Like most, if not all posters to ISAC, I’d never heard of this non-entity until I saw, in the current television guide, a programme hosted by this imbecile called, ‘Bring back the bush: Where did our pubic hair go?’ This will be shown by Channel 4, naturally. This is where the above mentioned nominee ‘explores our relationship with pubic hair, challenging herself and her peers to grow it out and reveal their naked, natural bodies to the world at an exhibition’.
Further evidence of her cuntitude is shown by the fact that she started #SaggyBoobsMatter, challenging the convention that women with large breasts must wear a bra if their breasts sag. She also says that she has been inspired by, amongst others, Munroe Bergdorf, that arch race baiter, formerly nominated to ISAC some time ago. She also describes herself as an ‘influencer’ AKA a self-important, self- aggrandising cunt, who makes money from the cunts who follow her bullshit.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
If women want to brandish their saggy tits and grow hair all over their bodies that’s fine.
They will them protest that civilised men won’t touch them with a barge poll.
It’s choice ladies, you make the choice to be unattractive to men and men will choose the women that make the most of what they have.
Follow the fruitcake? No thanks.
The question is why.
Why would any sane TV channel want to make a program about silly cunts growing a bush, shaving a bush or indeed that anyone else would give a fuck.
It’s probably cos she is black, make any old shit to give black people a platform, prepare for more shit like this.
Fucking hell, so the only thing this cunt has going for her is a shite tv appearance , a big gob and babana tities that look like spaniels ears, she needs to wear a bra of they will trip her up, still i suppose she can throw them over her shoulders so they only reach her knees on the back side….,if ever a boob job was required she is the poster girl for that and not to mention the brillo pad beaver as well.
This explains why some times its better to wank, at least you can picture in your mind someone wankworthy, or the flip side of the coin, when your shagging and trying to last an extra minute think of this tart and you wont arrive quite so quickley as long as she dosnt ruin your wood…….
I think I must be out of step with the gentlemen on here as I love a bit of bush. I have put the new fashion for defoliation must be as a result of man made global warming and the climate emergency. I can understand that ladies like to keep their nether regions cool but I think the aesthetics lose a little something.
For some reason all I can think of is a National Geographic documentary I saw the other day….. can’t think why
Moderation – bah!! Must learn to avoid the c*m word even if it’s buried within another word…..
Shes only young but her tits are 30yrs older than her? Like 2 cricket balls in socks?
Anyway, like Wanksock im not opposed to a bit of bush, not keen on bald ones, seems a bit Jimmy saville,
But if her bush is like the hair on her head? Gonna need a strimmer or a machete, looks like shes auditioning for the jackson 5.
more like you’d need a team of boys on the bushknives and a foreman with a compass
With the spin off group “I stole grandma’s tits”!
Oh please , what happened to lady like behaviour and decorum?
I’m off to my time machine so I can go back to a more civilized time .
Horrible talentless cunt.
Time machine back to when women had pubic hair, normal eyebrows and weren’t orange.
…and they read books, didn’t plaster themselves in makeup, and wanted to be treated like ladies not lads.
Channel4 is pathetic. Producing cheap, boring, shit programs all from a woke perspective aimed at a generation that dont watch telly. Go woke go broke.
Yep. I cunted it recently but for nought as it didn’t make the cut (I think admin are out to get me)
Recent cuntings have concentrated too much on deformed women too much for my taste. Presumably this vacuum-brained clown spends her time jumping up and down with weights attached to her udders. But she’s not the real cunt. The real cunts are the broadcasters and their lowest-common-denominator output.
Oh wow, you’re such an inspiration; daring to show the world that you’re afflicted with the growth of pubic hair! You’re in a tiny minority group that consists of, you know, you and every other single adult human being on the fucking planet! Well done, have a banana.
Yeah and get back on the boat and fuck off. Here’s some fried chicken and water melon to tempt you.
Cunt .
The gallon of Um-Bongo, don’t forget the Um-Bongo!
