Layla Moran MP

“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee. I’m speaking to you from the House of Commons, where I’ve been invited to meet Layla Moran MP. It’s nice to be here, Miz. Moran”.

‘Well I’ve graciously granted you two minutes from my extremely hectic schedule. As a highly relevant Liberal Democrat MP, I’ve got a hugely important message to state once more to the nation. BREXIT HAS YET TO BE DONE’.

“Er, excuse me, but I’m confused. You’re aware, are you not, that the UK formally left the European Union on 31st January, and we’re now starting the process of negotiating a trade deal”.

‘You’re not listening, so I’ll say it again. Brexit. Has. Still. To. Be. Done. I reiterate what I said recently on “The Andrew Neil Show”. The government must realise that the UK’s future lies firmly in continuing membership of the EU’s customs union and single market. This means that we now have to align ourselves as closely as we possibly can, so that to all intents and purposes, we’ll still be a member. Is that clear enough for you?’.

“Is this some kind of joke? We’ve just endured four years of trench warfare about this, and the nation has now voted conclusively on the issue. Your party has been reduced to a rump in the Commons, and the people have given a huge mandate to the government to enable it to get Brexit done. After all of that, you expect us tamely to hand our destiny back to Brussels again?. The PM and other ministers have made it crystal clear that we won’t be rule-takers from Brussels any more. You seem, if I may say so, completely delusional in your inability to accept that the UK really has left the EU.”.

‘Absolutely not. It’s the people who are in fact deluded. They’ve been brainwashed by vile, disgusting anti-EU lies, and by the terrible smears made against poor, victimised Remain supporters’.

“Hold on! That’s tantamount to calling Leave voters stupid yet again”.

‘Well so they are; peasants who don’t know what’s in their own best interests. I, on the other hand, am doubly blessed. As both a Londoner and a Lib Dem, I possess that superior Metropolitan intellect that is sadly denied to mere provincials. It falls to myself and my comrades to pick up the cross. The UK will always be a star on that glorious blue and gold banner, and it is our task to rid the little people of their misapprehensions and phobias, and lead them back to the glorious sunlit uplands where stands the new Jerusalem!’.


‘That’s your two minutes. I’m off to meet the girlfriend for a soy latté. Ode an die Freude, anstimmen und freudenvollere…’ *trips away*

“Wait! You’ve dropped your bottle of pills… Oh dear, she’s gone. Well that was short and not very sweet. This Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.

Nominated by Ron Knee

87 thoughts on “Layla Moran MP

    • A bit scummy! Not sure exactly why (so many reasons!) but this Woman just makes my skin crawl – the hateful aggressive strident misandric face of Wimmin future.
      And probably assists Spaniards in stealing our fish!
      Shifty Spaniards!

    • I have to admit that I was amazed by her comments on The Andrew Neil Show, going on about staying in the customs union and the single market.
      Yes, let’s do all that, and accept EU regulatory control and the authority of the ECJ, shall we? What a stonking suggestion.
      It’s almost impossible to grasp just how utterly deluded and out of touch this woman actually is.

      • Just look at the toothy four eyed cunt – she looks asthick as pig shit and as dim as a glow-worm’s armpit.

  1. She looks like she belongs in a 1950s film playing the ugly secretary or a frustrated, virginal primary school admonishing boys for having dirty hands. Another thickie MP ignoring what the people voted for almost four years ago. So stupid she can sit chatting with superbrain Abbot trying to remember the name of the dog in the Scooby Doo cartoons.

    • Capt are you thinking she reminds you of 50s comedy actress Joyce Grenfell?
      Starred alongside Margaret Rutherford and Aleister sim always played a dozy secretary!

      • Ah! Joyce Grenfell! She was cast in such roles as the gym mistress Miss Gossage in The Happiest Days of Your Life and Ruby Gates in the St Trinian’s films.
        She towered over everyone around her.Or rather, she did do.

      • Of course! It’s been annoying me trying to think who she reminded me of. If Joyce Grenfell was around today, she’d send Moran up good and proper.
        Well spotted Miserable.

      • She slightly resembles Miss Courtney in the marvellous tv series Mind Your Language. Younger and nowhere near as sexy, naturally.

        Afternoon compatriots.

  2. She looks like the mum in Vizs ‘modern parents’ a bit?
    Dunno what it is but id like to despoil Layla!
    Shes not pretty, a leftie fuckwit to be sure but id like to rip her panties off an
    Give her some Northern Remainer non vegan sausage.
    Layla!!! Yer got me on my knees!
    Layla! Please now wont you milk my aching balls…..outro thanks to mr E.Clapton

    • Hard cheese, Miserable; she’s getting it on with a bird at the mo. She does describe herself as ‘pansexual’ however, so there might be hope for you if you nip around to her place and identify as a frying pan.

      • None to bothered Ron, im married so couldnt touch her, dunno why she triggers my inner sutcliffe anyway?
        Bit weird,
        But her screaming as my beard tickles her arse an licking gravy off her underdeveloped tits seems to ‘do it’
        For me!?

