The fucking Oscars..What a load of cunt.
Now, this is always a cuntfest of epic magnitude, but this year the cunt levels went into the stratosphere. The list of virtue-signalling and “look at me” bellends included the following:
Natalie Portman – Virtue-signalling, hypocritical ‘Me Too’, but also Polanski loving cunt.
Spike Lee – Utter cunt in his Sesame Street outfit.
Billie Eilish – Ridiculous “Look at me, I’m weird!”, manufactured talentless cunt.
James Corden and Rebel Wilson – Two fat, unfunny cunts dressed as cats (fucking sad cunts).
Sandy Powell – Virtue-signalling, Beaker from “The Muppets” look-alike cunt.
Fat Reg – Say no more.
Billy Porter – Utter dignity-free, “Look at me!” cunt.
Nominated by Norman
Liberal Hand-wringing at the Oscars….
Apparently, more women/BAME etc. people need to be nominated for awards, for some reason. Now for years we’ve been told, in the most strident terms possible, that women, etc. have to work twice as hard and be twice as good as white men to even be noticed. Now the message is “you’ll get an award because of your colour, or gender, or whatever”. Now obviously my white male privilege is massive. I live in a fucking castle as does every other white man, but isn’t this just tokenistic, patronising, positive discrimination bullshit? Added to which, nobody normal gives a fuck. Off the top of your head, who won Best Actor or Actress last year? Best Film?
Give everyone an award and then get back to fingering and wanking each other off.
Nominated by Guardian Hater
The viewing figures were down to 23 million, that’s still a lot of cunts who want to watch bigger cunts masturbate their egos, but the world is losing interest in the who shit show.
I wonder how many oscars have been used in a solo sex act by the recipients? The entertainment industry is populated by cunts. Trouble is it’s populated by cunts who believe the fantasy they produce makes them experts on the reality of life outside their narcissistic pond of shite.
Yep, people are switching off their TV sets in droves apparently 3 million down on last year.
I suspect people are getting sick to the back teeth of the dross Hollywood spews out and also the virtue signalling and Trump bashing in the acceptance speeches. That world renowned and respected political commentator Pitt the Cunter was on his rocking horse this year delighting everyone with his pearls of wisdom about the kangaroo court impeachment trial of the Orange One.
I believe they are renaming the Oscars the N*ggers! Anyone fancy coming to my awards show – MOWOSF – Music Of White Origin So F*ckoff!
I stopped watching years ago.
There are no stars anymore,just loud cunts with minimal talent.
I’d rather watch an old episode of Callan in the old DVD player.
No music,great cast,story and relentlessly grim.
Cold war spy classic.
Today he would be a lefty gay key chasing people because their car was emitting too much co2.
Callan was excellent – the remake is dire.
Now get those dark keys on that plane!
Callan was ace… Edward Woodward (RIP) was also excellent in The Equalizer…. The Denzel Washington (anti-white cunt) remake was a dog turd…
The idea of getting an award for acting if fucking daft. Cunts the lot of em
If ever there was an event that deserved a cunting the Oscars must be at the top of the list, it may have had some redemption were it not for the sickening bullshit about diversity, BAME, wimminz.
What the fuck, Just take your awards say thank you and sit your arse back down.
I went to watch 1917 last month, great movie until the final few minutes when a couple of dark skinned chaps were shoehorned into a scene. It was so bloody patronising both to the chaps concerned and to the audience. Anyone seeing it could see they were there solely because the colour of their skin filled a bit of virtue signalling.
There were some black chaps there but, as far as I know and I stand to be corrected, none or very very few on the front line. Loads of indentured Chinese doing work behind the front lines for fuck all money and effectively slave labour.
I’d support the Oscars if they had a nomination for biggest virtue signalling cunt.
The scramble for that would be epic.
C*nt Thompson gets the award – with a blade she borrowed from Stormzy (AKA little windy Willie).
The ISAC Luvvie awards are far more significant than the Oscars. If they were televised there would be a massive world wide audience.
