‘FYI’ on Sky News

Sunday mornings after enjoying a walk with the dog, I like to make my breakfast, (bacon and eggs on brown bread, yes it was lovely, thanks for asking) a cup of tea (2 sugars) and sit and catch up on the news. I like my current events with a tinge of leftie virtue signalling, so watch Sky News. I like watching Sophie Ridge tie politicians in knots.

Anyway, they have a kids news programme on called “FYI” and its a bunch of mixed gender, mixed race, carefully selected bunch of precocious little brats! The type of kid who goes to stage school. Over indulged little bastards, who mainly talk about the environment,
how naughty Trump and Boris are and any and all from a left wing agenda. I’m a father and I like kids; used to be one, but if I had a kid like one of these media brats, I’d donate him to Gary Glitter.

They should be out knocking a ball about, smashing windows in empty factories, playing split the kipper. etc. Not swanning round in makeup telling adults a skewed view of the news.

Get yer homework done, yer little shits!

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt

54 thoughts on “‘FYI’ on Sky News

  1. Little Greta Cunts in the making!

    I also notice a lack of a tranny and a non-binary-whatsit

    Plus, where’s the token fat cunt with round NHS specs?

    I suppose it will be very popular with the camel shaggers – the younger the better I guess.

    Never mind about FYI, how about STFU and GTFO

  2. More shit TV for the masses. Everything about today’s TV is for right on Charlie’s
    Bring back Alf Garnett .

  3. Nobody under 25 (at least) has anything of interest or importance to say to adults. The default position of children will be undefined anti-establishment (as long as they get everything given to them free) so finding tiresome precocious leftie pricks is easy, the few right-wing ones come across as utter cunts.
    Keep quiet, deal with your raging hormones, grease, spots and generally shhh, the grown-ups are talking.
    And those little twats should try unfolding their arms, standing up straight and just fucking off.

    • I’m NOT under 25

      Everything is free

      Stand up BOOMPH what I hit was jelly – where do we go from here?

  4. I assume that the picture above is the ‘cast’, looks like the usual mix.

    Never seen it, never will!

      • Who are deciding now to whom their (future) tax emoluments should go, in respect of pensions. The builders of freedom or the destroyers. There’s a book . .

      • Its on Sky news Moggie,
        On a weekend just pops up on the news,
        Doubt any kids watch it,
        Or adults for that matter!
        Ruins the news for me.

      • The only news I watch is the BBC local and since most of that is about Nottingham, (‘nuclear explosion in Leicester’ is ignored in favour of ‘bin blows over in Nottingham’ sort of thing) I only watch about 20 minutes a week of that.

  5. Well cunted MNC.

    Another sinister piece of social engineering. I stumbled on it a few months ago, had to switch over after 3 seconds. Un-fucking-bearable.

    • Cheers Rtc, unbearable arent they?
      Theres a little ginger northern kid on it and hes pure stage school.
      If he was mine be up for adoption.

  6. The dog walking and breakfast is good. But please stop watching this shit, MNC, it will erode your brain.

    FYI – more like FRO. Bunch of bumfucking wankstains.

  7. They do a ‘FYI’ on ITV4, harping on about some useless ‘celeb’ cunts I neither care about nor have heard of. Fuck off and get Dirty Harry back on.

  8. If you watch daytime Sky you deserve all you get. I only hope you are sparing the whippets from this shit.

    • Trouble is CC where the BBC and precocious kids with attitude is concerned, they infest news and current affairs stuff throughout the day – and they are always the same sort of kid – Jemima or Victoria or Oliver or Alexander. smug little arsewipes who live with mummy and daddy in Primrose Hill and attended their first demo with mummy when she was still breast feeding the little bastard. Really down toearth little snobs who would rather be seen dead than called Jemma, Vicky, Ollie or Alex. I can only assume Lord Hall and his arse-lickers love kids (in a non-Savile way of course, it goes without saying). Their views on anything from Europe and the enviroment to pop tarts and the Archers.

