Baroness Scotland (4)

A well-deserved cunting for Dominican-born, Labour peer, Secretary General of Her Majesty’s Commonwealth, Baroness Scotland.

Dubbed ‘Baroness Shameless’, this nasty piece of work has used the role, and public funds, to bung money to her friends like fellow Labour peer, Lord Kamlesh Patel of Bradford. She hired his company (which has has Patel’s wife Yasmin as its only other director), for lucrative publicly-funded roles, despite him having no experience and not putting the contract out to tender (instructing her deputies to fill out a form waiving the usual competitive tendering rules) and the audit not being able to figure out what they actually do. She hired a pair of friends as assistants, paying them a mere £32k per month, did the usual champagne-socialist bit of spending, including £33k for paint in renovating her grace-and-favour Mayfair home, all-in-all spending £590k of the UK’s foreign aid budget on her six-storey pad.

And this is the problem with filling roles as box-ticking exercises and why it’s bad for business and public life. She’s obviously corrupt, was hired almost certainly because she’s the right-on sex and colour, and is not unlike lots of other useless nepotists. But where we would expect others to face the chop, she’s supported by the Caribbean countries (funny that), the UK hasn’t taken action against her, and it’s taken New Zealand to withdraw Commonwealth funding, rightly regarding this smug bint to be a cronyistic parasite…the type you’d expect from a tin pot banana republic, to force the issue of her continued employment at our expense.

Nominated by Dr Shagga and His Cunt Munching Machine

55 thoughts on “Baroness Scotland (4)

  1. What a fucking slag! Her and her mates are just taking the fucking piss. Stinking foreigners, and our own home grown cunts, helping themselves to our money. Fuck them, the fucking cunts. These wankers need sorting. I’m fucking angry.

  2. Apparently there is an integrity test for people nominated to the House of Lords.

    I assume you have to fail it to get your peerage.

      • Unbelieveable isn’t it, Ruffers? Methinks it’ll cause a huge public and political outcry if that shifty little cunt gets a peerage.

  3. Just add her to the list of “The Great and Good” in this Country who are allowed to circumvent the law. Politicians,”Businessmen”,Royals have long been allowed to treat taxpayer money as a bottomless pit available for them to misappropriate.

    She’s used the Race card….most don’t even need bother to do that. They aren’t even pulled up on it,or just have a “quiet word” to smooth things over.

    We used to laugh at “Tin-pot” Countries who allowed their “Leaders” to bleed the coffers dry….we are now no better.

    PS…What is it with fucking Barristers? We never seem to read about one bar he/she is a Cunt.

  4. **Edited for naughty word.
    Just add her to the list of “The Great and Good” in this Country who are allowed to ignore the law. Politicians,”Businessmen”,Royals have long been allowed to treat taxpayer money as a bottomless pit available for them to misappropriate.

    She’s used the Race card….most don’t even need bother to do that. They aren’t even pulled up on it,or just have a “quiet word” to smooth things over.

    We used to laugh at “Tin-pot” Countries who allowed their “Leaders” to bleed the coffers dry….we are now no better.

    PS…What is it with fucking Barristers? We never seem to read about one bar he/she is a Cunt

  5. She should stick to usual colonial job roles:I’ve on down the bus” or “do you need a bed pan?” or my favourite: “I wanna see the wing guvnor: we ain’t be unlocked all morning”.


    Ole man river.

  6. £590k of the UK foreign aid budget…..

    That’s roughly $1.2million NZ, and as I’d be classed as foreign, can I please get some of this action? A new car and house would be nice.

    • Are you an alcoholic,unemployed Maori lesbian?….shouldn’t be a bother if you are.

      • Alcoholic almost and the rest of it I could be, given the right course of treatment. Otherwise I’m royally fucked.

    • Another greedy, corrupt, bends the rules to suit, titled cunt.
      Never enough slop in the trough for these type.
      Takes the piss, takes public monies that could be spent on british people.
      Why do we tolerate these people?

      • Evening everyone. I’ll take your wet and cold over our hot and humid please as its like a fucking sauna over here and the wife is NOT happy. Her hair just boofs up making her look like a budget Leo Sayer.

      • She wouldn’t want to be here,KiwiCunt. I’ve been out to feed the horses and the loose boxes are not far off flooding…bunged the horses out before the poor sods are forced to swim for it.

      • That sounds a bit much Dick. As the poor old dear can’t swim too well I guess I’ll keep her here for now.
        On the plus side, her looking like a 70s style microphone does give me plenty to laugh at.

        Hope all is well and flooding doesn’t occur ?

      • You are lucky KC – Mrs. Boggs looks like a poor impression of Ken Dodd.

        This Scotland bitch is a serial offender – the female version of Keith Jim Vaz.

      • Morning Dick, yeah! For once they got it right, bracing to say the least this wind,
        Be fair bit of damage done by time its finished,
        Dog doesnt seem keen to go for a walk!?

      • I’m hoping that the council ring me about a blown tree…often happens when it’s been as rough as last night….they’re good payers.

      • Every cloud etc, yes should give you a bit of work this!
        Ive blacklisted our Council, they are terrible payers, takes threats of legal action to get them to pay,
        More stress than its worth.
        In fact know a few tradesmen who wont do work for the council,
        Stockport Council are cheeky cunts to say the least.

      • Because this country is infested with cunts who are obsessed with
        Political correctness
        Virtue signaling
        Foreign aid
        Apologising for our history
        Hating our country

        Baroness Scotland is just the tip of a huge titanic sinking shitty iceberg!!
        Will this swamp every get drained?
        Doubt it with so many cunts around that support this kind of crap…….

