“Stephanie Hayden” is at it again.
As far as I can tell, they don’t have a job (besides pretend lawyer). If you google them, all you get is them threatening people on twitter with lawsuits and they somehow keep winning. I thought Instagram was a pathetic career, but this takes the cake.
You would have thought they’d spend some time putting effort in if they found being addressed by male pronouns so offensive. And now a mother of two has been charged £1,000 for simply stating facts.
Cunt (noun applies to both genders equally).
Nominated by lazybiscuits
Good job all the murders, county lines gangs and robberies have been solved so the Old Bill can spend their time on this stuff.
Have you noticed that the least convincing trannies are always the most militant? I wonder why.
B+WC would get a Brucie Bonus if he stuck his tongue near ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner’s ass.
If the picture above is for the remake of Charlies Angels its safe to say im not going the pictures to watch it.
Don’t want to be a fat man
People would think that I was just good fun
Would rather be a thin man
I am so glad to go on being one
Too much to carry around with you
No chance of finding a woman who
Will love you in the morning and all the night time too
Don’t want to be a fat man
Have not the patience to ignore all that
Hate to admit to myself
Half of my problems came from being fat
Won’t waste my time feeling sorry for him
I seen the other side to being thin
Roll us both down a mountain
And I’m sure the fat man would win
(Jethro Tull, when they were good)
In the spirit of “Banzai”…
Which fat lady will reach bottom of hill first?
Scottow? Hayden? Hayden? Scottow?
Prace bets now, hurry, hurry!
Never thought id see Tull quoted on here!?
First band i saw live.
Still love the early stuff.
Jethro Tull? Quality – Aqualung especially is excellent, bit better than Dave da (C)rapper!
This Was & Stand Up were ace!
Oh dear. The feminazis and the trannies, both equally obnoxious and self righteous, are at each other’s throats.
The libtards are eating themselves.
Did you know that when you have cock inversion surgery your new hole smells of shit because it’s next to your colon and if you have a new cock made you have to piss out or your arse. Facts.
? Thanks for sharing. ??????
I didn’t know any of that, and the knowledge does nothing for my happiness. But surely, if we are to base our gender on our reconstructive surgery, a ‘man’ who pisses out of his arse is in fact some other gender, defined by being unable decently to use a male urinal?
no it doesn’t fact.
I have shagged one, fact.
Next question?
Was it for a bet?
No and a fantastic fuck too, Got some stick for it, but as I pointed out to one bloke she looked more like a woman than his wife did.
I bet that went down well ?
Maybe you had a cold
Smells like fake news.
Jesus smug, nearly spewed on my boots.
Thats proper nightmare stuff.
Is it possible to force people to deny reality? The emperor’s new clothes made real. This is progressiveness! What is the real motivation for this? It surely isn’t reality.
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook ……. shit, shit and more shit.
Outraged freaks ……. shit.
Fucked up legal system …… shit.
Avaricious lawyers …… shit.
People with fuck all else better to do ….. shit.
Get To Fuck.
Case in point check out Rodrigo Alves…
MOOSE attacks a PIG
Absolute tittle tattle and a huge waste of police time and public funds …..
The only thing I find surprising
looking at the PIG is the judge didn’t find the MOOSE innocent ………
I think the moose should get crowdfunding to challenge that dubious ruling as it sets a dangerous legal precedent…..
‘the complainant told the court how Ms Scottow was bound by law to refer to her as a woman’
Peacefuls are bound by law not to go around screwing little white girls, that works well, don’t it.
All this ‘gender recognition certification’ has caused more fucking trouble than it was and ever will be worth, And it’s going to get worse if the super looneys get their way, self identifying at the drop of the hat, the courts will be full of these cases.
I am waiting for the test case, A female impersonator sues for being mis gendered, in court HE says I am a MAN and people keep calling me Miss or Mrs ?
This is nothing. The SNP have defended a trans drag act giving a talk to P1 children somewhere in Scotland.
It’s in the Telegraph online.
How evil is that?
That won’t be in Glasgow East bet on that!
If Kweer Charmer ever wins an election and we get Sharia Law in Britain, which will be inevitable given the Left’s Islam-fetish, I wonder if a high enough wall will be found for Gladys Izzard and his/her chums like this one, to be thrown off, not to mention all the poofters who Labour love so much?
Bit rich of that fat ugly slapper to call the tranny a ‘pig in a wig’. She should be fined for lacking self-awareness if anything and also for being seen in a public place. Apparently pig-in-a-wig thought that her comments were “potentially life-changing”. I suppose having your tackle chopped off and mincing around in women’s clothing isn’t ‘potentially life-changing’.
Isn’t the luscious Emily a pig in a wig ?!
Nope, just a pig.
Reminds me a bit of those two other cunts, the Hairy Bikers.
Any chance of a warning for any more tranny, hairy birds, freaky or assorted monster noms?
Im off my food, cant we have a *MONSTER!!* alert?
Not as bad as the split cock one though, we had to retire them after that.
for those of you who have not seen it
Not a fuckin chance im opening that link.
Fuck this, like the Twilight Zone on here, im off out.
you know you want too…..
A ‘bigger’ warning, at least?
Fuck me I thought that fat cunt was bad..
This is all round mentalism from all involved.
Every one of them should be ashamed of themselves.
Jesus what a pantomime of colossal cunts.
His / hers/ whatever the fuck it is on the lefts face is oranger than the sun.
I have screengrabbed this article and the slanderous hate filled comments and will be handing them to the police later today.