I haven’t seen this shite for years, preening, virtue-signalling cunts patting themselves on the back for somebody else’s work after safely making speeches attacking an unpopular politician. Zzzz…
Nonetheless I saw the headline about the winning film, Parasite, which is a superb film. Koreans, and plenty of others, make decent films, bereft of political correctness and away from box-ticking and crowbarring in token Blacks, ‘strong wimmin’, caring Päkis, etc. We stopped making films decades ago except for historical bores and stereotypical turds for an American audience. If the Koreans/Japs continue making quality I’ll continue watching.
Morning Cap, Hollywood has been hijacking innovative and original Japanese and Korean films for years now and butchering them for western audiences. Oldboy springs to mind and The Ring plus sequels though Dame Elton was most disappointed when he realized it was a horror film. Loved Battle Royal, second one not so much.
Seconded LL, couldn’t bring myself to watch that shitty Spike Lee (?!) remake of old boy, they probably replaced the corridor fight scene with the protagonist handing out BAME promotional literature instead of claw hammer blows to the face
Afternoon chaps.
I watched the Oldboy re-make and it was toilet.
I can honestly see them re-making Parasite with a white, wealthy family (rayyyyy-cists) making ignorant quips about their (black, downtrodden) driver smelling of poverty and his whole (black, downtrodden) family overtaking the house.
You read it here first.
Why isn’t there an awards show for best awards show…?
Christ. Not even in jest, JRC! Suppress that thought, please. And then there’s “I’m A Celebrity – Gimme An Award!” on a weekly basis…
At least Joaquin Phoenix won for Joker… And at least Scarlett Johansscunt didn’t win, even though she was nominated twice… That’ll teach her to crawl around Woody Allen’s jacksy…
Also, would fucking Rebel Wilson be considered and act of bestiality?….
Me and my mum were laughing when we figured out the midget wouldn’t be able to reach the door handle. Noticed that the moment Joker closed the door.
I dunno Norm Phoenix should honestly give his oscar to Mark Hammil for his long work in excellent voice acting as joker in batman animated series, video games and animated dc films.
Phoenixs performance as Joker wasn’t so great imo great dancer tho… Phoenixs cringe BAFTA speech was pathetic didn’t hear his oscar speech yet but I assume it was groveling virtue signal bullshit too
I liked Woody Allen’s last film.
‘Honey I Married the Kids’….
Next year every BAME entry in every category should be given an award, regardless of talent or effort at the expense of all white entries.
How long do you think it will take the Hollywierd virtue signalling bellends to figure out that great films are being ignored, purely to tick a politically correct box. And that the actors, scripts, cinematography and producers getting the awards are shit?
Will there be a leftard outcry of anti white discrimination, or will they finally get it through their thick skulls that awards should be handed out on merit alone.
If they do get it, then the next award ceremony will just be a cardboard box of awards left on the stage as there will be no point in holding a ceremony because it has no credibility.
Dressing up and pretending to be somebody else, most children grow out of it by age 5. Only the most narcissistic attention whores make it to the Oscars. As for diversity, why don’t they have a separate ceremony like the MOBO awards? South Africa used to have a system like that in place which worked pretty well. In fact they still have some sort of native miss south Africa contest on tv where they get their tits out and do a little dance and sing a song. You can find it on YouTube, actually quite enjoyable with the volume muted. But I digress, Luvvies are cunts, though I would happily fuck Glenda Jackson circa 1972. (If she trimmed her snatch)
Miss cultural South Africa for the inquisitive cunters, have a sock handy. As well as learning about native culture these videos should also cure you of any vestigial racism.
(Remember that Islamophobia is not racism, rather it’s a naturally occurring condition.)
Ho Ho Ho there about Glenda.
I think you were referring to that scene where she was swinging from chandeliers in an attempt to entice her reluctant husband to shag her. Probably one of the Ken Russell efforts.
She writhed about naked on a train carriage floor in that film about Tchaikovsky. Quite frankly she was a ghastly sight. No wonder he preferred chaps.
