Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (3)

“Hello. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee speaking. Today I’m joined by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, columnist and political commentator, and self-styled feminist, anti-racist, Muslim, and er… ‘little brown person’. Yes. Good afternoon”.

“Afternoon. I won’t say ‘good’. Nothing is good in vile post-Brexit Britain”.

“Ah, right. I’ll start with a little background. You fled your native Uganda at a time of great unrest and the rise of the despotic Idi Amin, and came to Britain. Since then you’ve tended, if I may say so, to be less than complimentary about your adopted country”.

“Well, Britain is racist. Structurally racist. Institutionally racist *whinge*. As I wrote in ‘The New European’ in 2018, the UK is no country for coloured immigrants”.

“I see. Can you actually substantiate this claim? You seem to have done alright”.

“I’m right *sour pucker*. I say that Britain is racist at every conceivable opportunity, so it must be right. I mean, just look at who’s been sent to interview me. Someone who’s male, pale and stale”.

“But surely that outlook is in itself racist. Then you have in your time called upon ‘middle class white men’ to disappear, and referred to white working class people as ‘idle scroungers’. Aren’t YOU in turn being racist?”.

“Absolutely not. Only white people can be racist. I’m a little brown person”.

“I’m glad you cleared that up for us. So what issues concern you most then?”.

“Well racist Britain obviously. And Islamophobic, misogynist, sexist Britain. And of course Brexit. I’ve written and spoken at length about what an insular, small-minded, xenophobic and right wing place this country has become as a result of Brexit”.

“Hang on. I’d suggest that Brexit wasn’t a vote against foreigners as such. It was a revolt against the stranglehold of a bloated, unaccountable plutocracy. People were also deeply concerned about the impact of large scale immigration on their way of life, and upon public services. Such population increases are simply unsustainable”.

” An inherently racist outlook. And as I said in a post-election interview in December, the people have endorsed an ‘elective dictatorship’ to carry out this disgraceful withdrawal from the EU”.

“Pardon? The Conservatives have been given a huge majority to carry Brexit through. They govern not by ‘elective dictatorship’ but by popular mandate”.

“Yes but *whine* it wasn’t the result that I wanted. That means it’s not fair!!”.

“Okay, let’s summarise. You came here for a new life, and were accepted into one of the most tolerant, open and democratic societies in the world. Britain has given you sanctuary, opportunity and prosperity. Yet you never shut up about how bigoted and prejudiced we all are, and how unjust everything is. Aren’t you, as your critics claim, just a perpetually moaning, ungrateful, race-baiting hypocrite? And incidentally, why are you still here anyway?”.

“*hissy* I’m a little brown victim person and you’re bullying me! You want to drive me out, send me back to where I came from. But I won’t be driven out, I won’t!”.

“I’m not trying to drive you out. I’m merely referring to an article you wrote before the election, in which you said you’d leave Britain the minute Boris Johnson became PM”.

“I, er, *boo hoo hoo* little brown person *boo hoo hoo*…”.

“*sigh* This is Ron Knee, for ISAC, returning you to the studio”

Nominated by Ron Knee

87 thoughts on “Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (3)

  1. The race card will be used more than ever now, Ron …. Living turds like Saint Stormzy can say Britain is 100% racist (the cunt’s very words) and everyone’s ‘cool’ with it… Katie Hopkins pulls him up for it and calls the BBC’s favourite chocolate novelty a ‘cockwomble’ and all hell breaks loose… And dumb Strictly Come Cocksucking slags like Rachel Riley labeling Hopkins a ‘criminal’ because of it does not help… Cunts like Stormzy and this Alibhai-Brown cunt use and abuse the race tag because servile leftist cunts like Riley and scores of libfuck bastards lap it up and allow these manipulative cunts to thrive…

    As for Bozza and Brexit? It seems ‘Our Tez’ isn’t taking it well… Ah, bless…


    • The Stormzy wanker tried to defend what he said, he says he meant that he believed 100% that Britain is racist, we fuck off Michael Ebanezer ….. what ever the fuck you are called it amounts to the same thing you thick cunt!
      I don’t know why the BBC give this cunt any air time it’s like listening to a two year old learning to speak.
      Trevor Phillips has said that he believes ‘drill’ music (fuck sake, may as well call it cunt music) is a contributing factor to knife crime.

    • Don’t know why we are wasting our time on this foul mouthed immigrant
      If she does not like this Country it’s easy just fuck off back to Uganda (Oh and She didn’t leave She was booted out)
      Twats like this who cry down our Country have no business being here they should be deported as enemies of the state Always remember when you spout your vile comments about this Country it gave you safe haven and sanctuary against depression so fucking belt up pulling this country down foreigners like you are the scum of the earth ?

