A right-on vegan cunting please, for this 28 year old nobody, head of ‘values’ for a commercial organisation, who is more woke than the ultra-woken.
The long haired, drippy looking tart, who looks as if she has the charisma of a specimen jar of piss, has decreed that if the employees who work for her company wish to be reimbursed through expenses, this will not be possible if they have consumed meat:
Even Orwell wouldn’t have predicted this rate of ultra-left fascism in 1984, and it just shows how desperate the loonies are that they wish to inculcate their beliefs on to everyone else. It seems these days the employer has the whip hand in what is talked about and now apparently eaten. Time the employees took the whip to daft cunts like this and apply it round their fat arses.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Property developers Igloo Regeneration, where all corporate entertaining, workshop catering and even staff expenses must now be vegetarian if staff wish to be reimbursed.
The mind literally boggles at the fucking cheek of this. No, it doesn’t affect me directly. What is making the head spin is the utter fucking gall of this woman development surveyor Kate Marfleet, 28, head of the firm’s values team, for thinking that imposing vegetarianism on other members of staff, by the proxy of penalising their pockets if they eat meat on the company purse, is justified because of her Wokism.
Can you imagine the reverse being applied? Cunts to a woke.
Nominated by GGRF
The nazis
Klu klux klan
Manson family
The Daleks
They did it out of love, man.
Charlie was cool, hur hur….
FYI José, “hur hur” is a reference to Beavis & Butthead.
It’s not the first time you’ve been on this site is it José? Perhaps under another name?
fast traveller, or running on a proxy, let me rephrase that multiple proxy’s, Quebec, Switzerland, Greece, Washington, Moldavia, Germany in a very short time.
Sounds like Jason.
More like CS….
PS: Beavis & Butthead rule! As do Laurel & Hardy.
Anyone who says otherwise needs to be no-platformed.
I don’t know who CS is. But I do know there’s a recurring poster who writes long boring posts that I can’t be bothered to read.
Afternoon Admin.
Multiple proxies? Reminds me of English Scientist, remember him?
Can anyone else smell stale piss?
Derek! Your teas ready!
‘Coming mum…
Smells more of despair and loneliness to me.
TOR is very popular with the terrorist, criminal and perverted classes, I believe. The IP you see is effectively randomly generated as the message is routed through a variable chain of boxes, and you only see the IP of the last one before you. And no, I don’t use it..
yes he worked out that we can track him on Vodafone masts, unfortunately you are feeding his fantasy, I am waiting for the big “Reveal” could be Philip Schofield’s lover.
What a preachy finger-wagging cunt and the company that indulges her woke dogma. I think I will have an extra bacon sandwich this morning to calm down.
I’m no lawyer but I am an adept cunt.
That has got to be illegal shirley? When will the madness fucking end? My eldest daughter finishes her law degree in May; I’ll run this by her….she won’t have a fucking clue, but I’ll run it by her.
It is discrimination. Sue the smug bitch in court and lay waste to the company.
I’m phoning this company today to give them both barrels.
Arrogant little cunt.
I would go to work and eat a steak sandwich infront of her before walking out. Oh yeah and belch in her puss. Enjoy your fucking dictatorial cunt .
Oh dear me.
What we have here is a prima facia case of discrimination.
Oh dear dear dear.
Possibly bordering on fascism but that’s what these self righteous cretins are and totally deluded, obs.
What a cunt. Stupid stupid little girl.
She should get back in her Wendy House and start again, playing on the Fisher Price Oven and Hob set this ensuring her journey into the real world isn’t as make believe as she clearly thinks it is.
Contender for cunt of the year here me thinks.
Isn’t their a discrimination issue here ? Take the self righteous fascists to a tribunal.
I’d batter the cunt with a leg of lamb. And force feed her mince. Pork or beef, either or.
Force feed her MY pork…….
When you’ve finished , I’ll have a go cuntzilla.
Very attractive, shame she’s a looney, dictatorial cunt.
Yip, count me in. I’ll force-feed her some Beemack sausage. At least with my shlong in her gob, there’ll be a bit of peace and quiet. And I’ll repay the favour by having a munch at her box, but not until I’ve done the finger test. If it’s reminiscent of Fleetwood harbour during a heatwave, I’ll pass.
