Sabotage is a word that you don’t hear that often nowadays. I would imagine that people with blacked out faces, crawling under fences springs to mind, but that’s not the case.
Sabotage can come in many forms, The stop the war coalition was an instrument of sabotage – very vocal about Iraq, but not a peep when the Russians went into Syria. Extinction rebellion another prime example, paralysing infrastructure and disrupting services, yet not truly focusing on the global message. Happy to sub advisers at £400 a week in London, but not that keen to fly to the Amazon and try and put the fires out. The P.C woke brigade are another bunch, destroying free speech and curbing natural curiosity/expression. I suppose we could put the flat worlders in with this group, another bunch of deluded cunts who are more than happy to shout people down.
Mad…the country has gone fucking mad! But really it hasn’t. It just seems that a small bunch of deluded cunts shout louder than the masses, causing disruption and we just sit there saying nothing.
Nominated by lord benny
This nomination reminded me of this…
I never knew that.
Lord C, I amaze myself. I learn something new every day.
Perceptive cunting Lord Benny.
Brexit was sabotaged. Extinction Rebellion is out to sabotage the economy. Leveson is about sabotaging free speech.
Good afternoon RTC,
My niece’s amateur mother-in-law went on an ER demo. She was sympathetic to the motives and aims of ER but was shocked to find it was full of anarchic, class war, Momentum type bastards and the extraordinary level of aggression that was displayed.
On the surface their arguments are of the motherhood and apple pie type but underneath it is class war by another name. Now Boris is PM can we not get the water canon back?
Morning Wanksock. Only just seen your post.
Suckdick Khunt sold the water cannons for scrap, so probably irretrievable. Sold for £11,000 – a loss to the London taxpayer of £311,000 !!
Suckdick explained: “I am pleased we have managed to finally get rid of them. I made an election promise to Londoners that I would claw back as much of this cash as possible, and pump it into helping young people at risk of being affected by crime and giving them better life opportunities.”
You could not fucking make it up!
Great cunting Lord Benny. All these cunts are connected, if not literally them by doctrine at the minimum. They are more interested in destroying the west and capitalism than saving fuck all.
“Rise up! Rise up! Four legs good, two legs bad”.
These are the kind of pseudo rebels who would wet themselves if there really was anarchy. If all broke down and hell broke loose they’d be shouting help.
Anarchy ,I’ll give em fucking anarchy.
Start by killing their families and burning their property . Then go after them with intent to kill.
I hate these egg sucking cunts.
Stick them in some rat hole in Africa or Asia where there is little or no law and order and watch them blub.
The same cunts who want no borders untill the third world savages are at their doors.
Yeah just like the blacks did to the whites in South Africa , didn’t see any protests about that going off and yet they do a pathetic protest just because Trump was visiting this country . They should rebuild asylums and stick the lot in .
Good nom!?
The only example I can think of is the luddites, using industrial sabotage to fuck up the running of cotton mills,
The machines putting mill workers out of work, but can sympathise with them, risked getting hung for it, and did it so their families didnt starve.
Todays saboteurs tend to be middle-class poseurs trying to get mummy an daddys attention.
MNC, they need a visit from Headless Bethan to mend their ways.
Like the ghosts from Scrooge.
Or Q from Star Trek The Next Generation episode ‘Tapestry’.
Agreed Spoons!
Nothing that cant be solved by a angry headless spectre!
Easily solved!
Like these jihadis who want to go to paradise,
Dont blow yourselves up buy a Bounty bar!
‘Bounty. The taste of paradise’….
Yuck – I hate Bounty bars! Or anything that has coconut in it or tastes like coconut… except actual coconuts oddly… though the milk makes me gag… at least it did 58 years ago when last I drank some.
Ruffy, eat a mounty bar instead. Made from 100% pure Canadian mounty hehe 😀
Then youll not go to paradise, simple.
Price you pay for being a fussy eater.
Me? Love them!
But dont wanna go paradise if its full of pakis.
Existential conundrums abound….
Coconut in curry is nice.
However, I agree entirely re Bounty bars. Filth.
My mother, may Dog rot her soul if indeed she had one, liked coconut ice…
Cor, MNC! I love bounty bars.
Until cadburys bring back rum and raisin, have one of these. I remember you saying you like rum and raisin
Afternoon Spoons.
MNC (like me) loves (or loved) Cadbury’s Old Jamaica.
