A cunting for Stating the fucking Obvious!
The media, in this particular case the BBC (who else?), are running a report about the reduced number of Chinese tourists in Oxford, now I wonder why that could be?
What are these cunts on? Do they think we need to be informed that Chinese tourists aren’t coming to the UK? Do they want them to come, or is it that they can’t be bothered to report real news?
The same with the flooding…if you have shit loads of rain over a short period of time, there will be a risk of flooding. It’s only a year ago that they were going on about water shortage due to lack of winter rainfall.
I am surprised they are not coming out with the dangers of banging your head against a wall: “constantly banging your head on a wall could lead to brain damage”.
Nominated by Sick of it
A neighbour said to me this morning “oh we’ve had some snow then?” as we walk through 2 inches of snow in the middle of winter.
No shit Sherlock!
Good nom sicky, well Duh!!
it is a bit cold today, I was resizing the bore in a piece of equipment with a cordless drill, drilled straight through and into the palm of my hand.
Oh I bet that hurt colleague chirps up,
enough said on the subject. (yes I know I should have used the vice)
Another cunting for the BBC and the fucking cunts they interview on a daily basis. Stuck in a hotel – the Abbc need to know ( not news).
Why the fuck fly over 2 bbc reporters to stand outside of a fucking hotel in Tenerife ?? Fiona Trott- doable, and that fuck who leaked the cliff Richard’s house raid.
2 plus the fucking camera team and sound engineers. Carbon footprint?? Fuck you license payers we’ll piss it up the wall as we see fit
Good Cunting. Like that worn out cunt Krikwood giving the snow report every fucking day in the hills of Scotland as if its a phenomenon. Ohh will see some Snow…Snow in summer in the canaries is news you cunt, not this worn out waffling.
Good old Carol – huge matronly breasts and a bit senile, perfect!
“Are you sure I live here young Man”?..
Beautiful sunshine in Yorkshire – a phrase that gets used around twice a Year!
Yes VF im sure she has seen more pricks than a second hand dart board that cunt.
We don’t want sunshine in Yorkshire VF, it attracts the wrong type.
Gays like it up the bum.
MPG, where have you been? 🙂
Hot isnt it?
Cold isnt it?
Soon be christmas!
Its starting to rain!
Your tall arent you?
Traffics bad isnt it?
Ow! That hurts!
“You’re a WHAT”? Put that dress back on, put that thing away – at the risk of stating the obvious – you’re not a Woman Kev”!?
I do not generally feel the need to state the obvious – that’s what Facebook is for!
Hilarious nomination.
This made me laugh 😀
Ian Duncan smith on “Stating the obvious”
Waitress: “Welcome to the restaurant. Would you like a table?”
Me: “Nah. Sausage, egg and chips, please.”
Spoons, try Frikadellen from Aldi!
German, like a small fat beefburger but with sausage meat!
Great with egg an chips!
Cheers, MNC. I’ll give it a go.
After I’ve eaten the table. 😀
I agree MNC, I love em.
Me too CS, was suspicious of them at first but ive grown to love them!
Sounds like Lorn(e) sausage – very popular in Krankia. Excellent trough for a cold day and sculpted to match a small sliced loaf.
I’m surprised the BBC didn’t blame the lack of Chink tourists on racism…….caused by Brexit……obviously.
It’s patently obvious that Al Beeb and the rest of the MSM are fucking cunts.
Big oven.
Stating the obvious about trannies is classed a hate crime.
Aye! but they be cunts wi’owt cunts an a cunt wi’owt a cunt is a man! Bleeding obvious innit!
It’s common around these parts for the checkout person at the supermarket to say, “Is that all for you today?”.
The other one is, “Did you find everything OK?”. Like you’re ever going to say no and they’re going to hold up the line while they or someone else track down the items you missed. Jeez. Just ring up my stuff deary and will the person behind me kindly grow a brain and realise personal space is in fact a thing. Cunts.
Iran has banned chinkys due to corona virus,
Ramalama dingdong soon,so any chinkys should get involved!
Go to mecca heard its lovely!
Mingle, shake hands, give out hugs, dont take a hanky.
I think Mecca is closed, Betfred is still open though.
My favourite – ‘You found us alright then’
“Do you want salt & vinegar?”….no, I enjoy eating fat greasy tasteless chips!
DC, thats one of my pet hates, they always fuck it up, not enough vinegar,too much salt, etc
Why cant i put my own on? Give it here!
Im a big boy now, capable of putting condiments on food.
Or “i haven’t seen you in ages!”
Hmm wonder why?
Picked up an underarm deodorant in the US I happened to read the instructions. ‘Do NOT use on the eyes!’ Hmm, anyone have eyes that stink?? And on a well known pile cream that ends in H, ‘NOT TO BE TAKEN ORALLY’. Question is, are they stating the obvious, or are there really people so fucking stupid, that they need these instructions?? Now I think about it, I just bet it’s for those sour faced old ladies that have mouths that resemble dogs assholes. It shrunk their mouths so that all they can eat are baked beans or peanuts!