    • If cunts like stormzy and alibahbah brown truly believe this country is as dreadful as they say why don’t they simply FUCK OFF to somewhere they find more agreeable? Probably because they wouldn’t have an army of utter cunts supporting their bullshit leftie narrative!!
      Don’t like the UK? Feel free to fucking leave you cunts , you really wouldn’t be missed……..

    • She is an evil, vile, loathsome bitch of the first order.

      She used to rate as a ‘run of the mill’ fucking shit-for-brains hag, but that wasn’t getting her enough attention & appearances on the Jeremy Vine show, so she ramped up her spewing of hateful bile about everything being racist.

      I can personally no longer leave any tv prog on, where she rears her deformed dwarf head & spouts her utter shite – the shrivelled up turd.
      The sooner she gets run over by a fucking Bus, the better we’ll all feel.

      • Hopefully, the No.98 that flattens this cunt will be driven by a parking Stanley.
        I’d settle for her getting her head stoved in with a 5-iron, though. If I can watch……

  2. So accurate it’s scary Ron. Rather like the lefties who said they’d leave if Trump became president. Guess what they’re still in the USA.
    Perpetual victims who can never admit to being wrong . Devoid of all grace and without a doubt the most intolerant bastards you’ll ever meet.
    Do you reckon if we had a whip round we could get her air fare out of ???


    • Well Mac I was pleased to wake up this morning and find that the country hadn’t slid off the European coast to be submerged forever in the vast depths of the Atlantic.
      But no, this detestable gerbil faced harpy is still here, whining on about how rascist and xenophobic we all are, along with a horde of other like-minded cunts. Naturally, they’re not narrow-minded at all; their own minds are as open and outgoing as the heavens. ‘Progressives’ they like to style themselves. File this cunt under ‘Owen Jones and Other Bigots’.

      • Great nom as always Ron!?
        Yasmin ali baba is in my top ten cunts
        Even if she was voicing opinions i held id still hate her!
        Screeching, gimme gimme, queue jumping, me first, little fucker boils my blood.
        She was recently moaning about the celebrations of leaving the EU would upset people mainly her.
        Dont know what shithole shes originally from but lets have a whipround for her fare to go back.

      • She’s from that bastion of civilised living Uganda, Miserable; fled when that cunt Idi Amin was giving it large. Came to guess where for sanctuary and opportunity, made a mill or two telling us all how awful we are. The stinking hypocrisy of this detestable woman is unbelieveable. I rate her in the top ten vilest people in Britain, and I’m still waiting for her to fulfil her pledge to fuck off when Bojogot elected.

      • Comedy cannibal Idi Amin famously fed people to the crocodiles in the nearby river, and was no stranger to eating human bbq, but youve got to admire his foreign policy!!
        At school in 70s we had a Sikh girl join our class from uganda, Idi had helped her family make up their mind to leave everything behind and come here penniless.
        He must of been brave Idi, he had a LOT of medals!?

      • My grandad used to roar with laughter when he was on the news in 70s BB!
        Think he thought Idi should of played the palladium he was that entertaining!

      • Don’t forget, he regarded himself as “the last king of Scotland”….
        but a moderate, compared to ‘Krankie’ Sturgeon

      • Against a wall would be better…..with a blindfold on and a last fag rammed in her poisonous gob.

    • These promises to leave UK if x, y, or z happens is so much bullshite – like suggesting chucking acid in someone’s face, and pretending it’s only a joke.
      Words are now just meaningless…

  3. This slag is quite possibly the most objectionable cunt alive. Stupid, racist, sexist, obnoxious, you name it she’s the fucking worst. If I were to hear of her death by the most painful means imaginable I would literally dance and sing, she’s the fucking devil.

  4. All these ‘progressive’ people leaving if Boris/Trump/ Brexit gets voted in.
    Surely the only people left are us horrible waaaysist bigots?
    Bye bye Alibaba it was wonderful knowing you.

  5. Fuck off you rice munching daughter of a chaai wahller.
    Get back to the plantation: Those tea leaves won’t pick themselves….

