Women in Politics

Wimmin In Politics…

‘In politics’, St Margaret of Grantham once observed, ‘if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman’.
It’s a refrain we’ve heard many times in recent decades. Limit testosterone-fuelled, toxic masculinity in political life, and give more power and influence to the (so-called) gentler, nurturing sex. As a consequence,discourse will somehow become less confrontational, more amicable and co-operative, and then real progress will be made on the resolution of difficult issues. Recently, former US President Barack Obama has pursued this theme, stating that, ‘Men seem to be having some problems these days. If every nation on Earth was run by women (sic) for two years, things would be better’.

It must be true of course. Just look at some of the wimmin who have so civilised the tone of political discourse in Britain in recent times. There’s Shirley Williams, Bernadette Devlin, Olga Maitland, Margaret Beckett and Edwina Currie. Then there’s Shirley Porter, Harriet Harperson, Virginia Bottomley, Teresa Gorman, Diane Abbott, Hazel Blears, the Baronesses Scotland and Uddin, Theresa Maybot, Caroline Lucas, Jo Swineson, Nicola ‘Wee Jimmy Krankie’ Sturgeon, Angela Soubry, Fiona Onasanya, Margaret Moran, Dawn Butler, Shabbi Chukkabutty, Rebecca Wrong-Daily and Emily Thornberry. How each one of these female paragons has enriched the life of the nation by their contribution.

Take a look across the pond to the US too. The situation is equally encouraging in that bastion of female empowerment. By way of evidence to support my thesis, I offer the examples of Shirley Huntley, Sarah Palin, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Ilhan Omar, Michele ‘Batshit Crazy’ Bachmann, Christine ‘I’m Not A Witch’ O’Donnell, and of course, the gloriously embittered Hillary herself. You’re really raising the tone up there on Capitol Hill, ladies.

As for elsewhere in the world, let’s not forget the outstanding contributions made by the likes of Imelda Marcos, Jiang ‘Madame Mao’ Qing, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Winnie Mandela, Indira Gandhi, Isabel dos Santos, Elena Ceausescu, Eva Peron. Yes, there’s no doubt about it. The march of feminism in the last hundred years has allowed wimmin to come forward and truly express themselves in politics, and haven’t all our lives been so much better for their moderating and constructive influence? Or… or… could it just possibly be that given the opportunity, wimmin have shown themselves to be every bit as as malign, egotistical, vicious, arrogant, vain, incompetent and venal as men? They’ve given, and continue to give, a demonstration of behavioural traits that radical feminists are quick to label as ‘problematic’ when displayed by mere males.

Well,’problematic’, oestrogen-fuelled, toxic femininity is what I call it.

Nominated by Ron Knee

119 thoughts on “Women in Politics

    • That bastard owes me 3 grand. I had that much in my Health Savings Account and was minding my own business between jobs without health insurance. Taking a risk – yes, but it was my choice. Then that cunt rocks up, gets a law passed which forced people to buy health insurance and fined them if they didn’t. So I had no choice. Bye-bye $3K on health insurance premiums for health coverage I didn’t want, didn’t need and didn’t use. Absolute bastard. A pox upon his house. Chinese flavoured preferably.

      • Never liked that cunt , noble peace prize when he only just became president what a load of bollocks , it was purely because he was the first black president . I was actually reading about him today and they reckon he is the worse president there ever was by a mile. There has been a’lot said about how bad the Obama care was , he was just a Muslim loving charlatan…..oh and one big professional cunt.

      • You are not wrong, Telly.

        The stats back this up. The end of American manufacturing on a grand scale. Millions of jobs exported overseas. Millions more below the poverty line. Millions more on food stamps. The highest rate of unemployment for all the various ethnic groups. The worst post recession growth on record. Millions lost their health insurance and primary care physicians and health insurance premiums went through the roof, some increased by 400%. Terrorism got worse too. We have him and Clinton to thank for ISIS. Oh yeah and he increased the national deficit by more than all the previous presidents in history combined. And despite being black, race relations and tension between whites and non-whites got worse under his presidency because he deliberately race baited whenever there was any kind of incident worth exploiting for his political gain.

