As the whole world knows, the UK finally left the bloated, undemocratic European Union on 31st January. That evening, the EU appeared to deliver a final poke in the eye for Brexiteers by displaying a ‘Scotland Loves Europe’ light show on the side of the EU Commission building in Brussels. “Thanks for nothing”, we thought.
“Oh look”, gushed SNP Fuhrer, Nicola ‘Wee Jimmy Krankie’ Sturgeon as she tweeted an image of the building. “The EU Commission tonight (and if you look carefully, you’ll see that they do appear to have left a light on for us!”.
Er, really, Wee Jimmy? It’s a bit strange then that spokespersons for the EU are now claiming “nous n’en savons rien, chef” (‘don’t know nuffink abaht it, chief’). I’m afraid that your weasel wording “it does appear…” has let the cat scramble out of the bag. It’s being stated in the meeja that in fact, the SNP itself commissioned an Edinburgh company to set up the display. If this is indeed the case, it’s extremely concerning to see the ScotNazis trying to imply that the EU connived in this tacky stunt, particularly if it turns out that it was paid for with tax-payers’ money. The EU has confirmed that the SNP did not seek authorisation for the display. Almost certainly, agreement would have been denied, as to agree would have seemed to be an active, public encouragement of secession on the EU’s part.
This looks like a shabby deceit played upon the people of Scotland; part of the SNP’s game to deflect attention away from its dismal performance in government north of the border. Oh dear, Wee Jimmy; seems as though you’ve been caught with your tartan drawers around your ankles, and it most definitely is not a pretty sight. You should be embarrassed, but I don’t think that’s in your make-up. Just do us all a favour. Shut your gurning and yapping and stick to the day job for fuck’s sake, you malicious little shit.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Dear Scotland, dont know how to say this too you, your lovely,
And its not you its me,
But i only have eyes for your big sister Britannia.
Know this must hurt but itd never work between us.
Fondest regards Europe.
Ps please stop with the texts, its embarrassing. X
Nicola ‘Wee Jimmy’ Sturgeon is doing a great impression of psycho ex bunny boiler.
Because I’m only sixteen, and I know you said you wanted to “reach out” to younger voters but I was unaware what a “reach around” was until recently and it makes me uncomfortable Mr Mackay..
The Derek MacKay Show preceeds The Alex Salmond Show.
What’s not to like?
If they are old enough to vote they are old enough to suck SNP willy.
When they gave 16 year olds the right to vote for Scottish independence we though the shafting would figurative.
Personally, I’d be thrilled to see Scotland fuck off and see if they can get the same, or any, funding from Germany. Since their general population don’t seem to be capable of shooting Sturgeon down, or don’t want to, they deserve everything they (don’t) get.
“So sorry, Scotland” pace Fascinating Aida’s cringeworthy song at the Airdinbro Minge Festival (oddly, “comments were disabled for this video” on youtube…
More twats who can’t tell the difference between the continent and a ridiculous shower of shite
Pig ignorant Scotch Nazi cunts don’t know the difference between the ‘EU’ and ‘Europe’. ?
As Sir Nigel said, “I love Europe, but hate the EU.”
I wouldn’t go quite that far, but I do like Europe. More to the point I look forward to seeing the EU self destruct.
I like the dutch people, and pinder sauce on chips, and the Germans with their lovely beer and sausages, and Austria and Bavaria for the yodelling.
But despise the EU
And the french?
The bloody french?!!
Sorry need my pills…..
That eye twitch has started again, Miserable!
The French? Where’s my rifle?
Keep off our fish you sneaky buggers!
I have declared myself “Lord High Protector of Good British Fish”!
Because I feel no f*cker in Government will..
Andrew Neill put some French EU tart through the mincer last night.
Morning all.
For the life of me I can’t follow the ‘logic’ of the SNP’s ‘Independence in Europe’ line. Yeah, break up one of history’s greatest unions, so that you can then hand all your new found ‘independence’ back to EU (on the assumption that they’ll even let you back in, given that Scotland couldn’t meet the bloc’s economic criteria for membership).
What could Scotland ever be to the EU, other than an irritating little pimple on a fucking bloated arse?
