Abdulah Husseini

Apart from being a dead ringer for the cunt from Friends, David Schwimmer, this Iranian dingy invader doppelganger has just been found guilty of yet more thieving and victimising of the people of this country who never wanted this cunt, or any other of the invading cunts here in the first place. That’s now 33 convictions for more than 60 offences since 2008.


Just what in the name of holy fuck!? I would love somebody to tally up exactly how much money this one devil-worshipper has cost this country in terms of court costs, prison costs, social services, police hours worked, benefits paid, not to mention the human cost – we deserve to know, because we’re paying for this cunt who some other cunt says can live here, and where’s the accountability?

Nominated Agent Double-O Shagga

71 thoughts on “Abdulah Husseini

  1. This chap comes from Iran. I found this on Wikipedia…

    “Death sentences in Iran are, in theory, legal for a variety of crimes, such as armed robbery, treason, espionage, murder, certain military offenses, drug trafficking, rape, pedophilia, sodomy, sexual misconduct, incestuous relations, fornication, homosexuality, prostitution, plotting to overthrow the Islamic regime, political dissidence, sabotage, apostasy, blasphemy, adultery, producing and publishing pornography, burglary, recidivist consumption of alcohol, recidivist theft, rebellion, some economic crimes, kidnapping, terrorism and few others.”

    Good job for him he didn’t go on his crime spree in the land of his birth.

    • He would indeed have found it difficult to steal that crate of beer if his hands had been cut off for burglary in Iran, Mike. And what’s this “Wandering, habitual thief” crap from the court? He is a foreign criminal with multiple convictions, not from a Brothers Grimm fairy tale.

      • Well it’s wrong.

        Rural Northumberland should be bright yellow.

      • I think I saw you outside the library at Fiddler University the other day, Dick. You were leading a gaggle of undergraduates and chasing a 6’ 2” bloke in a dress with a beard like a rhododendron whilst screaming “release the hounds.”

      • Guyana stands alone throughout the entire North & South American continent!

        How appropriate as it’s probably the one country where British influence remained strong well into the C20th ! England still played the West Indies here until quite recently.

        They are still showing the mother country the way forward!!

  2. If he was a character from a Brothers Grimm tale, he would have been served justice, of a kind, from the woodsman’s axe. Some of those stories are fucked up. In Cinderella, one of the Ugly Sisters cuts her toes off to fit in the slipper.

  3. This cunt’s not stupid – he took this to Crown Court and got a QC to defend him.

    I’m so glad I get up at 6 every morning to work to pay taxes for cunts like this. And we don’t need a points based immigration system? And death camps? Oops. Went a bit far right there.

      • It does Moggie, but given the choice of a free-for-all immigration policy, or, in theory, cherry picking those you want to allow in, surely it is preferable to choose the latter?

      • It is preferable if you can trust the people doing the choosing but, in this country at least, you can’t. They always have their own agenda and it rarely includes what’s good for the country.

  4. Have some sympathy you heartless Cunts.

    This poor refugee will have witnessed brutality,destruction,violence and squalor…but enough about Blackpool,it probably wasn’t very nice in Iran either.

    • Is it ordained we all have a peaceful doppelganger? Is there a peaceful Fiddler somewhere in the world I wonder?

      • Seems unlikely,Miles.
        We Fiddlers have never really agreed with that “The Meek will inherit the Earth” nonsense….indeed,we view The Ten Commandments as a “who can break the most” challenge.

      • Hear, hear. Let’s get those meek bastards !
        Morning Dick.
        A nice crisp frosty morning here, which is a nice change from all the rain.

      • Going to take weeks for the ground to dry out though,Jack.

        Morning All.

      • There was a Lincolnshire farmer on the telly last night. His land had been turned into a large lake. He’s lost a season.
        I am constantly amazed and infuriated at the vast sums of money that this country gives away, when there is so much that needs doing here.

      • Naturally we’re all pleased that The UK spent £1.1m last year on campaign to promote a low-salt diet in China from our foreign aid budget, rather than spend it compensating British taxpayers who lost everything in this natural disaster here.

  5. Ah yes he’s a quality addition to the U.K. he needs to be drowned on a dingy the fucking scumbag

  6. Allah helps those who help themselves!

    This cunt helped himself to everything.

