A solid gold, second class honours cunting please, for the internet newspaper “The Independent”, for lapping up a story concocted by some black wimmin at a university. They are ‘researchers’ of course:
So, yet again we are being told by the media that we were too thick to vote in the referendum. No doubt Adonis was sagely nodding as he read this over his cucumber sandwiches and fairy cakes at his high tea, fucking load of arsewipes.
If only we had all gone to “uni” we would all be licking the arses of Barnier and the other fuhrers of the Fourth Reich. Or if that was too onerous, we could also have been nancy boy actors or pop tarts. A bunch of people who sit on the arses all day long in their ivory towers….how like The Independent to indulge them.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
The majority of degrees are not grounded in economics or politics, a media studies degree is not going to equip you to make a decision on EU membership better than competing with imported cheap labour when trying to make a living.
To me that suggests that there is less chance of being indoctrinated for people not attending university.
I’m not arguing with their research, I’m just saying they have applied their own bias to the data and avoided a more obvious conclusion.
Religious cults are full graduates Many who went to fight for Isis were graduates. The morons in extinction rebellion are mostly graduates. Going to a British university makes you dumber than when you went in. Imagine having the entire establishment, media, Obama, etc etc on your side and you still lose! Thick cunts.
“Yeah but what about the £350M on the bus??!!!” REMOAN! REMOAN!
In some ways I think that this ‘survey’ is accurate in that many of those who attend university nowadays emerge after three years of doing pointless degrees under the impression that they are something special. This specialness allows them to Pope like infallibility on any subject you are to put before them. Hopefully, as the years roll by these bright young things recognise reality; unless they are Owen Jones and co.
Ex wife went to uni and she got a degree in child psychology and creative writing , thing is she had them two degrees and never worked in either field so you could say it was pointless. She was no more cleverer than me , in fact in some things i was cleverer than her and others things she was cleverer than me. I have to say her English and grammar was shit hot and she did used to proof read for people , i mean my grammar etc is shit ( as admin clearly pointed out yesterday )?. She did have an i am better than you attitude though , she would never take the kitchen bin out , said it was a mans job . It would be interesting to know the statistics of people who graduated uni and have a job in the field they studied in , university ? , there’s only one university that gets you anywhere and that’s the university of life.
Aye your right Telly,
My son went to university, forensics.
He tests hair an blood samples for drugs.
But hes no common sense.
He couldn’t fix anything, or do anything practical.
And the taste of manual labour i give him made him allergic to grafting?
Everyone has their own skill set,
Id rather be able to fix a flat tyre than be good with grammar.
Besides my grammar died 20 yr ago.
Still miss her.
Nice little joke on the job Miserable .
The ( not so) independent is nothing of the sort and gives the guardian a good run in the cunty stakes….
our whole education system is one huge indoctrination into the liberal left, my 9 yo niece came back from school last week and told me her teacher called leavers STUPID!! and Brexit RIDICULOUS!
I’m sure that happens all over the country in many classrooms, some more subtle than others but it’s there..
It’s never been easier to get into university, lots of worthless degrees to study that will guarantee you absolutely fuck all in the outside world but hey we need to keep our quotas up, meanwhile why every cunt was heading of to uni for media studies no cunts bothered learning a trade It was beneath them , blue collar work was for the stupid , many ( intelligent) graduates end up in low paid work , there’s 2 at our local Tesco’s working the tills who I’ve heard arguing about who’s got the best degree!! ( not joking) so the independent using university’s brainwashed students as an absolute test of intelligence is utterly laughable!
Yep I used to work in a call centre and they’d be cunts with Masters degrees working there who acted like their shit didn’t stink. It’s up to cunts to choose their career path but getting more cunts into practical trades that are actually useful to them, and to the nation, are a must in newly Independent Britain. Can’t rely on Polish pumbers anymore, and many of us will remember what it was like to get somebody to fix your sink before freedom of movement, sheesh.
Excuse me Mr.Q, it’s pronounced “In-describably boring.”
Yeah I work in a factory and the token Remoaner at our place is a stuck up, pompous, pseud with a bog paper degree in mixed arts or some shite and no common sense or ability.
