Asad Khan

A nomination for Asad Khan, who visited shops in North Yorkshire, accompanied by his young son, to try and trick them into paying out money for fake injuries. Basically this twat pretended to slip and fall to claim compensation.

In one incident at a discount store, CCTV captured Khan initially walking past a spillage but looking back and noticing it.
He continued walking but made his way back towards the spill up another aisle, before attempting his fall. A member of staff who dealt with Khan at a pet shop said in her statement that he had broken English and said to her, “I slip, accident, book”, and proceeded to write, “I slip now” in their log book. When Khan was interviewed about each incident, he refused to answer several questions and didn’t clarify the extent of his injuries, or whether he attended hospital.

Police began investigating Khan after receiving referrals from Allianz Insurance and Covea Insurance. In June 2016, Khan submitted a claim to Allianz, stating that he’d been shopping at a discount store and slipped on a spillage in one of the aisles, resulting in injuries to his back, leg and hand. A year later, in July 2017, Khan submitted a claim to Covea and told them he’d slipped on some water in a pet shop. However, in both incidents, CCTV showed Khan fell in a deliberate and controlled manner, and walked out displaying no signs of any injuries.

Khan was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court on January 31st, after pleading guilty to one count of fraud by false representation.
He was handed a 10-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months, ordered to pay £940 in costs and received sixty hours unpaid work.
Any chance he’ll fake an injury doing his unpaid work, or try to claim compensation for sixty hours of work without being paid?

Nominated by Mystic Maven



55 thoughts on “Asad Khan

  1. Don’t these thick cunts realise that their very name sets alarm bells ringing?
    Apparently not.

  2. If he does go to prison, he should be careful not to slip in the showers, although, he looks a bit too grown-up for his fellow Khan inmates to be grooomed and mólested.

    Slippery, brown cunt.

    • Being originally from Pompey I took more interest than usual in this incident. A small fortune will be spent on them whilst in prison and even more will be spent on trying to remove them from the U.K. afterwards. How can anyone argue that such cunts should remain in this country?

  3. This guy is small fry……

    In the news today, a bunch of umbongo types jailed for fraud and seven more p Stanley types found guilty of guilty of rape/grooming in Huddersfield…….

    But that is racist, we need to do more to understand what is happening and in the meantime best keep it quiet and focus on some cunt at the Brits saying the PM is racist, much more newsworthy.

    This Khan guy is a cunt, he and his like think they can get away with it because they know the ‘white establishment’ are always worried about appearing racist.

    On a lighter note and made me laugh, Caroline Lucas is under investigation for running a cash for tours scam! (not the actual charge but if the press can add a little spice so can I)


    • Oh yes, any terrorist cunt can have a trip around Parliament as long as you’ve got 150 quid to bung to the pumpkin headed saviour of the planet. Fuck off back to Brighton you money grabbing bitch.

      • She certainly looks as if she has fallen on her arse this time. It makes my day when the holier than thou brigade reveal their true colours.

  4. Might try this,
    Ill do it in a mosque, slippery those tiled floors in just your socks eh?
    No signs up warning of slippery surface!
    Not in English anyway.
    Allah is merciful, an has deep pockets.

    • You might bump your forehead in a mosque, actually all the regulars do. seasoned Mecca bobbers have a discolouration like a bruise right in the middle of the forehead, some even develop calluses there.

      • Dont know why they hold bingo halls in such high regard anyway?
        Mecca bingo?……

        Ill walk, taxis wont pick me up anymore….. ?

      • Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and eyes down for Islam Bingo…

        Number of virgins………………..Number 72
        How many brides……………………Number 4
        She’s getting married in the morning….Aged 9

  5. Sixty hours work? That could kill the Joe Daki cunt. Watch him go to his doctor (also called Khan) and suddenly develop a disability.
    Anyone called Khan should be deported, starting with Suckdick.

  6. The libtards will probably defend cunts like this saying that the shop keepers are at fault and that their CCTV cameras are only ever switched on when there’s Parkin Stanleys around; but switched off when its mighty whitey blah blah

  7. This utter cunt should be top of the government’s new immigration list.
    He can’t speak English and is unemployed.
    Deport the parasite double time.


  8. I would have gladly helped this cunt out by kicking the fucker hard in the gonads and spilling some tomato sauce, thus creating an unfortunate slip (and a writhe on the floor)

    Plus, the tomato sauce would add special effects as ‘blood’.

    Fucking pathetic ethnic.

