There’s ‘news’ currently about ‘cultural appropriation’ in fashion. Some French, soy, tofu wanker hair stylist has apologised from the depths of his heart for offending black people for having white models with corn-row hairstyle wigs in a fashion show. Naturally, Al Beeb is running with it as ‘problematic’ and I feel like I’m taking those crazy pills again:
Obviously, It’s not the fact that he did it, but the fact that he apologised, emboldening every racist, black person out there to complain about ‘white racism’ simply for doing the same things they do everyday.
Every time a black woman wears a wig of straight hair, usually made from the hair of Indian women, she’s doing the exact same thing. Every time a black man wears a jacket and trousers, he’s culturally appropriating traditional white fashion. Black people have made the ‘N-word’ taboo, meaning there’s a class of people allowed to say it and a class of people for whom it’s forbidden. Happy with the success of this, they now want to make EVERYTHING that is more typically something black people might do as being taboo – for blacks only; forbidden for whites and Asians. Food, clothing, hairstyles! Then when people apologise, instead of simply telling how nonsensical and chauvinistic their shallow complaints are, they etch away at other peoples rights to wear what they want, eat what they want, and wear their own fucking hair, on their own fucking body, however they fucking please!
Nominated by Dr Shagga and His Cunt Munching Machine
The black racist strategy:
If white people where white clothes, eat white food, have white hair, ATTACK them for being white supremacist little Englanders.
If white people eat foreign food, wear foreign clothes, have foreign hairstyles ATTACK them for cultural appropriation.
Off road ……
Police have shot dead ( hooray ) a stabby terrorist on Streatham High St.
Luvverly Jubberly !!
Just the one? Shame.
I suggest they nuke the area from orbit. Only way to be sure.
Alan’s Snackbar!!!
Worst thing that ever happened was putting a black man in a suit.
I think the gorilla suit is not only appropriate but rather a good fit.
Any cunt walking around with one of those things on his head deserves a fucking kicking anyway. Take your point tho Doc.
According to the report the designer was going for an ‘Egyptian prince look’ so shouldn’t it be the dune coons getting worked up?
Afternoon LL. An Egyptian prince look? Looks as tho the cunt’s got a mop stuck on his bonce, the fucking big wally.
Curtain cords could legitimately claim that he’s culturally appropriated from them.
Afternoon Ronald.
Afternoon Cap’n. Is it just me, or does that sulky looking twat in the picture not look like arch bellend Owen Jones?
Owen Jones in a pasta wig.
Anybody who speaks English is appropriating our culture and is a dirty thief. Use your own languages. We should put a toll on English. A tax payable by any foreign Tom, Dick, or Mubarak who uses our language. If we want to garble in Farsi, Polish, African, or any other shitty gibberish then we’ll have to pay them. Post-Brexit rules.
Ah herro Caprin M, wah even Chinesey DVD serrers? Business velly bad, coronavirus kirring trade.
Wew….fuck me brind….Riberal Riquidator! I hear you pelished by eating bat-soup. Are you ghost?
Possibree you DID perish and….you now le-incarnated!!!
? My eyes now dis wide!!
We forced it upon them C’pn. We stole them from africa, stole their names and their gold, made them speak English and raped their women. They wuz Kings!
Shagga, it’s pronounced “Kangs” …or were you trying not to appropriate their shite spelling?
The Trannies dress and ponce around in anything they like, some straight white bloke goes off plan and it’s the end of the world….
Cunts need to get a fucking grip!
Fuck em, don’t care. Cultural appropriation my arse crack.
Is that cunt in the picture apologising for wearing that stupid fucking thing on his head? Because he should. I wouldn’t have that thing on my head and allow a picture to be taken no matter how much they paid me.
What a big pile of shit.
Appeasement does not work.
Tell the cunts to fuck off.
Black people shouldn’t drive, fly, use a computer, mains water, gas, electricity or benefit from vaccinations, x-rays, radiotherapy or fuck all else invented by whitey cos they are appropriating our culture. Fucking cunts!
The Flabbott shouldn’t use a calculator. It might tell her something she doesn’t want to know, like the truth…
Or some scales
Years ago I went to a souixie and the banshees concert in LA. I stood next to this bloke, white stetsan hat, white shirt, white waistcoat, white jacket,white trousers drinking a bottle of milk. When I got talking to him he introduced himself as “whitey”. He was black. Simpler times.
Oh my God!!! A white guy was wearing corn rows? Hang him immediately for his evil cultural appropriation. The ancient Greeks and ancient Egyptians, who are widely regarded as being the first to have such a hair style, will be so offended. Yes, that’s right, a long time ago, on a continent far, far away, people of an African persuasion culturally appropriated a hairstyle. I suspect at least some people on the left know this. But the terror they feel at the thought of being calling WAAAAYYYCCCIIISSSTTT, prevents them from growing a pair and pointing out that black people DID NOT FUCKING INVENT CORN ROWS.
Black people in the UK usually refer to them as “cane rows” not “corn rows”. [Corn (?) is American – maize, if you will – whereas cane (sugar from ?? ) is British, via our Jamaican colony.]
Although I’m a Dutchman (literally, not figuratively) I’m getting a bit fed up with the foolish hypocrisy on here. Not the racism, and general-purpose howling at the moon, which is the mainstay of isac, but more the unintentional but nevertheless absurd usage of Americanisms, while at the same time screaming Rule Britannia.
It’s embarrassing, or should be. Cane rows, for fuck’s sakes.
I refer to “our colony”, as I have British nationality but grew up in Appingedam
(near Delfzijl) which makes me a Dutchman. (Actually a Nederlander: I’m not from Holland but Groningen province)
In return, would the dar quays mind staying the hell away from Dickens. Oh, and Countryfile.
Fraid not Sgt Maj.
White guy wears daft headpiece= cultural appropriation.
Asian appears as David Copperfield= diverse, ‘colour blind’ casting.
My first thought was ‘Ridiculous hair’ but apparently I am wrong, I should be thinking ‘Racist’. That’s because I am a Brexiteer and #Thick.
No fear of me offending by appropriating anything to do with their “culture”…I’d be appalled to be mistaken for a Darkie.
if we were to take the “cultural appropriation” thing seriously and take it up to the next level and confiscate all those toys that Nasty white people invented I have a feeling that certain races would be well up shit street.
This Julien cunt is a disgrace to all Frenchmen, and that is quite an achievement, believe you me.
I speak with some authority on this matter.
I had no idea black people originated the wearing of vileda mop heads.