On break he sits in the corner with a novel of some description and stands in the queue to clock out reading the book as well…….. I’m convinced it’s just a prop and he can’t really read.
He likes to condescend to everybody about things he neither knows little about nor cared about 2 minutes ago but if his trendy, smarter ex-uni friends (all remoaners oddly) told him something it must be true – no further research required.
As you can imagine I made him look like a bit of a cunt last year when he started lecturing me in front of everybody in the canteen about Brexit and my ignorance on the issue when I propmtly put him in his place.
I pointed out that I was a UKIP member in 2014/2015 and 2018, went volunteer leaflet distributing in 2015 with my local UKIP PPC Suzanne Evans who was the UKIP Chair and Manifesto writer, that I had had discussions/arguments with her about her policies.
When i mentioned that another party member emailed me a copy of FCO 30/1048 showing that the EU didn’t form organically and that our parent’s generation were deliberately mislead prior to the 75 referendum, everybody laughed at him then he promptly retreated back into his book.
There are smug, arrogant cunts like him with in blue collar workplaces across the land. Insufferable cunts to a man.
Totally agree Qusilings – in many ways the Independent is more shitty than the Guardian these days – pretentious load of bollocks.
I think University is a con these days like in the days when salesman toted the blood Encyclopaedia Brittanica around – you paid a fortune (if you were gullible) on the premise that the thousands of pounds was an investment for your childrens future.They did the same thing with home computers years later. Now university is the key to accumulating large debts and a job as a highly educated burger flipper. Also, in the woke era, boys will have to black up and have a sex change to get any sort of academic job.
Exactly the sort of sneering, patronising bullshit you expect from the foot soldiers of the Fourth Reich. When the plebs vote the wrong way they must find an explanation. It couldn’t be we saw what they couldn’t see, what they have no experience of, and made the obvious choice. They gave us a vote expecting us to do as we were told and shut the Farages up for ever. Tough shit wankers, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. ???????????
Well said FtF!
I went to university and got a degree in engineering about 30 years ago and I voted brexit. Mind you, I am a cunt. I must be as I have been out of work for the last 4 years as, despite what the government keep saying, we don’t need engineers as we have no industry in which to employ them. I apply for any job, but I am told I am TOO qualified for most!!!! Anyway, what chance does a middle-aged, middle-class, white heterosexual male have in this modern world of work.
Well you can put your engineering skills to use by building me a great big fuck off gas chamber .
Grime rappers get special treatment i.e front of the fucking queue.
Totally agree , did you read that about the grime rapper last night winning his Brit award and using his speech to call Boris a racist?.
‘the grime rapper last night’ that would be the BRIT awards with ‘a row about diversity’ Following on from the Oscars where there was a ‘row about diversity’ following on from the BAFTAS where there was a row about diversity.
They should just say ‘Let’s go over to the red carpet and see the stars arriving and get their views on the films and rows about diversity.
Come to think the only awards ceremony that doesn’t have a row about diversity is the MOBO awards. Where they’re all black.
The most inclusive awards are those on ISAC.
Any colour you ( dis ) like, even black.
Morning Miles.
True enough Jack. Just looked back at the last three cuntings of people; Rick Stein, Grace Blakely, Justin Welby. All white.
And that is right-regardless of hue (yellow, black or white) we are an equal opportunities website, exposing all cunts.
So edgy and original he was.
Do you realise Miles that ‘Grim Reaper’ is an anagram of ‘Grime Rapper’ if you take the pee out of it?
Nitrogen is the stuff you need – use an N2 extractor, which takes it out of the atmosphere, to which it returns harmlessly after suffocating large numbers of utterly pointless cunts.
How many deaths are required to
a) generally make UK habitable,
b) ensure an increased quality food supply at an affordable price, so we don’t have to eat shite, and
c) so all deserving people can have a roof over their heads ?
Get rid of 50% ?
Just self identify as a woman and put on a nice frock, And if you don’t get the job scream and scream and stamp your feet.
Don’t need a frock as that is classed as gender identifying,just dress as normal.
That’s right you don’t need to make any adjustment whatsoever, a bearded oil worker called Mountain in jeans and beanie hat is just as much of a woman as Pamela Anderson in a swimming costume according to the loony left.
