Ipswich Borough Council (2)

Ipswich Borough Council – as noted in the Independent:

“A council has taken down around sixty White supremacist posters plastered round a UK Town over the weekend”.

What deplorable message of hate was on these posters, you may ask? “It’s okay to be white”. That’s it.

I am a 31 year-old white man. I like being white. Does that therefore make me a supremacist? No, it fucking doesn’t! In this inclusive society are we to stop dark keys bigging themselves up at every opportunity? The Mudslimes? No chance. Either we are all free to say how we feel about ourselves, or none of us are. Simple as that.

Fuck’s sake.

Nominated by McCunterson

73 thoughts on “Ipswich Borough Council (2)

  1. One wonders how they would have reacted if it had read ‘It’s OK to be a white woman’ – what a quandary for them!

    • That’s an idea. The law are just making a rod for their own backs, more of these notices are inevitable as people test the Lefts ideological lines.

      • “It’s Okay to self identify as white”…
        Would we have the same N*zi type reaction if someone put up a sign saying “It’s Okay to be black”?
        No, I don’t think so either – call this out for what it is by IBC – racism, pure and simple, and we need to confront this.
        We are constantly being bombarded with an agenda that heterosexual white Men are the enemy – maybe it’s time to remind these c*nts who built the World, because I do not recall any African climbing out of his mud hut and sailing across half the World to civilise Europe.

    • Don’t think that would be allowed.
      White lesbian or trans lady would be ‘celebrated’ by the woke police though.

    • TT LC – or if it said “It’s Okay to self identify as a white Woman”.
      This Council engages in – and I believe their next step is to put little star symbols on certain shops and businesses, don’t know what that’s all about..

  2. I find it extraordinary it can be considered controversial, and even a police matter, to say there’s nothing wrong with being white. This is the sort of thing I’d expect to see in a movie about how awful and racist life was in 1950’s Alabama. It just proves multicultralism has failed unfortunately. The natives have given everything, and this is what we have been repaid with – persecuted in our own lands.

  3. I refer you to some lyrics composed in honour of being black and acclaimed at this year’s Brit (I say again, Brit) awards:


    Warning: this is awful on so many levels you may need to think about clicking. But if you feel like posting it all over Ipswich, I am sure no-one will (dare) stand in your way.

    • ‘Tryna help a lady cross the road to have her walkin’ off’

      That brought at tear to the eye.

      • Brought a tear to the trousers. If you’re on the back of a nicked scooter waving a machete you get old ladies queuing to be helped across the road…

      • Dave – a lyrical genius?

        Not really what I would call poetry. More like low IQ, race-baiting chip on the shoulder, toilet-waste.

        Dave is a cunt.

    • I watched a bit of the Brits, it’s always awful, so guaranteed to wind me up. The shit I endured included this Dave cunt who I had never heard of winning album of the year, and his acceptance speech included a shout out to his mates who are in jail. Obviously all either innocent, or wrongly jailed for a small amount of weed. Also saw a bit of the incoherent Stormzy, bobbing around with about 80 dancers, and it wasn’t what you could call a diverse group. That’s a requirement that only applies to whitey.

      • A troupe of silverbacks bobbing around to Stormcunts incoherent barking of bollocks.

        The Brits? More like The Shits.

      • I had to ask myself if it was The Brits I was watching, or if ITV had brought back “Desmonds”. Some beached whale started proceedings, then we had Dave, Stormzy, some cunt with a stupid name calling out Teresa May, in an evening that resembled The Gong Show. Harry Styles dressed as an arsehole, and Lewis Capaldi is a complete dickhead. Absolute shite from start to finish, and that Whitehall cunt deserves a kick in the bollocks. They can all stick their Brit Award up their arse.

    • Evidently studied poetry with Wm. McGonagall, and got an E minus.

      Black rhymes with a recently-deceased nonentity; most unfortunate…

  4. Councils care about one thing only, council tax. They collect it like cunts and spend it like cunts.

    Your local council is like an occupying army, raping and pillaging for its own ends.

    • If Norwich City Council are anything to go by, you are absolutely spot on.
      The cunts…..

  5. What makes the council think those posters weren’t put up by a black? They surely should be praising such a gesture.

    Typical Labour council fucks, they read racism into everything.

