Wolf Blitzer

No, this is not the name of a sadistic SS general in a Sven Hassel book, but that of a “lead political anchor” (as he describes himself) on a CNN show called, “The Situation Room”.

Wolf has the charisma of John Major, Jeremy Corbyn, Malcolm Rifkind and Arthur Negus wrapped up in one and attempts to enliven his tedious show by claiming that every development he announces is “historic”, “ground breaking” or “fast-moving”. Like the other politically correct CNN muppet “anchors”, he despises Trump and his supporters i.e. the American people who voted of their own free will to put The Donald in charge of the nuclear button and not the Hag Hillary.

Wolf´s idea of an orgasmic red-hot story is the “discovery” of an e-mail which mentions “Ukraine” and was sent by someone who was a junior deputy assistant advisor to somebody else who was a senior deputy assistant advisor to somebody who was once photographed in the same room as Trump. This e-mail is, therefore, conclusive proof that Trump is the worst president in US history and should be impeached. QED!

To help him, Wolf can usually rely on eight other talking heads, most of whom will be black, Asian and Hispanic women. They will vilify Trump while Wolf peers sagely over his glasses and nods in agreement.

Unfortunately, Wolf has still not realised that no-one is actually watching his show, including me, as I switch off as soon as he appears.

Nominated by Mr Polly

44 thoughts on “Wolf Blitzer

  1. I think I saw this twat on YouTube once but I switched him off.
    It appears the MSN in its totality really doesn’t like President Donald.
    It also appears Donald does not give a fuck about any of the cunts.
    Splendid nom.
    Good morning.

  2. Apart from Fox News and a few online conservative news websites, the vast majority of US media outlets are staunchly anti-Trump and are avid Democrat party supporters. Not just Wolf Blitzer fits the standard for left wing arsehole news anchor or political commentator.

    I’ve been following the impeachment proceedings and bring to your attention the following:
    Don Lemon, CNN. Black, gay and a twat.
    Rachel Maddow, MSNBC. White, lesbian and a twat.
    Brian Stelter, CNN. White, married to a person called Jamie and, obviously, a twat. Okay, Jamie is a woman but it’s suspect, nevertheless.
    Chris Cuomo, CNN. White, heterosexual (unusual) and the brother of Andrew Cuomo, the current Governor of New York. Known as Fredo (the idiot brother in The Godfather). Complete twat.

    Please note the almost common denominator which is CNN. A complete bunch of cunts.

    • Most are mouthpieces of the Pentagon so it’s no surprise they hate a president who wants to concentrate on his own country.
      Hillary was the candidate of the defence contractors and Obama’s sycophants in the Defence department and intelligence community..

  3. His parents must’ve been bigger cunts for naming the freshly-born child after a wild dog. Unless they’re German but they’d be automatic cunts then. Furthermore, their family name sounds like one of Father Christmas’s reindeer. Also he looks like a hand-rubbing jëw. Anybody on CNN is an anti-populist, pro-pc squirt-hole.

  4. How can you have a name like Wolf Blitzer? It’s like being called Dog Fucker. I reckon he just made it up to get attention.

    • This is the coolest name ive seen in a long time! Wow.
      Wish my mum n dad had called me something cool like wolf.
      Id change the surname to blitzkrieg though.
      Lost my train of thought now, fuckin ell.

      • It would suit a WWE wrestler but he looks like he should be in sheltered accommodation with his feet up watching Antiques Road Trip waiting for his Wiltshire Farm Foods ready meal.

      • Yanks like names that sound like a action movie dont they?
        Flint Steel
        Trent Rock
        Tommy Gun
        An for some reason think smoking cigars is dead macho?
        Yeah nothing gay about big brown phallic shape stuck in yer mouth eh?

      • They should look to the north of England for inspiration Miserable. Bertie Ramsbottom or Stanley Higginsworth, proper names you can hang yer flat cap on.

      • Eric or sid or rather than colt or magnum?
        Yeah agree.
        Try to hard dont they?
        I like good old fashioned english names like Alvin stardust, Gary Glitter,
        Rat scabies and polly styrene.
        No class the septics.

      • I often enjoy a 7 inch COHIBA ESPLENDIDOS Cuban cigar with my Port after a meal of Partridge with home grown veg. before retiring to my billiard room.
        I expect you have a rollie with your can of Rola Cola after a meal of faggot and chips before going to the Working Mens Club for a game of “arrers”

      • Dont smoke Dick, dont stick anything phallic in my mouth including faggotts an Alan partridge!
        As for arrows yeah! Compound bow.