There wasn’t any internet when I was a lad so we had to make our own entertainment. Glenda and Jenny Agutter in Walkabout inspired a million wants.
Ducking predictive text, I obviously meant pants.
we used to have a toilet seat that was awarded to stupidest driver, my old driver was doing well having filled the diesel van with petrol but the award was snatched away by another depot where a driver went to collect a load, loaded his vehicle and then found it had stopped responding to the key.
Ford were called out to investigate and it was discovered he had loaded and was trying to drive a different vehicle.
They were all cunts even before all of this diversity row shit. Now that has sent them into stratospheric cuntdom.
I found it quite amusing that a Korean film won ‘Best Film’ and ‘Best Director’, arguably the two ‘biggest’ awards at the Oscars. How very convenient after all of the mammoth turd-stink surrounding a lack of diversity. THE FIRST TIME EVER that a foreign film has won ‘Best film’.
Hmm…….happenstance? Coincidence? Or some cunt has been messing with the results to calm down the screaming woke?
I know what my money is on.
The only good thing about this cuntfest is Joaquin Phoenix winning ‘Best Actor’. I personally think it was well deserved as he was brilliant in ‘Joker’. Just a shame he has ruined that by also behaving like a snowflake, ultra-woke cunt on every platform he has been given during ‘awards season’ (as Yank cunts call it)
Oh, plus Dame Elton John and the hermit that is Bernie Taupin winning for their ‘toon’ was the icing on the cake of cuntery. That fat git looked like he had raided Prince’s wardrobe……of course he clearly had to get some minion to let the suit out at least 10 sizes.
Phoenix acceptance was a long winded virtue signaling piece of fucking shite but brad Pitt didn’t fuck about and was equally as cunty in a fraction of the time
On stage to collect his Oscar Pitt got pithy!!
“ I’ve been told I’ve only got 45 seconds to make my acceptance speech , that 45 seconds more than the senate gave john boulton “ refereeing to Teflon dons impeachment hearing Where no witnesses were called , oh How his Hollywood democrat dominated audience liked that , utterly fucking pathetic coming from a man who’s IQ has been compared to that of a hedgehog!! CUNT……….
Yeah, it was putrid, Quislings. Truly vomit-inducing. Why they can’t just get up there, thank the people they have to thank and fuck off, I have no clue.
Why do they think anyone cares where their social or political allegiances, or grievances lie?
Absolutely NC
Problem with actors I’m never sure if they ever actually stop acting , they are probably acting 24/7 , who’s knows?
Bunch of overly opinionated opportunistic virtue signaling fakes……..
Referencing…… ?
Oscar/ Golden Globes /BAFTAs/ Brits/ TV Awards. Don’t watch those soapbox cunts preaching to me as if I’d even cross the street to beet any of them. Haven’t been to the cinema for 20 yrs , utter formulaic CGI / Superhero bollocks.
‘Comedy’ Relief/ Children in Need. Marginally less worse.
That creepy cunt Will Gompertz sent out there at our expense and files a complete load of gibberish interview with the one hit wonder Spike Lee ON THE 10PM NEWS ffs !!! I can’t even remember what the hit even was!
Thank Fuck for Ricky Gervais.
Ricky Gervais – the hero we need, but not the hero we deserve.
Brad Pitt had a go at Trump and Whackheem Feenix made a speech that could have been written by a 16 year old commie.
Also some cone-headed rich woman said ‘workers of the world unite’ during her acceptance speech.
Pure nauseating guff.
I take any notice if there is a fit lass in a revealing outfit of some sort.
The rest of it is a steaming mountain of shittery cuntery.
My only disappeared
Ah..fuck it
Never saw any of it, and nor am I interested. It’s always been an utter cringe fest, but has gotten progressively worse over the years. Can only echo what most of you have already said about it, especially with regard to the blatant, sickening virtue-signalling. Heard there were, inevitably, people moaning about the lack of diversity in the nominations. Don’t think any mechanical diggers won anything this year — the only person of colour to do so being a few gooks for that ‘Parasite’ (how fitting) thingy. Anyway, fuck it all! Pile of sour cunt.
