A Stars and Stripes Forever cunting please, for this elderly fuckwit who is attempting to become U.S. President – if his bowels and bladder can last the distance. Even from this distance the smell of festering excrement is overpowering, looking at those shocking photographs. In any event, “Bernie Sanders” sounds like some fifth rate musician – “Bernie Sanders and his Two Beat Six”. Probably a secret banjo player by the look of him.
It seems that if the doddering old cunt, who appears only to be held upright by his truss and braces wins the Presidency, he might try to force Britain to adopt EU “Laws”:
It is about time the world and his wife and her Great-Granddad stopped meddling in our affairs, and stopped being in awe of the 4th Reich.
If America wants an old cunt – assuming he manages to last another 4 years – to be their leader, that is up to them, but we do not want, or need a senile old man dictating our future.
Fuck me Bogg’s angry, or sticky space bar
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
A yank socialist.
Bernies from Brooklyn New york, an got into politics through the civil rights movement in the 60s.
He reminds me of that 9ther new yawk lefty jew woody Allen, scrawny whining, rich commie , an a danger to kids.
Interesting fact, Glenn Campbell wrote the song
“Like a ninestone cowboy”
About Bernie.
Bernie being the grandson of colonel Sanders
And Glen the grandson of Campbell’s soup guy, they attended the same school.
Didn’t Bernie paint those baked bean tins? Or was that Lou Reed?
He certainly did, with young Lou as apprentice.
Lou still hasnt been paid.
Lou talks about in his catchy hit
“Its such a perfect day,
Spent it with Bernie the Jew,
Said that id get paid,
He just keeps me hanging on, just keeps me hanging on”…
Is this old cunt the best the Dumbocunts can come up with?
Born in 1941, which makes him almost 80 years old. Yes, he might have lots of experience, but surely he’s going to be a constant health risk.
No doubt he’s a very rich old cunt as well. Therefore probably well protected from the riff-raff he is so keen on garnering their support come election time.
Difficult to know which is the bigger cunt: him or Kilary- both egotistical maniacs that shouldn’t even get a sniff of the Oval Office carpets (not least because they would probably accidentally piss on them due to their chronic incontinence)
I guess Trump will be inwardly feeling “Bring in on, you senile old motherfuckers!”
Theyre all in bed arent they admin?
Thats the problem with being a bedwetter and waking up wi night terrors screaming!
No one to play with in a morning but myself.
Nakedly, unapologetic full-throttle soviet commie (honeymooned in Moscow) who will implement a 100% tax rate on the the ‘rich’ (ie anyone working) to fund AOC’s ‘green new deal’, free commie healthcare for all (ie illegals) and free university for all (ie compulsory Marxist Leninist Trotskyite indoctrination). On record saying Cuba ‘wasn’t that bad’. Self-hating jew who would happily hand over a newly forged set of keys to Dachau to the Slimes. Potentially the most dangerous man in the world, second only to whoever he would choose as VP – likely one of the ‘squad’, eg AOC or Omar. Campaign more than likely brought to you by his DinoSoros EU counterpart.
You can see the Hollywood Left, the Woke & SJW twats, all falling in love with this cunt. The fact that he is a “privileged white man” won’t come into the equation with them just yet because he is probably their best hope of getting a Dumbocrat in the Oval Office.
of course this might reinvigorate old Steptoe into thinking “Hang on, if that old cunt can do it, why can’t I?” And he’ll hang onto the leadership for the next election and get another almighty caning!
I don’t believe the general American public are any more stupid than the British public so neither would have a chance.
Probably, but the Democrats are desperate. They might even be hoping that Republican voters will be so sure they will win they’ll be too apathetic to vote. Thus letting in a majority Democrat House, and more crucially, a Democrat Senate.
Bernie used to rail against millionaires. Until he became one. Now its the billionaires he doesnt like. Typical champaign socialist. Theyre not used to them over there. Hed fit right in in the Labour party.
I’ll admit to being pretty ignorant on Yankee Doodle politics, but any potential President who will try to force a sovereign nation into adopting foreign laws, is surely a White House sized cunt.
Special relationship indeed……
The only thing the ‘special arrangement’ meant was the UK would do whatever it was told to do by the US. There never has been/will be anything reciprocal.
The UK has always been some kind of 51st State by proxy.
