Another Cultural Enriched Cunting

Another cultural enriched cunting this time for the Huddersfield seven, convicted at Leeds Crown Court, Four have been named, but for some reason, three have not for ‘legal reasons’….. God knows why.

Six have been sentenced to a total of 55 years, the seventh is still to be sentenced. What do these seven citizens have in common and what have they done to deserve the 55 years plus? Well I don’t think anyone on ISAC will need more than one guess. They are all Asian – I would also suspect of Pakistani origin –  and have been convicted of grooming, raping and distributing young girls from the age of 12.

Cultural enrichment seems to be a continuing theme, Asian (Pakistani) men have no regard for white female children, it seems to be irrefutable, so why aren’t the media calling this out every time the woke cry ‘diversity is our strength’? The answer? I have no idea, but anyone who does is labelled Far Right. The truth doesn’t matter in our multicultural Britain.


Nominated by Sick of it

79 thoughts on “Another Cultural Enriched Cunting

  1. Although this news item appears on the BBC news site, it’s buried in the regional section, and is not worthy of a front page headline.

    Moreover the story makes no mention of their ethnic origin, so clearly they’re “British”

    I wonder what the Guardian opinion-writers would have to say about it? Probably nothing at all because it doesn’t follow their blinkered narrative, unless of course it was white men raping young girls – then that would be headline news!

  2. It’s said colonials are a generation or three behind the home country. Seeing the situation in the Home Islands now it makes me shudder at what we’re in for. The libtards are gaining influence and making us endure the undesirables, I’ll hopefully have dropped off by then and hope for those that remain will prefer the second best choice as a Chinese dominion, whom don’t tolerate such bollocks.
    I’d have been rightfully locked up or hung for such defeatist talk in my grandparents time.

  3. Hang on! As disgusted as I am by these curry munching scum I am distraught that no one gives a fuck that a friend of David Lammy died in the fire at Grenfell tower. Come on admin,get your fucking priorities right.

    As for the Home Secretary: Fucking ace! Right wing, no nonsense and not afraid to upset snowflakes….

  4. I take it the scum not named for *legal reasons* are under 17 and therefore “minors” – in my opinion if you commit an adult crime, whether you are 7 or 70 you should be named the same as anyone else.

    Or facing other charges.

      • Probably insurance fraud, when these cunts aren’t raping a and grooming they are staging fake accidents to screw insurance money.

  5. Amongst the many disturbing things about this case, the most alarming is the possibility that at least one of the girls involved, was raped by up to 300 men.
    If this is the case, then this problem is far,far worse than most people imagine.
    Immediate questions that spring to mind are. Why doesn’t this problem have a higher profiles within the media ? What is being done about it ?
    Where are these 300 fuckers now,and what are they up to ?
    Rapists, first degree murderers and child molestėrs should be strung up.
    Good morning.

    • The raping scum are members of the “establishment protected group”
      Therefore it is in the interest of the establishment to attempt in any way possible to reduce the impact of such behaviour so that realisation of this heinous crime is not fully developed amongst the general population. If the general population was presented with the same amount of coverage as say a love island twat admitting to a dose of anal clap the country would be in uproar and things may be done that are nasty and unwoke . Also any digression from diversity is strength, multicultural paradise is an admission that the policies of the powers that be have been completely wrong for 50 years.

  6. I think they should be rehabilitated by a pork rendering machine.
    Set to “slow grind”.
    Plus everyone in their phone contacts.
    Fucking garbage.

  7. So, a paltry average sentence of around 9 years each. They’ll be out in less than 5. All the while, being cosseted in jail where they will have meals and prayer time in accordance with their religion of peace. It’s not a deterrent, it’s a minor inconvenience in their future lives. Unlike the girls they raped.

    Why do we put up with it? Why don’t we take to the streets? Because we are so controlled by the Government that we now accept this as normal. Good-by Great Britain, it was nice knowing you.

    • True, but just imagine a government lead by one of the right-on Labour nancies like Kweer Charmer,or the daft-as-arseholes “Beccy”

  8. Another day another Muslim Jihadi rape gang given pitiful sentences by a corrupted justice system.fucking cunts

  9. Relax folks there is a new order coming to this land if you’ll pardon the phrase.
    It’s in the wind. The change has begun. The more the loony woke left bang on about remaining in the EU,being Marxist,anti British the more strength and votes will go to Boris et al.
    Deportation of these Jamaican cunts was no.1 . Fast and efficient. They’ll change the law soon to remove these cunts and increase sentences. Schools will be instructed to teach British and honest history and stop teaching children to be ashamed. The left will go nuts but the people,you and I,the majority,will love it.
    As for these filthy subhuman sand dwelling goat fuckers they’re going to get a fucking shock.

