I wish to nominate the intellectual giant, Dawn Butler, for the consideration of the discerning contributors and readers of the award-winning website ISAC.
In a car crash interview, Butler has gone even further than the craziest of transgenderists and has proclaimed that “babies are born without sex.”
Now, I’m quite sure that there are more medically and scientifically qualified than I, but this is akin to Creationism. Transgender militants accuse their (more rational) opponents of being fixated on genitals, but sex is much, much more fundamental than penises and vaginas. Every single cell in your body contains the Y-chromosome if you are male and every single cell in a transgender ‘woman’s’ body is biologically male, no matter how much surgery ‘she’ has had, or hormones ‘she’ has taken. These are basic facts and to dispute them makes you lower in the IQ scale than the most gullible of the retards who believe in Justin Welby’s imaginary friend.
Talking about genitals, you’d certainly get a ‘Brucie Bonus’ if you put your hand up ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner’s dress.
I imagine that the liberal use of quote marks in this nomination is transphobic.
Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt
Always fascinates me how desperate cunts like her suddenly jump on this “non-binary” bandwagon now that it is fashionable (ie. a possible vote winner).
Of course up until a year or two twats like Butler wouldn’t have any fucking clue about transgender issues, and would probably shy away from such things. But just like the #metoo movement, a massive bandwagon as come to town and now every “victim” and “lefty politician” has climbed onboard in order to look trendy.
I would be very interested to hear what the Church of England has to say about all this, and whether it will revise the Bible to suggest that both Adam and Eve were not Man and Woman after all, but closet transgender folk based on the image of God – which suggests that “he” too was non-binary.
Of course the CoE will bend over backwards to join the same woke crowd as they did years ago by ordaining women bishops and accepting that Gayness is not as bad as the Bible made out!
How the Woke community will get on trying to convince the Catholic church and Islam might be a bit more tricky. Or perhaps they just won’t bother because they know they’ll be in a world of shit telling the peacefuls what to do!
I think the C of E and the R C have made a lot out of this “babies are born without sex.” stuff as I recall it was Mary who first came out with that whopper, which randomly brings me on to this.
https://www.youtube.com › watch
If you believe in “transgenderism” you might as well throw your lot in with creationism.
On religion Wireless 4 starts it’s pious “Lent” religous talks next week and they trailed them this morning – and guess what?- the topic is “identity” and true to Wireless 4 form they will be give by a tranny vicar – don’t know if it is a butch female playig a male or a pansy male playing a woman, but one or the other no doubt.
Dawn Butler?. Stinks more than Peter Mandelson’s overused butt plug and that’s saying something.
Just found the printed link to that load of woke fuckery. Strange “her” name is “Mann”:
The thing is, for every vote it gains them they lose 10 from people fed up with woke cuntishness (or is it cuntiness?spellchecker isn’t sure). With a few exceptions in London and Brighton any pub debate on the issue would tell her what the public actually thinks about this bollocks, but she would never go in a pub that wasn’t a vegan carbon neutral wine bar. My pronouns now are Ze, Zem, and Fuck off you cunt.
Ah yes, well known expenses fiddler and hypocrite Dawn Lardbutt, literally Steptoe’s right hand……er……..non binary thingy. One of the biggest idiots in a party full of idiots. Remember when she was bleating on about “cultural appropriation”…..until some cunt dug up a photo of the bitch wearing a sari to curry favour (see what I did there?) with her Asian constituents. It will be a great laugh if the Starmtrooper becomes leader and Lardbutt or that deranged Rayner bitch is the deputy. They’ll be at each other’s throats right from the kick off. Can’t wait. ?
Is this the same woman that made a gaff about 90% of giraffe’s being gay at the last election? She was accused by Cobyn’s advisers of being homophobic but still got re-elected. Makes me laugh, she probably thought she was being ultra woke but got it completely wrong. Silly moo.
If she means that a human fetus begins life without gender differentiation then she’s right. All humans begin from the same starting point. During early development of the gonads the fetus is phenotypically female, then after 7-8 weeks the XY chromasomes start kicking in and the testes begin developing. If the fetus is to become male then what would remain and become the ovaries drop down and become testicles. The clitoris grows and becomes a penis.
Is this shining star of the Labour cult confusing being ‘born’ with being conceived. Because if she is, then she’s illiterate, either that or she belongs with the flat earth theorists.
Quite simply a case of trying to brown nose the LGBT lot in the belief that they’re going to take the country over and vote Labour. Not as long as the peacefuls are being empowered by the same woke agenda. I see big trouble ahead if all this shit is allowed to run riot in Britain. Cunts.
“In March 2009, Butler was criticised for claiming almost the full £23,000 annual second home allowance, despite her second home in Stratford being the same distance from Parliament as her Brent South home.
She also claimed £2,650 for new central heating and £2,308 for a suite including a whirlpool bath.”
Also this:
In which Dawn, stop appropriating western clothing and come to Westminster in this:
We humans share lots of DNA with rest of the animal kingdom and I am sure that when, for example, a chimp is born it is either male of female. No one waits for the animal to grow up and ask it how it feels about the world.