Agreed, although rather that than the EU.
Hardly surprising seeing as the first 13 states were British. We have a deep link to the USA….we practically built it.
Where do you think they got democracy from not to mention their laws?
US lawyers still talk about the English barons who came up with Magnum ice cream or summit with Magna in it.
Oh well who cares, you get the Idea.
You must be thinking of Magenta Cunter, used to post here regularly.
Whos this Magna Carter?
Shes got a book out or something?
As Tony Hancock said about our sovereignity ‘Did Magna Carter die in vain?’
It’s been that way since the Suez crisis and USAF in Europe.
Not worried one iota, as the tangoman won’t even have to lift a finger to get re-elected and Bolshevik Bernie will be gone like magic grandpa of Islington, the ordinary yankeedoodle cunties will never elect a commie, only soy boy cunts and followers of Swedish serpent would vote for Bolshevik Bernie.
Please let this feeble old Marxist bore win the nomination. About 1/3 of democrats won’t even bother to vote.
The only person who wins at a dumocunt rally: The Donald.
Fuck Bernie Sanders. Another self hating Jewish Marxist Leninist Communist dumb fuck uber cunt.
God bless America.
Good morning.
Is Phil the Greek still alive?
Just about I think. Bumped into a mate when giving blood a few weeks ago whose been up at sandringham since this time last year after passing his firearms course. He said old Phil looked very frail when he came out of hospital around Christmas. Was wheelchaired from the chopper when he arrived at the house. He reckons a year at best. Mind you with the top physicians around him could last decades.
do we all get a day off when the old cunt dies?
You really think Bernie is self hating jew Krav? He released a campaign ad a week ago proclaiming hes proud to be Jewish and his commitment to Israel as a nation so not sure why you think he is and he has a alot of support from American democratic jews too
I agree with you about his Marxist communist leanings tho I can’t trust that bout him
Spot on TitSlapper.
Bernie’s a cunt but no way is he a self hating Jew.
I think that it might be because Sanders doesn’t always go along with the whole ” The State of Israel can never be wrong” idea, Titslapper.
Several more “liberal” Jews have been labelled “self-hating Jews” by the more “militant” supporters of Israel and it’s policies.
He’s critical of some Israeli Government policies, but not of the State of Israel itself.
Certainly critical of Netanyahu and the current Israeli Government, as are nearly all lefties. Would be amazing if he wasn’t!
So you don’t think that the policies of Government are related to the State itself?….How can one not influence and affect the other?
If a a two-state solution was adopted wouldn’t that affect the State itself? If that is what he wants,then surely he is dubious about the present one-state position?
Sorry to see the “two-state solution” is still in the current thinking: Sorry, chaps, no such thing. It’s a useful carrot to dangle in front of people who might otherwise reckon (as I do) that the Palestinians have drawn a really shitty deal in the lottery of geopolitics.
It’s done sterling service for Likud and the Right…but they took damn good care that it was dead in the water – like Rabin – after Oslo. No Zionist believes for a minute that it is anything other than part of the delaying strategy, to enable the creeping ethnic cleansing of the country. A single Zionist state is the objective, with anyone else (including Christians, btw) as disenfranchised useful idiots in its service.
No? Events will prove me right.
True Fiddler, its just ridiculous to think hes self hating in anyway. Fealty to Israel is a must to any candidate
I am hoping Admin will put my Nom up-‘The Deal of the Century’. Worth a back and forth on it.
This is one American that you just know those twats in the labour party, ie Corbyn, McDonnell and Flabbott etc will abosolutely worship the ground he walks on.
Relax fellow cunters Donald is going to wipe the floor with him,sleepy Joe Biden and that tiny Bloomberg cunt.
Incidentally are those three all heebs? You know Yids, Jews, bagel munchers.
Think Sanders is and Bloomberg but not sure about sleepy Joe.
Just proves us white Presbyterians of British ancestry ( Donald is Scots on his mum’s side remember) are faaaarrrrr better than heebs of dubious European origin.
Those who don’t support the Jews have a habit of dying before their time, hence every president/presidential candidate since Kennedy going on about they ♥️ Israel and not nationalising the Federal Reserve.
I see in other news that Linekunt has done a U-turn about making the BBC license fee voluntary.
