The EU

Well, that didn’t take long, did it?

One day out and already the EU have reneged on the deal to allow us to trade with a Canadian style agreement, without trying to impose further terms and conditions upon us. I’m not really too surprised as the spiteful foreign cunts have probably been orchestrating this sort of back-stabbing treachery for years. It only remains to be seen how else they intend to try and fuck us over.

The best way forward from here is to withhold any further payment whether we agreed to it or not. Two can play that game.

Nominated by Duke of Cuntshire

Well, the EU cunts are still at it with their pathetic bitterness and sulky strops now that we have had the audacity to actually leave their club. That Polski little rat Donald Tusk said that, “An independent Scotland would be enthusiastically welcomed into the EU”, or words to that effect.

Yet another very contrived comment pulled out of his very large and deep bag of obvious, snidey insults directed at the UK (to add to the many he has let rip over the past few years) What a slimy little ballsack of the first order that man is.

And Ursula von der Leyen (or Eva Braun as I like to call the Kraut cunt) was also having a dig too: “The UK’s access to the single market will be weakened if it does not continue to sign up to EU rules after Brexit”. What is it that this cunt does not understand about the concept of LEAVING the EU? That means we no longer kowtow to your rules, you dictatorial snatch. What she is basically doing is threatening and blackmailing, but again, this is all driven by sour grapes. They have lost control, but still want to cling on to control by limiting our trade options and whatever else they can.

So predictable. So pathetic. In human form, the EU would be a 2-year brat having an epic, raging tantrum whilst flailing about on the floor like a dying cod.


Nominated by Nurse Cunty

I would like to nominate a ‘ Free Trade Deal ‘ with the EU.  Already, the EU are dictating terms. We’ll have to give them access to OUR fishing grounds, we’ll have to accept ECJ rulings, we’ll have to align with their regulations, in areas such as employment rights, and on it goes.

Why fucking bother leaving ? It’s time they were told to fuck off, and go with WTO.

All this bollocks about a Canadian style deal is a dead duck too. The Canadians are threatening to trigger the dispute procedure in their so called ‘ Free Trade Deal ‘, as since it came into force, Canadian exports have plummeted, whilst imports have rocketed. This is due to the EU putting bureaucratic obstacles in the way and generally acting in bad faith, which is typical.

Shove your free trade deal up your stinking EU arses, you Fucking Cunts.

Nominated by Jack The Cunter

107 thoughts on “The EU

    • Totally agree Norman. It’s going to come to that eventually.
      It has to. It’s a kraut vehicle. What did people expect ffs??
      Put a trident submarine in the North sea and tell em straight.
      Trade fine. Threaten us and you’re fucking toast .

      • The mention of toast always reminds me of the poor man who was filmed on fire at the Bradford City stadium tragedy in 1985 in which 56 people sadly lost their lives. I remember watching it live on tv as the dreadful events unfolded.

        When in hospital the following day, when asked what he wanted for breakfast, with a very dry sense of Northern humour he said “anything but toast”.

        He died from his horrific injuries later the same day.

      • What have we got our new aircraft carriers for? Stick them in the North Sea with an F-35 or two on board and carry out exercises of the Belgium coast. They will soon get the message.

    • Hopefully they’ll get their Wehrmacht soon so we have someone to slap. No fun storming Brussels and just blocking the Grand Place with tanks.

  1. The frogs and the krauts are shit scared were going to become the most successful nation on earth again. Trinity college Cambridge has more Nobel prizes for science than France. They are fucked and they know it. Cunts. Good laugh though.

    • Well said NC – WTO, fuck them. We did not leave to be ordered around, Boris needs to grow a pair because we have not gone through this for nothing and the “silly little people” will no longer accept it.

    • Manny Macon is a Grand Prick.

      I really think now that cuntries are queuing to leave the shit-infested IVth Reich; Mutti Merkel is so bloody deluded that she wants to flood Europe with more bloody Albanians and similar dross.
      I think some Kraut will take her out…
      And I shall celebrate with some Champagne, because unlike the lying cunts in Brussels, I understand the difference between Europe and the EU. And I support AfD, and sexy Le Pen’s bunch, because they hate the EU.

