant when the US company he was working for lost a de mining contract in Afghanistan.
    He was training Afghans bomb disposal in country when he was made redundant.
    The base commanders ordered them off site and his employer had not returned his passport so he was proper fucked, out side the security zone and no legal way of getting out of the shit hole.
    Let us say a tale of bravo 2 zero enfolded, a lot of bribes and mystery 3 months later he turned up in Dubai and was repatriated.

    It is not just hotel chains that can be cunts.

    (he is currently stuck in Mali where he is part of a UN team)

  5. Aviemore is just a tourist money machine. Britania Have shown their true colours in the fact that they don’t give a shit about their employees.
    Scottish news interviewed some of the staff and they were all foreigners, no doubt on under paid wages and no fucking union behind them. shameful.

    • Cunts trick!
      Brittania hotel near me,
      I used to use its gym and swimming pool, then the daft cunts made a deal with Stockport council to use the rooms to house asylum seekers, within the week loads of lockers got robbed in the changing rooms, cars broken into, loads of african cunts sat about outside.
      I dropped my membership soon as saw a immo.
      It was in the news, scandal over how much it cost to house them .
      Britannia hotels? Scüm.

  6. This letter should be a blueprint for all of the guests currently residing on these shores. It could start “Dear Abdul”. MacDonald hotels for border control !

    • Morning Rob,
      The one near me has some great reviews!
      Proper laugh out loud stuff!
      Rooms look like a homeless shelter, furniture? Ive thrown better on the tip!
      One review is some yanks, theyre used to great customer service back home, dont get it at Britannia, get the Basil Fawlty treatment!???

      • Morning MNC. You do have to wonder if any of the staff who were laid off can actually understand English, let alone read that letter.

  7. Nothing surprises me from these shower of cunts ,they take over some great hotels and run them down through profit chasing.Hope when all is back to normal that these cunts will be out of business.

  8. Not keen on those foreign johnnies but in this case I do hope they burn the hotel to the ground.
    Then they can fuck off.
    Or oven.

  9. I paid for the wife and mother in law to spend two weeks at the Ritz Hotel Paris.
    That’s how much I hate the French….

  10. A bit like that beardy billionaire cunt Branson who has asked his staff to take an 8 week pay holiday, presumably to count his money.

    Fair play to Gary Neville and Ryan Giggs who have given up their hotel to key NHS workers and have assured their staff that they will continue to be paid.

    Britannia and Virgin deserve to go to the wall for the way they treat their staff in the wake of the Corona Virus crisis. Utter fucking cuntwipes.

    • Wouldn’t surprise me if Branson is hoping the government will bail him out and pay the wages of his staff that he’s laid off!

      Moreover, he’ll probably get his accountants to be a bit more “creative” and try and wiggle a few more million from the government’s bail out fund that will probably end up in some off-shore bank of his – (allegedly of course!)

    • Easyjets response……..

      “Easyjet will go ahead with a £174 million dividend payout to shareholders despite appealing for taxpayer support.

      The airline said that it might need lines of credit or loans from the government to cope with the coronavirus crisis. It insisted last night, however, that this would not affect the payout, £60 million of which will go to its founder, Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou”

      • Sounds like one of the local bus companies round here where it’s common to wait 40 minutes for a 15 minute service. Which then breaks down.

    • I’ve no doubt that bearded cunt will be appearing on here again in the near future. He’s another shitweazel who’ll squeeze a buck until it squeaks.

      • I feel chastened because I slagged off Nick Grey (even his name is unexciting) for being boring a while back. He does that very boring advert in his very boring monotone voice for his own Gtech company. But he has moved like lighting to switch from making vacuums to ventilators and soon could be producing a thousand a week. Just go to show who comes forward in a crisis. He is boring though.

      • Do you mean he’s changing over from sucking implements to blow jobs?

