David Abel

Entitled, bald, boomer cunt who’s been live streaming his ‘ordeal’ of being quarantined in a luxury cruise liner off Japan, yesterday made a pathetic plea to be brought back to Britain, whingeing he’s ‘never felt less loved by his country’. This twat is the epitome of selfishness. Did this rejoiner not see Star Trek II, ‘the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one’?


And today the Government has been proved totally correct, as Davie has been diagnosed with the Coronavirus, but now he’s claiming it’s a conspiracy and naturally he’s being persecuted for his activism.

Throw the cunt overboard he won’t be missed.

Admin note: Take a look at this for a ‘conspiracy theory’. The cunt’s a fucking actor!


Nominated by Agent Double-O Shagga

104 thoughts on “David Abel

  1. It mentioned in the original article on the BBC that they were offered to be tested and if infected could leave and go to a Japanese hospital. They declined and demanded they be picked up by plane and taken to a English speaking hospital only.

    Pompous arrogant selfless boomer couple who are the epitome of that meme, and just wanted to be the victim’s.

    Glad they caught it and hope they end up shitting themselves inside out .

    • The latest video shows them in a Japanese hospital. I can only think that it will take many years to repair diplomatic relations with the Land of the Rising Sun.

  2. All these cunts crying bout the corona virus, “boo hoo I got a sore stomach from drinking too much corona lager oh mummy it hurts” get a stiff upper lip you soft cunts or buy better beer

  3. This cunt should have been quarantined simply for the shirt he’s wearing. I’m fuckin’ sick of these idiot Brits abroad, who in times of trouble, expect the government to dig them out of the shit. If he’d purchased full insurance, I’m sure this would have covered repatriation. I’m sure I wouldn’t be far wrong if I said this cunt was a remainer. Only a remainer could be seen in public wearing that shirt.
    Fuck off you slap head.

    • Splendid job BBTC
      I’ve only watched this cunt once and didn’t make it past 30 seconds
      Looks like a cunt
      Dresses like a cunt
      Talks like a cunt
      Guess what ?

  4. Fortunately he is not wholly dependent on his thespian appeal (pretty thin for a 74-y-o luvvie giving it large on his own website), but does this, too:


    He arranges weddings in exotic locations. Which might explain why, rather than remaining in the country which should be showing him love and attention, he was on a plague ship in the Pacific in the first place. Probably knocking on cabin doors in the wee small hours looking for custom. Cunt.

      • He is a mariage salesman with a fucking toupe, they dont come tackier, this cunt probably helps defluff the carpet, baldy, slaphead,cunt, make the cunt walk the plank,only problem with that is he,s so tacky he wont fall off the end and the same result if you try to keel haul the tacky cunt he will be stuck to the side of the boat.that why the prick hasnt been thrown overbourd …LAND HO…..

    • I read that too quick and I read it as specialised in “Luxury Weddings” and handfisting.

  5. What a fucking cunt, and fuck the media for indulging the cunt and to top it all they had his brat on the box as well!

    I have the TV on, Politics live, an all Wimminz panel, I bet there will Never be a time when it will be all male, BBC cunts. Discussing Weinstein, what else!

    • Confusus he say “Woman with skirt up run faster than man with pants down”.
      I’ve no doubt Weinstein was/is a dirty old bastard, but I’ve also little doubt that many of his “victims” are money-grubbing chancers.
      Wimmin, eh?

      • There were many who went to meetings in his hotel room, opens the door in his bath robe….. sensible girl would go what the fuck, turn round and walk away.

        Yes ‘meeting’ in his hotel room ….. yes he probably did overstep the mark but I don’t buy all the MeToo shit, I am sure some of these fuckers are just ‘high class’ prostitutes, how many other ‘powerful’ men did they fuck to get what they wanted.

      • Bang on Beernack, now they have furthered their careers they can save a little grace by pretending the didnt want to rub the winestain and i bet some probably did it more than once……wait i slipped and fell on his cock, oh spare me the cinism,im sorry im not buying it, you dont get to fuck your way through so many tarts unless you is offering good looks or lots of money……i will give you a clue its not for his looks….