        He was an awful president and his administration will go down as the most corrupt ever. People complain about Tango Man, but at least Obama laid the ground work for someone like Trump to come along and be successful.

  1. Bernadette Devlin, there is a name from the past. A thoroughly nasty piece of work of whom our younger cunts have hopefully never heard of.

  2. Just looking at those four photos makes my piss boil. When it comes to choosing which one to kick in the face (which admittedly nobody asked me to do but I can’t resist) I would probably let the Flabbott off as she can’t help being thick as shit.
    It’s definitely Lucas for me. I hate that arrogant bitch with a passion.

    • Ms Lucas is currently trying to climb out of the shitpit she finds herself in regarding her dubious fund raising efforts by claiming that she was unaware of the rules. I find this strange as she appears to be an expert on everything in the universe.

      • She needs to be reminded that ignorance of the law is not a defence. My advice would be to black up or change her name to Vaz.

      • That fucking harpie Luc-arrrse stayed uncharacteristically silent when the beaches of Brighton were littered with plastic from the fudge-packing festival.

        The taxpayer funded the cleanup, so no sweat off her big hairy bollocks.

        Green, my big hairy fucking arse!

  3. Great cunting Ron.

    Time for a quick repost.

    UK Head of State – woman

    Scotch 1st Minister – woman
Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police – woman

    Director General of the CBI – woman

    General Secretary of the TUC – woman

    Shadow Home Secretary – female sub-primate
    Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade – woman
    Chief operating officer of Manchester United – woman
    President of National Farmers Union – woman
Leader of Sinn Fein/IRA – woman

    Leader of DUP – Wonder Woman

    Chancellor of das Farterland – woman

    New Zealand Prime Minister – woman
    Leader of the Green Talibannie Party – woman

    President of South Korea – woman
Prime Minister of Poland – woman
IMF Managing Director – woman
    Leader of the Wimminz Equality Party – woman

    No wonder we’re in such a state!

    That genius cunt Stephen Hawking sure knew his onions, didn’t he…?


    Fuck off.

      • At least she’s (a bit) easier on the eye than her predecessor, that fat drunken tosspot Juncker.

      • Say what you want about Myanmar/Burma/whatever they’re calling themselves today, they know how to deal with peacefuls ☮️

      • India’s “Anti- Muslim law” seems to be boiling up nicely. Do you think any Peacefuls will return to the homeland to join the fight?

      • will they fuck, they will come over here and claim asylum due to persecution in India.
        Admittedly Pakistan and Bangladesh is closer but you just do not get the standard of care.

      • RTC- the head of South Korea WAS a woman (called Park, daughter if the dictator from 1961-1980) but was turfed out due to corruption a few years back.

      • Afternoon herr kapitan.

        Methinks you’re somewhat behind the times:

        Park Geun-hye (a woman) was President of South Korea 2013 – 2017 when I originally compiled the list above.

        She was impeached and subsequently sentenced to 25 years in prison on 6 April 2018 after being found guilty of abuse of power and coercion.


        Will duly update Number Two’s files.

      • Sorry Cap – I misread your comment, thought you were referring to the 1980s! You are of course completely right, I cannot apologise enough.

      • No problem. I regularly meet World leaders, being one myself, and I hadn’t seen Ms.Park at our secret One World meetings for a few years. Big Don used to hate her as she was always first in the queue for free croissants.

  4. Iron-willed and politically convicted female MPs like Thatcher or Widdecombe were, and are, exceptional rarities.

    Polemicists far and wide have long contended that the co-inciding of women becoming prevalent in politics/positions of power, and the downturn in much of society – third-wave feminism, the eunification of men, trans-freakery, liberal appeasement – are directly related.