Here’s what old Plug from the Bashstreet Kids had to say about it
‘I was wrong, wasn’t I? And we all get things wrong in life, and I hate admitting it, but the BBC is under threat and it’s an incredible institution and I don’t think I could live with myself if I played the slightest part in helping that happen. ‘After I said it, there was a lot of debate, so I looked into it and… I’ve seen sense.’
Translation to English from Cunt-onese: I’ve realised that the BBC pays my exorbitant wages and that if everyone no longer pays for a license, then I’m out of a job will no longer be ridiculously overpaid for talking about football.
I imagine some BBC top brass have “had a quick word” with him as well.
Another flip-flop cunt, easily swayed by money.
How can anyone take this cunt seriously? And in anycase he’s not exactly loyal to the BBC given that he gets a nice wedge from rival broadcasters, BT being one!
As for the licence fee – it shouldn’t be up to cunts like him who have some kind of biased influence. But ideally Boris should just press ahead and make it voluntary/subscription, and let the BBC sink of swim like any other de-nationalised industry!
Given that footballers are all thick as pig shit – David Beckham and whoever the plank was that left a Porsche in car park for the best part of a year because he’d “dur, hur hur, forgotten about it”.
Why the fuck would anyone take any notice of what they have to say?
I hope The Donald knocks fuck out of the doddering commie cunt.
Makes you wonder why the half-dead old cunt has raised his coffin lid.
Surely he would better spend what time he has left playing bowls or at the local bridge club? There is as much chance of this Marxist Jewboy being elected as I have of being noshed off by Salma Hayek.
Off Topic- ISAC pin up Layla Moran is throwing her hat in the ring for the lib dum leadership.
Wow, dream job that eh?
Like being head dermatologist in a leper colony.
Morning MNC.
That mad, toothy bean-flicker is a shoo in for the job. Look at their recent leaders; a Scottish alky, a bulb-headed dog botherer, a mumbling cadaver, and a big titted fantasist with multiple accent syndrome.
Moron is the natural progression into complete Lib Dump insanity.
Morning mate,
Hehe, yeah certainly love a underdog dont they?
If you have a nervous tic,
Speech impediment, or you believe youve been abducted by aliens your fast tracked.
If she/it gets the nod she’ll probably do a Swinson and declare “I will be the next PM!”
And if she loses the election she will say “I do not recognise the election result. It is not democratic, and therefore I will declare it null and void. Therefore I AM your Prime Minister!”
Layla Moran is of Palestinian descent, describing herself as British-Palestinian, which will no doubt please you critics of our Israeli allies. ?
Her (British) dad was EU Ambassador to Egypt, which will no doubt please Remain voters…
She looks like someone who might be capable of pulling the LibDems together, incidentally. Do not dismiss.
She’d give them a good slap if they stepped out of line!
I’ve been following her career for several years now and can confirm she is a bona-fide feminazi nutjob. Been cunted several times here if memory serves.
She identifies as “pansexual”, so the living embodiment of LibDumbness. ?
Last cunted here a month ago:
Has a big following among American middle class yoof but Yanks will never vote for a fucking commie, not a fucking chance. Biden will win the nomination and he’s another old cunt, about a year younger than the commie, suffering from early dementia. The Orange Man will fucking slaughter the wanker, done deal.
Expect lots of support from the Lefty media over there. They will do precisely what the BBC, Sky and all the other Left-leaning cunts did over here when they tried to smear Boris with as much shite as possible during the last election – and yet they lost: he won!
America is fucked, they don’t need Bernie they need to be governed from Westminster like a good little colonial outpost.
And canada.
Should be paying taxes to the crown and that minstrel who leads them should swing on the Tyburn tree.
And Australia, give them a large landmass full of exotic wildlife and what do they do? Burn it, cunts.
Do you seriously believe that what Westminster is doing is governing?
Govern they do, what they don’t do is govern on behalf of the people.
There is that, we don’t matter, as long as they’re alright.
I believe all kinds of nonsense Moggie,
From Bigfoot to ghosts.
But no i don’t believe that.