    Castro sent all the criminals to the US, the west called them refugees. We never fucking learn.

    • Instead of strafing the cunts, we send out water taxis and ferry them back to Blighty.
      Our politicians are traitors.
      Good morning.

  7. What is a peaceful doing with a load of beer anyway? We all know they don’t drink. I expect he’ll be sucking yards of cock in prison the fucking fake cunt.

    • A yard of cock….that involve rotating the ball to avoid getting a face full as a finale?

    • Three things I’ve noticed in my lifetime. Mussies drink, Jews eat bacon and athiests cry out to God when in peril.

  8. Old Abdul is a mardy looking cunt isn’t he? I reckon he’s just been told the virgins awaiting him in the hereafter have already been fucked every which way from Sunday by all the other smelly martyr cunts that have made the trip topside.

    • Why are we being saturated with the middle easts impersonators of stage & screen?
      Is that what Border force does?
      “Oh he looks just like David Niven! Ok you can go ashore”
      What is it about look a likes that gives them a headstart in the “great uk benefits race?’

      • Evening Miserable. You’ll be needing a Harry Hewitt and Ms Sparkle lookalike duo now that the real ones have fucked off. Sand dwelling applicants should form an orderly queue on the beach once they’ve made landfall.

      • Morning Kiwi, yeah im missing our royal parasites,
        Hope the Canadians treat them well, would hate to think of them freezing to death in a snowdrift, partially eaten by a bear.

    • You’ll need to email Hope not Hate. Probably mention white supremacy, persecution, colonialism and the benefit of migration to British industry.

  9. Another IRC reptile, feloniously given T/A in 2008. represented ( at your cost ) by RLC and given asylum of the grounds that “as a political activist and member opposed to the ruling party” ( Absolute bullshit ) he would suffer ( more bullshit ) and blah blah. He returned to Iran 14 months later for a family visit, and I believe ( from a still serving collegue, that holidays ( paid by you ) still continue.

    Now. Is he value for money ? Is he a net contributor ? Is he an coocupation we need ? ……..NAH! Fuck the cunt

    • I thought that Iranians couldn’t be deported on grounds of safety. It might be case-dependent though.

      • Im not up to speed on current policy, but the fact the cunt returns for family visits is enough to question the validity of his stated claim. At IRC “O” it was common to see many thousands returning for home and family visits following Leave to Remain. The whole asylum system is fraudulent.

      • From what I know, Iranian prisoners brag about not bring able to be deported (although Afghans/ Pákis/ other cunts are). They act as if they can do what they like.

        Family visits to home countries is just mental.

  10. Why hasn’t the cunt been deported? If anyone qualifies it’s this scümbag.

  11. Wokes should be encouraged/made to have these people live with them (not for just a day, but for as long as the poor lost souls are homeless and needy) they could monitor their activities, take them on lovely day outs to stately homes or country parks, to the theatre or to quaint country pubs for cosy meals.That would be nice all round, and rehabilitate the naughty boys so one day they could find a well-paid job in tv have their own lovely house in Pimlico or Chelsea. 🙂

    Win, win, win!

    • Great idea as most of the wokes take great care not to mingle with the gimmegrants; they are of the Billy Bragg school of thinking.

  12. **and** have their own lovely house in Pimlico or Chelsea (I meant to say)

  13. What was a surely unemployed peaceful living in Slough travelling to Blackpool for in the first place? Possibly transported by a gang master to flog the big issue across the country.
    The analogy with Castros Cuba is apt, he dumped his criminal dross on the US, Europe gets the rest of the world’s dross.
    Richard Coudenhove Kalergi must be rubbing his hands together furiously.
    He deserves a cunting of interstellar magnitude himself.
    Double cunts.

    PS:why are my details no longer held, anyone know or is it just computer fuckery?

  14. Will the government ever learn ? , i mean apart from all the lefties and do-gooders the majority of the public don’t want them here and never have. It goes back to the same old thing with these immigrants , we allow them in we give them money food and somewhere to live and they just sit back and stick two fingers up at us.
    The more stories we read like this the more hateful and resentful we are towards them , they offer nothing and the only thing they are good for is target practice.

    • We were never asked.

      This 30min documentary, put together by Laura Towler and a few volunteers across the country (North and South), asked the salient questions of our time:


      We have left the EU.