      Until they start paying taxes and remain as Shakespeare had it [hands] “that have felt no sorrow or seen no pain” * (Desdemona) they can fuck off out of it. I am after the Radio 3 repeats again because I am a cunt. (* Othello)

  9. These kids opinions are no different from the supposedly adult ones of someone like say Polly Toynbee, who think that if only evil Boris built more wind farms and electric cars then the floods/draughts in Britain would stop.
    Nothing to do with China/US/India etc is it Polly. Its GLOBAL climate change you cunts!

  10. Good Morning,

    It is the insidious brainwashing that I find so sinister. Sophie Ridge on the other hand, I believe there is a phrase on this website about bottoms and tongues and I definitely would.

  11. MNC don’t you think they have valuable outlook on life huned out of their longevity to pass on to others.
    No neither do I ! Stfu you stupid little scrotes before I come and invade yer personal space with my size eleven DM’s.

  12. Nice cunting Miserable. These cunts need taking down Blue John Cavern in Derbyshire then planted amongst The stalagmites. That’d petrify the bastards. Whenever I took a school party there, I used to make sure I left the mouthiest one behind in the dark.


    • Hehee was there the other week, blue John.
      These kids on FYI are like no kids ive met, little tapdancing catalogue model, stage school brats!
      Report to mr Blunt for the slipper then see mr Miserable for the cane.

  13. My mate will no longer have a television in the house and has replaced it with a tropical fish aquarium.
    He reckons after a tiring and stressful day, just looking at it can take the mind and body into a more calming, relaxing state, sometimes to an almost analgesic effect.
    Something to do with indoor fins apparently….

  14. Clearly aimed at brain washing little Tarquins and Jemimas with the usual right on bollocks.
    Meanwhile little Mohammeds and Shemimas are out practicing bomb making and carpet kissing with a bit of camel maintenance thrown in.
    Bring back My childhood favourite…..The Road Runner!

      • Nice one Fenton!?
        Viv stanshall RIP
        Loved him an the Bonzos,
        Ive got a few ‘do not adjust your set’ on a disc somewhere, Marty Feldman in a train being one i remember as funny.

      • You’d never get away with that today!

        I vaguely recall “Bycycle Repair Man” who was a sort of steampunk Batman of the time.

        By the way, one of the sax players was a personal friend of David Lammy.

  15. Proper tidy cunting, thanks. I think Bloomberg should do a show presented by Jacob Rees Mogg’s son, the one that looks and dresses like a mini-me, complete with double breasted pinstripe suit. (He wore this when visiting Crickhowell, Powys, on a Sunday)

    Mini Mogg could present on a range of “right wing” topics, e.g. hard borders, the ramping up of the deportation program, the benefits of having your own stockbroker, aged 11 or 12.

    I feel that it’s a program that Michael Bloomberg could really get behind.

  16. So anyone else think this corona virus thing will go into a full blown pandemic and kill us all off soon? I can’t stop thinking about it, how bout you cunters worried, terrified or nah?

    China is going into full quarantine lockdown mode and their economy has taken massive losses and the global economy will eventually be fucked too as result of this

    • It will turn out to be a far right virus, the threat is totally overblown and the whole sham is just a cover up for the real bad news that will be released and forgotten whilst we all sleep.

      • You can definitely tell the far right virus sufferers apart from the lefty ones. The right wing ones develop a pink, piggy- like, gammonistic appearance. No amount of oinkment makes any difference.
        Whereas, the lefties develop a very pale, Greta like hue to their skin. They become delirious and shouty and won’t listen to medical advice. They usually end up in quarantine but when released are usually prone to further attacks.

    • In the best news I’ve read in a long time, cases in Iran have suddenly leaped from 5 to 18, 4 of which have bought the farm. Cases have also been confirmed in UAE and Egypt. Praise be!!

    • I have just returned from Milan Fashion Week where the industry I am associated with has a large exhibition. It was so nice not to have the Chink Chonks there. Part of my job is to chase them of the stand and stop them taking cuttings of all our latest products in order to copy. It was a nice relaxing environment and you could talk to customers without looking over your shoulder all the time.