      • All part of life’s rich tapestry old son. I’m on a bit of a Julia Hartley-Brewer kick myself at the mo. She’d finish me off no doubt, but fucking hell, what a way to go.

      • Not sure what’s more tasteless Les Mis. Your non-vegan sausage or that you’re a Remainer.

      • Oh shit just spotted it meant to say non remainer!
        Stupid non vegan sausage fingers!
        Nightmare typeing on a phone!?

      • So in the heat of the moment she slapped him?
        Mmm… and there was I, led to believe that there is absolutely no justification for domestic violence. Silly me.

      • ? Layla
        I’ve got you on your knees, Layla
        I’m throbbing, darling please, Layla
        Darling won’t you grease my hammer drill. ?

        With apologies to Eric Clapton

      • What a weasley double standard bitch cunt explanation. Fuck me some pieces of work get into politics

  3. Fucking mentalist with fucktard leanings costing you and me a bloody fortune in salary, expenses and all the other bunce these cunts qualify for. Oh a day of reckoning please.

  4. It’s hard to place her in the ‘who is the most annoying cunt in the Libdems’ they are all annoying twats, I saw something on the box the other day, the fucking German is considering running for the leadership.
    Back to Layla, she is a fucking smug looking cunt and is on a par with Swinson, being Pan sexual she will be shoe-in for the top job, be prepared for the smugness to reach levels never seen before!

    • That cunt Ed Davey is one of the most arrogant tosspots in Britain. Ever since Jo Swineson lost her seat last December, he’s been campaigning to get her into the Lords, claiming ‘I want her back in poilitics as soon as possible’. ‘I’ want her back!! Yes, let’s get another failure, our would be PM (lol!) back into a sinecure as soon as, because YOU think it’s a good idea!
      Christ, the Limp Dicks are fucking arrogant bellends.

      • I want Swineson back in the black lagoon as soon as possible!
        And put those chairs back Jo, you light fingered mare!
        In a way it amuses me, these nutcases actually think anyone will vote for their madness? Did the election annihilation and losing a leader teach them nothing?
        Vote Fox!

  5. While we’re on the subject of stupid people voting, who the fuck voted for this horse faced fucking freak? Somebody should take a long look at those fucking cunts.
    And then send them packing to the fucking EU they love so much. Wankers.

  6. One could be forgiven for thinking that the upper echelons of the lib dums and labour have been infiltrated by tory double-agents and are actually trying to lose votes. Imagine the furor when it turns out Diane Abbot is actually a deviously clever conservative pretending to be a retarded leftie plantation mamma, operating against the interest of the party to scupper the enemy.

  7. She’s going to get e shock when Boris goes for the Australian trade deal ie . WTO rules.
    I see he’s also going to open 10 ports with no tax or customs to deliberately take business away from EU ports.
    The penny might finally drop and this hatchet faced mare can o.d on her soya latte and anti depressants.

  8. There used to be institutions for goofy looking, batty fruitcakes like this. Unfortunately they’ve all been bulldozed to make way for ‘ executive housing ‘.
    Totally deluded.

    • Yes and pushed out into society where they end up sleeping under a bridge or in parliament

  9. Wow, how hard of hearing and hard of understanding are these bastards? It beggars belief if you are rational, have clarity and common sense.
    I just hope she bumps into the next ‘rehabilitated’ Jihadist that is released in Londonisstabistan, it would be very deserving of this democracy denying piece of irrelevant shit.

  10. Daft as a brush but not as useful……..

    Saw her photo and I was wondering where Wallace and gromit were hiding..

    Seriously you have to wonder what sort of cunt votes for the Lib Dem’s?

  11. It’s London isn’t it. She may be MP for somewhere in darkest, diverse, down to earth Oxford but her attitude is pure London. They still don’t get it. The rest of the country has had enough of the smug, condescending cunts.

  12. Another piece of class cuntery Ron.
    That’s one nutty looking squirrel and no fucking mistake.
    Take the next enriching dinghy to France you silly twat.

    • Thanks Unk.
      As CC says above, this woman oozes smug condescension. Clock this;

      I think that IsAC is calling out for a ‘Most Punchable Faces in Britain’ category, where people go in and say who has the most punchable face, and why.
      I’d be straight in with this donkey-faced cow, and gerbil-faced harridan Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.

  13. Afternoon CS. It probably hasn’t escaped your notice that my posts have been of a similar opinion over the past 3 years. Voices in the wilderness…

    • Ha-ha – Cümmings was the word that put you in moderation, surprised you didn’t know better after all this time! Actually it’s an easy trap to fall into.

      Btw: I am not a number, I am a free Doctor of Psychotic Enlightenment!

    • Can’t agree with most of your self-description but would go with the phrase ‘too many long words’ if you dropped the ‘long’.

  14. Most people have no problem with “skilled immigrants”, just the lack of control on immigration and the lack of skill in the immigrants. Furthermore, the ECJ can blither all they like about bent bananas and some farmer cunt’s beef tasting a bit mad. What they won’t be able to do is override any statutory laws being created here. Further furthermore, if filling out an E11 form is all we have to do when travelling to Europa, how wonderful. If insurance becomes too high, let’s go elsewhere. Anywhere in the world is more interesting than Europe now. Paris has riots, Spain has unemployment, Greece has nothing; elsewhere is recession. If I want to see Poland or Romania, I’ll visit my local town centre which is chocca with the filthy criminals’ shops, tax-free rackets, drug-dealers, and scammers.