We share 99% of our DNA with chimps, in Dawns case I would say it is 100% (racist alert) stupid cow, cock male, fanny female….. it’s not rocket science.
Dats waycist. Imma report u mista.
I really have to apologise ….. to the Chimps!
Rabbits know what’s what before a lot of vets can tell…
My idea of heaven is “Rabbit Island” in Japan. Deeplymost joyloaders.
What about abacus Abbott?
now I am not saying she was on the fiddle but her grasp of numbers has a lot to be desired.
Most reasonable people are willing to accept transgenders. What they will not accept is transgender militants and lefty enablers like Dawn Lardbutt forcing their psychotic agenda down ordinary people’s throats.
I agree. People are not exactly gagging for it.
And in these distracted times, trannies give us a bloody good laugh…
I wonder if any of them try to dress up as Sparkle ?
“Most reasonable people are willing to accept transgenders”…..well I’m not willing to accept transgenders and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone more reasonable than me.
I find them both creepy and sinister. I suspect that most of them would sexually assault a coma victim.
Back with a bang Dick! It’s comforting to know that the voice of reason has returned to the fold!
Welcome back Dick!
Yeah, great to see you back Dick, you old cisgender you!
Transgender does not exist. It’s a delusion and having a delusion is not a civil liberty . You can’t change sex.
They’re not going to make me a liar by forcing me to call a bloke a woman.
Fuck off you trans bams.
She’s a mong.
There is not a single thing about this person which doesn’t scream “CUNT”.
In the spirit of equality so often espoused by Comrade Lardbutt I would love, like her, to have a whirlpool in my second home.
That’s if the taxpayer were paying for both of them, obviously.
Similarly to her theory, I put it that Dawn Butler was born without a brain.
Her skull cavity, where the brain usually resides, was filled with a substance resembling lime jelly. This explains her inability to process any rational thoughts other than how to cream expenses off the taxpayer.
Fucking uppity sheboon!
I know this is hard to believe, but I’m going out on a limb. I’m just going to say it. Butler is even thicker than Lammy. There iv said it.
You controversial trouble maker. It’s a toss up there ffs. I’d say it’s s draw.
The tranny vote.
What set of cunts with chocolate sprinkles too.
It’s like saying I can change species. If you were walking down the street with a friend and they said “I’m a bird and I’m going to climb that building and fly ” you’d stop them. Why? Because you know they’re not a bird. This is the same.
The loonies in Canada have made it a legal obligation to call someone by a particular pronoun thus making it a legal obligation to be a liar.
These folk are flat earth deniers.
A senior politician is refuting established scientific fact.
Great. Labour are/is now unelectable as they’re run by certified loons.
Pandering to a minority they’ve shown they are unfit to govern ….ever.
Dozy cunt.
This is the Labour Party looking for victims to identify with. And trannies are even more victimised than Muslims, at least in their mentally deranged minds. So, seemingly in the belief that a few hundred shrill perverted freaks on twatter and in universities are the actual electorate , Labour dives in with this unscientific drivel. Therein lies their tragedy.
This is what happens when you select candidates based on identity.
Fucking socialists.
A load of them dropped similar trans-supporting bollocks in the same week. Can’t remember the name of that fat ugly lez that’s trying to be the leader, but she went on record saying she won’t stop men who say they’re women going to female prisons, despite concerns about rape. The party is dead and buried for ever more, thank fuck. So let them make way for For Britain as the opposition, with Anne-Marie Waters at the helm.
In other best news of the millennium, they’re dropping like flies from coronavirus in Iran, and now that there’s sizeable enough data to be working with, it seems academic that there’s a clear link between poorer countries and mortality. And now it’s hit Nigeria. Partytime anyone?
Iran, Nigeria are good but let’s wait until there is a massive outbreak in London before we start cheering.
Oh I do like a helpful Pandemic ! More please.
“babies are born without sex.”…well I wasn’t. The Doctor who delivered me thought that I’d been born with a third leg.
” I’m Jake the Peg,diddle-diddle-dum,with me extra leg,diddle-diddle-dum”…..was sung by Rolf,of course….the news that babies are born without sex’ll probably come as a grave disappointment to him too.
It wouldn’t bother Rolf, Dick…
He’d give sex to anyone he could pin down. Or tie down, as in non-consensual bondage with large marsupials.
My best friend from schooldays once described Bohemian Rhapsody as an anthem for our school decade (1970s). My thought was “Speak for yourself, you old queen.” I think the name of the group got him a bit moist…
Abandon all hope those that enter into this illogical fantasy world of total wank.
For fucks sake, pair of bollocks, dick and Y chromosome in every cell of the body means you are male. No dick or bollocks no Y chromosome you are female. Not that hard to grasp? Man has baby according to newspaper, granddaughter asks me how a man can be a mummy. I informed her that it was a lady who looked like a man who had the baby she thought that made sense as men do not have babies. I should not have to be explaining shit like this to a six year old. For what it’s worth my stance on the subject is; to paraphrase Ted “ No chicks with dicks only men with tits” Always male no matter what you cut off, always female no matter what you stitch on fuck off and leave me alone.