    Hang the cunts.
    Onwards and upwards Britain ??????

    • Sadly I don’t have your faith in the ‘great and good’ of this country doing a single thing to help with this sort of shit. It doesn’t affect them, their family or friends. Until it does they’ll be happy and we can all fuck off.

      • Faith moggie faith.
        It’s a coming. The majority is becoming truly scunnered with this barbarism.


      • I agree, but it doesn’t alter the fact that this scum is basically being protected at our expense.

    • It’s already too late. Even if we stop muslim immigration tomorrow, deport all foreign criminals, the dye is cast. They’re mainly ‘British’ citizens now, there’s nowhere to deport them to, and the country hasn’t got the guts to start killing them.

    • I certainly hope you’re right Mac. We have been invaded from within over many years. I feel that ‘they’ the peaceful communities have been merely biding their time while the host nation gradually gives over more and more land and territory to their culture.

      I mentioned in another post about how the local authority in a town that I worked that had a high level of diversity were bullied into switching the Christmas lights on much later than originally planned because the local mosque objected to Christmas being given too much significance. The story I got from a colleague that had a friend that worked for the authority.

      If nothing is done to halt the inevitable islamification of Britain by stealth, then our grand-daughters will be forced to wear hijabs and burkahs which, let’s face it are unhealthy as the skin needs natural light apart from anything else. The situation is a complete and utter cunt.

  10. They have invaded, settled in, and are corrupting our country from the inside.

    ‘Hell is empty and all the devils are here.’
    William Shakespeare

  11. These fuckers are just lucky we do apply Sharia law here, im sure it would be a whipping or stoneing or something else just as worthwhile and hopefully they will get the same treatment as well as being virgins for the masses inside, so fuck em thats what i hope happens to these shit stains, followed by a lynching for good measure, oh and chop off the balls and stuff them down these cunts throats…..

  12. Breaking news this morning, Germany – far right gunman has sent several peacefuls to Allah, I wonder how long it will be before Tommy R gets the blame!!

    • Far right or someone pushed over the edge by cultural enrichment? Will the bleeding hearts on the left take the trouble to find out why he did it? Will they pause to learn lessons? Or will they write him off as far right and leave it there.

      This shit will keep happening until governments grasp forcing widely differing cultures together brings its own frictions. The headlines are made by the extreme results of cultural frictions but daily lots of small frictions happen that occasionally result in a mass murder. They term these as terrorist events and dismiss them.

      Nothing will change until the downside of multiculturalism is faced up to. The current policy of forcing indigenous people to like or lump imported culture is deeply flawed and costing innocent people of all creeds their lives.

    • I’d like to see more of this here, fuck knows the authorities have abandoned us to Allah.

      • Great timing, Merkel is in trouble and the right are making political gains. What better time for a right wing shooting spree.

        Politically motivated false flag?

    • They’re labelling him as far right, but ignore the fact that he acted alone.
      That’s the usual excuse they wheel out to excuse Muzzie atrocities.

  13. You must complain to councils en mass when mosques open. Demand votes ,like they did in Switzerland where the people voted for no more mineretes. Mobilise. Don’t sit and despair. Petition local schools to teach British and world history and educate children to be proud of what their country has done and did , especially in the 20th century.
    If you sit and fester the cunts will win. Fight fight fight.??????

    • I remember well the anti-minaret posters from my Swiss days; they made them look like rockets.

  14. Where are the libtard wimminz and their protests on the streets? Why aren’t they going hysterical on social media with regards the sexual abuse of young girls? Why aren’t they demanding the government do something? Why aren’t they slagging off the men for being dangerous misogynist and nasty males?

    Ah…. I know why!

    • They’re absolute fucking cowards. Despicable frightened little cunts that only sound off if the targets are hard-working white men who won’t fuck them as a response.

  15. It’s only a very small minority that take part in this sort of thing doncha know?
    Bollocks is it.

  16. And those shootings in Germany… If the word is true that they are not Germans who have been killed, but some other lot who fall into the ‘enrichment’ category, watch the killer or killers get named, shamed, bagged and tagged quicker than you can say ‘diversity’…. Had it been the other way round it would be mumble mumble nothing to see here citizen of Norwegian origin who can’t be named for legal reasons…. The hypocrisy regarding this ‘enrichment’ reeks more than Madogga’s minge…

    • Unity cannot exist without a common identity and national affiliation.
      This incident,well that’s what the left would call it if it were the other way round, will be repeated.
      Blame Merkel.