The EU are schmoozing Scotland just to continue sowing the seeds of discontent – they have no intention of allowing an independent Scotland into the EU and have said this in the past more than once.
Sneaky malevolent f*ckers are the SNP but I feel they have met kindred dark spirits in the EU – beware strangers bearing gifts!
Oh, almost forgot – Sturgeon is a c*nt! And probably steals English fish when no-ones looking! Shifty Krankie.
It doesn’t make an ounce of sense, does it Ron? I actually came to the conclusion a while ago that, like the IRA, it’s just a deep rooted hatred of England, the racist fuckers. In the case of the SNP it’s probably based on something that happened about 600 years ago that the childish fucking cretins still hold a grudge about. For fuck’s sake, grow up – the English have forgiven the Germans although I don’t why, the kraut cunts.
Yep we get it off the IRA we get it off the Scot’s we get it off the Welsh we get it off the Muslims we get it off the Blacks (still reeling over the slave trade even though a white guy was responsible for abolishing it in this country) and yet now we even get it off the white left winged wankers.
As the old joke goes CS, the SNP is well balanced; a huge chip on both shoulders.
I like French au-pairs.
I like french fancies.
Thats it.
Too right.
Audrey Tautou in a little maid’s outfit, bending over to give me my coffee, also strikes a chord. Little minx.
The frogs aren’t all bad.
Sturgeon is assuming the people of Scotland will want to re-join the EU … God forbid, but should Scotland vote for independence, I do hope she holds a referendum amongst the Scottish people to see if they want to re-join…. she can’t just assume because of the ‘remain’ percentage back in 2016.
She spouts the need for Indy Ref 2 being down to a seismic change due to the UK leaving the EU. I would argue that the EU we would be about to re-join is a totally different ‘kettle of (our) fish’, it being without a major financial contributer … the UK.
I still believe that many Scotish people voted to remain in the EU, so as ‘not to rock the boat’ .. with the expectation that in June 201, we, the UK would vote to remain …
Fuck the French. Fuck the Germans. Fuck them all.
It wouldn’t surprise me if tthe EU were doing a Starmer * and are just saying they would accept Scotland as a way of trying to get us to change our mnds about leaving, and now we have, to rub our noses in it.
In truth the only way Jockland can join the EU is by becoming independent, and if they become independent they will lose the money we give them (they live off of our charity as we all know) and without money the EU qon’t be interested as Scotland is a basket case.
* Doing a Starmer: being everybody’s friend and promising things you know you don’t have a fucks chance of delivering. Kweer Charmer will be more like Blair than Blair.
I think you’re right WC. The EU would want Scotland in for purely political point scoring purposes. It would be bloody interesting tho;
Rest of EU; ‘hang on, rules say you can’t have a fiscal deficit in excess of 3% of GDP. Scotland’s is 7.9%. We all want a bigger deficit too, an the Euro can fuck itself!’
Spain, Italy & Belgium; ‘You can’t come in; that’ll stir up massive trouble with our own break-away movements!’.
Maybe the government should send out a very quiet word to the EU that the UK could do a bit of shit-stirring on that front as well if Brussels tries to play dirty.
They want our fish.
Backdoor access to our fishing waters.
Wee Nicky is in deep shite wi scottish fishermen.
Little lego head is in deep shit with the parents of every teenage boy in Scotland – she looked very uncomfortable in our (well we paid for the f*cker) Scottish Parliament deflecting questions about grooming!
She would only ruin the fish by coating them in North Sea oil and deep frying them!
Christ Miserable; I misread your comment first time and the words ‘backdoor access’ in conjunction with ‘Wee Nicky’ gave me the fucking vapours!
Verminhofstadt has probably got full backdoor access to Turdgun.
The Spanish would have problems – possible Catalonian independance, likewise France and the Pays Basque.
The EU “support” Scotland purely out of spite.
Tusk is a horrid little shitweasel.
I wonder if, when (if) the sweaty socks get another independence vote the rest of the UK get to vote too? If so, fuck of you ungrateful fuckers. Lots of free stuff over the border that we poor cunts in England have to pay for, subsided by England of course. I’d vote them out every day of the week.