I have also requested IP addresses from Google Head Office.
See you in court.
Steph – as you identify as a lawyer, you can’t be a very good one if you don’t know the difference between slander and libel
Don’t worry we will counter claim to Trading standards under section 3/4 of the trades description act
Steph do my bollocks show in this mini skirt?
Steve, try Humberside plod
Know any good lawyers Stephanie?
I do. ?
Probably one of our least rated nominations says a lot
You’d think the creature on the right would keep quiet at the risk of drawing attention to her own defects. I lost fuckin’ count when I started trying to count how many chins she’s got. Both of them, however, would make an excellent tag team.
assault with a golf club? multiple appearances in court, and now is the social justice vanguard?
Anthony Haliday was not a nice person.
and some.
and some more
The College of Policing’s guidance defines a hate incident as ‘any non-crime incident which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender’.
That paragraph, taken from the linked article, must be the most insidious item I’ve read….Any actions “perceived” (i.e guess work) to upset transbenders, even if the “offended” party isn’t the freak themselves?
Who the fuck determines what is offensive? I find myriad comments or actions of my fellow humans offensive (Chinks spitting in public being a case in point) but I don’t go crying to plod.
Given how the men-in-frocks brigade are constantly told how fucking brave they are for pushing the social boundaries, they sure get upset quickly don’t they? I personally find it deeply offensive to hear/read the weird fuckers labeled brave, so maybe a call to the Wooden Tops is in order.
I pride myself on telling people to there faces what i think and i don’t do all that social media stuff , never have and never will . If i ever saw this monstrosity on the street i’d tell her straight to her face . ” look at the fucking state of you , your a fucking disgrace to humanity , your not a woman and you never will be you’ll always be a fucking man , now do the right thing and go and throw yourself under a fucking train . Then i’d casually walk off and go and treat myself to a doughnut .
Right with you on that one! I have a very well earned reputation for calling a Spade, a Spade! Actually, I call it a fucking Shovel, but you no doubt get my drift!
Hopefully your not going to “indulge in a doughnut” in quite the same way as Fat Reg?
Morning Telly
Morning KiwiCunt
No i’d probably eat it quicker than fat Reg ?
Is this behaviour usual these days?
They should both comb their long hair forward covering their faces so not to frighten people.
Much better.
The pair of fat ugly cunts could also convert to the Religion of Peace and wear burkas, hang on though, wouldn’t they throw the woman with a dick off a tall building?
Say again….which one has the cunt ?
Are all trannies allergic to salad?
Are all trans allergic to common sense? Need an Island to hoof all the snowflakes, waycially discwiminated against ethnics, transgender self identifiers and associated weirdos (except me of course!) to – be as mental as you want there, but please just f*ck off!
It occurs to me that we are the ones lacking in common sense! You know, centuries ago, Mother Nature would take care of these limp wristed, snowflakes! Any form of abnormalities whether mental or physical and they wouldn’t be able to keep up with the herd. Winter would come and nature would do the rest. Survival of the fittest! Now, they have a label for everything and a drug to match. Society is being held back by these cunts, and we have to pander to their every fucking whim, no matter how pathetic, costly or futile! When I was at school, anyone who turned up with a sick note from Matron so they missed the brutal PT sessions was given a fucking good leathering after lights out! Then four of these shirkers would be made to hold aloft one of the bunks, with the fattest cunt in the school still in it, and double time around the Rugby field! I was on the receiving end of theirs ‘harsh but fair’ regime, twice! Once as a malingerer and the second time with a bona fide case of Dengue! Burn the vile cunts, before they drag everyone down!
How many times were you killed by the school leopard?
I’m more disgusted she chose the name Stephanie , my ex wife was called Steph and she was beautiful , and no she wasn’t a fucking tranny before anyone gets on that train.
I had a girlfriend called Stepanie too! unfortunately her other boyfriend worked the night shift in the same place I worked.
Always wondered why she was tired, nuff said.
I’m fed up of the tail (0.01%) wagging the dog (99.99%).
I believe that gender dysphoria is a real mental illness – to not identify with one’s birth sex – but that is what it is, a mental illness.
Children who suffer with this pre-puberty, often grow out of it and identify with their birth sex post puberty. This is a fact.
The pernicious aspect is that we have essentially confused children being pounced upon by radical progressives, who then have them force-fed hormone blocking medication (causing irreparable and irreversible damage both physically and mentally), in order to serve an agenda that basically is driving towards having that ‘P’ legitimately added to the “alphabet people” list.
Just because you like to think you’re a woman – or man – which is in opposition to your biological sex, that does NOT give you the right to expect/force ordinary, common sense folk to buy into this delusion.
And it is abhorrent to think that police time is being wasted on what is essentially a matter of opinion.
The interaction between two people is an individualistic thing: you meet person A, they would like to be addressed as X, then fair enough, but you can’t expect everyone to know – or care – that a miniscule element of society may be mentally ill and identify as something they biologically are not.
In a society where terrorism, murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary and criminal damage is still rife, on a scale of 1 to 10 of police priorities, then trans hurty-feelings (or any hurty-feelings) should be around 1 millionth on that list!
In fact policing hurty-feelings at all should be disbanded immediately. A pointless waste of time, resources and MY fucking money!
100% agree with you, surely the police should have a triage or prioritisation system which ranks dealing with drug dealers and violent crime, as way way more important than getting involved with this utterly ridiculous shit ! I think we need some of the ISAC regulars to become MPs so we can make a few common sense changes to the law.