    • Yasmin hates waycist whitey.
      What’s waycist whitey ever done for poor Yasmin?
      Granted her asylum/refugee/settled/UK Citizen status.
      Gave her security from alleged persecution.
      Gave her protection.
      Gave her clean water.
      Gave her food that doesn’t kill you.
      Gave her free health care.
      Gave her a free Grammar School education.
      Gave her every job and position possible.
      Gave her a fortune.
      Gave her children a private education.
      Gave her a platform for h*te speech against her very saviours.
      Gave her an unassailable sense of intellectual and moral superiority to spew her h*teful r*cist whitey bad Man hating baiting f*scism and divisive malice.
      Allowed her a wholly undeserved platform to promote “The religion of peace”.
      Gave her a comfortable seat at the top of her virtue signalling victim playing ivory tower.
      Like she said – what has waycist b*stard evil whitey ever done for her?
      To the airport, on a plane, fuckoff and never come back,

      Excellent cunting as always RK – good form Sir!

      • Excellent Vernon!
        I’d like the chance to ask this shithouse one question.
        ‘Ok Alibaba, what the fuck have YOU ever done for US?’

      • She has blessed us with her balance and impartiality! ?
        It is of course entirely coincidental that Uganda is rampantly anti muslim, with damn good reason.

      • VF you make a compelling argument for this women having a little more gratitude to this once wonderful country. However, I think that few of us expect it to happen. I am baffled as to how anyone can be so cuntish all so the time.

  6. She is an ugly detestable old bag. Hypocrite and liar – needless to say the BBC love to have her on it’s live “political” programmes.

      • And on ‘Dateline London’. Always on there. Which used to be hosted by that nice Gavin Esler who flipped out suddenly and revealed he was a rabid remainer and joined ‘Change UK’. As though he had a ‘mental episode’ of some kind. I think he’s still off the air waves. He was the the main presenter of Newsnight. And now where is I wonder…? He must surely regret it.

  7. Well Idi has long been pushing up the daisies, so fuck off back to where you came from.
    I’ve no time for most Europeans, and none at all for Africans.
    You don’t like the UK? well listen here Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Uganda didn’t want you, and we don’t want you here. You’re an unwanted stain in the world’s gusset.

  8. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown? I’d much rather have Yasmin Le Bon… Simon’s a good bloke (met him a few years back), but he’s also a jammy cunt…

  9. Yes, watch her shout her mouth off then resort to her ‘poor little brown me’ routine when somebody takes up the challenge.
    A snivelling, whining, Britain hating little creep whose loathsomeness is enhancing by having the most punchable face on the planet. Words cannot adequately express just how much I despise this cunt.

  10. We need a banana boat to get these victims away from here asap. Poor woman, leaves a relatively benign Uganda only to end up in this hellhole.

    • After bravely running away from, ahem, democratic Ugandans Yasminger has spent the last Million Years using free speech to write and shout about how little free speech evil whitey allows her. ? – If I had a heart it would bleed..
      My African Great Uncle Idi had the right idea – any lip and a one way trip to a crocodile infested river! And not a single peep from Yasmin, ever, about ongoing corruption, torture, FGM, forced marriage, Human rights abuses, m*rder and theft of aid money by the Ugandan leaders – I would have thought she would have been the first to shout about this one! Like Drunky Delia says “where are ya? Let’s be ‘avin ya”! Nothing to say, for once, Yasmin? Didn’t think so, the silence is deafening.
      To the airport Alibaba, fuckoff anytime you want – now would be good with me!

    • Banana boat? I would not be sure if it was a banana boat or a plantain boat so I would be guilty of micro waycism!
      I have a plan – every fifth column ungrateful traitor from now on gets called out for what they are, if they don’t like the truth they know where the f*cking airport/plantain boat is – f*ckoff, my great Country and every single decent person in it is SICK AND F*CKING TIRED OF YOU!
      Time to start clearing out the rats.

  11. Alibaba can go fuck herself as she transits to a more tolerant and accepting society.
    Surely she has played the same old tune so many times her fucking fiddle must be knackered.

      • I wonder if that revolting little leaflet will survive now that even the most ardent Remainers* will probably STFU sooner rather than later now that it is a done deal

        * Excludes, Grieve, Mandy, Adonis, Heseltine and just a few other loonies of course.

  12. I used to do some work for a chap who was a former Ugandan asian and he was a really decent bloke.
    However, this fucking evil little rodent makes me feel rather more sympathetic to where that fat cunt Idi Amin was coming from.
    Boil her in pig shit (for starters) the cunt…

    • If cunts like her spoke about Ugandan people, and their nation, anything like this desiccated old flange does ours, Idi’s desire to give every last one the boot is entirely understandable.