      • Topper Harley!! Always thought Frank Bullit was a bit daft (fucking cool car though)

      • So they called you Miserable Northern Cunt instead. I think that sounds just as cool. How did it go down at school morning register?

      • Yeah the parents just looked at my cynical little face as a baby and both said….miserable!?
        Hey smug, i got off light next to our kid…Dozy Northerncunt.

      • Miserable – your doppelganger’s name on the German ‘is a cunt’ site is . . . . . . . . .

        ‘Elend Nordfotze’

        I shall not attempt to address you as ‘Elend’ my 6’ 3” friend, just in case I accidentally drop a letter ‘b’ in front!

      • Im 6ft 8 Bertie! BWC whos 6ft 3.
        Like tbe german version, been called worse!?

      • Cor! Big boy. I didn’t think you were that big!
        I’ll bet people end up with neck ache after having a conversation with you.

    • I was once (in the 80s) interviewed by a bloke for some shite financial services job in Tottenham Crt Rd.

      His name (honest to Dog) was Stanley S. Blitz.

      This American looks like a total feckin drip.

      • There was a US racing driver called Dick Trickle. I suppose that the anti biotics didn’t work.

  5. Wolf Blitzer sounds like the name of a really dodgy 1970s porn star with a big moustache. He would probably make Emily Thornberry do a reverse cowgirl on him.

  6. CNN currently upset due to the fact that the team dealing with the Corona virus are overwhelmingly white.

    Yep CNN, that’s what people are concerned about.

    I don’t want no white man cure, uh uh.

    • Sorry mr Polly, motion denied!
      This cunts names that good im voting ‘no further action’!
      @an im going the pub??

  7. Wolf Blitzkrieg it’s like. With flashing graphics, pounding sound. Like the Wizard of Oz behind his console. (He’s a tiny fella). Chris Morris’s ‘The Day Today’ doesn’t come near.

    • I love these odd American names. There’s a political commentator called fucking Strobe Talbott. Another favourite is Chuck Blazer, who has something to do with golf I think.
      Mr P’s right. This guy is the most boring man on tv.

      • The Yanks also like risqué names but can fuck up the spelling. They even got “Titless” wrong on the golf caps.

  8. Blitzer is a Sorostitute. All American MSM is dedicated to the destruction of Western civilisation and freedom, even Fox has turned since one of the Murdochs took it over. Filthiest commie garbage of them all is MSNBC’s Rachel MadCow. The way forward is giving self-owning platforms to those the MSM have otherwise had silenced from Twatter, Fuckbook et al. Fringe groups are trying to get heard, like the Right Side Broadcasting Network, but they’re only going to grow by word of mouth and with support. I got to hear of them through watching Trump rallies on the Youtube channel of Diamond and Silk, two hugely entertaining black sisters (they really are), who are Republican converts and Trump devotees.

    • Morning WokeUpThisMorning I wonder did you wake up one morning and think to yourself there must be some malign figure behind all the terrible things in the world and you picked on Soros? I mean the way you portray him as some kind of Dr Evil figure complete with white cat, eye patch in some kind of Situation Room (like dear Wolf) orchestrating the destruction of civilisation? I have no doubt that he is a malign influence in the world but does he really have that much power?

      This sounds more serious than I intend.

      • Afternoon Miles. What’s got into you? You’re sounding oddly rational today. ?

      • Afternoon Miles, I took it in the spirit it was intended 🙂

        And yes, I do think he’s one of the world’s biggest, most purely, satanically evil cunts. I wouldn’t go as far as to say I believe in the ‘New World Order’, but he certainly has a vision he’s trying to build through the absolutely wicked cuntery he throws his corruptly-obtained cash at.

  9. I have introduced myself as Brenton Padbolt on a number of occasions whilst abroad and the UK.
    It sounds dead posh docent it, (sorry no glasses day today) especially if you push it through with the right enthusiasm and accent

    Its a type of gate lock and a rather swanky name

  10. Wonder if this cunt is related to Bull Blitzer, you know the wrestler from the 80’s that was billed as ‘From Nuremberg’ and would goosestep around the ring with a Flagge Duetschlands shouting loudly in German.

  11. Qanon is a twitter feed ascribed to Trump. It was taken seriously enough to be banned by the f.b.i.
    The slogan used by supporters is ‘where we go one,we go all’ thus
    wwg1wga. Hope that explains.
    Thankyou and good day

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