    • What the fuck has Weinstein got to do with Politics Live? Typical BBC, get as much male bashing in as you can. Cunts.

  6. The arrogance of some fuckers is unbelievable, content with going on a cruise around Asia, but god forbid they have to use a Japanese hospital; where they only speak Japanese! What a fucking gonad. He looks like he’s knocking on a bit, let’s hope he makes a ‘full recovery’ from his flu.

  7. An extra. He thinks standing in the background of the Queen Vic yakking on the phone makes you big time. Fucking extras. Have a look at yourself, wanker.

    • My thoughts exactly….I bet he’s got loads of dirt on as many actors/politicians/judges as you like. What’re the odds that the CCTV in his cell will “fail” for half an hour, after which he’s found hanging from a doorknob by his own pants……

      • I went to the funeral of a friend. At the crem. Anyway, the guy who looked like the subject of this Nom was talking it and seemed to know him well. ‘And we all remember that time….’And he loved his music…’ Well yes, but I was thinking who is this fella? Anyway I asked my friend’s mother afterwards. He or they have a little ‘sit down’ with the grieving relatives and gleans from them little snippets of information they can use to make a speech or a commentary as the ceremony proceeds. What a job I thought-pretending to know someone…maybe a bit harsh this…but the ceremony was getting on and he was running out of things to say so fell back on ‘we’ll always have our memories’ ‘we have our memories…’
        Oh, press the button, PLEASE!!!

  8. Seriously tho there have already been proposed cures for the virus The arab world says fresh camel piss and milk, it has to be fresh camel piss tho you can’t cheat this virus by using old camel piss. India PM says cow shit n piss will do the trick lol i know right? and a sneaky smug brit say warm whisky and honey cured his corona virus after self quarantining himself. Really thoughtful actually cause he knew going to hospital would just possibly infect more people and nurses

    I think we all know the correct cure is the cow shit and piss combo hahaha no I’m just joking its the whisky honey one obviously go with Anglo-Saxon approved medicines

    • I’m waiting on the advice of that Indonesian scientist who says women shouldn’t go swimming because they can get pregnant by random sperm swimming about and funneling up their fannies. She obviously knows her stuff.

    • Thing I do not understand is that the place of origin has got a rather poor human rights record.
      I am surprised they haven’t been doing a bit of human testing “Mengele style” to push through the cure.

    • They may be correct….I’ve been quaffing 3 bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape and smoking 60 B&H every day, and I haven’t got it……..

  9. Admin he’s a wannabe actor but mainly a selfish moaning entitled cunt.
    He should be flown first class back to the UK and set free to infect suppose???
    Drop you egg headed creep.

  10. Look after yourself you useless cunt. What do you want SBS snatch squad. I bet he moaned his cabin window didn’t herds of wilderbeasts sweeping majestically…… Cunt

  11. Dave would be quite at home on a ‘cruise’ ship amongst the Abel bodied semen.
    For Christ’s sake who makes these up?

  12. Apparently, Dave was trouble on this cruise from the word go. He was the only one to complain that his room didn’t have a sea view.

  13. Well as an ‘actor’, he has certainly got his fifteen minutes of fame that he has probably been craving his entire life. …..and I bet he loves the whole ‘celibrant’ thing too. He can really amp up his dramatic speech about ‘love’, ‘devotion’ and the ‘sanctity of togetherness’ into Larry Olivier-esque warp factor 1000, daft cunt.

    Seems he disposed of his toupee whilst hold up on said cruise ship…..or perhaps it made its own bid for freedom away from the attention-seeking bellend it was attached to. Did he not get the memo that quarantine and isolation means you are kept away from others in order to contain this virus, and it is nothing personal?

    ‘Never felt less loved’?? – what a truly pathetic muppet.

    • Afternoon Nurse Cunty. If you take a look at Admin’s link at the top in the nom, old Dave seems to have a collection of toupees – white and his favourite seems to be a silver syrup.
      Staff have been searching for his wigs as he’s put in an insurance claim for them.They’ve turned two of them up but are still combing his cabin!