They drink it in the Congo, don’t you know! (Christ, can you imagine the fuss if that advert got shown today)
Why the fuck do adverts ask for money for water in Africa when they’ve got Um-bongo?
Exactly Mog? After all the hippo’s hard work with the apricots, guavas and mangoes too. No pleasing some people
Reminds me of this Back to Africa initiative:
Opinionated me-me-me gobshite needs a damn good thrashing.
She looks like prime C4 material.
On most other channels, she’s be relegated to a supporting role in a PG Tips advert.
I don’t mind saggy tits and bush, but this attention-seeking cunt can fuck right off. And as we have pornography freely available there really is no need to make this sort of programme any more.
Yeah the days have long gone of watching Eurotrash on a Friday night and knocking a sly Barclays out, due to lack of “inspiration”
I like a bit of bush and I also like a bit of porn.
Oh man Eurotrash! Back when Europe was still exotic and weird before the EU got stuck in and homogenised everything.
I recall my surprise in finding that German girls had hairy armpits in the 1980’s,
I also recall my surprise in discovering that Slavonian women grew more facial hair than me when they pass 40 years.
I wonder if “Bring back the bush” will cover that aspect too?
Ugly fucking saggy titted cow. Another freak show from channel fucking 4. Excuse me if I don’t rush to watch this slag showing off her fanny. For fucks sake, who watches this shit?
Bearded croc-wearing soyboy cuck fuckwit cockless wankers, probably.
Shifty workshy vaping hipsters watch nonsense such as this – when not playing Fortnite and throwing their vegan dinner at Mum’s telly when they lose!
Her saggy tits remind me of an old joke, which I’ll paraphrase for the sake of brevity.
White boy Dave is envious of Winston’s massive todger. “How do you get a cock like that Winston?”, asks Dave.
“Well man, I hang weights on it each night and it gets longer “. Hmm, thinks Dave, I’ll try that.
2 weeks later, Winston meets Dave and asks how the cock-lengthening is going.
“Well mate, I’m half-way there. It’s turned black!”.
I thank yew – I’ll get my coat….
Similarly, Dave sees Winston’s huge knob, when having a pee. “How the fuck do you have such a large knob?” says Dave. “I steeps it in beans” says Winston. “What kind of beans?” says Dave. “Human beings” says Winston
This crap on TV, it’s fucking woke so fine, just listened to a piece on the TV about another Advert banned by the ASA.
ONE complaint about a Pretty Little Thing advert, some sexy bird wearing sexy clothes, yep they are selling sexy/fashion clothing… where is the problem!
World gone mad!
I watched some crap film on “Talking Pictures TV’ last week, and the basic premise seemed to be lots of shots of a very tidy Raquel Welch’s arse in a bikini. Bring back the good old days.
So another cunt makes a cunt out if herself on TV?
Luckily she’s a dark key so it’s guaranteed to be excellent.
Fuck me who dreams up this fucking rubbish?
We need more diversity – where are the white presenters on this bush snaggling nonsense? And the gay Men? and the disabled? No representation for dead people I notice,where are the corpses?
Because it’s all about diversity – which in Latin means “K*ll waycist whitey”! – Probably..
More diversity – more white Men!
When my missus let her’s grow out, it was like going down on Don King’s head….
Unlike the BAFTAS and Oscar’s etc where white, woke uber PC shit heads whine about the lack of diversity, I notice that more and more entries on IAC are diverse.
So in the field of films, the talent lies with the whites and the ignorant pricks in life are diverse and multicultural who spend their time wasting energy on subjects that really do not matter.
Talent has no colour. Diversity is another way of saying “marginalise whitey”, inclusivity means “whitey out”, political correctness is anti white Man f*scism disguised as manners. “Positive discrimination” means discrimination – against whitey
A black actor gets an undeserved award because they are black? That is as fair as having a race and the Man/Woman.he/she/beast thing at the back wins – ‘cos otherwise it’s waycist etc.