  13. What is needed in this country, is a McArthy like revival of Nationalism. A move against those anti-British values of Nationhood. We need witch hunts , and persecution of any cunt who offends in any way, shape or form any person of the “indigenous” white . ( Nationalism and its values of course will be determined by Mr Whitey.) Trials of “Anti-Brit” crimes will be held in public, televised, and tickets for the resultant executions will pay the expenses of the trial ( beer, booze and of course a good curry are quite expensive )
    People who do not fit the desired criteria for survival, will be disposed of ( humanely ) by sending them on an extended holiday to North Korea, with luggage loaded with pictures of “Fat ugly Bastard with Moron Haircut” stamped all over them.
    I think that Ron has found our very first nominee in his most excellent cunting, and I look forward to her postcards from “Fat Kims” hospitality suite.
    The bitch ! She’s a cunt !

  14. Afternoon cunters.

    Being ethnic allows some cunts an automatic winner in the identity lottery. Could it be these people know they are cunts but have found a platform to be a cunt from and have auto immunity from being called out as a cunt? Even white cunts can indulge in massive cuntitude and be applauded whilst satiating their inner cunt.

    ISAC exists to out cunts. Yasmin can attempt to hide behind behind race, religion or anything else but we will be here to point out that none of those the motivation for cunting her, no Yasmin, we are calling put your inner cunt, your core self. Yasmin is 100% cunt.

    • Hello Sixdog!
      Hows life in the glorious North suiting you?
      Like it? Of course you do!!

      • It’s all good ta MNC, being a seaside resort town it’s quiet being off season, holiday cunts will ruin the tranquility but nothing’s perfect.

        The diversity up here is amazing, not many Eastern European’s and Tom Jones suntan would be talk of the town.

        If I find my membership card I may pop down the local conservative club for a pint, that will end well.

  15. This creature is so grating on the ears you’d think even the metropolitan cucks who repeatedly invite the old sow to contribute would be even more sick of the vile sack of shit than we are, despite the same political leanings. If I was an employee of Al Beeb I’d fucking sue auntie for mental anguish caused for putting me in the same room of this satanic little rodent.

  16. So is the New European going to carry on publishing, or will the crushed, beaten, thoroughly whipped, defeated cunts call it a day, seeing as they sold even less copies than the Grauniad?
    Who’s money wil keep it going I wonder…

  17. This little cunt just winds me up, you live in a white western ‘Christian’ country, if you aren’t happy fuck off, why should the majority change to suit little brown Yasmin.
    White Britain must at piss boiling temperature with these wankers constantly having a pop.

  18. I have a certain sympathy with Ali Baba as she has direct experience of blatant life threatening racism. The trouble is old Idi was about the blackest cunt i’ve ever seen outside of the gorilla enclosure at Londonstabistan zoo. It rather contradicts her narrative of every racist being white and vice versa. This bitch should fuck off to the EU she loves so much where, as we all know, racism doesn’t exist. I don’t know what the fuck is stopping her.

    • Black? Waycist? Surely not!
      Am I risking accusations of waycism saying that?
      Do I give a fuck?

    • Interestingly, Amin was also a Muslim. Guess he wasn’t too keen on little brown Muslims tho!

      • Admin’s a Muslim??? I never signed up for that! Hope the other admins keep an ear out for those ticking backpacks

  19. Does anyone know the name of the black fella who the tabloids slap pictures of everywhere – wears union Jack outfits, placards for Brexit and such; the libtards heads must fair explode when they see him!! Beyond criticism for them surely

  20. I find it difficult to put into words just how much I thoroughly detest this ugly smelly stinking scabby racist cunt. The best I could wish for her is a dose of coronavirus. And Aids. And hepatitis C.

    • My feelings exactly. I hate her so boundlessly, the deep antagonism in my soul exceeds the limits of that which human language can describe. One almost needs to break into poetry to communicate the antipathy and murderous impulses she elicits in my mind.

  21. More of these whining ethic minority cunts please!
    It serves to prove everyone else is right and they are wrong.
    Which will piss Ali Baba right off.
    The silly bitch.
    Now fuck off.

    • I think I’ve got another enricher coming up soon Unk, on a ‘bomb hoax’ cunting. Hope you enjoy if it appears.

  22. When she speaks i’m always reminded of Porky pig.

    Fucking Jawa..

    • I’ve reached the point where I simply can’t watch anything with this creature on it CP. It’s good to know that my loathing of the cunt isn’t confined to me. I’d like to deport the cunt for anti-white racism. We’ve gone way past the point where we should tolerate abuses of our hospitality by having to put up with insults from the likes of this shithouse. It beggars belief.

  23. I’ve dropped better looking turds off than this cunt. You can see why Idi told her to feck off. Miserable cunt she is. Jasmin, pretty please, fuck off and die.

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