What in the name of fuck is this preferred gender pronoun about? It’s like watching Little Britain without any hint of irony. “Hey Helen, are you taking the piss?”
“No, I’m a Laydeeee”.
What is it with these on the edge of society/reality narcissists?
And why is it that those in the media are going out of their way to give so much airtime and column inches to the ‘trans community’ and where the fuck is the ‘trans community’? They aren’t even a minority; at best they’re a minority minority. That said, I do find them fucking hilarious. Monty Python and Little Britain trying to be taken seriously.
Keep it up ‘Helen’ and don’t forget your razor.
Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface
“Don’t go with strange men” we were told as children. So we avoided these oddities – they had been “struck by lightning” or “one slate short”. Now these village idiots are allowed a say in our society. Says it all really.
That said, in a hotel restaurant this weekend, I watched a teenage girl take great care to photograph a croissant and a glass of water at breakfast. I shake my head in disbelief….
Lovely stuff Sgt Major, that’s brightened up my morning
Well said SMC ,
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
It appears nowadays that absolutely nothing’s off limits , apparently we should EMBRACE and CELEBRATE our differences , this has been used as a green light for all kinds of behaviour, many people are uncomfortable with this but are terrified of complaining as they will quickly be labelled by a hugely vocal minority who are backed by the rancid cunty liberal media ……..
Its tyranny of the minority ………
The ultimate irony, the freaks demand ‘their freedom’ yet seek to deny the majority the freedom to think of them as a bunch of cunts.
Put the lotion on.
She was a lovely lass, Sarge ! I kno, as I was the croissant.
Usually I’m a slice of rhubarb tart…
Fuck knows how that dodgy Italian water got in on the act.
Hello Helen. Love your scarf darling. So feminine. Unlike you, you hairy arsed fucking weirdo.
Now fuck off.
I’m in love.
The country’s fucked isn’t it.
Twenty years ago such men/wimmin/things would have been treate at best with derision or at worst as some sort of pervert. there would have been no question of them even considering a career in politics, now every fucking weirdo and poofter think they have an automatic right to be elected because of their “life experience” which lets face it has fuck all to do with the sort of lives all normal people live.
We worry about utility bills – the likes of it worrying about the price of dresses and the fruity Adonis probably worries the government will put extra tax on butt plugs.
If this sort of shit does get elected Parliament really will have become a pantomime, with it’s very own dames,
Is it a bird? is it a Plane . No its a cunt.
What the fuck does this cock in a frock confused tranny/ badly dressed drag queen think they look like?
Lib dem politician? What is the fucking point?
I have met loads of trannies through my professional work and in gay clubs. Usually, they take great pride in their appearance. Not this fucking navvy. Put a fucking burkah on you confused fucktard.
Good morning.
Lovely Helen and Phillip Schofield should have met when the world was young, and so were they. He would have made Phil a lovely wife.
Saw an interesting video on Schofield, which is what we all suspected: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7UmXXA_HRU
Theatre Company ?!! Oh, luvvy.
Wasn’t it Ollie Plimsolls who said “Put yourself in a Child” ?
As for the transbender, looks like they’ve resurrected Cyril Smith. Two more seats, and you’ll be able to sit down, luv.
Mrs. Shufflewick and Hinge & Bracket were actually funny (for the right reasons); they also resembled various ageing female family members, and friends of both grannys…
The above thing is just industrial lard, or clinical waste.
What the fuck does this cock in a frock confused tranny/ badly dressed drag queen think they look like?
Lib dem politician? What is the fucking point?
I have met loads of trannies through my professional work and in gay clubs. Usually, they take great pride in their appearance. Not this fucking navvy. Put a fucking burkah on you confused fucktard.
Good morning.
I have made a double entry! Not for the 1st time.
Just ask that rent boy Keith Vaz recommended..
Manchester United invites 11 elderly people to be mascots at yesterday’s game, this is to highlight loneliness among the elderly.
The BBC invited two of them in to talk about their day. So who do the BBC invite? One old woman, once old trannie. The presenters were 3 females and Dan the token male bimbo.