    • ‘special effects’

      That comes from the knowledge you aquired during your acting days Nurse Cunty? Me and Miserable were having a conversation the other day and the John the Baptist came up. Set me thinking have you ever thought of bringing Oscar Wilde’s ‘Salome’ to the the stage? With you as the star? I am sure you would really inhabit the part. In those ancient opulent surroundings, the mysterious music you perform -‘the dance of the seven veils’ I can see it Nurse Cunty….yes fawning round King Herod whispering in his ear and he in turn whispering to you ‘what is it you want Salome?’ And you replying in a fierce petulant voice ‘the head of The Baptist!’. I can see you now, like this –

      Oh do it Nurse Cunty, I beg of you.

      • Fiddler would make a good Herod Miles!
        We could do a ISAC stage play?
        You can be producer!
        Headless Bethan could be John the Baptist!


      • BWC is Polynesian ,
        Hes from ‘Tongue her’…
        On fire tonight.
        Blunty i want a refund for this joke book!!!

      • Cor, MNC, that reminded me, I haven’t seen Headless Behan’s name mentioned in a while. 🙂

        P.s I hope The Fine Young Cannibals find Johnny some day.

      • Indeed Miles. Why waste money on posh fake blood when you can get down Lidl and DIY for a chirpy cheap cheap price!

        Ooh, I’d love to have a crack at ‘Salome’ (not literally of course. I don’t swing that way)

        I’d have to lose a few pounds for the dance bit though, as I am not sure it would have the same effect with tablecloths…..

  9. Ah yes a Porkastai doing fraudulent claims again. Scamming, goat fucking khunts the lot of them.

  10. This country is fucked, period, it’s full of the worlds filth and scum and has basically just become a landfill for all the worlds unwanted and filth. There’s only one way to get rid of all the filth perverts child molesters , rapists , lefties , immigrants ,racist blacks and any other cunt who moans and tries to take this country for a ride. A bit of good old fashioned genocide .

  11. I don’t like the sound of him. Foreign criminals all qualify for deportation.

    For his next fake accident claims I suggest he jumps in front of fast moving traffic on the fast lane of any British motorway.

  12. Hopefully there will be a “peaceful” plane soon with a seat for Mr Khan reserved, alongside the rest of his nefarious countrymen, to take them to whatever shithole from whence they came!

    Don’t worry, we won’t split up their families, plenty of room for those cunts on the plane too!


    • HubbardAir might lend a double-decker plane or two.
      Roof-racks on top, nice bit of air-conditioning.

  13. This is a small victory. I am reminded of the film ‘Zulu’ shoot one, two , twenty of the buggers but you may well run out of ammunition. Actually, the Zulu warrior was a fine adversary; cannot imagine them claiming benefits but to times change.

      • I’ll bet he also knows how many terrified 12 Year old white girls he can fit in the boot.
        Saw a news report about the latest lot of muslim p*edoplhiles imprisoned for the gang r*pe of white children – not a word about their names, no photos of the guilty and of course not a word about the “religion” they subscribe to.
        Had that been white Men..

  14. Typical behaviour of work shy cunts with this type of name, dirty parasites who I wish didn’t exist.!

  15. Never heard of a thieving, scamming Nigerian called Kahn before must be a Roma, pikey, parki cunt.

  16. We once had a case in Sheffield that made the news a few years back. A car pulled out in front of a bus so the bus driver slammed on his brakes to avoid a collision. Obviously this made the bus lurch forward. About 30 Parking Stanley’s claimed whiplash. After Police investigation they found out it was a deliberate act arranged by the car driver and the bus passengers to obtain money by deception. These fuckers have no shame.
    By the way, totally off track here but just watched Basic Instinct again tonight. Never get tired of seeing Sharon Stone’s muff. Over 60 now is Shazza but still worth one (or five).

    • Get to fuck, she was a piece of snatch in the early 90’s but has been a repulsive harridan for at least 20 years! Time, and Leftism, can do funny things to a woman, even Helen Hunt was super cute in the late 80’s and what fucking crone she shortly became.

      • Your right Agent she has become a bit of cunt since the 90’s. Just brought back memories of when I was 17 and saw her snatch when I saw the film at the cinema. When I was 17 I’d fuck a catchers mitt given half a chance.

  17. I’d like that cunt to try that trick on a busy railway platform “ well officer, he slipped and I tried to help him up, but he just rolled off onto the tracks, honest guv”.

  18. Ah yes, the old ‘crash for cash’ scam. Funnily enough, these were (or maybe still are) commonplace in Luton, as I used to live near there. You could go on the M1 without seeing those dusky cunts in their halloween costumes on the hard shoulder with their cars’ hazard lights on. The fucking cunts.

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