Same here. Got a degree in Textile Technology at at time when the large scale textile industry in the UK was pretty much wiped out by cheaper imports from Asia. Learned very quickly to limit my education on my CV to a couple of O’ levels otherwise I never got a look in. It’s now 17 years since I had any sort of meaningful employment (forced to leave because of illness) and, being in my mid-50’s, I’d say my working life is well and truly over.
Sorry to hear that Moggie.
Your obviously a intelligent bloke,
And would be a asset to a employer
Im shocked at how councils employ young kids (19-22) fresh from University with no life experience rather than someone maturer.
Employers nowadays want cheap, not intelligent. It always annoyed me how agencies would say I was overqualified for jobs I was interested in whilst, at the same time, sending me for temp assignments that anybody not in a coma wouldn’t have struggled with. It was obvious they wanted me on their books because I was always able, and mostly willing, to do any job I was sent to. I liked to be able to eat and pay bills, still do.
It always amused me that my CV worked better with the 3 year period of unemployment that I put on it rather than the degree I got from those 3 years at university.
OLder people with life experience often cost employers too much in pension contributions, so they often employer toddlers.
Been there, done that (pretty well exactly except that it only took two years to get work after a second degree, and that job in spite of my overqualifications), fully sympathise. Also, while the laws of physics don’t change, engineering today looks very different to what it was 30 years ago and there is much more change in the pipeline. It’s a cunt, and if you’re middleaged and looking for work, it is even more of a cunt. But keep knocking on those doors, and one will open eventually!
I got a doctorate in gynaecology and all I got to show for it was 10 lousy years on the Register.
I haven’t got a doctorate in gynaecology but I’ll have a look
None. It is open season on white working age males.
I went uni 20 odd years ago. Came out with an honours degree in Computing. Have to say, I spent most of my time pissed up and shagging the ladies. I was the only bloke living with six of them for over a year, croist! Some of the best years of my life though. But I will say that when I left, I learnt more in the next six months coming home from the pub at 2am after a session, sitting on my PC learning the shit I knew I had to learn. Went freelance and now I employ 13 people. We take in interns in their second year, they learn more in the three months with us than they had done in the first two years of uni. They don’t go back to do the third year. 20k starting salary for a 19/20 yo and industry experience over another 10k of debt??
I was ambivalent about university and was easily pressured into going by my mother. Looking back, I wish I had either joined the RAF or apprenticed as a plumber or a sparky, I’d have more work now than I’d know what to do with. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it but it turned out to be waste of 3 years ASD far as work is concerned.
Hmmm, Freudian autocorrect.
German joke:
G1: I made a Freudian slip last night
G2: Oh?
G1: having dinner, I meant to say “mother please pass the salt”
G2: and?
G1: what I said was “you stupid cow you ruined my entire fucking life”
I think most of us have regrets of some kind. I reckon all my mistakes haven’t been due to circumstance but due to my unfortunate personality flaw(s).
Joined the RAF at 17…….. because I was immature, DAORed after 4 weeks,
Wasted 9 years getting wasted, joined army at 26.
Wasted 4 service years getting wasted, picked up a civvie qualification in Fibre Optic cabling,
Have since wasted 8 years getting wasted. Work in a factory now and waste my spare time getting wasted.
Is there a pattern I wonder?
What these cunts fail to understand is that if we had all been educated to university level, we’d have told the EU to fuck off a long time before now.
Absolutely spot on Your Grace. I have a first class degree in economics and an advanced degree in econometrics (sort of mathematics for perverts in case any of you were wondering) and dislike the idea of the EU intensely. It does much to stifle international trade especially with those less developed nations who need to get their economies up to speed. European consumers are royally screwed as well.
Interpretation of the research, the more people who go to University the more are brainwashed by the Woke, maybe a more realistic version of why we voted leave would be…..
Paying vast amounts of money to a political project and Mass immigration from Eastern Europe, what positive does this have for the ordinary Joe in the UK, the answer fuck all!
Which is why we need to go back to the old polytechnic model of trade-based, technical courses……… Jesus I’m sounding like my Dad.