    Res ipsa loquitur

    Cheerio old chap, and don’t get caught spedding.

    • Afternoon Oranjeboom!
      These lads are convinced your this Caught spedding bloke arent they?
      It was before my time on here so dont know what it is hes meant to of done?
      Done nowt to me anyways, so not bothered either way!
      Bet you miss the UK eh?
      I like Holland but id get awfully homesick if there more than a weekend.
      I also like Hollands pies.

      We blocked the Ip that mr sheen, caught speeding, and Gretta were using, FYI it came straight out of a mast close to Whitehall, so apologies to any users there, (your fucked).
      There are dialect and grammar similarities in all three persona, also a need to be followed/ recognized coupled with spoof foreign email address.
      Psychological profiling shows the subject to have been a late bed wetter, starved of masculine parental attention and an under achiever holding resentment against others.

      your sp is quite interesting too.

      • Don’t be taken in Miserable. It’s quite possible he’s based in Brinnington and his VPN allows him to set his country of connection to the Netherlands!

      • CS used to threaten to leave too. In the end I was glad he used italics and bold in his posts, made them easier to skip. Harmless low level trolling, but tedious as fuck.

      • I remember the “he needs you more than you need him” comment well.

        It was in response to my comment: “Me and Caught Spedding have always enjoyed the most cordial of relations.”

        I could pinpoint the thread and the nom of which it was part, but doubt anyone would thank me for doing so.

      • Oranguboom

        I never meant to be “fkn rude”, I merely cannot do compooter fingies like you with italics and crossy-out gubbins and therefore come across as a bit of a cunt, which is a fortuitous coincidence. I’m also not offended as, despite my sickly avatar, I am thick-skinned as well as thick-brained. In the skin of a lion, like Ondaatje’s classic.

        Nobody owns this site, although some…

        I’m not filled with invective, I’m filled with Pinot Noir and a glug of gin & rhubarb & ginger and about to attempt watching The Lighthouse. Again.


        and at that point he stepped in to history ready for his next detection deletion.

      • Oh, p.s.

        You might be right about Johnson. Nobody can trust the Honey Monster but it’s better than the last three, agonising years, isn’t it.

      • Bang and the Dutchman is gone!

        I’m not CS. I think you’ll find that guy has gone, though I agree Sixtus looked like him – but was probably just a good spoof. Not me, either!

        If you experience something resembling a DDoS attack in the near future, it’ll be some (Dutch) cyber crime compliance colleagues crawling all over the site’s archive querying all entries – looking for shit to pass on to your chaps at Fort Halstead. I expect they’re already on the case, however, and have found nothing actionable. You never know, though….

        (I’m pretty offended by the father jibe. My dad died young about two years ago, and it’s still pretty raw. Oops!!)

        On a lighter note, the only bed-wetting I do these days is from the dribbling emissions from my girlfriend’s orifices.

        No offence!

  15. Lib Dem so CUNT. You can’t put a toothpick between this and the Labour shower here, and the DemonRats in the US. Both have lurched irretrievably to the far, far left and are never going to be able to come back. Happy days!!

  16. Why don’t we just launch a full scale strike on Berlin Brussels and Bonn?
    Wtf are they going to do?
    The Russians wouldn’t bother neither would Trump.
    Fuck em. They threaten us all the time. Let us just finish the job.
    Dig the eurotrash into the ground then we can all get on with our lives minus fucking Europe. They’re all horrible little cunts anyway . The culture of Europe? Fuck off. Who gives a shit? They know fuck all about democracy and freedom and their humaby rights came from us .
    They aren’t worth saving.
    Waste the cunts .?☢️?
    Cunts .

  17. Fucking Hell Admin, It’s Sunday the picture of that swamp donkey is going to ruin old CuntyMorts slumbers tonight. Mrs CuntyMort has had to stick a bottle of rotgut between my chattering teeth.

    P.S When are the Lib Dumbs going to use the Swastika as the party symbol?

    • Don’t blame Admin Mort. They had a terrible struggle to find a pic that makes her look that good.

  18. You’ve only got to take a swift look at her picture really. Says it all without speaking. The sort of cunt that you’d turf out of your home the minute she trod on your doorstep.

  19. I might have woken up to something nearly as ugly in my clam trapping days. They should warn of the side effects of beer goggles. But saying that I don’t think there’s enough beer available to make me fancy that.

  20. I saw the picture and at first thought it was a rejected Predator design.

    One ugly muthafucka…

  21. Hey foureyes!
    Fuck off and take your fucking jam-rags with you , you hideous goggle-eyed crusty-gusseted skid-mark. What the fuck are you for?!!! Go snd wipe your rancid period-slit on Owen Jones’ face you utter crusty-gusseted woke cunt-lapper

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