      • Evening HBH. Even Merkel’s successor has decided she doesn’t want the job and has withdrawn from the role.
        How’s your electrical quals. going?

      • Not bad, Bertie, cheers for asking !
        Got my Level 3 Installation cert back in Sept., also 18th Ed. Regs late last year, and passed on-line exam for Initial Verification, Inspect .& Test. Am currently waiting to sit the two prac exams for same. Fingers x’d…

      • They have a fair amount of political violence over there. It’s something we can be proud of here, we don’t shoot politicians for being cunts very often.

  2. A most excellent triple whammy of a cunting. Fucking EU will hate it for us to succeed.
    Norman’s right. Now if only Bomber Harris’s boys were still around to pay a visit…

    And no, you’re not getting our fish from our waters, unless you fucking buy it from us. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunts!!

    • Pinching our fish? I am rolling “The Black Pig” down the slipway and loading the four pounder!

  3. My hatred for these cunts is off the fucking radar.
    Just fucking leave and go WTO.
    They will shit themselves. Put a huge tariff on kraut cars and they’re fucked and stay out our waters you French cunts.

  4. Bad Faith is definitely the appropriate phrase when dealing with these Little Empire tossers. They said clearly on day 1 their ambition is to make the UK fail, how the fuck can you go into negotiations with a organisation who motivation is intentionally ruinous? The thing they don’t understand about our Empire is it was intended to make the whole world rich and successful for the mutual benefit of all, these 4th Reich nazis want to destroy other nations for their own narrow acquisition.

  5. Fuck you Johnson…….you’ve had our votes, we’ve had the party…..time for you to grow a pair now you cunt. It’s obvious they have to make it as hard for GB ?? as possible, otherwise every other cunt will want to leave. We just have to accept that and be harder than them. They also have the advantage of the fifth column already planted in this country so we have to be double hard.
    Has Johnson got the bottle for the fight? I doubt it but at least we’ve got Sir Nigel to hold his feet to the fire.

  6. We can’t expect anything positive for the UK with these fucking bastards.
    We cannot be seen to be making a success of ourselves otherwise other Nations or satellite states as the EU would like to call them will want to leave probably starting with Italy. There going to think why should we be paying into this federal dictatorship if were getting fuck all back and Their payments will now increase if were gone. As for Boris I don’t trust the two faced fucker at all. I can see the cunt selling out the British fishing industry within a year.

    • After all the posturing on the subject from Johnson and other ministers on the subject, if he caves in on fishing, regulation etc the Brexit public will be right royally fucked off. He must know this, so ANY backsliding will be given a real spin to make it look good. Won’t fool anyone tho and the Brexit Party will be back on his tail like a dog at a fucking bone. Thank heavens for Sir Nige; he ain’t perfect, but he’ll chew ass again if needs be.

      • That’s why the Brexit party is waiting in the wings.
        Johnston stumbles and Farage will nail him in the polls.
        He’s got to deliver or he’s fucked.

      • He has got to deliver to the voters of the Northern Red Wall. They are not stupid and won’t vote Conservative for a very long time if he fucks up the trade negotiations. Already Ireland is going to be more of a problem now Sinn Fein has taken such a large share of the vote. The U.K. position is not helped by the EU insisting Northern Ireland remains part of the customs union.

    We ought to be playing maximum attack hardcore handball negotiation with these cunts.
    We have the biggest and best military in Europe (I think), anyway The Donald would back us.
    Put 100% tariff on German cars and French and Italian food and drink.
    It is a truism that The EU is a continuation of a German takeover of Europe, but by other means.
    We absolutely must not be dictated to by the EU, ***CUNTS ***

    Marie Anne Le Pen, and, AFD (Alternative for German) also want to leave the EU, as well Salvini of Italy and also Hungary.

    I hope I live to see the EU crumble into nothing.

    I also hope I live to see One United Ireland, and, Scotland get their second vote.

    Top commenting, a few Nuclear Subs moored off Germany and The Netherlands.