Crock of utter f*cking shite.
That is all.
No, not quite..
That is now all.
^this, quotas are a sure fire way of reducing standards, its inescapable. Nine out of ten computer science students are male, similar stats in most “STEM” subjects, bring in 50:50 gender employment quotas and the law of averages states you’re missing out on 85 percent of the best people for the job.
Pedicures are the manifestation of male oppression and must be banned. Wearing heels, lipstick and shaving body hair are patriarchal constructs and must be banned. I get my strength from within and do not need to bathe because that is social conditioning. I choose therefore I stink!
This utter tripe is easy to invent. No doubt if I posted crap like that on Twatter it would get 5 million likes and a billion re-tweets and I would be on the cover of Time within days.
Channel 4 can fuck off.
Take away the rouged up mask of deceit? The predominantly female led and astonishingly profitable fashion (Because let’s face it gals – if you can afford our overhyped sh*t then you have the means to be worth it, so you are!) industry won’t like that, because they have spent forever convincing the gullible and narcissistic they are nothing without a few hundred quids worth of their “so special Pwincess” artificial paint and attachments!
And they call Men stupid..
This lot aren’t deceiving anyone!
C, I’ve seen some dogs in my time, these are…ruff! 😀
If the bush in her pants is as big as the bush on her head. Wow!
I’s time there was a backlash against shaving vaginas. A bare crack isn’t something I’m eager to look at. The growth doesn’t have to be as abundant as Jenny Agutter’s in Walkabout, as long as it covers the wrinkly bits.
Trimmed for me please.
Jesus, look at the droopy swingers on that! Like a pair of tights with an orange in each foot. If she wanted to put a bra on, she would have to roll them up like pastry.
Used to be that women had hair down to their waist and their tits stuck out. She’s got it completely the wrong way round.
UGH! (The picture!) By the way, just tried a plain ‘ugh’ and was told my comment was too short. WTF!
The saggy tits I get, no problem at all, but why oh why the ridiculous fucking hair? It’s obscene the cunt.
Whilst I have no wish to Egg-‘er-on, I do find the current penchant for the shaven look at tad irksome. What was the old adage ? If there’s grass on the pitch ?
As to saggy bangers, I must declare that I have, on occasion, engaged in horizontal activity with a similarly be-titted behemoth, during which, when on her back, said pendulous milkers slopped either side of the good lady and settled under her armpits leaving behind a fairly flat chest.
Not a particularly comely look…
Why anyone would be remotely interested in a ladies gentalia is a mystery for me.
Like the Bermuda triangle or something from your perspective eh Krav? ?
Yeah Krav, fully agree. I told my missus years ago that now the kids bit is done and dusted it’s the arsehole only from now on; less raggedy flappy bits hanging around. Thankfully the dorty hooer has been well up for stinkhole play. Fucking cunt!
Words fail me with this one.
This sounds very nasty indeed.
Isolate it.
Spray it with copious amounts of Jeyes Fluid.
Feck me, it’s a bird…
All these mixed race women in the media with afros are invariably photographed doing some whacky gurning pose. Makes it hard to even begin to take them seriously.
That’s not even her own Afro. Obviously a wig. And not even her natural colouring.
Oh how very “natural”
Hypocritical cunt.
Wife and I watched this bollox…waste of an hour of our lives.
Thought that we were going to see some wide open growlers…instead just got a glimpse of a couple of spider’s legs sticking out from a smelly gusset.
The programme purported to be cutting edge…more like loose women attending a church fete.
How ugly is this fucking guerilla?!
Boring cross eyed cunt ….makes Stacey Dooley look like Alan Whicker.
Fuck off you stinking skidmark.
I posted on her Instagram “, whats the plan? reversing evolution to the state of being a primate?…..another trend to encourage women into being unattractive along with the donut gob jobs,tattoos and encouraging flab….two out comes 1 will blokes turn ‘Stoke on Trent’ or 2 a life time of doing George Formby impersonations watching online bongo clips….