    Looking at the impending ruination of countries in Europe like Germany, Sweden, UK – all have or had women prominent in shaping government, social, fiscal policies. And look what happened. Now I am not saying that men are great in politics – most are indeed arch-cunts – but the presence of women in power ‘because they are women’ has fast-tracked Sweden into a den of multicultural enrichment for one.

    Thatcher was a complete anomaly. She was so adept at her role without sentiment, without entitlement and without victimhood that her gender was virtually irrelevant/forgotten; whereas hysterical, emotional fuckbags like Thornberry, Abbott, Phillips and all the Lib Dem horsefaces bring their gender to the table like a corpse in a fucking wheelbarrow.

    If this ‘world was run by women’, then we would have the men indigenous to the population imprisoned for being caught in posession of their penis, immigrants would be permitted to rape girls each day before breakfast and primary school teaching would become the exclusive preserve of drag queens and men-to-women transfreaks.

    Life is shit, but under the exclusive political rule of women, life would be the next circle of Dante’s hell.

  5. Obviously as a white male I am toxic, privileged blah blah fucking blah and therefore my opinions are worthless (even the factual ones) but I would ask this of my fellow cunters –
    Has anyone ever known two women colleagues who actually like each other?

  6. Absolutely a tremendous cunting Ron,one of your best. I am sure you can trace the deck of the British Empire back to when we gave women the vote. However it did give us Lady Margaret and God knows where this country would have been without her.

  7. A classic and well-illustrated Knee cunting.

    The evolution of politics in this country over the last 50 years can be summarised as the steady abandonment of informed reason in favour of passionate emotion. (The point of no return may have been reached when Enoch Powell was officially declared an unperson by Heath, IMO.)

    Since then a positive feedback loop has been established: a small initial shift towards emotional unreason has been amplified by the emotionally unreasonable to the point where cool and logical thinking is an actual disadvantage, throughout society. And being female is, conversely, advantageous. Thus far, I agree with the cunting.

    But, turning aside from politics to economics, it is noticeable that (a) women are far less strident in demanding an equal or better share of the action in the financial industry, (b) the industry is overwhelmingly male-dominated, and (c) the financial industry regularly fucks up completely, invariably because sober, prudent analysis has been ignored in favour of emotional irrationality – the emotion in this case being greed. We can’t blame the wimminz for this one, as we wallow in the stagnant trough of the post-2007 world recession. All we can say, based on their propensity to buy unreasonable quantities of clothing, is that wimminz would have made the situation immeasurably worse.

    This cunting is certainly thought-provoking.

      • Which ought to have outranked Lt-Col Heath (called-up, started at 2nd Lieut, never saw anyone killed, by own admission, bumped up a rank on retirement) in Parliament. In a rational world Powell would have been PM and put Heath on latrine duties.

      • I read that Heath commanded a firing squad in Germany during the war that shot a Pole convicted of rape.

      • The Wikipedia entry is a little evasive. My reading was that he was in command of the unit but was not actually present at the execution or doing the ‘load, aim, fire’ bit. Probably signed off on the docs, though.

  8. Winnie Mandela.

    In another time and era, had she been prominent during the existence of this website, then she would have certainly commanded a daily spot on ISAC for a clockwork cunting.

    I always found the veneration of Nelson Mandela peculiar, against the backdrop of his murderous wife commissioning the ‘necklacing’ of anyone deemed a political traitor.

    • Nah….Winnie just ran a football team for deprived African boys. No problem with heading the ball for those cunts.

  9. I fail to understand this ‘love in’ with Margaret Thatcher. Were she alive today, she would be just as vilified as the rest.

    There’s always one cunt who starts the whole thing off.

    • Not exactly a ‘love in’ Bertie, but just acknowledging that:

      i) In an era where she could have cited genuine sexist attitudes, she instead got on with her fucking job without playing the victim
      ii) Never insisted on bending society into some kind of feminist utopia to suit her agenda
      iii) Never inflicted victimhood politics on others
      iv) Stood firm on political convictions

      You’ll struggle to find other female MPs/leaders who fit even one of those, let alone all four. All I am saying is that she was a politician without relying on any kind of female/feminist cuntdom.