I expect to see similar research in the future telling us that if there weren’t so many pakis in Rotherham, not as many white children would have been raped by taxi drivers; or if there weren’t so many blacks in London, not so many people would get stabbed. No!?
“Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination” (Swami Shitbag Toniblair…translation)
Well put Agent ,the blacks can stab as many as they want as long as its each other , thing that annoys me about all that is you get a black Brit award winner last night using his acceptance speech to call Boris Johnson a racist just as Stormzy said this country is racist . Why don’t they ever mention the knife crimes? why don’t they mention the raping of those white girls by black men?. could it be because they are all black and they don’t want to be judging there fellow black men . I was gonna do a nom about that , celebrities using there platform to call out this country and slag it off but i don’t really know how to do it .
I’ve been writing noms and trying to improve them. Best try to keep it short, a couple of paragraphs, and keep it humorous. Also we’re cunting those topics practically every day in the comments anyway, so is actually a bit repetitive.
Should have gone to uni. Telly. Us graduates do a mean nom!
I’d like to have seen this study go further and analyse the background of socio-economic groups of graduate voters. I think it would reveal a strong subset of Brexit graduates who came from very ordinary working class backgrounds.
Why did they vote for Brexit? . . . . . .
Because the environment they grew up in didn’t hand them everything on a plate.
Because very often they had to fight against all odds to achieve.
Because they had to grow up quickly and use their life experiences to benefit them in life.
Because, put quite simply, they’re not cunts.
(present company excepted)
Percy is well informed Blunty, that 2:1 in Creative Squawking comes in handy.
It has many a time LL. He’s very conversant on the phone. Only yesterday, he got us a great deal on our Broadband and phone with Squawk Squawk.
I only wish I could convince Guzziguy that I’ve not buried him 5 feet under in the back garden!
Very true, Bertie. And there’s another factor that didn’t get mentioned. Probably 100% of UK universities are (were!) dependent to some extent on EU funding for research. The downside of the EU is not part of the view from the campus.
Too busy jumping out of aeroplane’s and keeping Al Qaeda off your arse to worry about that Bertie ?
Well, well, well, they never give up do they? I have a degree and three professional qualifications (in different areas of work) so they can shut the fuck up – cunts!!!!!!!!
The “Independent” “Newspaper” is a disgusting leftist rag, in my view it is far worse than the Guardian. It is certainly NOT independent. It says a lot that they had to terminate their print media editions.
Universities are lost nowadays, leftist and far left institutions that were/are Pro-Corbyn and pro the EU. The Remoaners are still keeping up their constant bleating. Tiresome and pitiful.
Re. Lord Adonis and his cucumber sandwiches, you missed the part about a handmaiden sliding a greased 10″ anal dildo up his rectum, in tune with the Classic FM on the radio.
I am glad that “we won” at the referendum and the general election as I like to smugly gloat and laugh at the absolute and utter Cunts on the other side. Quite clearly they have no understanding, belief or appreciation of democracy.
Black voices are getting ever louder by the year, until one day Gimmiegrants may even wish to “Control Society”.
The Deportation Express is only tickling the tip of the iceberg, 17 persons here and there. What would keep me warm on these cold winters days is reading about 1,000’s and 1,000’s of foreign criminals and terrorists being deported in sustained monthly campaigns. Let’s really clean up: the prisons, the courts, inner city urban areas.
WIN A PRIZE FOR CARRYING A KNIFE: = instant deportation
And the same prize for engaging with terrorism online or in real life, also the prize of swift permanent deportation.
Merry Cunting the lot of ewe.
Oi ya cheeky bastard I listen to Classic FM!
The ability to regurgitate facts for exams has little to do with intelligence and fuck-all connection with common sense. I went to university and left with exactly the same level of intelligence I entered with. I was also, like so many students an insufferable little leftie prick, once I started working (ie other people stopped paying for me) I soon moved to the right aka grew up.
Anyway, what’s the fucking point of the independent? I presume its main function is to help people who aren’t quite cuntish enough to buy the guardian, like buying Amateur Photographer rather than Razzle.
Although there are a lot more cunts in the guardian than in Razzle. And tits. And arseholes.
I don’t need a degree or indeed a lecture to form the view that being told what to do by unelected technocrats is a big pile of shit.