  8. postscript: I think Donald Trump, the US, and Corporate America could really stick the knives into the EU and accelerate it’s demise. I hope, I would love.

  9. Dealing with slimy EU officials is like dealing with pikeys or Jehova Witnesses = they won’t take no for an answer nd the only answer with these fuckwits is to tell them they either come to a “deal” which suits us, or we will fuck off immediately, trade undfer WTO terms and refuse to pay the £39 billion the greedy bleeders want.

    • Unfortunately we can’t refuse, we are now legally bound under international law to pay the £39 billion (equivalent of 4 years net membership fees) thanks to the May /Johnson withdrawal treaty which came into effect at the end of last month. “The second worst deal in history,” as a certain prominent Brexiteer put it.

      The EU now have us over a barrel. They’ve got away with murder. All they ever cared about was the money, and as a bonus we have to adhere to EU rules for at least another 11 months. And for every year the transition period is extended we will have to pay another £12 billion net.

      The EU should be paying us £39 billion! Not the other way round. We have poured nearly £half a trillion pounds into the EU since 1973. We have never received a penny from the EU that was not originally provided by the UK taxpayer. Where’s our share of all the investments and property we have poured money into during the last 47 years and had substantial part ownership of?

      The EU played a blinder. Didn’t help that we had the worst Prime Minister in history supposedly batting for our side, along with the Remoaning Civil Service.

      • You’re right. Considering our ecomony is larger than the poorest 18 nations in the EU, we technically own their countries as they have not contributed a single penny.

        Time to send the bailiffs round.

        And don’t forget the trillion dollars we paid the yanks for the lend lease agreement.

        I don’t see the rest of Europe stumping up any of that cash either. The useless lazy cunts.

      • Insightful comment RTC wonder how many people are aware that we are over a barrel with pants round our ankles ready for another 12 months of eu rogering. Who knows how long this fucking cuntish transition period will last. Look how long it took to leave if we have. I really wish some government civil service person or something would explain why we did not say fuck you, the end and go our own way. All this bollocks about obeying their rules, accepting European court rulings letting them fish our waters bollocks, we have left could someone point this out to the eu cunts. Must say have little expectation of really leaving the fucking eu seems that all our leaders hanker for that Brussels feel good factor, whores, booze and backhanders not forgetting the magic money trees.

      • Spot on BB, OB. If we were going to Leave in any meaningful way we would have done so 3 years ago. As it is the political establishment used that time finding a way around implementing the will of the people. Hence the Brino bollocks we’re stuck with.

      • Good Morning RTC

        I am in Paris at a trade show now. Coming of the EasyJet last night it was interesting to note that at Passport control there was just line saying All Passports, changed from EU and Non-EU passports 6 months ago. So much for all that bollocks that we would need visas.

      • Morning Wanksock.

        The reason you don’t need visas etc at the moment is because we are currently in the transition period, which means there will be no change until the end of this year.

        Enjoy the trade show!

  10. The EU is reeling from the Irish election result. Sinn Fein are not very EU friendly and are engaged in attempting to absorb part of another nation state into its own.

    The implications for the EU are enormous, they pally up with the IRA and separatism and the Spanish will kick off.

    Interesting times ahead and the EU I believe will be to busy trying to keep their own ship afloat to engage in a pillow fight with the UK.

    • Shame the bombers didn’t stand in more seats, it really would’ve given the EU another unwanted headache. As it is they may not even get into power.

    • Rumour is that the EU is going to demand that the Irish re run their election, as they didn’t vote ‘correctly’ and enthusiastically return Little Leo, the Commission’s man in Dublin.

      • They’re re-running in Germany because the public were wrong voting ‘far-right’, why the hell not!

      • The little nobody people will be made to continually vote until those in charge get the result they tell us to get.

    • I don’t know what Sinn Fein’s EU policy is in the Irish Republic, but in Northern Ireland they campaigned on the side of Remain during the Referendum.

  11. Haha the SNP and Sturgeon have been reported to the Belgian police for their stunt on the 31st. The commission said it was nothing to do with them and the police were looking into it.
    Hahahaha what a clubby little cunt she is.
    Her beloved EU have shopped her… hahahaha .
    Serves the ginger minge right.