Prime example of the BBC twisting reality to fit their agenda. The vast majority of supporters are male, the club is owned and run by men and football is totally male dominated. Woke bullshit denying reality everyday.
This is all part of the all out push to make people like belcher seem normal.
What next, how a trans woman made Tyson Fury heavyweight champ?
Rugby on Saturday. Scotland v Italy. Commentators two guys, knowledgeable,two women,know fuck all. And one had to be a key .
Gimme a fucking break itv you crawling gutless cunts.
At least ski Sunday has an attractive woman doing some interviews and she was a former champion. Skiing …both sexes, rugby …..it’s for blokes ffs.
Watched the Tyson Fury highlights on youtube, American broadcast and they’ve got a splitarse on commentary. What does a fucking woman know about mens heavyweight boxing? Naturally she’s an expert what Wylder must do to beat Fury and totally partisan to boot.
Witwoo! Gerremoff luv!!!
Looks like Bernie Bresslaw camping it up in Carry on Girls.
“Aww, naaww Sid”
This Belcher fellow is clearly suffering from some mental illness.
I sometimes think society has become a little too enlightened.
Jesus H fucking Christ! It’d be a brave individual who would want to take the lovely “Helen” home to meet the parents. ??
Isn’t that thing in the top picture the same creature as “Helen” from the previous Humberside Police nom?
I certainly hope so cz. To even think there are two of the monstrosities roaming free will give me nightmares.
When my grandad died my mum was grieving badly and started going to a church, knitting & baking for fetes etc,
My grandad had been a “rum cunt” as we say,
An my mum must of been worried if hed got in or gone downstairs to warmer climes.
Anyway there was a trannie at the church looked like ‘Helen’ had been a lecturer at stockport college, one day turned up in a wig an frock got suspended,
People at church werent too welcoming but my mum being soft took pity on ‘Angela’.
This Angela came our house id of been 14, with loads of planning maps in big cardboard tubes to show my dad whos into local history,
When it was going home my dad with a glint in his eye said “our miserable will carry them home for you”
I said i was off out wi me mates but he said no carry these tubes first.
I was fuckin mortified!!
If any of my mates had seen me with a tranny theyd take the piss forever!
As i was walking off carrying these map things i turned back scowling to throw my dad a dirty look to see him grinning like a cheshire cat.
Pisstaking twat.
I thought I would put in a bit of research before I said anything so I did a quick google search, and yes Little Britain all the way.
However I did find this …….
This would be the potential Labour candidate, who I have to say is a dead ringer for Ozzy Osbourne, and a very uncomfortable magic grandpa.
You can’t make this freak up.
And the surname ‘Belcher’ oh yes I bet it does and farts like a Bison in the latter stages of bowl cancer.
The only person I recall with the name ‘Belcher’ was the character Mel Smith played in Not the 9 0’Clock news a darts player called Fat Belly Belcher….
Felcher might be more appropriate.
There is an old saying: Control the media and you control the world…
The MSM are to blame for the spread of these abominations and every other freak and deviant that now infests society… If the likes of the BBC (surprise), Sky, the Grauniad, the other papers and every other fucker didn’t give these disgusting attention craving creatures coverage they would either be forgotten about or ignored… But, of course, the online asylum that is Social Media doesn’t help either… With every freak, circus act and demented narcissist given a voice and a platform that they don’t deserve to have… The Ivans were criticised for Tass and Pravda, but they didn’t have any of this sickening shit and they didn’t big up freaks like the so called trans community…
In fact, there would be no trans community circus freak fascists or social media mongs in the USSR… They’d either be offed by the KGB or their fake fannies would have froze off in a Siberian gulag…. If fucking only, eh?…
The name Helen means beautiful ,or some such similar adjective, so for a start the name is inappropriate.
It is like Benny Hill and Dick Emery with a dollop of Monty python but it is now deadly serious. I wonder what ward it would be taken to if it had an accident??
Fuck off you sad attention seeking retard .