This fine research and it’s authors are a bit late to the party.
Which is most welcome I must say.
Now fuck off you silly cunts.
Words fail me.
Shame words didn’t fail these black bints who’d be walking two miles to the nearest watering hole, living in the stone age, if it wasn’t for riding the wave of European intelligence and invention. Would’ve spared everyone’s wasted time reading it.
These highly educated people are the same ones who get a useless degree in gender studies, 13th century Tibetan poetry or Mongolian basket weaving, pay £9K a year for the privilege and find they are unemployable. The same ones who need safe spaces,are triggered by microaggressions, no platform opinions they don’t like and cant decide what gender they are that week. I will stick to critical thinking, subjecting all arguments to scrutiny and criticism then making up my mind with an informed opinion in the real world thanks all the same.
Fuck me the language of it-
‘…applied a multivariate regression analysis and logit model…..’
So multivariate is that the same as multifarious? What is ‘logit’ from logic?
Multivariate = many variables. The study is looking at several factors suggested as being the cause of far-right racist thick voters abandoning the nice safe EU and inviting armageddon.
Logit explained here (I think – hard to be sure when a statistician gets going)
Wouldn’t it be funny if this rag’s offices went up in flames!?
Statistics and damn lies. But, doesn’t a survey by Uni students on ……Uni students, show just what a low level of intelligence there is at Uni these days (for most of them)
If is the longest word in the English language.
Tough shit, losers.
Get To Fuck.
As far as I’m concerned, any rag that pays that repulsive cunt Yashmin Alibhai-Brown to write for it is a bag o’ shite by definition.
Ali baba browny is in my top ten of cunts.
Screeching little pushy twat.
As you know i dont advocate violence but id happily stove her fuckin skull in with a rock, and make moccasins out of her wrinkled old arse.
MNC I’ll see your Ali Baba and raise you an Afua I’m a mega cunt Hirsch. My cunt’s bigger than your cunt.
Yeah you hold the royal flush with Afua Hirsch!
Long way to go to find a bigger irritating cunt than her!
Or a rock big enough to finish her off?
Can’t stand her shes a cunt , Piers Morgan gives her shit on GMTV , he does have his good moments.
Shes a right moaning little cunt isnt she ?
Proper little dummy spitter.
Her voice sets my teeth on edge Telly.
This has nothing to do with being educated at a higher level, it’s actually being brainwashed to a higher level. Going to University does not increase your intelligence or IQ for fuck’s sake. Wasn’t the 11 plus (don’t know if they still do it) an actual IQ test? I left school at 16 with by some miracle 7 (out of 8 taken) O levels so I suppose I could have gone on to further education. The fact was, I didn’t want to, I had enough of the fucking education system and the cunts within it. I have never regretted it for an instance, the one regret I have is that I wish I had learnt a trade but that’s another story. Anyway, not being further educated is why I’m the bitter, racist, xenophobic, thick, little Englander old cunt that I am now I suppose.
It’s the simple things in life that hold greater value and reward than qualifications.
I, for one, regret never having been able to play a musical instrument. I would forego all my Hogwart qualifications in order to do so.
When you say the simple things…
Mean me dont you?
Not at all Miserable. I’ve gone on record before, saying you are an intelligent man who could achieve anything in life they’d wanted to. After all, young Miserable gets his grey matter from somewhere.(I’m not being disparaging to Mrs M). ( just send me the cheque in the post)
BTW – I did read Funboy’s comment yesterday but thought I wouldn’t dignify it with a reply! He needs watching that young whippersnapper!
Yes hes the cheeky type that funboy.
Thanks again for posting that link,
My mates turned up safe an well,
Genuinely appreciated.
That’s good news. I’m relieved I didn’t have to provide any more links about the story!
The Odyssey of Funboy is what keeps me coming back to IsaC. Is he still currently in the closet?
I’m saying nothing Shagga. I’m sure he thinks I’m homophobic but it’s always him who keeps raising the topic! He usually appears in the post evening meal slot.
Seems like a nice boy…
What did Funboy mean Shagga?
Said he doesn’t shave his body or his harris?
No one on here does do they?
Jesus ive not shaved my face in years.