      • Camilia Batmanghelidjh another shining example of absolute cuntitude
        Or the “ angel of Peckham” as those fucking wankers at the guardian named her…..
        I’m sure she only avoided a prison sentence as they couldn’t find a cell big enough to house the fat fucker …..
        thieving parasite……..

      • I had forgotten all about that greedy fat sack of shit in her rainbow rags Quizzers. If they did attempt to ‘drain the swamp’ of public money parasites, she would undoubtedly block the plughole.

      • This fucker denied everything, any old Cunt darkey were turning up and getting hand outs, kids company were awarded £3 million by Cameron (against advice) a week before it was closed down.

      • I often wondered just exactly what she had on the pig fucking cunt Cameron.
        Nothing seemed to be too much trouble, no expense too great, there was something very, very odd about the whole scenario.
        The fat scamming bitch seems to be keeping a low profile currently, no mean feat, considering her gargantuan, multi coloured bulk.
        There’s no end of Cunts living it large on the public tit. The Garden Bridge fiasco for example, Joanna Lumley had a jolly time on that particular ‘ project ‘. Boris shelled out forty odd million on that shit, all for a bit of celebrity cunt sniffing. And they said the Krays were criminals.
        Get To Fuck.

      • Say what you like about Camilla Batman jelly, shes a elegant dresser!!
        Love the turban and jester rags,
        Some fashion is timeless…..

  7. Another thieving cunt laughing all the way to the bank because of disgracefully inept oversight.
    And being an unbelievably smug sack of shite.
    Heydrich the bitch.

  8. Dawn Butler doing the rounds on media interviews, just on Sophie Ridge.
    Put aside the fact shes black, shes a labour party member,
    Shes still thick as shite!
    Completely detached from reality!
    Jeremy Corbyn was a good leader, their policies were great, they are not anti semitic, john Bercow should get a peerage, oh an shes a black woman dont you know?
    Wouldnt of known if she hadnt mentioned it 20 times in a 10minute interview.
    Today would be a good day for you first hang gliding lesson Dawn,
    Take Baroness Scotland with you.

  9. Why is it when i hear the phrase, British nationals, as in ‘we are bringing a plane load of British nationals back from China, that you just suspect that none of them will look or sound actual British or be called Tom Smith or Alf Robinson?

  10. It’s ironic that the tendering process for the manufacture of our UK passports was above board – the contract going to a French company who will now make them in Poland.

    • Can you imagine any other Government on the planet that only gives work to companies in their own country as a last resort? Then the fuckers complain that people can’t get a job because companies in this country are closing down. There is an argument that we should have stayed in the EU because that way we would have had a foreign government running our country, on the same basis. Perhaps we could tender out our armed forces to the lowest foreign bidder.

  11. It gets my hackles up each time another story about bent bloody politicians or public figure breaks. Don’t they make enough anyway? Their inflated salaries and endless perks, plus how they’re often the ones who award themselves pay rises or extra funding anyway ought to have them grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Instead they’re usually just smirking like a backstreet moof.

    Fucking greedy cunts.

    Chucking it down over here. Heatwave last week. Cunt weather, too.

    • I am pleased he is seeing interviewed, the more people see him they will realise what an arrogant, patronising, bullying, little cunt he is. I am amazed no- one has decked him.
      He has a book out, after an amazingly indecent period, the more interviews he does the fewer he will sell.

  12. Apparently the calls to have Scotland removed, quite predictably, have turned into a waycism issue.

    Butler is similar to the character in Dick’s avatar, but a dark key one that sniffs out any perception of racism, genuine or not. A sort of Prejudice-finder General, if you will.

    I would love to send both Butler and Scotland to Jamaica on a Yardie fact finding mission.


    • There was a lot about this bloody woman on the GF website. I seem to remember she had illegal immigrants working as her domestic staff. GF seemed to think the HMQ would have nothing to do with her.

  13. Right I’m fucking done with working,and you all should be too.
    It’s our duty as British citizens to get as much out of the state as possible so there is less or nothing for these cunts.
    I’m fucking sick if us being fleeced by our own government then they add insult to injury and give it away to foreigners and other countries.
    Not a fucking penny of our money should go to any foreigner or country.

    Utter utter cunts.

    • The phrase ‘playing the system like a slot machine’ comes to mind. Doesn’t take them long to figure it out. Pigs and troughs. Why do we sit back and allow this to happen?

      • Seems no matter who is in power they never stop the gravy train.

        Cunts. Get to fuck .

  14. Another thieving barrister. Probably goes without saying, but she’s a creation of Blair. First got her snout in the taxpayer trough in 1999 and it’s remained deeply embedded ever since.

  15. I’m from Doncaster area and a few years ago a’lot of the top Donny council got sent to jail for a similar thing , they called it the Donnygate scandel . I’m wondering to myself if the same will happen to these to especially her and if she gets stripped of her title. I for one as i’m guessing maybe a’lot of you are thinking because she is black will it get pushed under Kamlesh Patel’s flying carpet.

    • Good nom DS – Baroness Scotland? Must have been a f*cking sunny part of Scotland she was brought up in!
      Shifty as loose sand this one, “vermin in ermine” springs to mind.
      Is there one person in our Country in a position of authority who is not a shifty, greedy on the take c*nt? (NO!)
      We laugh at the outrageous examples of corrupt foreign leaders, ours are just as bad.
      Currently gale force winds and torrential rain in sunny Yorkshire – reminds me of summer it does!

  16. again I am to liberal for this place, if she spent 500+k of foreign aid on her house, I tend to think of it as redirection of funds back in to the UK.
    I am rather hoping that she employed Bob the builder, Pete the painter and Paul the plumber for the work, and they in turn locally sourced materials.
    If she employed Pavlo the painter, Boris the builder and Pauli the plumber, well it is not so good but it is still foreign aid isn’t it ?

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