      • “Thatcher campaigned vigorously to join the EEC and was a major architect of the Single Market. ”

        Cuntly to be sure. But I doubt Thatcher envisioned the EEC transmogrifying into today’s bloated, tyrannical EU superstate that we are now thankfully free of.

      • I voted to join the EEC in the vain hope that the UK would be flooded with continental hard porn jizz mags.

      • Heard that. Some of the greatest porn I’ve ever watched was from the early to mid 90s European scene.

      • Morning Empire and Ruff one. Very valid points from you both. I suppose I’m trying to say that present day women UK politicians drew their inspiration from Thatcher(many would begrudgingly admit to this). She was thus largely responsible for giving women ideas above their station!

      • Liebour wimmin don’t accept that Thatcher was a proper woman. They draw their inspiration from Emily Pankhurst and Barbara Castle.

      • I voted to leave, because we keep getting pictures of an obese old Kraut munter that looks like Goering in drag.

        But I’ve banged out a good few over Marine…

      • I remember the time when Big Mags got an award from the US Marines (I think it was) for ‘showing balls in the face of communism’. Like her or loathe her, you’ve got to admit that she had a pair, if only metaphorically.
        Back in the 80s when we were out on the piss one night, my mate Alan owned up to fantasising about a leather clad Maggie disciplining him severely. Takes all sorts.

      • The Tories deceived themselves into believing they had a new Thatcher when they appointed Appeaser to the top job.

        Big, big, seriously BIG and very costly mistake.

    • Has there been a more vilified British politician than Thatcher? The left still use her as the bogeyman. Remember the outpourings of joy from all those wankers when she died? The far more damaging cunt Tony Blair gets nowhere near the vitriol aimed at him. And, if I outlive the cunt, I will get the bunting out on his passing.

      • What amuses me about Blair is that the Guardian is championing his brand of politics, on the ‘low’, as the true answer to Labour’s problems.

        I personally would happily piss on Blair’s grave until the headstone subisded.

      • They should just install a urinal instead of a headstone, a far more lasting and useful tribute to the cunt of cunts.

      • I’ll happily curl out a foot-long length of stout, brown SWA cable on the cunt’s resting place.

        He can chomp on that like a burnt Subway roll in his descent to Hades. The cunt.

      • Fuck that, they ought to just bury him and build a pit latrine on top so we can shit on his face. We needn’t wait till the cunt is dead.

    • Miller looks like a bison in drag.

      I wonder how long before Sparkle gets her political campaign (I mean running for “office”) going ? That would be toe-curlingly unbearable.

      • I’m only surprised that Markle-on-the-Cunt hasn’t already declared her super-woke political ambitions.

        As for Miller, she looks like she reeks of fermenting scampi.

  10. Too many of them in both houses. All we hear from the majority is whinging about harrassment on Twitter or narcissistic wittering about being a woman.
    ‘As a woman…me, me,me… worship my pissflaps’. They’re in their job for status, not to get things done.
    Prior to the election of Boris, Parliament had descended to a juvenile talking shop (as Dr David Starkey put it) most of who vowed to honour the referendum yet then decided democracy wasnt for them.
    No coincidence that we’ve never had so many women MPs. Useless, two-faced, undemocratic, power-mad, irtue signalling twats.

    • “As a woman…me, me,me… worship my pissflaps”

      Wasn’t that a literal quote from Jo Swinson’s GE ’19 campaign?

      Oh, and if you really want a fucking laugh, watch this video in which Jo Swinson is asked, in the context of tranny-bending frolics, to ‘define what a woman is’:


      • This is recommended viewing – pure theatre.
        And I still can’t figure out why Swinson morphed from being Scottish to a West Country yokel during the election campaign.

      • “ Being Kneed by Ron is like being Kneed in . . er . . the crutch. Once Kneed by Ron, cunts usually stayed Kneed”

        Neasden Times . . . . . . February 2020

  11. Took me a while to realise it but the late Baroness Thatcher was without doubt, a leader to rival the political machinations of the great Winston Churchill, himself. The so-called wimmin who’s fat asses grace the esteemed halls of Westminster Palace are nought but bargain bucket entertainment.