PS: I’d still go down Nicole Kidman’s red carpet, though! Yum-eee!
She is doing my cleaning later FB – I will put a word in for you!
Well connected Man I am! ?
That’s most kind of you, VF. Housecleaner??? Are you another one on this site who is part of the gentry? One’s faithful manservant, Jeeves, attends to mine. Lovely chap. Anyway, yeah, inform her that I too am from good stock. Apparently she’s particularly busy these days, but tell her I’d be most grateful if she’d let me squeeze my huge agenda into her tight schedule. Okay, old boy? ?
PS: Did I read it correctly on another thread that you liked the Black Crowes? Impeccable taste, if so. Fab band. 1994’s ‘amorica’ is in my top 10 albums of all time. A psychedelic Hard Rock masterpiece, imo.
I’m not sure the Scientology church would allow the old bülldyke to go near a chap again. That’d be THREE fake marriages.
In the old days we used to laugh at these cunts when they clutched their Oscar and, with tears rolling down their cheeks, thanked every cunt they’d ever known. Now they cry about poor people they’ve never met and wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on if they were on fire.
Same act, different script.
“I have seen the plight of the little people when the limo dwiver took a wrong turn – we got out of there pretty sharpish – it was full of f*cking n*gger r*pists”!
I vote the corona virus as best picture
I vote “Pitcher”, closely followed by Greek urn..
Seriously what the fuck is going on in china? Government welding people in their homes, bat soup, quarantine zones? Beijing and Shanghai ghost towns? To think this all started from a tainted case of corona beer
It will do them good – shifty little shit eaters, trying to take over the World with Judi Dench as their leader – it’s true – just ask MNC!
Wouldn’t have happened if the slit eyed counterfeiters drank Guiness!
I feel sorry for Corona’s marketing department.
I don’t really its not that good of beer Earl, negra modelo is a better Mexican beer anyway
Good eye on Judi Dench Vernon always suspected she was red commie cunt Northern was right about her
Crazy thought but maybe – just maybe – most of the awards go to white people because most of the developed world, and by extension Hollywood, is white? Don’t think of that do they?
My favourite Oscar is the one whom lives in a rubbish bin in Sesame Street. He has more class than the Oscars in Hollywood.
What’s more to be said?
A bunch of self-centred cunts telling each other what warm and wonderful human beings they are, when the watching world knows that they’re a bunch of self-centred cunts.
Ok you anti-progressive cunts!
The thread picture totally lacks diversity!
Which Oscar is the trans?
Which Oscar is the BAME?
Which Oscar represents the alphabet people?
Which Oscar is a wimmenz?
Diversity: it’s our greatest strength!
I take it back… Phoenix is a libfuck SJW crawling cunt… His brother was a druggy cunt and all… Didn’t all the family have horrendous hippy names like River, Leaf, Tree and all that crap?… I really fucking hate hippies…
If I see that little cunt, Billie Eilish once more… Why the fuss about this little freak?
Totally tuneless emo bollocks and about as charismatic as a turd… She’s like Neil from The Young Ones with crappy green hair and black fingernails… Fucking hell, even Titless Swift has more going for than that, and I don’t like her either… Eilish obviously has a McLaren-like figure shaping her image and telling her to be ‘weird’… Kraft cheese slices are less processed than this cunt…
The little shit is already using the ‘I thought about suicide’ stunt to get attention… If only the little cunt would do it and shut up fucking whining… Can’t deal with fame? The cunt didn’t give that impression at the Oscars the other night…
Some shovel faced dyslexic nobody who’re called Blac Chyna turned up on the red carpet, it’s tits hanging out, dressed like the z list porno actress that her retarded name suggests. Some commentators suggested she was a bit trashy looking, and guess what? The ladyboy looking freak, who I have no idea what she does, probably reality tv, reckons that they are only having a go because they are racist. Obviously.