  12. An attempt was made to dominate Europe in 1914. It failed.
    Another attempt was made in 1939. It also failed.

    Yet with the EU (Germany) they succeeded pretty much. Laws, trade, money, their flags rippling everywhere like 21st century swastikas. Subjugation and obedience. Now we’re on the way out Guy ‘pædo-mouth’ Verhofstab panics and sends out this message: “Don’t believe ze Eurosceptics who say ze EU vill collapse. Let’s improve it furher together!!” Nonetheless, our departure could start a slow domino effect over the next decade.

    Dear Guy
    Please will you fix it for me to watch your whole ghastly enterprise come crashing down like the deplorable, wretched nest of gangsters it is while I eat popcorn and drink lemonade. Fank you.

    yours sincerely
    Cap’n Magnanimous

  13. I would encourage Boris to let the whole of the UK vote on Scottish independence. Following the result, the EU will be welcome to the ungrateful bastards.

    • I’ll be okay. I’m keeping my British passport. I don’t want some tartan passport with Nessie on it.
      SNP cunts.

      • Nessie? Oh, you mean Derek McKay the former SNP FInance MInister and easily exposed poofter. I’m hoping the young chap who was the subject of this pervert’s attention was lying about his age and is really 14. That would set the gato amongst the pájaros, as they say in the Spanish part of the EU, which is what this nomination’s about. Bunch of cunts (manojo de coños).

  14. What pisses me off more than the EU are the cunts (British Cunts) who constantly talk the UK down, can’t do this, won’t be able to do that.
    Well fuck off, the EU can say and do what it wants, what Britain needs is a few more balls and all the negative bastards need locking up.
    The EU may be a ‘block’ but the individual countries are in competition and they don’t all have the same workers rights, benefits and social structure.

    The principal of mutual recognition isn’t difficult, useless cunts!

  15. Can anyone remind me why we agreed to give the EU £39 billion of hard earned taxpayers money for sweet Fuck All and before securing a satisfactory trade deal?

    Theresa May was a useless lying hopeless undemocratic waste of space. God how I despise her for the three wasted years of mental anguish she caused to us proud Brexiteers.

      • For what? Fuck all. The EU no longer have any incentive to give us a half decent trade deal, or anything else for that matter.

      • Law or no law Boris should tell them to whistle dixie for that brass.
        What will they do?
        Get fucked.

      • They never did. They knew they had a 5th column within that would be doing the running and nothing has changed. Voting out was as far as it will go.

      • Ruff one – Looks like the UK didn’t read the fine print when cutting off ties with the EU…

        You Brexit, you bought it.

      • Evening Bertie.

        When the electorate eventually rumbles what their slippery political representatives have done there will be nowhere for said slippery cunts to hide… unless they claim asylum in the Fourth Reich.

      • BTW. I’m really enjoying LBC ( Sir Nige just now) since you put me on to it.
        A warm good evening RTC

    • Well said WS – and could anyone explain to me why the Billions we are owed in EU Citizens healthcare we have provided for free is not being paid back to us?
      Or the Billions the European International Bank owe us in money and assets?
      Who is in charge of our negotiations, and why they were taken from their primary job of letting kids ride them up and down Blackpool beach?
      Put VF in charge of “tenacious and straightforward withdrawal talks”!

  16. A diverse and multi culti cunting for Syed Ahmed and Najirul Miah. Who them you say ? These two lovelies kidnapped and raped a woman in Sunderland while posing in a car as an unlicensed taxi.
    Said pieces of shit ( upstanding gents in their community no doubt) were sentenced to 11 and 12 years. Given the comic british justice system they’ll be out In half of that.