Wear a bacon suit to work and drink a jug of gravy at your desk.
Get to fuck.
Total woke bellend. I can see no one working for her soon and her going bust. I hope it happens to the cunt
A property developing company? She’s clearly never met a real builder. Don’t all builders live off full Englishes, meat pies and bacon butties? Not because they’re ignorant of healthy diets. No, they need the calories because they work their arses off.
This bullshit started to get into military ration boxes to please the snackbars and the few veggies. In a box of ten 24 hr ration packs, half the ration packs are veggie. Just what you want when you’re cold, wet infantry on exercise. Utter cunts.
Horrifying news, S-M C. As a committed fan of compo rations long ago, I am entirely with you on that. (Pull up a Bergen, and I’ll tell you all about it) I quess the sweeties have gone too, in deference to the sugar fascists, and what of the matches? A fire hazard, matches…
in Granby I was a 11A so a one man unit on 4 man ration packs, replenish every 4 days menu D.
I ate fucking Goulash every day for 4 fucking months!
I was lucky because I met my opp from RSDG, bloke was almost in tears Chicken in Brown sauce for 4 months, I did a 2 for 1 swap with him for a few tins of Goulash to help him change his menu.
rest of the time it was a 1 for 1 swap for MRE’s
If you haven’t, read ‘The Good Soldier Schweik’ by Jaroslav Hasek. The Austro-Hungarian infantry in WW1, when their commissariat deigned to feed them at all, were also heavily reliant on goulash, whose absence is a recurrent theme in the book.
There’s a guy on YouTube Who goes through army ration packs through the ages, eating the contents, regardless of how old they are. Watching him eating 70 year old jam is strangely hypnotic!
Ah, going all Dewey eyed at the thought of MRE’s. 3 lies for the price of one! I recall back in the days of the Raj, ratpacks came in but 4 humble menus! Nowadays, the lucky buggers have a choice of a couple of dozen, including Cosher, Vegetarian and Halal. I wonder how like before they add ‘Woke’ to the list?
That should of course read ‘Kosher’. Bloody auto correct. Made me look a right Aunt.
A clear case of discrimination, and I am surprised she or her company hasn’t been taken to task over it.
What if another company decided that expenses will only be reimbursed if you eat only meat? Imagine the grief on Twitter if that ever happened!
I suppose next on her list is a ban on expenses if you drive a car, if you vote Tory, if you’re a white bloke; or your over 40.
Stupid cunt
“Values Team”? What the fuck is a Values Team? A bunch of fucking Gestapo that’s what they are. I bet their so called values won’t stop them ripping their customers off and getting rich as fuck. Fucking Nazi bastards.
Though Adolf was known to bore those in his presence with his views on vegetarianism, he was smart enough to realise imposing them on the German people wouldn’t wash. Non-production staff/functionaries always seem to have a vastly over inflated opinion of their ability importance and necessity, shut up and just collect your undeserved wage.
A developer turning over a little more than £4.6m a year. How many houses are they building – no more than 15 a year, I’d wager?
I would suggest they need to re-focus their business endeavours instead of building a team, top heavy with non-productive, woke little arseholes like Marfleet.
With this Orwelian attitude towards employee’s rights, these cunts deserve to go under pronto.
The company grew from a buildings supplies firm . . . .. . .
“Wildfire Cladding Co.”
seem to be a lot of pictures of her prancing about on a horse, is it some kind of special vegan tack they are using.
If she is poncing about on a horse I would love to see the Animal Rights crowd take a pop at her for mistreating a horse simply by riding it!
I bet she’d have something to say about that the two-faced cunt.
She’s also on Xhamster taking it up the arse from a black stallion. No really it is, what a champ.
Poor horse. Fiddler’s sloppy seconds…
I downloaded some bestiality porn once by mistake. I though ‘mare’ was just the guys pet name for his wife.
I’d still horse it
Years ago, when Margaret Thatcher talked about the ‘ Fascist Left ‘, I have to admit to being rather puzzled.
The statement seemed to be contradictory. Over a period of time, understanding set in.