      No problems at the airport with post Brexit queues etc so that was another bollocks remainers lie.

    • Fifty per cent of the Chinese population wiped out would be an excellent start – that should contain Coronavirus.
      Followed by one hundred per cent of the remaining Chinese population wiped out – that should eliminate Coronavirus.
      No more killer diseases being spread by filthy little yellow rats.
      And don’t let Judi Dench escape!

  17. Youth think Stomzy is a massive talent and being woke means being a self loathing whitey. I’ll give FYI a miss.

  18. If your going to indoctrinate kids what better way to do it than with over enthusiastic brats spewing a left wing libtard agenda. Fuck me the millennial mob were bad enough, what’s the next lot going to be like ? I really fucking despair.

  19. Thank you for bringing this to our attention MNC.
    Some more soy latte woke mongs to dodge.
    My Mrs makes my breakfast.Its better that way.

    • Terry, i love my cooked breakfast far to much to let mrs Miserable make some mr Bean type fuck up of it, she cant make a decent brew, never mind trust her with bacon.

  20. I saw it the other week and more or less switched it off especially when i saw those two little nigglet’s fresh from the jungle trying ti educate me about pointless stuff.

    • Never seen this nonsense – but if MNC says it’s s*ite that’s good enough for me!
      And to my great sadness I have just found out David Lammy is not a friend of mine ?

      • I only seen it because i always like to watch the news in a morning and this came on and i saw those little piss pant twats come on doing there pathetic show FYI (fuck you idiots)
        on tv. I fucked it off within 30 secs and had a moan to myself , I’t was bad enough when we had the 80’s kids programme why don’t you . I mean at least them kids didn’t tell us about politics / enviroment and act like they had just finished uni. These kids want a slap sent to bed with no tea and there favourite teddy’s head cut off.

  21. Lamestream media and kids programmes follow the same formula:

    – Anything that is British or reflects British culture is to be denigrated.

    – Anything that reflects nations or cultures from without is to be praised.

    However, the push back is coming.

    If they are going to continually label the British people as “waycist”, “bigot”, etc., and no matter what you say or do to appease the cunts, they will still feel that way, then fuck ’em!

    No point standing on eggshells anymore. Point our reality, back it up with facts. If that reality makes BAMErs, Snowflakes, SJWs and the “alphabet people” feel uncomfortable, then good, fuck ’em!

    “Most stabby cunts in Londonistan are efnicks!” – they are, TOUGH!

    “Biological sex is real! Lippy, a dress and bob haircut won’t change that!” – it won’t, TOUGH!

    “Most grooming gang wapists are Parking Stanleys!” – they are, TOUGH!

    The facts and statistics back these statements up. Hurty-feelings and your sensibilities are not immune from reality!


    • Well said. I am sick of being told by some left wing cunt that something is not what I can see it fucking is.

    • Children? To the workhouse I say! Kids TV used to be good – now I do not believe the utter unadulterated s*te they feed them – “Captainess Wokedyke fights the evil s*tanic right wing racist climate destroying bwexiteers as a sign of wimminz superiority”..

      “What’s that – Al Beeb have signed it up for ten series provided the writer is BAME and self identifying as disabled and differently sexed? No? – don’t worry, we’ve got an entire f*cking organisation full of them”!

  22. In the picture, where are their legs?

    I love children especially ones small enough to fit into my big oven. To help clean it of course.

    I shan’t be a moment I just need to pop out and stick more sweets on my gingerbread house.

    If you see Hansel and Gretel, tell them to pop round.

  23. Oh my goodness! What a collection of ghastly little oiks, they are! One of the spotty little cunts even has a regional accent, AND ginger hair AND he’s talking to a fucking ethnic. Nanny was so aghast, she almost spilled her tea! ‘Get the little cunt off the tellybox and back up a fucking chimney!’ She shouted! And quite right too!

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