Reminds of when Del Boy was taking the piss out of Rodders and one of his ‘dogs’…
‘They call her Helen of Croydon… The face that launched a thousand dredgers…’
It was a great series, until they brought those stupid wimmin into it…Racquel was a cunt…
Sitcoms are rarely improved by the female actors, Curb Your Enthusiasm being an exception.
Monty Python. If ‘Helen’ gets in and is given a ministerial post I can see her wriggling that booty (that isn’t there) tottering in on her high heels, losing her footing, up and down, from side to side.
The Ministry of Silly Walks doesnt seem so outrageous.
These creatures are now in parliament?! We are fucked…
Like the Roman Empire, this is only the start, I fear…
It’s trannies, non binary cunts and hairy women now, but in twenty years or maybe less,
p@edos will probably be ‘accepted’ and possibly even celebrated and legal…
One can hear it now… ‘But… But, it’s a life choice… It’s a human right… It’s diversity’…
Don’t bet against it, people really are that stupid… Western society is burning all around is… One day we will wake up and there will be nothing left… Absolutely nothing….
A few hundred twatter cunts is what sets the agenda and dull cunts like Labour and the LibDums think they are the electorate.
Trannies are mentally ill not in wrong body. Arthur cant decide to be Martha on a whim.
Good old fashioned ridicule is the best way to deal with these fucking freaks.
Looks like my cousin Brett.
Bent Dennis doesn’t like Brett.
Some of the rules I stick to which helps my progress through this arse version of reality.
Women do not have dicks, a man who gives birth is a women who looks like a man, a man who has periods is a women. Soon we may have to accept laws than allow someone to self identify as a man or woman, big Denny could insist that he is allowed in the female changing rooms the legal system would support this arsery . He would not even have to make any attempt to make his dirty deviant self remotely femanine.
What a blessing this would be to peaceful groomers a whole new way to indulge in their cultural enrichment antics.
Already in the pipeline. The government is looking at people in future being able to legally change their gender with nothing but their own say so – no doctors note, no nothing.
Blurggh… fuck my old boots, Jesus h Christ, what on earth is THAT! ..how on earth is that was of nine months in its mother’s womb on this earth? It makes Dianne Abbott look like Catherine zeta Jones did 20 years ago,
What a cunt, fuck off.. morning all
The Flabbott has resigned, amidst great sighs of relief in the Liebore Party. They should replace it with Duhvid Marie-Antoinette Blamby; nobody would notice the diff – ugly as fuck, and as thick as pigshit.
That thing in the picture looks like a member of Mud or some other blokes in dresses glam rock band….
I rewatched Arnold’s “Conan The Barbarian” recently, and I’m now convinced that’s Sven Ole-Thorsen in the picture…
Unbelievably 19,706 cunts in Chippenham voted for this abomination in the General Election!
It lost by 11,288 votes.
“So tell me “Ms” Belcher. What are your policies?”
“Err, Thank you”
Thought I saw this cunt playing rugby the other day.
‘Helen’ looked like she was enjoying the scrum.
Modern Britain can go fuck itself.
Ah. So that’s it.
I’ve been wondering what happened to Jo Swinson since the Election.
Belcher by name, belcher by nature – says it all
Also, i’d like to say sorry to all of my fans – i’ve cancelled my tour because I can’t sing – okay! ………… and i’m pretty sure i used to know someone called belcher in my youth – not the one above for certain …. hmmmm
also, talking of names – i know of someone called gay cheeseman – now that IS a name me thinks!! Hahaha – go get ’em rover ……
I understand you dismay at having to let the fans down Lana…I’ve had many requests for a Black and White Cunt World Tour, Calenders and other memorabilia.
We have to keep the fans happy, but balance that with our own needs and requirements.
It’s not an easy life…I hope the fans can understand.
If they don’t they can go fuck themselves.
why, thank you B&WC for such an understanding and sensitive posting – I have lots of fans and many of them are of a sensitive disposition, shall I say, erm, you know what I mean … anyhow, I’m rolling in wads of money and hopefully, you are too – good luck with the world tour, you should go for it – i know i did!! – cough, splutter …. oh, i’m so sick …. nurse …. :0)