Got a beard the ayatollah would die for.
I shave my legs. I suggest everyone try it once it feels amazing like you wouldn’t believe. Not with a razor like but just hair clippers. It’s something about the hairs snagging and itching I think, which you’re not really aware of until they’re all gone.
Good if you wear rubber stockings, or so I am told…
What was it you said to me earlier on Bertie about going to uni as you all do the best noms? , shame you never got to learn to play , i on the other hand have played guitar for many years , guess us non uni guys play instruments the best ?
I envy you Telly, really!
I play a mean slide guitar as well , love the blues , oh well i’m sure you will get your own back when my spelling is shit ?
Take up a instrument Bertie,
Sitar? ?
I know..carynx!
Only one guy in the world that plays it!
You could be number 2.
Its a ancient british war trumpet,
Usually with a boars head at the end, that has a vibrating tongue, BWC would love it.
Google it.
The Romans wrote about it when invading us.
The greasy spaghetti eating cunts.
Yep never to old to learn an instrument , iv’e known guys who have started learning the guitar in there mid 50’s . That’s one thing iv’e always done if someone wanted to learn an instrument was to encourage them no matter how old they are.
Mate of mines kids autistic, hes about 13-14yrs,
He plays piano and electronic organ to professional standard,
For Christmas my mate bought him a accordion, went round the other week an he was playing sea shanties on it!
Self taught, seems he can play with a instrument an pick it up by ear,
Wish i could do that.
Bloody hell Miserable! Where do you get all this knowledge from?
It’s not bad is it, for a kid from Brinnington who spent his childhood running away from the school attendance officer?
I learned to read chord boxes from my mates uncle and from there taught myself really , all the lead /slide guitar i’m self taught just from books and watching people play etc . You tube is good now as people do lessons on there , a young lad i knew in London taught himself from you tube. They didn’t have that then when i first picked up a guitar . The thing it’s time now a days , i used to sit for hours and hours just playing the same little thing till i nailed it . The ex wife hated the sound of slide guitar so i used to wait till she was having a shit and would sit outside the toilet day playing it ?
I went to polyversity and let me tell you now, I have had to deal with cunts who’ve had more degrees than a compass, but who don’t possess one iota of common sense.
Never conflate academia with intelligence because in my experience never the twain shall meet!
So what if the majority of leavers don’t have degrees, etc.? I value their common sense opinion (usually to benefit those from within rather than those from without – which is the opposite of the so-called enlightened ones) than I do some lickspittle sociology or gender studies oik!
Louis Theroux is a case in point. Very well educated, still a vacuous dullard.
It always fucks me off this. The reason more people in higher education voted to remain is because everyone between the age of 30 and 18 went to uni to be fucking useless with a cunting useless degree in shite. Higher Education is not a sign of intelligence, all the little cunts who went to uni will have been indoctrinated into the EU train of thought. Cunts!!
Read the article hmmm. One could posit the reason higher education was a factor in people voting to remain in the eu was due to the amount of brainwashing and woke bollocks they were exposed to whilst engaged in higher education. Would also suggest the twats who created this masterpiece in twattery took a course in critical thinking, almost a proscribed subject nowadays.
The retired, ex footballer, Iain Dowie has a degree in Rocket Science ( alright, a Masters in Engineering and worked for British Aerospace.)
Why the fuck then, can’t he string two sentences together when he’s giving a football report?
Brian May from rock band Queen has a PhD in astrophysics.
Wrote thesis and had stuff published.
Still thinks bubble perms are cool.
It’s not that. The cunt hasn’t yet learnt to plug his guitar in properly and electrocutes himself every time he tries.
The Independent is the news outlet that included The Onion in a fake list of fake news sites. The site that published a joke article by a man called ‘Liam Evans’ AKA comedian Andrew Doyle.
The site that generates ludicrous headlines such as ‘Theresa May to shut down the Internet as we know’ it for gullible imbeciles to share on Fuckbook.
Like the Daily Mail, it’s also a news site that has staff writers sat in cubicles, pilfering material from other news sites and breaking down in tears.
I am so uneducated that (instead of using a bidet) I wipe my arse on pages of the IndyBendent.