This is a problem Bertram. The SNP persistently presents itself as ‘the people of Scotland’ when it isn’t. They create the impression that Scotland is wholly seperatist because the silent majority is just that, and pro-union sentiment is fragmented across several parties.
The SNP has got itself very well organised. Services in Scotland are down the toilet, but the SNP cultists don’t give a shit what happens; they just hate the very notion of ‘Britishness’ and would vote for the devil to get out, even if they wreck Scotland in the process.
Personally I would rather see them go. If it stops that hideous creature Nicola Catfish being on the telly, that’s good enough for me. I’ll buy Japanese whisky instead, it’s better anyway. Fuck ’em.
They’d be stuck in the middle of Loch Shite without a paddle.
Unable to afford petrol (and also because St. Greta doesn’t like crude, and she’s an honorary member of some learned Scottish Society (geographical/geological…can’t be arsed), they’ll have to run their cars on whisky. If Druncker hasn’t stolen it all first.
When the Civil Service eventually give me a start date for work (they’ve said April/May – obviously they meant the new financial year, not mid-Jan), I’ll support the local economy and buy a bottle of Welsh.
A civil servant,HBH ?…if you’re at the Ministry of Ag. could you lose the paperwork on my fraudulent claim for an extra 2 thousand acres worth of subsidy?
Honestly,the way they’re going on you’d have thought I was some kind of common criminal….Fucking Plebs.
Morning m’Lord.
Sadly, I’ll be at the Tax Office… However, I’ve already been told that applying for multiple other posts on the CS job site will not jeopardise my current offer, so am hoping to “resign” from taxation before I’ve even done a day’s work there.
I’ve just realised Caramel Wafers are from north of the border. I take it all back, please don’t leave us. Pretty please.
What’s it got to do with Scotland? Over one million Scots voted out! You could take the view that the majority of leave majority was the Scots leave vote.
The SNP pretend they speak for Scotland but in reality they are a protest vote won by painting a picture where Scotland is a victim of English colonialism. Forget the Barnet formula, forget the devolved powers the Scottish Parliament has.
An independent Scotland is attractive, let’s see the SNP run Scotland independently for a few decades. The EU would want to see evidence that Scotland can function as an independent state and the EU would to measure Scotland as a nation before it allowed it to join.
The EU will treat Scotland with the level of contempt it feels appropriate. Greece should be a reasonable comparison with its socialist policies. How much say does Greece have in the EU? Much the same as it did in Europe when the Turks decided they own half of Cyprus.
Think on Scotland, if you think a yappy dogs bark goes unheard of in London do you think it will be heard in Paris or Berlin?
Very true Sixdog. The EU has lost a massive net contributor in the UK. Scotland would be a taker, and the EU’s remaining net contributors would be footing the bill. I wonder how that would go down with tax-payers in those countries, when they’ve got the likes of Albania and Montenegro already standing there with the begging bowl?
They can use our £39 billion golden goodbye, now that they’ve legally trousered it. That would be a start.
The SNP is so obsessed by it’s hatred of England and the English that they would happily accept Scotland going to Hell in a handcart,just as long as they got their day in the Sun screaming about “Freedom” from the wicked English Overlords/
Give the Scots their vote…if they vote to break away…fine,so be it. If they vote to stay (which I’d prefer) then the SNP should accept the result and take their divisive cant and Fuck Off. They have become a single issue Party…everything they do is about “Freedom” and to Hell with actually getting on with efficiently running Scotland.
The EU would be wise to avoid having Scotland as an independent Member..if just to avoid Ian Blackford’s interminable droning and the unsavoury waft from Nicola Sturgeon’s bile-dribbling orifices.
Mel Gibson is a Cunt.
The SNP are rank little scumbags who would see Scotland destroyed for their waycism and hubris – and Nicola Krankie has been using the “Fried chiggun calculator” to price North Sea oil.
I think NS may cry wolf once too often.
Very well said sir, especially the bit about Mel Gibson being a cunt.