    • She kept net immigration low. That immediately puts her head and shoulders above Major cunt, B-liar, Brown stain, Camoron, Maybot and no cap on numbers Boris.

    • Speaking of which if Kweer Charmer had stayed out of the leadership race, they could have run it like Miss World. Emily, Liza, Becky and Jess in slinky tight dresses and suspender belts, a glitzy stage, Michael Aspel introducing them, to the sounds of the electric organ of Dominic Grieve in a sparkly bowtie (currently doing his residency at the Rose & Crown of course), then posing in skimpy bikinis. What a TV spectacle for a Saturday evening on BBC1. Theywould allhave wanted to travel and meet people.

      I myself would have hoped for a tie, so there could have been a final wrestling bout – the two protagonists stripped to the waist in skimpy Speedos, wrestling in goats dung boiled up in fish glue. The winner, before receiving her crown, receiving a long hard brutal shag from Harvey Weinstein.

      • Has anyone noticed that Sir Kweer has tamed his quiff? He was on Pesto last night and his locks looked serious down at heel. Merely a product-smothered comb to the side.

        Bring back Sir Kweer’s quiff, I say. Is he trying to appeal to the more centre, traditionally conservative types, who prefer the hairstyles of their leader a little less pompadour.

  12. I think if we didn’t have these people our lives, there wouldn’t be such hilarious commentary on such fine websites as ISAC.

    P.s. has anyone seen Dicky F, and other nominators?

    He is quiet, not a peep for some time.

    • I think they’re still trying to raise the bail money for Dickie.
      The collection bucket keeps going between the Rugby Club and Hunt HQ.
      amidst embarrassed mutterings ……
      ‘ I’d like to give old chap, but things are a bit tight at the moment, err must dash, good luck ( edging to door ) bye ! ‘ ……… legs it.
      Oh dear.
      Fuck off.

    • If you would like Dick to give us a sign that he’s alive and well, please give this a tickie. He would have revelled in this cunting.
      With all this talk about women, I say bring back Dick!

      • There’s a lot of rumour going about LL. There’s some difference as to why he’s not posted for about 10 days or so.
        It could possibly be that he was not allowed to post about Caroline Flack but to save me a ban, I’m not going to speculate.

      • LL, I can’t speak for Bertie. I’m not sure. He’s not been on here for a while. I hope his hounds haven’t eaten him.

      • Ok chaps thanks, I’m sure he is fine unless we hear in six months time of a mummified corpse found in deepest Northumbria surround by empty bottles of Bushmills and tins of Fray Bentos, mid wank.

      • Excellent idea, Bertie.
        I wonder if we all chant, ‘We love Dick, we love Dick, we love Dick’, loud enough he might hear us.

      • Done. But I am beginning to fear he has gone vegan, taken up pushbiking and rambling and joined his local hunt sabs. In between times ranting at passers-by about the evils of drink.

        We may have to organise a deputation of concerned friends and the rail fare to Northumberland is a bugger. We’ll have to crowdfund…

      • Has anyone got one of those giant spotlight things like in the batman films? Is it possible to shine the letters DF in the sky?

      • Some say that Dick has been signed as an extra for the new series of ‘Vera.’ I’m afraid fame and fortune may have turned his head. Filming has just started at Fiddler Towers and features Dick playing himself at the local pub and rugby club. The first episode involves Vera investigating the illegal use of red diesel.

        We have put a missing person bulletin out on him

    • It is annual servant culling time at DF’s Manor – DF is stalking the moor with his Purdey looking for the slowest runners!

    • I’m fine,thanks.

      Having had a good sulk I hope to be returning soon to continue on my path to full Cunthood.