      • Some daft female MP OC was on the news last night, whining about the howwiboo things that some adviser said about “low intelligence.”
        I wonder why they didn’t ask The Flabbot, or Duhvid Marie-Antoinette…

    • An astute point; the council can be accused of racism because they assume a whitey did it . I demand a public inquiry into the matter! Lessons must be learned etc ad nauseum.

  6. It’s might have said something worthwhile like “go home hamiltons.”
    That was tame and they call it racist?

    Fuck off.

  7. You should come to Sheffield one day. A big banner reads ‘City of Sanctuary’. This fucks me off and I suspect a few thousand others. Been taken down? Has it fuck. Been a Labour Council for what feels like a thousand long years. The electorate in Sheffield would vote for the rotting corpse of Ho Chi Minh if he was wearing a red rosette.

    • I recall in 1992 Sheffield Council ran. ‘Nothing to Celebrate’ season to coincide with the 500th anniversary of Columbus reaching wherever it was he made landfall. So it would appear that the council is still made up of bitter cunts.

    • Sanctuary from what? Being deported for being here illegally?
      Sound like a right bunch of cunts you’ve got there in your council.

      Fucking maggots.

  8. Must add, as I’ve said before, it’s not ok to be white, it’s fucking awesome.

    If any cunt believes I’m going to guilt trip because I’m white they can fuck off.

    Any cult who tells me to check my privilege can also fuck off. This is a white country and the poorest people in this country are homeless and white. I’ve never seen an ethnic sleeping rough in the UK, not to say they don’t exist but I’ve seen plenty of homeless cunts and they have all been white.

    This is a white country period. Any multiculturalism is artificial and engineered, it’s not naturally occurring and it’s not sustainable.

    No offence to any black cunts reading this but go and compare you’re lifestyle in the UK with you’re brethren else where on the planet and check your own privilege.

    This boils my piss, it’s awesome being white and if I was black I’d still be feeling awesome.

    • I used to feel proud to live in this country but now, as a white male, it feels more like a sentence. I can only see this shit getting worse. Or at least until Islam takes over then life really will be a bitch for the infidel – white, brown and black.

    • Excellent point SV – I have never seen a homeless peaceful – because they can always kip under the bed of their 12 Year old white “girlfriend”.
      Being white is great – I like the fact that history’s greatest achievements were by white Men.
      And now after five hours of sanding, polishing and staining I have decided I will “achieve” a cup of tea!

  9. If you go to the grave of Enoch Powell and crouch down and listen really carefully – you can hear his voice saying “I told you so….”, over and over again.

  10. These ‘its ok to be white’ stickers were a social experiment thing,
    A completely innocuous statement that gets connotations of racism added by the woke always looking to kick off types.
    I read a online article about the people doing it, but cant remember who it was.
    Its ok to be white
    Its ok to be black
    Its ok to be yellow
    Its ok
    Don’t panic, dont panic….

    • Just looked it up, American 4chan board, did it as ‘harmless message to cause media backlash’.
      It worked.
      Any one taking offence obviously believes its not ok to be white?

      • Vegans should get their own shelf in the fridge at work because meat is offensive to them.

        The words offended and offensive deserve a cunting.

  11. All this type of shit goes back 50 years when Nina Simone wrote ‘To be young, gifted and black’ ……………….

    ? To be young, gifted and black,
    Oh what a lovely precious dream
    To be young, gifted and black,
    Open your heart to what I mean
    In the whole world you know
    There are billion boys and girls
    Who are young, gifted and black,
    And that’s a fact!
    Young, gifted and black
    We must begin to tell our young
    There’s a world waiting for you
    This is a quest that’s just begun
    When you feel really low
    Yeah, there’s a great truth you should know
    When you’re young, gifted and black
    Your soul’s intact ?

    It’s since gone from strength to strength.
    Nina obviously didn’t foresee the increase in aspiring architects 50 years into the future.
    I propose an updated version entitled. . . . . . . .
    “To be young, shafted and white”

  12. i wonder what would happen to the likes of owen jones if there was a law that said ‘you cant call someone racist or homophobic unless the accusation was specific and could be proven in a court of law’.

    to say that the posters are white supremacist is not fact and could not be established as fact in law.


