What in the name of fuck is this preferred gender pronoun about? It’s like watching Little Britain without any hint of irony. “Hey Helen, are you taking the piss?”
“No, I’m a Laydeeee”.
What is it with these on the edge of society/reality narcissists?
And why is it that those in the media are going out of their way to give so much airtime and column inches to the ‘trans community’ and where the fuck is the ‘trans community’? They aren’t even a minority; at best they’re a minority minority. That said, I do find them fucking hilarious. Monty Python and Little Britain trying to be taken seriously.
Keep it up ‘Helen’ and don’t forget your razor.
Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface
Sorry Helen, 99% of the population think you’re a cunt. 1% think you’re not. The 1% are the only ones allowed to express an opinion without fear of persecution or even prosecution. Welcome to the modern version of freedom of speech.
There are only 2 Genders, Male and Female , the rest are attention seeking Freaks. Do I make my self clear ????
Good . The Ayes to the right say yes , The Noes to the left can fuck off.
And if you don’t vote for this ravashing beauty you are transphobic and should be arrested.
That is puke inducing. An ugly fat man dressed as an ugly fat woman attempting to hoodwink people. It makes Christopher Biggins seem attractive.
I don’t feel like lunch anymore.
I ‘identify’ as George Clooney, and a fucking fat load of good it’s done me. Nobody believes that I’m really George Clooney. A few people play along out of politeness, but the reality is, everybody actually thinks that I’m a totally deluded cunt.
Clooney is a massive cunt anyway, so it’s probably for the best… ?
He is that Baron, which just makes it all the worse!
I don’t know how they can even walk down a street let alone be an MP , i for one will never accept this shit and anyone who tries to push it on my son will be put in the ground.
As a father i don’t just worry for my son but i worry for everyone’s kids in this day and age , if it’s not social media corrupting and consuming them they have to see and hear shit like this and it’s not on.
This thing called Helen and i mean thing is a disgrace to humanity walking round like it’s alright , well it ain’t fucking alright next thing they will be in schools teaching kids that it’s alright , in fact they won’t be teaching they will be trying to brainwash them into it being alright.
The fucking lot of them want executing before they do some real damage to society.
If this thing knocked on my door canvasing I’d kick it so hard in the dick it’d have free gender reassignment.
I think if it called at my door I fall over laughing, seriously!
I’ve just learnt it’s stopped shaving it’s legs now as a protest about climate weather or something.
So the engagement is off.
These loonies make a big deal about other people ‘accepting them the way the are’. We do accept you the way you are – a man in a dress. It’s YOU who can’t accept what you are mate.
Great post!
Do not force your mental illness on me and expect me to believe it!
A bit of lippy, a dress and a bob haircut maketh not a woman!
Now here is where I must be going wrong. A dress (regardless of whether my culture regards it as male or female attire) plus this or that lip paint &/or hairstyle and speaking my words in a certain way gleaned from listening to pantomime dames and imagining I’m as capable of producing Aladdin or Jack Beanstalk by doing with their fathers whatever it was their fathers wanted to do does not make me a woman? Even though my appendage is enormous with copious issue of milk?
What about if I wear aquamarine rather than puce and orange? Then can I grow babies? Not even up my arse? This is very confronting (if true) not to mention genderstereotypifical.
Why choose to be a fat ugly fucking carcass ?
Because they don’t know what those words mean.
So when the lib (tard) dems go canvassing, just who the hell is going to answer the door to this monumental fuck up and engage in meaningful conversation over the future of the country?
Short answer, the future’s fucked if Sgt Major Simian-in-a-frock is any indication.
Bag of shite.
What the fork is going on in the world? If you’re going to dress as a lady do it properly, not just a wig and lipstick.
Looks like a poor mans tranny.
p.s. I’ve not been to Thailand, but I imagine the ladyboys make a far bigger effort. I’ve seen pictures some are beautiful. This Belcher person however… No.
It’s Christopher Biggins isn’t it – the panto dame.
I identify as a billionaire. Now, where’s my money?
The bigger the scarf, the bigger the Adam’s Apple that is being concealed.
Blimey, there is no getting away from these delusional cunts.
Just watching University Challenge, there’s one on the Trinity team.
You can’t hide the Adam’s Apple matey!
She ran against my local MP in last year’s election. Not only did she lose but the incumbent increased her majority. Hardly surprising really.
Bernard Breslaw looked more convincing as a woman.