      Tbh,…it’ll be a relief …I’ve expended more ammunition in the last few days than the Russians fired into Berlin in 1945…. suspect that I’ve had a more devastating impact on local wildlife than those bushfires managed in Australia.
      I rather fear that The Rambler’s Association may be in touch with some “advice and guidance” for me before much longer too….Fuck them.

      • Good to have you back, old boy.

        Was worried that you’d been flooded; I checked when the ads came on tonight that it wasn’t you doing the voiceover for “Let’s talk about leaky bladders”…

        Hope the weather isn’t too grim up your way.

      • Admin….Could you please remove my “Wanted” poster before I receive the other 9 noms. required to put me on “The Wall of Cunts”….best act quickly before I find myself stuck between Tony Blair and James Fucking- Corden with the unenviable record of most “Cuntings” in one day.

        Good to have you back sir! your wish is my command, we had a chat about this and we were going to add incentives to your poster, I was to add an olive branch to the poster and if that failed a picture of Archive admins Tits at around 06.00 hrs (she was up for it but at 65 although impressive not what you would expect) so no hard feelings and welcome back!
        Note we do not do this sort of thing for CS who has fucked off in a sulk!

      • I’d been scouring the crime pages of local Northumbrian publications to see if you might’ve been banged up and needed a good lawyer. Glad to see you weren’t the guy guilty of punching a sheep.

      • I thought the Northern Echo had the news: a hit-and-run by a tractor, but probably outside the Fiddler demesne. Phew. Details of the bag welcome. Any MP’s?

      • Good to see you Fiddler, I would wager admins ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’ header is not a novel experience for Fiddlers past.

      • I thought you may went to the happy hunting grounds. I may have to take you in the next deadpool. Where the fuck has Thomas the cunt engine gone

        Run out of steam?

  13. Seems we encourage all sorts of people who are unworthy of positions of power into political life these days, women among them.

  14. Labour keep bigging up women (and men in frocks) and look like they’re being true to their word when they said it’s time they had a female leader as Dame Keir Starmer is favourite to win the leadership race.

  15. You know is it any indication that nicola krankie is the best looking out of the bunch of mad dykes or fat whales? Wonder what krankie looked like in her youth a looker or a cooker?

    I remember looking at a photo of Emma Twatson the last time I was really drunk swear she is slowly morphing into krankie especially if she keeps that dyke cut and wears a pantsuit wonder if she was fondled and fucked by Harvey Wankstein? Looking forward to her metoo twitter post surprised it was a guilty verdict to be honest

    • Lady, or wimmin?

      I am a Gentleman so will not dignify that with and answer, (and hey you never know I might get lucky)

      • It was a calculated risk. Well, OK, it was done with no thought whatsoever about the potential consequences.

  16. Speaking of wimmin bigging up themselves, is it just me or are things like ‘Women in Technology’ conferences inherently sexist? We never see ‘Men in Technology’ conferences do we?

    Speaking of sexism, we had St. Valencunts day recently. On last year’s I was working at a company which had a bunch of twats in the lobby handing out single long stemmed roses to all the women who showed up for work. Nice gesture I suppose on some level, but nothing for the men. How was that not sexist and discriminatory? When I pointed that out (like you do), it didn’t go down well. Couldn’t quite figure how I was the bad guy in that equation. Double standards are everywhere and should always be challenged.

  17. A few months back, I saw a photoshoot pic of the Women Minsters of Defence for various countries in NATO. They looked like a right bunch of useless cunts, all preening and pirouetting.

    Then on some spurious website or another I looked at, some wag posted a picture of Sergei Shoigu, the Minister of Defence for the RF, alongside said Feminazi Ministers’ photo.

    The caption read “If you were a citizen of these countries, who would inspire you with the most confidence when it came to defnding your country?”. No prizes for guessing the winner.

    Time we stopped pandering to these tarts, and selected our politicians on merit. We could then sleep easier in our beds, knowing this current bunch of cunts were not in control of our lives.

    Big Al

    • Like most on here I reckon, I’m desperate for the moment when Little Miss Sparkle tries to get into politics in the US. The entertainment value would be fucking enormous!