      We now have to deal with the “peaceful” problem and – more importantly – the demographics issue. Solving either goes a long way to solving the other.

      This is why we MUST keep the Tories honest by dragging them to the right – even back to the centre (the Tories are virtually as left-wing as Labour, they simply drift to the left at the speed-limit rather than at the speed of light like Labour).

      The absolute majority of the country (save the M25 shit-bubble) are in total agreement on immigration, deporting felons, and not wanting to become an ethnic minority in our own country.

      And the reason for this is that when we do become an ethnic minority, do you think for one moment that the barbaric cunts from without will pontificate and over-promote our place in that foreign society, like the lefty-libbo masses do them now?

      No they won’t. We will at best be vassals in our own land, with no say over what happens in our own land. At worst we will be made slaves and any dissent will be met instantly with death. No procrastinated legal processions or incarcerations, no hand-wringing from do-gooders (there won’t be any), you will lose your head and the despotic Govt in power at that time won’t give two stony shits what the fucking UN thinks!


      • Totally agree with you on that and it’s kinda starting all ready , we’ve already discussed on this site that the average white man is now being persecuted in this country for being white.
        Wonder how long it will be before there is genocide in this country against us.

      • We already have no say.

        Who voted to join the EU (it was the EEC until 90’s), for mass immigration, multiculturalism, for Muslims to get benefits to outbreed non-muslims, for terrorists and paedophiles to be released from prison, for pubs to have higher business costs than consumer temples, etc

        Guest you are become a regular here, would you like to change your name to something more up beat?

    • The gvnmnt (the CUNTS) will NEVER learn, as it is all part of their “great plan.”

      A civil war or something similar might help to focus their attention…

      • I was thinking of something along the lines of Night of the Long Knives but that’s daily life in London.

  15. Deport them. No ifs, buts, maybes.

    Our country, our rules. Break them and it’s bye-bye to your shithole of origin.

    Usually the countries these cunts come from treat foreigners in this manner (if not to simply eradicate them – no questions asked, no tears), so it should be no surprise to them.

    “Oh but I am in fear of my life to go back!?!”

    Tough, should’ve thought about that the first time you broke the law, not the 60th.

    No more hand-wringing, just deport the cunts!

    It will cost us a shit-load in flights but that’s small beer compared to the cost of housing the cunts, giving them handouts, and THEN having to suffer the costs of their incarceration! Are we fucking mad!?!

    We do need that 3rd runway at Heathrow, and we can annex it to use it for a constant stream of outbound flights to extradite this undesirable sc-um once and for all.

    Oh, and before we fuck them off, we take their biometric data (facial recognition data, etc.), if they ping coming into the country again, they immediately get put on the outbound carousel and off you go again.

    If we clear the country out of all of these foreign felons, we will save billions in the long run and improve our society where these cunts simply do not fit in, nor belong!


    • Well said that man. This fucking cunt has 32 previous convictions for 60 offences since 2008, including 27 offences for theft and dishonesty. I mean, why is this fucker not locked up? The cunt judge gave him nine months, probably out in four to carry on the same way as before. The problem is our system is too soft, jail is too soft. The fuckers should be made to clean out their own shit, no access to computers, mobile phones, etc. Fuck rehabilitation, going to prison should be such a cunt of an experience that nobody should want to go back.

      • Putting a cunt through 3 months of hell with bread and water rations and no protection from arse rapings would be a more effective deterrent than ten years watching television.

  16. I’m certain I saw this cunt in Blackpool. Mind you, there’s so many of the cunts there now it’s hard to tell. Late last July, I flew in for a few days, and I started to think I’d landed in fucking Islamabad. The Promenade, the Pleasure Beach, the arcades, and the piers were all chocablock with the stinking bastards. Only after enquiring was I told that that particular weekend is “Muslim weekend”. I dare say in years to come, it’ll be all year round, and instead, there’ll be “Whitey Weekend”
    I hate the cunts.

  17. Send the dirty cunt back to Adabadjihaddy land – no beer there to steal there, piece of shit.

    Perhaps we should do what they would in rag head land – chop his hands off.

  18. It’s a pity this cunt wasn’t hitching a ride in General Soleiman’s car when that 500 pound bomb landed.

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