Unfortunately they’re now made with vegan chocolate and Dog knows what else since Kraft bought out Cadbury and fucked with the recipes to make them more appealing to the disgusting American palate.
Think my hatred of Kraft foods ltd
Outweighs my hatred of the BBC.
Destroying a beautiful British product for all ages, backgrounds, faiths, etc
The chocolate bar.
Now thats sabotage!!
Fuckin yanks.
Afternoon, Ruffy. How do?
I shall see if I can procure you some Mounty bars.
Canada’s famed for its coconuts Spoons, might be down to global warming but palm trees everywhere in Vancouver!
The polar bears wear Hawaiian shirts an suglasses now!
MNC, for some reason that reminded me of Cresta! “It’s frothy, man!” 😀
Cresta; part fizzy drink part shake. Very odd stuff from the 70s.
Yeah the ‘american palate’.
Theyd lick dogshit off the pavement if it had peanut butter on it.
Ever tried Hersheys chocolate?
Tastes like sick.
And thats their best stuff!!
Hershey bars… yuck! double yuck! and triple yuck!
Truly dreadful Hersheys isnt it?
Bet at the chocolatiers convention the room goes quiet when the Hershey delegates arrive.
Grand Seville bars were b good too !
Funny you mention that. This first happened at the mills in Holland, the workers threw their little wooden shoes into the looms, thus ‘clogging’ them up, and the Dutch call their little wooden shoes..? Sabo’s. 😉
The bursar of some uni (an Oxford college I think) when the students demanded they drop their BP shares immediately told the fuckers that he couldn’t do that quickly but he could turn the heating off to the college and halls if they were that concerned. Didn’t happen, of course.
I didn’t think flat earthers were around except as a joke but their equivalent is surely the trannies who deny biology totally. Surely any criticism of flat earth beliefs should be a hate crime? Humberside police are looking into it.
It’s been revealed today that all of Humberside D division’s toilets were stolen overnight. Police have absolutely nothing to go on.
These cunts see themselves as ‘warriors’, as do little cunts like Owen Jones.
If someone, anyone fought back in any way they would scream,shit themselves and demand that these horrid horrid nazis be arrested.
Warriors my arse.
Dominic Cummings is getting it in the neck every day because he’s going to do something about it. The fight back against these cunts is all Brexit. We are going to put these fuckers to the sword. It won’t take much because they are cowardly children.
But he is a cunt.
I share Peter Hitchens’ skepticism about Boris and Dom. What’s this new guff about being turned down for treatment by NHS staff if you say the wrong thing?
Sounds if the PC machine keeps on churning out these statutes no matter who is in power.
Intern them all,knock fuck out of a select few then issue letters of pardon to them all.
Then oven the fucking lot.
Get fucked.
Fucking anarchist cunts. ‘Smash The State!! But, leave the Benegits Office standing, please’.
Arrogant, finger-wagging self-righteous cunts. If I was called to an ER demo, and it was one of the fuckers hurt, (one can but pray), I’d stop for a fucking cup of tea. Fuck the Response Times.
DCI you have to have a bacon sandwich with that cup of tea , you never know it might make you a little peckish finding out one of them cunts is hurt.
Yeah just like the blacks did to the whites in South Africa , didn’t see any protests about that going off and yet they do a pathetic protest just because Trump was visiting this country . They should rebuild asylums and stick the lot in .
Evening Telly,
Watched some nature documentary the other week, some yank bloke,
And he was in Africa, grew up there, his family had a farm there and got it taken off them by a gang of black africans with guns.
He went back and was crying, complete shithole now!
Theyd let it go to rack an ruin.
Poor bloke looked gutted.
The scary thing is, people like Putin are only too happy to quietly finance these loony groups, because he realises it’s a cheap way to attack the West. The decisive way to fight these twatty groups is by going after the people who give them money.
Does anyone remember Cabana bars they were like a Bounty but with toffee and cherry and they were the dogs, fuckit im gonna find one even if its 25 years past its sell by date…..god bless Ebay, i will let you lot know what it was like…..if i live….
I remember them Fugly,
And your right they were the dogs!
My mum was a fan too,
Had a blue wrapper.
Want one now.
Dont know much but know my chocolate!?
We still have em down under…..called Cherry Ripe… does 20 quid a pop sound? Includes postage…!