  14. Fuck this attention seeking cunt. I’d rather you get infected and die than spread this to one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Selfish fuck.

  15. I notice that Italy is doing very well on infections, that will teach them for being such touchy feelly cunts.
    Why grapple and kiss when a simple nod of the head will do.

    • Abso-fucking-lutley! The Japanese have got the right idea, I don’t need to shake hands with a cunt (fuck knows where those hands have been, good chance they’ve got poo on them) let alone make facial contact with a perfect fucking stranger – a polite bow in greeting is the way to go.

      BTW anyone’s who’s not seen the movie ‘Contagion’ from 2011 check it out, it’s a really good virus movie, very similar to this outbreak.

  16. Why didn’t we airlift him out and fly him back so he could spread it amongst us? We’re a right bunch of selfish bastards.

  17. Fucking moaning coffin dodger, maybe try a weekend in Jersey or Cornwall instead next time, support you’re own country, It might make us give a fuck then, what a self centred cunt!

    (Anyone know why Dick has gone?)

    • Perhaps Humberside Police have acted upon an allegation of crimes against gayness from Krav and nipped up the A1 to do their duty. Again.

  18. Best comment on youtube “Sorry mate, we got 66 million people living in the UK that we need to keep safe. Sorry we didn’t risk infected everyone back home for your own selfish needs.”

    Glad to see nearly twice as many thumbs down as thumbs up!

    What an absolute wanker!

  19. Fuck me they demand to be flown back from Tenerife now. The government is expected to do the job of the travel agent.
    I am keeping ‘across developments’ with Sky.

  20. My old dad said “should of bombed that cruiseship, blamed Russia!”
    An hes got a point, no coronavirus in UK then.
    Id of blamed Luxembourg, an retaliated.

      • Saw above. That’s certainly his modus operandi, from his own description. I think you were in the presence of the guru/shaman/wiccan/minister himself! Wouldn’t be surprised if he did a sideline in stage spiritualism as well….”I’m getting this very strong message…there’s someone here wearing odd socks…yes, Sir, it’s for you from your late Auntie Bella…”…etc.

    • Buddhist/celtic??
      One of the comments jp mcdunn called it ‘stone Hedge’.
      An most agreed it was both awesome and cool.

      • Yeah he’ll put on the Druidic vestments in the morning then rush back to put his Utilitarian gown on then just enough time for his suit to squeeze a last one in at the crem’.

      • Yeah he kept saying as well ‘ ‘we must move on, we must move on’ I took that to mean in a spiritual sense. But no, glancing at his watch ‘we must move on’ to the next stiff.

  21. This cunt looks like a pool ball with ears, nobody give a fuck what you think pool ball, you have arrive on a disease carrying ship and you stay on it until your safe to allow off, if you die in the mean time you obviously were not safe to allow off the boat, now shut the fuck up slap head and be gratefull you havnt been buried at see….stupid cunt…..he may still be a risk even now, nit enough is known about Corona virus yet, house arrest for this twat for 5 years in my opinion, if it was down to me this cunt would be having a long swim….

  22. This publicity seeking cunt got what he deserved. To wrapped up in his own self importance to think he would ever get the virus . Stupid cunt

  23. A 74 year old snowflake; I thought that they couldn’t exist. He gives us old bastards a bad name. Fuck Off!

    • Always been snowflakes ol boy .
      The difference is that the percentage in your day was below 10%, now I believe it’s In the 50-60% range.

  24. You can’t leave me in this luxury cruise prison, I’m a f’ing SHAKESPEAREAN actor!!

    (I nominate Patrick Stewart for the next one. Possible topics include new star trek he’s in, his pro-EU credentials, his general cunty behaviour)

  25. Nominated for (Funeral) Celebrant of the Year 2013, no less –

    (http://www.) mynewsdesk.com/uk/deadsocial/pressreleases/deadsocial-shortlisted-for-the-best-internet-bereavement-resource-award-at-the-good-funeral-awards-894243

    You may also enjoy:
    The Eternal Slumber Award for Coffin Supplier of the Year, and
    Best Alternative to a Hearse, categories.

    Hmm. Roller blades suggest themselves.

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