    • I read that story and yes they’re raping cunts, but that woman is a fucking moron who was a sex attack just waiting to happen. They weren’t actually posing as a taxi, they were parked at a drive through or something, and this silly bint who was out late drunk on her own thinks ‘oh I’ll just go and and ask those two pakis in that car if they can drive me home all by myself as they might be an unlicensed taxi’. I mean when have you even seen two drivers in a fucking taxi, did she not wonder what the other one’s doing and maybe this isn’t safe!? There’s probably some feminist out there saying ‘oh but a woman should be able to get into a car with two strange men! Teach men not to rape!!’ How about teaching women some self-preservation like don’t get into a car or go anywhere with men you don’t fucking know.

      • Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s some leftie student who looked at them and thought, ‘No, I mustn’t be racist and judgemental and assume that just because they’re pakis they’re going to rape me. I’ll be right-on, get into the car and prove that those stereotypes are just far-right propaganda. I’m so progressive’. Silly fucking cow.

  17. It’s all about Germany controlling Europe ,it always has been.
    If children were taught history at school and not socialist , EU propaganda we wouldn’t have so many snowflakes in love with the EU.

    • “Vot are yoo tokking about, Herr Mc? Ve are no-sink like ze Germany off yesteryear. Ze colours on ze flag are different, ve don’t invade but instead lend ze money, ve no make anschlüss but encourage zem to buy our cars, ev-fen ze hymn is different, (though I do loff Luvig’s 9th). Und ve moved ze Reichstag to Brussels! Mein Gott, ze consessions.

      You do know ‘ow to say, “Vorking makes you free” in German, yar?

  18. I am a shit stirring cunt and have become the bain of many lease company’s.

    “oooh that’s a nice car you have there!”
    “Yes it’s the turbo 4×4 takeaway tin in black with tinted windows”
    “wow that must be really expensive!, is it yours?”
    “You know those plates are illegal?”
    “They are GB/EU plates, we are not in the EU”
    “Most of the lease cars are changing their plates, but I would recommend that you type in show plates in e-bay and get some English ones it will cost you about £22″
    ” I did not know that!”

    So I have created an excessive demand for non EU plates and probably orchestrated some very heated arguments with lease agency’s
    It is why I am here, I am a cunt.

    • Good evening M’lord, changed my plates the day we “left”. Mine now sport the cross of St George; the plates bearing the eu emblem have been gratefully binned (one was used as a target)

      • Target? Using what? Air pistol, crossbow, catapult, darts, stones, your sharp wit, a Cruise missile, 0.5″ Lee Enfield, your knob? We need to know.

      • Of course should have mentioned what was used, started with slingshot moved back a few paces used one of my bows field points on the arrows, kept missing the bloody ring of stars. Took remaining bits of plate to a friend and we atomised the starry ring with his .222
        jobs a good un.

    • My shiny new car – well actually a year old car now – has an English flag on the plate. I told the salesman that if he put an EU flag on it I’d cancel the order…

      • I will go one better, apart from the cross of st George at the bottom of the plate it say “Arthur Daley Motors N1”, which is in keeping with the age and condition of the vehicle, both the flag and the wording were included in the plate price £22.

  19. Seem to remember we’ve had threats from European countries before over the decades and centuries.
    They need to have a look back at how that generally went.
    Maybe they were fooled into thinking the British were typified by Corbyn, Umuna or Swinson.
    Dozy buggers.

  20. What the EU (Germany) really want is control of our nukes.

    That was the whole point of Germany’s wank fantasy of a European army.

    I see that Austria and some ex soviet bloc countries have already hoisted the white flag and given Berlin command over several divisions.

    Try it with us Merkel and we’ll turn Berlin and Brussels into radioactive glass. Like we should have last time round.

  21. Can any of you provide links to online articles relating to the EU’s hardball tactics post-January 31st, 2020? I’ve been searching for the last 10-15 minutes without success. I’m not disputing that they are trying to be domineering and intimidating even at these incipient stages of the transition period; I’d just like to read some new, up-to-date articles on the negotiations and developments.


    • The man that could do this is Rough Tough Creampuff.
      You have definitely passed the initiation ceremony Funboy!

      • Lol! Cheers, BBTC. It was, thankfully, a relatively painless induction (although my arse is akin to a hippo’s yawn). Glad to be amongst some fine, eminent company. I now feel complete, and await the future with all alacrity. ?