  18. Superb authorship again, what a great website. Lick! Lick!

    When I think of women in politics IE being successful then I only think of Margaret Thatcher. The majority of world leaders are a failure when compared to Margaret Thatcher.

    Priti Patel is okay, and moderately tasty.

    I would like to fuck Edwina Currie, shocking I know !! you fucking what? that is John Major’s totty you are talking about!

    Nearly all of the female leftists in politics are thick as shit cunts. Jo Phillips is a particular standout. I wouldn’t even cunt her.

    In the Wales domain there are Welsh female politicians, e.g. Kirsty Williams (Liberal Doughnuts), Leanne from Plaid, they’re all dull useless cunts. Leanne from Plaid in 2019 aligned herself to Antifa (anti fascist) they are well known for violent street level tactics.

    Hillary is a whore, can’t believe how long they stick around in politics, their minge’s really must begin to pong. No wonder Bill started fucking interns.

    I met many leftists and many feminists in a social hiking club, absolute fucking nightmare, and the epitome of fucking snowflakes.

  19. Women in Politics are even bigger cunts than your average woman, who are enormous cunts as it is.

    As a woman myself, I can verify and confirm this fact.

    I have said it more than once on this esteemed website that I would rather spend time with men than women, any bloody day of the week. Not because I am a giant slapper after a bit of ‘how’s your father’ (naturally….perish the thought) but because you get a decent conversation with blokes that doesn’t revolve around fucking periods, kids, diets, sex life or who has died lately.

    That shite does my nut in.

    These obnoxious cunts in politics are even worse. Screaming banshees most of them, all whining about rights, discrimination, “don’t fucking touch my arm, that is sexual assault!!” and other suchlike bullshite…..not to mention the cunts like Jo Swinson who come swanning into Parliament with a sprog hanging off their pendulous titties, as that is ‘their right’……oh, do fuck off.

    Just go home and bake a cake, you cunts.

    • Evening Nurse Cunty. Pardon me asking, but you’re not one of these female Admins that admin have been referring to today? Please ignore that question if you don’t wish to comment!

      LOL, she could apply though

      • Evening BBTC, no pardon required!

        Naturally, as the old expression goes, “I could not possibly comment”……

        But to give you a hint, the answer isn’t no….. 😀

    • If you want to answer BBTC’s question without giving it away, just electrocute his bollocks.

      I have to smile the admin pool is varied, and would confirm to “Woke” scrutiny we have buttons that we can press to deal with problems, we also have our favorite contributors and argue as to whats what, she could apply but you know the old “Too many cooks?”and we have a lady already

    • Evening Nurse.
      You’re right about the superior quality of conversation available from a group of blokes as compared to a group of women.
      When I’m out with the guys, our intellects are constantly stimulated as the discourse ranges across a panoply of challenging subjects;
      breasts, transfer speculation, breasts, dodgy refereeing, breasts, beer, boardroom shenanigans, breasts, beer, VAR, breasts…

      • Not a problem for me, Sir Ron.

        I can at least talk about boobies with some expert knowledge.

        That all STILL sounds better than the female of the species topics of conversation.

  20. My granddad was friends with a bloke from Argentina… He came here to teach at Manchester University in the 60s and 70s, a very nice bloke… He claimed Juan Peron was a cunt, but he had nothing but good things to say about Evita… He insisted that it was because of her that a working class bloke like him got into university and gain his qualifications…. Apparently rape in Argentina was also either ignored or seen as a husband’s right until she did something about it… I remember him talking about her during the time Julie Covington was Number One in the charts with that record, and he said that musical was a load of crap… I have read two biographies since then… The infamous Woman With The Whip, which is supposed to be a notoriously inaccurate hatchet job and what Andrew Cunt Webber and Tim Cunt based their Che worshipping shite on… The other book was a more researched and unbiased biography with plenty of myth busting… My view is she could be a cunt when she wanted to be or had to be, but also that she was not all bad… She actually did dostuff for people. unlike that Markle Fucking Ono slag…

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