“If America wants a old man as president”
Well they all are a bunch of old bastards so I don’t what you are getting at. I wouldn’t worry about bernie becoming president hes getting snubbed by his own party and it looks like everyone is throwing their weight behind dementia ridden creepy Joe Biden
Where do they find these fucking cretins? This old plastic commie, and Biden, have you seen him fondling children’s hair? It’s sinister beyond belief. I still can’t understand how there was such a fuss over tango man asking Ukraine to investigate Biden and his son over corruption allegations than there was over the corruption allegation itself. Both seem to use foreign policy for political gain, but only one is an actual crime, and that is Biden. Sanders has been compared to Corbyn, which should be enough to keep him out of it. Cunt.
I’m looking forward to the scenes of the Democratic candidate’s supporters crying again, when the Presidential election result is announced on the evening of Tuesday, 3 November 2020. Along with the expressions on the faces of the news anchors, their guests and other useless cunts on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC, as well as Sky news and the BBC over here. What unexpected fun I had back in 2016. Almost like watching the results of the UK general election last December. I love it when lefties get beaten, including physically. Bunch of cunts.
He’s a bitter old bastard who resents the fact that he can’t “paulhiskinback” because of his parents’ beliefs.
“Paul Hiskinback”? Is he another poster on here? A second rate imitation of your truly original humble narrator?
If by some miracle this old cunt got the top job, I doubt he’d last the term. No fucking chance.
Keep your nose out of our business you cunt. Look after your own shitefest and leave ours alone. Fucking arsewipe interfering bastard.
Good old Bernie – Corbyn’s geriatric incontinent Uncle! Socialism? Everyone has f*ck all except those at the top who tell the rest how good they have it.
Capitalism? Just the same but with a more expensive car and house.
Good nom WC ?
Related. There was ‘Bushisms’ for both Bushes. Should be a book of Trumpisms by now. I like him but he is buffoonish. On the corinavirus and that ship he said it shouldn’t be allowed to dock. Against the policy of Pence by the way. But it was the little comment after that is so typical of him ‘And anyway they are making millions’. I initially thought he meant the virus is multiplying in the millions so it shouldn’t be allowed to dock. But thinking about it afterwards what he meant was the company are making millions of dollars having the passengers still on board. He is daft like that.
Rosy O’Donnell who I despise once said to him on a programme ‘All you are is a Capitalist’, he looked up (not looking at her, as if a revelation to himself) ‘Maybe I am’.
The Whitehouse has always been a sink of interfering fuckin’ yids and EVERY post-war US presicunt is required at some point do pilgrimage to suck jew dick at the Wanking Wall and Trump’s no exception.
In reality and for all practical purposes the US Senate/Congress/Shitehouse are little more than rubber stamping sub-committees of the fucking Knesett let’s face it. Goys in the attic!
“…little more than rubber stamping sub-committees of the fucking Knesett ”
as is our piss pot Parliament… yay…go Boris, you’re our fucking saviour!
Yeah indulge in a bit of antisemitism down here CC while no-one’s looking.
Seinfeld comes to mind. The lovely Jerry with his smooth skin, thick luscious locks–a success with the ladies. George small, fat, bald-a failure.
The lovely Elaine moneyed, well-dressed, a real friend to Jerry. Kramer poor, scuffy, a scounger.
Gerry and Elaine far superior to George and Kramer. Far superior the the Goyim.
“a bit of antisemitism down here CC while no-one’s looking.”
Merely accurate reportage Miles.
What has Johnson ‘praying for peace and reconciliation at the Western Wall’ got to do with the lie that “our piss pot Parliament” is “…little more than rubber stamping sub-committees of the fucking Knesett ”?
Tinfoil hat time RTC ???
Add to that that AIPAC’s approval of senatorial candidates is required before the deniable coffers of JWH-loving businessmen are tipped over their campaigns.
I hope we never end up like the USA. It’s a complete fucking joke and circus of a nation, replete with more problems than not. This old Sanders fella’s heart seems to be in the right place — workers’ rights all across the board and nationalising the healthcare system — but he’s too old. 10 years ago he might’ve been a suitable candidate. 20/30 years ago would probably have been the perfect age, having garnered enough wisdom and proper life experience. It’s just farcical to have a person at 78 years of age running for president, but, like I said, this is the USA. Cunts, the lot of them!
Bernie’s brother Lawrence is an American born-British academic.
He is the Health spokesperson for the Green Party……..Cunts must run in the Sanders household.
When he speaks, he sounds like a character from Sesame Street.
With the IQ of their average viewer.
Utter wankrag.