        Yours esoterically, Funboy.

    • Negotiations haven’t even started yet and probably won’t for at least another month. But there have been EU representatives on programmes like Politics Live making it clear that it’s their way or the highway. Barnier made a speech to that effect last week.

  22. Fine! We leave of WTO rules.

    Put eye-watering tarrifs on German (and French) cars (a 3rd of which come to blighty each year) to bankrupt their economies (no UK money going direct to the EU, nor indirectly via the billions of lost in revenue to Germany and France who – let’s face it – will have to further financially prop up the 4th Reich Ponzi scheme when we’re gone).

    We incentivise Nissan, Toyota and Ford to make their local built products tariff free and price reduced for our indigenous market via tax-breaks or tax incentives.

    Never had a German car – overpriced and eye-watering to maintain at Gerry dealerships!

    I have had Nissans for the last 15yrs and they literally have taken me to the moon and back in that time, inexpensively, and without any meither.

    Fuck the EU! We hold all the cards, and BoJo has his massive majority mandate, he can do what the fuck he likes, without any interference from Magic Grandpa, et. al., and with our fucking blessing!

    We are NEVER going to be beholden to your criminal and Draconian protection racket ever again! We either have a trade deal with no elicit strings attached or you can basically fuck off and watch your unelected ivory tower collapse all around you!

    So play nice, it’s in YOUR best interests.


    • Don’t fancy the chances of that happening under our present government or likely future UK government.

  23. I quote some bloke from pulp fiction, apparently this is actually some religious bullshit but I think it’s as follows:
    “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.”

    • That would be us trying to shepherd our European chums out of greater Germany and Germany kicking off because they hold the purse strings.

      And Germany will know we are the lord when we render their country uninhabitable for a couple of thousand years.

  24. Its all cock posturing by the EU for negotiation purposes. Expect more of this shit for the months ahead, but it will be alright in the end.

  25. Was instructive to see the head girl in EU parliament scolding Farage et al for waving Union flags during his last MEP speech… while she sat at her throne in front of the EU flag!

    • Also, the cunt has a mute button. A fucking mute button. In, supposedly, our parliament.
      Bitch muted a small part of Farage’s speech for contravening some rule. Or perhapss she was just offended. The fact this so-called parliament can prevent us even hearing what MEPs say is insane.
      Sure, our speaker can remind MPs of Commons rules, ask them to apologise, leave the chamber etc. But they can’t literally mute someone. What a cunt button that is.

  26. A bit of balls like The Donald wouldn’t go amiss. Basically tells other countries to go fuck themselves, USA first. We’re virtually out of the EU and they’re still shitting on our heads whilst we say thanks for the hat. Fucking cunts. Vive Le Pen.

    • Eljen a Magyar ! for Victor Orban.
      I only know this bit of Hungk from a Strauss piece; my last meeting with a very beautiful Hungk was down to hand-signals, mouth-to-mouth &c.

      That mute (tall, blonde) in the Maltesers ad gives me the ‘orn.

  27. If you thought that our formal exit was the end of the matter, you are,I am afraid, very much mistaken. The conniving and invariably self-interested cunts who have opposed our departure since well before the referendum will do everything in their power to reverse the decision or dilute its benefits to vanishing point. And that’s quite a lot of insidious, behind-the scenes, deniable, well- funded power. That’s a lot of people and organisations travelling luxury-class on the gravy train who don’t want to find out about leaves on the line and replacement bus services.

    Still, I’m encouraged to see that Boris is making approximately the right noises, with an announcement that at the end of the transition period there will be restored Customs controls on anything arriving from the EU. If only that included small boats full of Muslims.

    • Unfortunately Johnson has a long history of making the right noises and then doing the precise opposite. A recent example:

      “No British government could or should sign up to putting a border in the Irish Sea.” Less than one year he put a border in the Irish Sea.

      • All politicians are economical with the truth to one degree or another.

        The difference with Johnson is he takes lying to a whole new level. Blair eat your heart out!

        I hope he’s lying about building that £20 billion (will doubtless end up costing £100 billion+) bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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