If she thinks babies are born without sex I suggest she spends a couple of weeks in the maternity ward of the nearest hospital. I’m sure Nurse Cunty would be happy to put her right.
It’s all about control. If these cunts can get us to believe that two and two equal five then we’re all completely fucked.
I have the news on……
She’s back!!!
Who, it Greta the pain in the arse (should be in school) in Bristol giving a speech, with a cunt in a rainbow woolly hat doing signing of her speech.
She has nothing to say, all she says is it’s bad bla bla bla, 2 minutes of nothing, well Greta fuck off back to Sweden and stop breathing our British air!
It’s a fucking pity that her parents’ marriage wasn’t born without sex.
And now Monbiot on politics live, bug eyed cunt!
I don’t know about “babies are born without sex” but I know my married life was.
My previous marriage was full of sex. Sadly, I wasn’t getting any of it.
Dawn Butler is clearly extremely well qualified as a medical practitioner to speak on this subject. Batty Butler for shadow Home Secretary once the Flabbott quits. She’s as much use as a nine bob note, and will help to ensure as much as anybody that Labour stays unelectable as long as loonies are calling the shots. It’s a laugh a fucking minute, and a treasure trove for cunters.
I dread to think what Adolf and his pals would have done with stupid cunts like her and her ilk. Has anyone told these fuckheads that there are more important issues in the world to concerned about?
I relish the Adolf cure for these nutters.
Sieg Heil ✋
Yet another Windrush Gift to the United Kingdom, transporting both parents to the shores of the developed world where they would busy themselves gaining a “Family Allowance Special” by systematic production of “piccaninies” ( Powell’s words, not mine )
Well, we have certainly benefitted from Butlers appearance upon the political stage haven’t we ? Dodgy expenses, holiday’s ( free of course ) and to add insult, this “diversity specialist ” insulted and offended the “pink brigade ” by her comparrison of them to “queer girraffe’s ” (Source. Socialist Worker )
Another win win bonus for the United Kingdom , when finished with politics, she has a lucrative career ahead of her as a Pirelli Girl. How she will aceive that ?: Answers please on a postcard, to, The Dunlop Corp.
Michelin girl maybe.
She looks like she’s made out of tyres…
She sits there nodding along at PM’s questions at every brilliant observation that the sainted Jeremy makes.
No doubt murmering ‘glory and praise to the Highest Lord Jezza and may he live forever in our hearts’!
Silly thick cunt.
Dawn “I ‘ate you” Butler really looks like she overwhelming stinks of shite. And the look on her gob makes her look like she can smell herself.
Simple solution, Dawn – try changing your knickers every so often, and perhaps give your arse and fanny a bit of a wash now and then. It’s not difficult.
I’m gonna try not be to racist here but this fat black spear chucking jungle bunny of a cunt should have been shot in the face as soon as she finished her sentence. Then she should be hung on tower bridge as a warning to all the other fucking deluded mental case maniacs.
She resembles Michelle Obama without the looks or tyre swing.
Announcing that a hairy 7’2″ mens shot-putting champion or someone like that Yank who started playing Australian Rules Football is now a woman whether or not she wishes to dress like one because clothes are so gender stereotypical and she’s not going to be dictated to by the exploitative fashion industry seems to be a disservice to the one-in-so-many tens-of-thousands who were actually born ambiguous in some way. Apart from the very unusual XXY or XYY or XXYY (and there’s plenty more) there are some cases of sex reversal, where for until recently unknown reasons (i.e. the action of supposedly junk DNA) an actual sex reversal occurs. In which case the person is still male or female.
Ambiguous genitals may result from a mosaic condition: not all cells having the abnormal chromosomes. To a varying (but still rare) degree. If I were such a person I doubt I’d want to be grouped with the shot-putters in a dress and surely trannies have always had societies and things where they can carry on to their heart’s content. Probably during the Victorian era or in Paris. Here is a 7 minute report from the wireless done by a doctor who answered the question of sex reversal, explaining why sometimes a woman will turn out to be XY or a man XX. There are no side effects. It’s just an anomaly. It has nothing to do whatsoever with so-called transsexualism which seems to have no physical component at all. An XY woman is not “in the wrong body” she just has XY sex chromosomes. She has children and stuff and mostly wouldn’t know anything about it. Maybe 1 in 20,000 or 1 in 45,000 – it would only have been discovered by chance during other tests.
Hermaphrodites also have a society. It was covered (by Radio National, mostly run by communists) on the same wavelength. Quite a short effort, essentially they said “we’re not trannies and we choose to dress one way or another but are not activists; our society is just to share information.” If you work out the percentages there’s more than just a handful [it was across N. America but the numbers would be similar for Europe I guess] and they’re very thinly distributed.
I don’t suppose Dawn Butler’s for sale, is she?
It takes a lot of talking shit to talk out of an arse as big as Dawn’s yet somehow she manages it.
Next time I deliver a baby and the parents ask what it is, I’ll just say ‘Take your pick’
Fucking woke trollop.
Charles Addams cartoon: Strikingly bizarre couple and midwife in a hospital ward. Woman’s in bed and holding something in a blanket. Midwife: “Congratulations! It’s a baby”
She love da fried chiggun,man…