  13. ITS OKAY TO BE WHITE. In fact I love being white.

    I don’t view “It’s okay to be white” as racist or white supremacist.

    They started it with, ” It’s okay to be black”.

    The behind the scenes plans for the UK and Europe is for future successive generations to engage in more and more Race Mixing. It is a fucking bleak future. And I am not convinced that future generations have the strength of moral fibre to resist what’s in store for them.

  14. I’m on board with this cunting, but reading this link:


    Assuming that the poster of the ‘OK to be white’ signs and the ‘beware non-white rape gang signs’ to be one and the same, it would appear that by posting the latter signs, they have gone and pissed on their own chips. They have played right into the hands of the hand-wringers who now have justification to deem all such signs as waycist.

    Daft cunts.

  15. After hearing about what was said at The Brits last night this sign is needed more than ever.

  16. Well this is the sweetest of leftist traps because by their reaction/response then it’s NOT ok to be white?

    Therefore all councillors, MPs, etc., in the regions/cities where these posters have been placed and have been met with this virtue-signalling faux outrage (by those area’s politicos) need to be asked: “So what you’re saying is, it’s NOT ok to be white?”

    And sit back, and watch the fuckers squirm!


  17. I’ts different when the Muslims in Leytonstone are putting up stickers on lampposts saying sharia law is in force in this area , adding to the fact they were spitting at british white girls for not dressing right . It took along time for the cops to take them down the cunts.
    The word white will be a swear word soon when referring to someones colour i’m just glad i live in an area where there isn’t any mosques or hardly any black cunts.
    I’ts still pretty much racist around here and it suits me fucking fine .

  18. It is ok for lefties to spout about ‘White privilege,’ but it is not ok to say ‘It is ok to be white?’

    ‘Black Lives Matter’ – no problems with that.
    ‘Black and Proud’ – that’s all good.
    ‘Black Pride’ – Why shouldn’t they?
    ‘Black History Month’ ……….blah, blah, blah.

    These are all fine and dandy. If you make reference to being white and something very similarly toned, you are obviously a ‘white supremacist’.


  19. “Play the white man”
    “Thats mighty white of you”
    Anything like that is now ‘verboten’
    In the woke new world order.
    So say them regularly.
    Watch their eyes roll back in their head.

    • Wasn’t there a bread brand called Mighty White? Never get away with that now, being a subliminal coded message of white supremacy through the power of yeast.

    • I saw this and thought I would email Nuremberg Council:

      Dear recipient

      please explain why Ipswich Borough Council have taken down signs stating “It’s Okay to be white” – I am extremely disappointed by this blatant racism and formally request an explanation.
      Are Ipswich Borough Council stating it’s not Okay to be white? Would Ipswich Borough Council take these signs down if they said “It’s Okay to be black”? Or if the signs said “It’s Okay to be gay”?
      Please explain why Ipswich Borough Council engage in such blatant and wholly illegal discrimination and racism.
      I await your response.


      Vernon Fox

      Ooh – aren’t I the little trouble causer! But, seriously for a moment – we need more normal people who find this racist s*it offensive and unpleasant to start calling these organisations out and challenging them – because in my purely personal opinion IBC are CUNTS!
      Excellent nom MC ?

    • I shall let my esteemed fellow IsaC’ers know the result of my emailed complaint to IBC which I made today – the response should make interesting reading!

    • It’s alright to be black and white. Ask our resident arse tongue.
      Ten million zebra crossings can’t be wrong.

  20. I’m so glad that I don’t live in such a fucking shithole.
    At least,by self-identifying as bl@ck I can go and murder all the local prossitutes and get away with it.
    As much as I hate the word “woke” which is grammatically incorrect and apparently has its origins in the Jygger Bhoo language ,these “woke” cunts can kiss my slimy blk assss.

  21. Blair has the responsibility for all this shit on his shoulders every last bit of it. That’s when the wokey twats first got their foot in the door and they’ve been gently pushing ever since, some of us saw it coming but the dozy fuckers who run the place didn’t or wouldn’t it’s like an inoperable cancer now, we of a different age and outlook are totally well and truly fucked , cheers Blair you absolute cunt.

  22. I’m pretty sure something like Red Dwarf would be considered white supremacist these days, because two of the main characters are white men and none of them are ‘women of colour’

    Tsk tsk.

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