Gibson is indeed a cunt… Wallace was no fucking ‘Brave Heart’… He was a murdering and raping cunt who killed and pillaged both Scots and English…. Of course, this thick Kangaroo eating cunt knows fuck all and paints the bastard as some sort of swashbuckling outlaw hero and ladies man… Typical Tinsletown shite and typical Gibson… Lost the plot after Mad Max and Lethal Weapon… A proper dingo’s dongler of a cunt…
Oh dear… I reckon Wee Burney Sturgeon won’t be best pleased about this, eh?… They’re a laugh a minute, aren’t they?… Priceless, these cunts…
I do enjoy the colourful noms from Mr Ron, however I am having trouble with this one, the image of wee Jimmy with tartan drawers is refusing to leave my head!!
Aye ladie yee can take my up the Trossachs
Go on Sick,admit it, it’s got you going lol!
Ok, I admit it…. it’s a turn on ?
I notice Kirk Douglas has finally gone… Arguably the last of the greats and miles above today’s class-free and self serving Hollyweird and luvvie cunts….
Anyone have the old boy in the pool?…
Yes last of the greats , as for the pool might need to ask Michael Barrymore on that one .
With her small scale track record of governance I wonder why she was elected and due to the type of offences mentioned I would also wonder why she wishes to encourage immigration.( I could say something very nasty here but I wont)
News at one, the UK is being invaded, several small boats heading for the south coast, navy and coastguard deployed to save Britain!!
Surely you mean ‘ deployed to aid and abet ‘ ?
by navy do you mean two rowing boats – that’s all we’ve got left?
They’re rented and missing the oars, so they’re paddled by cricket bats.
The SNP actually loves a handout. Like a back street whore, they’re not bothered where it comes from, be it England, the EU or anyone else.
As long as they’re getting handouts they don’t have to govern effectively, giving them lots of time to bang on about an independence that the population of Scotland voted against.
It’s called being a Cunt , at someone else’s expense.
Get To Fuck.
With Scotland’s debt being the highest per household in the UK (I think) then why the fuck would the EU welcome them back with open arms? The Krauts have bailed out enough countries, I can’t see them busting a gut to bail them out as well if it went tits up. Nicola Sturgeon is indeed a full weight cunt.
We know that but why doesn’t she?
Cause she’s a fool. She’d destroy Scotland just to satisfy her rabid hatred of England.
She’s a cunt cunt cunt…..
Another thing I don’t get is the currency issue. Independence would, I’m sure, have the SNP demanding to continue using the £, but it wouldn’t be £ sterling unless the UK agreed to it, and why would it? The SNP may ‘require’ this of the UK, together with the B of E acting as Scotland’s lender of last resort (at least for, say, an intitial period) but why on earth would UK tax-payers put up with this? If this did indeed happen, the SNP would be ceding the right to the B of E to set interest rates for Scotland; some independence! Then of course the EU’s insistence on Scotland accepting the busted flush that is the Euro would appear on the horizon….
They could use the £ but it wouldn’t be supported by the B of E.
Montenegro use the Euro but aren’t part of the euro zone.
The EU don’t like it, doesn’t fit with their model ?
Any country can use the pound,dollar anything. But it needs to tie its economy closely to the country of currency origin as said country sets interest rates and exchange rates to suit themselves . In Scotland’s case it could only use the pound if it did not join the EU. If it joined the EU it would have to use the euro.
The pound is an institution not an asset. If Scotland left the UK it leaves its institutes and protection.
Sturgeon is an inept nitwit.
And an ugly cunt.
With Scotland’s budget deficit, they won’t qualify to join the EU.
To join the EU, a country’s deficit must be no higher than 3%. Scotland’s deficit is around three times that high!
Then again, I wouldn’t put it past the Fourth Reich to bend the rules… if only to snub UK.
The Greek deficit was 8.3% so Scotland’s is pretty much the same.
I bet the Fourth Reich regrets letting them in now. So must the Greeks themselves… they’ve gone through hell thanks to their incompatibility with other EU economies.
Well I’m Scots and I can tell you she doesn’t speak for me. I fucking hate the EU and her ,the vile little ginger troglodyte.