This cunting is a perfect example of the behaviour of the Fascist Left.
The aim is complete control.
Know your enemy.
Good morning.
She’s certainly fuckable, but I’m afraid my meat would be too big, too meaty and far too large for her to digest. I came across a nice little article about the long term future of Vegans. They all get bowel cancer, IBS and all that other shit ! Serves the fuckers right !
She’ll only consider a non-meat substitute, something vegetable like a freshly pulled turnip, hair roots and all, attached to an Ent perhaps?
Ye god’s Three Strokes…what a ghastly waste of a cunt !
‘Igloo’. Eskimos are famously voracious meat eaters.
Vegan Eskimos may only eat reindeer moss, a rather unappealing lichen. Not very interesting to eat and a lot less fun than clubbing in a seal pup’s brains.
I have left out several subsequent premises, but that’s why vegan eskimos are extinct.
Fuck em, vegans are cunts, preachy plaid lacking in common sense cunts.
Igloo Regeneration?
That’s a silly name Inuit?
Could well be the name for the Star Trek bollocks
“Star Trek:The Igloo Generation”
“Igloo Regeneration?”
Igloo Refrigeration would be more appropriate as that cunt has a Frigid-air about her.
She should be strapped to the outside of one of their buildings to combat global warming.
Take a look at their Google reviews. Seems a few people have already posted their opinions on her forced vegetarianism.
Would be a real shame if people from a certain forum took the time to give Igloo Regeneration a review…
A real shame…
No doubt she will stamp her little feet on Twatter and declare those negative reviews as being hate crimes.
Some cracking comments on there. I bet they wish now that they weren’t quite so strident with this wanky policy.
I reckon this will backfire on them. No-one likes a preachy cunt.
She’ll suggest the people who wrote those “nasty” reviews are sad Brexit/Trump supporters with nothing better to do.
The usual defensive mantra
They may well be, that doesn’t make the wrong.
Thank fuck I don’t have to worry about this shit anymore, any workforce that puts up with this bollocks are a bunch of cunts.
There will have to be a test case for this, according to the report if there isn’t a veg option available you can buy a ‘bacon butty’ but the company won’t pay for it.
Ms Marfleet needs a good dose of sausage!
Values Team ? A small firm of 30 people does not have expensive corporate bollocks like this. Odds on that one of the company owners is porking her and is pussy-whipped to royal family levels to allow this shit.
I’d also guess they are thinking of all the free publicity this bollocks will get them.. It won’t get them any work (except at the BBC) because the British public hates this woke shit as much as we on ISAC do
Definitely discriminatory, definitely illegal, above all definitely a massive pile of CUNT
Marfleet needs to go back to Starfleet and learn the Prime Directive. Not to interfere with other cultures. In this instance carnivores.
Spock, disable the stun function, Phasers set to kill, there is no cure for these Igloo cunts!
Lunacy. This must count as discrimination against employees.
Bet she drives a gas-guzzling company car on expenses.
Somebody needs to leave a fucking great carbon footprint on her backside.
But when all is said and done, I bet B&WC would wiggle his tongue around in Miss Marfleet’s sanctimonious little arsehole.
If B&WC isn’t up for it ?♂️
Ben she doesn’t complain when there’s meat inside her…
Meant Bet..
I hope a “Normal” right minded person takes the uppity cunt highest court in the land, veganism is a cult like “Jonestown”, run by new world order cunts, who suckle on the feeble and weak minded cunts of the world!
Cunts to man and beast they be!
Get a fucking life you silly cow. We joke but this frigid bitch really does need a good length to loosen her up. In another life this is the kind of character that would be forcing Christian values on people, or in a muslim country gleefully participating in religious patrols making sure others are obeying strict Islam. Some people just cannot help themselves forcing their views on others and trying to meddle in their personal affairs.
On their website it gives it all the bollocks how fucking great they are and one of their developments called Marmalade Lane in Cambridge. 1/2 million for each property. Cunts
I looked at their website. Who the fuck invests in cuntish organisations like these? And why don’t thy give me some work? I’d build fucking workhouses for all the foreigners to live in. Cunts.