  11. One thing that will come out of this virus scandal, (it is a scandal because the government were too fucking slow to stop incoming flights particularly from China, there should have been more control of non residents coming in) is a spotlight on all the pointless shit.
    Not necessarily hotels or restaurants or pubs but all these jokers who are now working from home, if people can work from home for at least some days a week then workplaces will change, less travel, less pollution.
    As for this hotel who sacked the workers, on the face of it it looks harsh but quite often hotels are seasonal and they employ more staff in high season and less in low season so the hire and fire is second nature, I suspect the people who lost their jobs in the nom were on very flimsy contacts and could have been let go for other reasons in normal times. It just looks bad because of the current situation!

    • I suppose the government was a little hesitant on closing borders straight away otherwise it might upset the usual delicate subjects.

      you only have to read some of the shit Trump is facing after closing borders and being accused of racism for doing so by the Dumocrats.

      • I read today that the Frenchie Macron gave Boris an ultimatum on Friday to get a grip or France would ban all UK arrivals…
        Bet that wouldn’t have worked for the Abdullah Dinghy Company.

      • The short-arsed cunt should stop trying to throw his weight about. He’s about as intimidating as a wet rag.

      • Same size as that other jumped up little frog Napoleon who was also keen on throwing his insignificant weight around, and we know what happened to him.

    • Since the virus hit, the air quality has improved in many cities, notably in China of course. Also, waterways have become much cleaner. The canals of Venice are an example. Has climate change been the driver of this? Has it fuck. The real reason is, that by placing so many people under house arrest, you are effectively cutting population, something we’ve been banging on about here for ages. Over population is the real evil.

  12. ‘Admin error’?…….my arse.

    What kind of admin error involves numerous letters sent out to staff members telling them that their jobs are in the shitter and that they should fuck off out of their hotel and by the way, don’t take any of the company shit with you? Who are they fucking kidding? That is the diktat of higher management, not a case of ‘computer says no’, or computer has gone tits up.

    Backtracking, arse-covering cunts.

    As my sister said yesterday, these kind of crises bring out the worst in people, or the best in people. Businesses that are totally self-serving and don’t give one single fuck about their dogsbodies, will think nothing of just offloading them to save a buck. It is pretty despicable. They come from the same turd pool as the cunts who are profiteering through Covid-19 or the cunts who are buying up the entire contents of Tesco, etc, etc.

    I hope they all get savage venereal diseases that result in their genitals shrivelling and dropping off.

  13. Not one to stay in hotels but should the need arise I won’t be using any of their hotels or any other business owned by them.

    Hope their owners go bust and are left without a room to call home.

  14. Afternoon Nurse.
    Yes it was the ‘admin error’ part of their weaselling that got my goat too. Somebody high up within this group’s management structure gave the order to do this, then the bureaucrats below actioned it. It wasn’t a robot or a computer gone rogue.
    As you say, ‘admin error’ my arse. A classic ‘distancing’ term if ever there was one; nuffink ta do wiv me guv.

    • Like Jhoots Pharmacies profiteering…then backtracking, using “communications error” as an excuse

  15. I stayed a few nights in one of their hovels. So far underground I thought I was either back in the Underground Facility I was posted to for a while or Gimli, Gloin and the rest of the Dwarves were just along the tunnel. It really was an unbelievable f)@:ki$g dump. I would rather take my chances with a bivvy bag than stay or indeed actually enter one of these dump

  16. Although the one positive from this is proof of what we have all known for a long time – management in the UK treat staff who bust their bollocks off like sh*t.
    Britannia Hotels will get some fall out over this at a time when the hotel industry is already on its knees – and I for one would not cry any tears for the owners if this particular chain went bust.

  17. Through work I’ve had to stay in Brittania Hotels in Bournemouth and Brighton. Quite possibly the dreariest, dismal places you could ever have the misfortune to stay in. Filthy rooms, paper thin walls and pure chav underclass scum marauding through the corridors on stag and hen parties. I wish this awful chain nothing but ill fortune

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