Flicking the switch

So we have another “Know it all” With “Big secrets” appear on the site, We have fucked him off before, but a polite “Go away” is not working.

Those of you who have been about the bush will recall the Norfolk chap and what we had to do, which was rather embarrassing for him to say the least.

So we have another but low tech and learning, yet incredibly ” needy” and “affable” so I am going to press the “Fuck off button” and you can all play a game of guess who it is, they will of course have to re invent them selves after this.

are you ready?

Night admin

118 thoughts on “Flicking the switch

  1. I’ve been rattling around on here for 5 or 6 years and the trolls are mercifully infrequent. The ones that do appear though are surprisingly persistent. Thumbs up to admin for dealing to the petty cunts

    • Can’t understand it to be honest , i’m still fairly new to this site and so far iv’e had no complaints as most people are sound so far .
      There is obviously a bit of banter and a piss take but its all done in good fun and you can tell when someone is out to get your back up on purpose. I was telling my mate about this site and told him to look it up as he likes a good moan and loves to use the word cunt . Well iv’e absolutely no idea who Admin is on about or who you guys may think it is but whoever you are fuck off you cunt and leave the discussions to the real men.

      • The trolls (Ricky, CS etc) are relatively easy to spot; they are other overly verbose (CS) or endlessly repetitive in their posts (Ricky). Although given a choice of those two, I’d rather read Ricky because if you think some of the regulars on here are conspiracy theorists, they have nothing on that cunt.

      • When it comes to spell check and grammar i’m terrible , as long as they understand what i’m typing then i’m happy. There is some people on here though who are excellent at both and i do envy them (in a nice way of course). Who is CS by the way ?.

  2. I shall not disappoint by reminding the board that Islam is EVIL FILTH and needs to be wiped out, by whatever means necessary, to guarantee first-world human survival.

    • ???? Round of applause for that comment Wokeuptoday very well said and i can almost guarantee there is thousands if not alot more people share the same view , i for one definitely do. It wouldn’t be so bad if they were a nice peaceful race but there full of hate and destruction and want total world domination and anyone who doesn’t share in there faith they want put to death . Complete lunatic deluded cunts the lot of them.

  3. I confess to ignorance about all this troll business. I’ve had one previous name here, which from memory was my real actual first name [although I might be wrong because early onset senility could be creeping in]. Regardless of name tags though, I’ve never had any intention to irritate anybody on this site. I definitely can be an irritable bastard. But those who post here do so with wit and style. I haven’t posted much lately. Work is heaving and I’m making hay while the sun shines. I hope whatever this troll has done can be filtered out and that the fun continues at IAC. I like to vent as much as the commentariat. It’s healthy.

  4. I remember CS’s earliest appearance as such. He appeared to be inviting me to join him in his trollarious games, and mentioned that he had been doing the same on Craig Murray’s blog, on which I used to post, (AD BREAK – and on which my collection of Tony Blair’s post-1914 adventures may still be found.) He was ‘James’, there, among other nicks, and he succeeded in being as much of a cunt to the mainly leftwing, Scotnat clientele there as he was to IsAC. Why? Ah….

    “Speak roughly to your little boy
    And beat him when he sneezes
    He only does it to annoy
    Because he knows it teases.”

    (Lewis Carroll)
    He did reply to you but was “diverted” in good faith his comment.

    In reply to Komodo.
    I quite liked isacunt, but really did loathe craigmurray. I approve of his support of Assange – more accurately I approve of any support of freedom of speech. This comes from long years in shit holes where there wasn’t any (honestly alert). As you tellingly (and rather pompously) put it: generally speaking I don’t use blogs¹ other than occasional peeks.

    No idea who or what you are, K… and I’m not bothered enough to find out. I am curious why you are self-evidently even slightly bothered by any of this. This time last year, I was really bored, as I think was obvious enough and that’s about the size of it. All these Oranjeboom, Sixtus, Greta, John Prescott, José chaps were in fact NOT me, but I may know one or two possible culprits. I pissed off after Mansfield Smith Cummings c 6 months ago.

    ¹other than this place and craigmurray I’ve never commented on a blog in my 54 years. Sorry to disappoint, but you’ll not be “triangulating” me like your Ricky nutcase… and James is a “legend” btw (spook speak). I’m obviously not a spook, either.

    Now a reply to you, we can triangulate on mobile IP, but we can back trace on land terminals as Ricky found out. xxx admin, I also am not a spook but I can bait a hook.

    • To sum up, an annoying cunt…. to everyone.

      I wonder what he does for a living, civil servant maybe

      • ‘This time last year, I was really bored, as I think was obvious enough and that’s about the size of it’.

        So the gist of that I have little interest or respect for the posters on ISAC I only came on because i was bored and couldn’t care less what I wrote.

        You say ‘I am curious’ as to why K is interested in you. Surely that should be ‘I am mildly curious’ seeing how bored you are.

        I wouldn’t characterise what K has said as ‘interest’ in you. He’s just explaining about you.

        I defended you above. So disappointing CS.

      • “I defended you above. So disappointing CS.”

        Miles, one thing you learn about these people is that they don’t have any sense of loyalty that you can appeal to!

        CS would trade his old Ma in for a new PlayStation.

      • Like Miles, Caught Spedding and I aways enjoyed the most cordial of relations.

        Possibly because I didn’t understand a thing he was on about most of the time.

      • Be something dull, where he can sit an have a sly tug daydreaming of secret agents ?
        Tedious, bedwetting mothers boy.

    • Whoever it is, he was not clever enough to realise that “Cümmings” would take him straight into moderation. ?

      • Just a hint of innuendo there, RTC.
        I have made that mistake too, and I’m not the only one. Neither am I CS: for the avoidance of doubt. Admin can probably confirm this.

      • No innuendo meant K. I too have made the same mistake! Unusual for you to be paranoid.

        My comment should be taken purely at face value.

  5. Well I’m lost here, I’m a newbie but only use this account. I had another but found out I’d used a very similar name to another poster so changed.
    I was cuntoximus prime back then.

    • I’ve just gone through all of these posts and still haven’t got a clue what’s going on. I must be a right thick cunt.

  6. I’ve noticed the name John Prescott mentioned a few times , iv’e seen his posts but i don’t really read them if i’m honest .
    There was one he did that was so long and quite bizarre and very off topic i couldn’t
    make no sense of what he was actually trying to say. Iv’e never really understood why people would wanna troll different sites just to get a kick out of pissing people off. This for me is actually the only site i go on and write comments , i don’t do any social media or twitter and all the other stuff so for me this is the only communication i have with people on line. I actually found this site by accident and when i saw the words is a cunt and realized what this site was all about , well that was it for me i just had to be part of it.

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