Caught out lying. Sad little scumbag. She just make all us jocks look bad.
She’s a horrible ,divisive, dishonest ,inept little CUNT.??????
Let the Haggis Hitlers crack on.
Then we should invade the cunts and hang the SNPiss leadership.
Derek Mackay: Scottish finance secretary quits over messages to boy.
What a fucking nonce cunt. Hope he falls down a flight of concrete stairs and breaks his fucking neck.
It’s extremely interesting that news of this broke just hours before the creep was due to present the Scottish Budget for 20-21 at Holyrood.
I wonder just how long the SNP has known about this? It would have been an absolute p.r. disaster if he’d made the presentation and THEN the story had broken. This smacks of the SNP managing the issue in attempt to try to minimise the inevitable flak.
Nice work by the sun. Should have informed Mackay the story was about to break 45 minutes before the speech, would’ve fucked the whole thing up.
Hey little boy would you no want to see what’s under my kilt and sporren?
‘Eeww thats grusome’!
Aye and it’ll grusome more if you give it a wee suck!
Heres an idea scotch. Wait until you have decided wether you are leaving a sinking ship or a space rocket. You begged to join the union when you were bankrupt. You will leave bankrupt unless you follow England coat tails to the stars or not. . The Scotch national socialist party does not have your welfare as a priority fuckos. its a hate fest of paedos, rapists and hate filled muslims.
A little more shit has hit the fan for Krankie:
Granted CalMac are and have always been greedy cunts, what pleasure to note that McColl is a Yes voter, and is holding her over a barrel. (Looks like Ferguson used mild steel for the portholes of the Glen Sannox, – two years overdue, pictured – and didn’t even paint them. Shoddy cunts.)
She has a face there like a well slapped arse instead of what I would like to see, a well punched face.
She looks like something that’s been dragged up by a ferry.
Does Nancy Pelosi line her drawers with Sannox ? I think she needs to change her nappies more often.
Kirk Douglas for first minister of Scotland.
Well he couldn’t be any worse could he!!!!!
I’m Spartacus now fuck off sturgeon.
Donald Trump to make Scotland great again.
I feel genuinely sorry for the Scots here who have to put up with those Scottish Nazi Party bunch of wankers.
Sturgeon is a truly dire humanoid, truly dire. I am sick to the bawbags of Remoaners and frustrated frustrators.
Scotland are not due another referendum, they’ve had their “once in a lifetime referendum” which they promised to abide by, only 6 short years ago.
Let them vote again, I don’t think they will achieve the 50.01% necessary.
Let them leave the UK (and rejoin the EU) if they want. I have zero tolerance for Scottish whingers. I am quite sure most of the Scottish are lovely people, although the same can’t be said for the leadership of the SNP.
I like going up to Scotland for holidays, I don’t bring politics into of course, and I do my fucking best to avoid midges and wee Jimmy Krankie-a-likes.
Just a thought – imaging shagging Nicola Sturgeon (or Angela Merkel) (or Jimmy Krankie) some of the worst looking and least feminine women in the public domain EVER.
Would certainly NOT be sticking my lovely tongue anywhere near to their dirty leftist bum-holes!!!!!
I don’t give a fuck whether or not the EU want Scotland back in the club. We should just have a vote to boot the fuckers out of Britain regardless. Anything to stop them fucking whingeing and stop me having to listen to that hateful little Jimmy Crankie Cunt! Added bonus – all our kids would be a lot safer too!
And I’ve no sympathy for the countless (undoubtedly pleasant) Jocks who claim to like the union. As a country you only have yourselves to blame for voting in a bunch of hate filled peodos! That’s democracy I’m afraid.
Fuck off Scotland and good luck!
Sadly, if we voted them out, and things went tits up (reckon Turdgun has more than the usual nipple allocation…), SNP would only blame us.
Much better to let them go of their own free will, and, when the solids block the bagpipes, they only have themselves to blame.
If Mhairi Black leaves the SNP and stands as an independent candidate, I’ll lick her at great length to show my gratitude.
If and when they get independence and apply to the 4th Reich the answer will be a massive ” fuck off”.