I can answer this one. America is a very litigious society. Everything is always someone else’s fault. Where there’s fault, there’s a lawsuit. There are elements of the underclass who are out to make a fast buck and one way they try to do that is claim compensation through being ‘injured’ using a company’s product. To help combat frivolous lawsuits, companies add these kinds of warnings on products and their packaging so they can use the ‘it was right there on the label telling you not to use a power drill in a swimming pool’ argument. It’s stupid, of course. But it’s there because people are even more stupid, dishonest and fraudulent.
Very often when individuals state the bleedin’ obvious it’s talking for the sake of talking so not to appear unsociable. Mainly ‘nice’ people do this I find and let’s be honest, as we all know here on ISAC, nice people are boring, often as two faced as fuck and closet cunts that smile and nod at you as they cut their privet and then moan about you parking too close to their drive down at the church, the hypocritical Honda Jazz driving sandals with socks cunts.
Right that’s got that off my chest, now regarding the media talking about non-news as I call it, they’re simply gap filling because they haven’t managed to find something really nasty to worry us with being the cynical mind controlling cuntfaces that they are. BBC and ITV take a bow. Cunts.
The McCann’s killed Maddie, allegedly.
Everyone knows that apart from those cunts
I had some trouble with my vision recently after watching Mary Poppins repeatedly for 24hrs in aid of charity.
The doctor reckons I’m suffering from um diddle diddle diddle um diddle eye…..
I’m not surprised the BBC didn’t point out the coronavirus was caused by the dirty, fucking chinks disgusting eating habits. Yellow cunts.
Ps walked past China town in London yesterday. Fucking deserted.
Great cunting.
My own absolute favourite bit of stating the obvious was years ago on an internal flight in the States. I was given a packet of peanuts with my drink which had printed on the side ‘warning; product contains nuts’. Fucking hell.
Taxiing to the terminal on a Delta flight, ‘Would passengers requiring wheelchairs, please remain in their seats!’ Spent the next hour giggling as I considered the alternatives!
The one that drives me mad is someone seeing you and saying “are you still here??”
I’ve tried hard, but I am incapable of answering their stupidity with anything except “No, I fucked off home an hour ago”.
I remember once when the end of my thumb was hanging off and i went to the hospital to get it sorted.
I went up to the desk and the young woman smiled at me and said “hello are you alright?”
I just looked at her and said ” no i’m not alright that’s why i’m here “.
She just looked back at me and said ” fair enough good point” .
Tell you what really pisses me off is when i walk into a shop and before iv’e even looked at anything the assistants are there with that stupid fucking smile “can i help” , ” do you know what your looking for” ? ,
Yeah you can help me by fucking off and let me have a look around in peace and what i’m looking for is somewhere to dump your body if you don’t ;eave me alone. cunts
Excellent nom.
Slight tangent but equally pointless – some cunt saying “Ooh, mind your head” milliseconds AFTER you’ve twatted your bonce on a low beam in their house.
Or when you have twated yourself and they know your in pain and they say “does it hurt”?
I think the classic, Seymour, is when you visit your GP and they say “how are you?” to which I usually reply “ fuckin’ great doc. I’ve never felt better.
My standard reply to that one Bertie, is ‘Well after 7 years of med school, I was rather confident that you’d be able to tell’.
It’s the narration on some tv programmes that enrage me especially find it fix it flog it with that wee jock kipper licker Calman, “Henry is using paint that can be obtained from any DIY store” or if they’re using sandpaper without goggles and gloves and a safety harness she gives a safety warning, she makes me mental with the childish attitude towards the viewer and her stating the fecking obvious, a twat of the first water.
It’s the narration on some tv programmes that enrage me especially find it fix it flog it with that wee jock kipper licker Calman, “Henry is using paint that can be obtained from any DIY store” or if they’re using sandpaper without goggles and gloves and a safety harness she gives a safety warning, she makes me mental with the childish attitude towards the viewer and her stating the fecking obvious, a twat of the first water.
I heard you the first time!
“I can’t find my car keys”……….”Where did have them last?”. Please feel free to fuck off you cunt.
Can anyone else smell smoke?”
Im not a fuckin snifferdog!
Go downstairs and fight the flames im tired after drinking all day.
ooh i see someone’s done a nom about the bleedin obvious!
not so obvious tho; crystals for clearing drains had info stating:
“suitable for vegetarians”. f.f.s
Obligatory for vegans, hipsters, and snopakes.
Remember asking for eardrops over the counter in Boots once and the silly bint serving asked what I was going to use them for. The answer being a bad case of the farmers!
She still didn’t get the point.
When some cunt hasn’t seen a child for a long time: “Gosh, haven’t you grown?”
Fuck me, did you expect them to have shrunk or something??!!