      • Agreed, Mac… I have mates in Germany from when I lived there when I was 18/19… They and many others despise Merkel… It’s because of the Fat Frumpenfuhrer that women no longer feel safe in the streets, swimming baths have to put up signs asking the peaceful human filth not to shit in the pool or showers (straight up), and the once superb (much better than ours) German health service is now overrun and unable to cope… Had it been the Germany of the late 80s to late 90s, I’d have gone back like a shot… But now it’s as bad as here, if not worse… And Sweden is even worse than Germany… Those camelbuggerers are the worst thing to happen to Western Europe since the Black Death…

      • You don’t need bullets and bombs to fight a war. The “refugees” have become weaponised. It’s happening all over the Western World but, funnily enough, not in China or Russia….

      • I heard about Germany Norman and what Merkel has done. And they wonder why the right is now in the parliament!?
        Sweden,ffs. Malmö has been islamified . No go areas,women abused it’s a fucking sin what the lefty liberals will do.
        Really hope the government changes in Germany and starts deporting these goat fuckers. Sweden alas will never change.

      • Sweden was probably the best country in the whole fucking world. They’ve destroyed in the space of a generation. Absolute criminal treachery.

    • Morning Norman. It has happened just about as you predicted. The ‘authorities ‘ have stated that it is far right terrorism.
      How’s that for efficiency ? No ifs, buts or kiss me arse.

      • Morning Jack… The ‘Beeb’ will be all over this and the killer’s name. age, shoe size, gold teeth, and where he buys his underpants will be broadcast very loudly and very publicly… There will also be endless banging on about ‘hate crime’ and the evils of the ‘far right’..

        But, was there any such coverage on Operation Augusta? About how the media, the council, the authorities and the police all failed innocent girls in and around the Manchester area and how human filth of the peaceful variety have been left to run riot? Nah! Course there fucking wasn’t… This is the BBC we’re on about after all…

  17. Again and again it’s the feckers from the hot parts of the old Empire that are the trouble, excitable and animal in their instincts from what I can see of it the nearer the equator the more base and unhinged the people. Give me the rain and a cool climate and I will give you a more dependable trustworthy calm person.
    But as usual it’s the fault of the cunt king Blair.

      • White people will undoubtedly retreat north to safe havens in the next 1-2 hundred years. White nationalism will become mainstream and accepted as a necessity to maintain civilisation, and hopefully rebuild.

  18. I’d send every single one of the fuckers back to the shitheap they came from and then send Big Don’s boys over to nuke shit out of them… Kill it at the fucking source, I say…

  19. What gets on my knackers is how the cunts on the telly try to sell these bastards to us… Every show from Doctor Who to Endeavour and even Alan Partridge is ‘Parking Stanley’ this and ‘Parky Stanley’ that… And the pigs are always portrayed as victims, more sinned against than sinning… They rape teenage girls. they bomb the shit out of people, they rip off and milk every welfare dodge in the book… Hey, let’s make another programme telling the uneducated working class riff raff how great they are…. Do fuck right off!

  20. The pictures top left to right
    1. Doctor: “Got a headache?”
    2. *clutching forehead* “Yes”

    Doctor from picture 1 voiceover
    Pictures bottom left to right
    3. “I recommend fresh air”
    4. “Thankyou doctor. I tip my hood to you”

  21. Give me a knife and put me in a room with these cunts and i guarantee i’ll be the only one walking out .

  22. It’s the same wherever you go in Europe that’s been culturally enriched. Last time I was in Germany in Nuremberg. Beautiful city in the centre. Go on the tram to the rally grounds, go through areas turned into dumps. Why don’t they have any pride in where they live? By the way, in no way am I condoning what has happened in Hanau but Merkel has imported more than one million into the country. Is she that thick or stubborn that she didnt realise this was going to cause serious issues? Stupid cunt.

    • Maybe Merkel is doing it on purpose allowing as many immigrants as she can to let them run down vast parts of Germany and let them commit crimes etc. She will then rise up with a Forth Reich and use all the above to bring about another holocaust .

      • Telly you are not the first to think that.
        It had crossed my mind. Either that or she’s a thick minger.

      • Well iv’e just read now on the news that a far right extremist has killed at least 9 people in Germany and 5 of them a Turkish and they believe it’s a racial attack. Maybe it’s already happening .

  23. Pakistani Rape gangs up against a wall and shot ?
    Failing this hard labour then when you have done your sentence deported back to your family’s original country of origin ie Pakistan ?
    All your assets forfeit to the state don’t like it contest it from Pakistan ?

  24. The biggest problem that we have is that for every ten thousand cases of “peaceful” atrocities that are meted out to us and ours, the public opinion – just as it’s reaching a point where even the most liberal minded in our society begin to question the merit of this “diversity” – is reset by twats like that cunt today who stabbed a fucker in a Mosque in Regents Park, and the mental lunatic who gunned down people in a Shisha bar, in Hanau, Germany (so we know the victim type – even though I have spent many an hour at a Shisha bar myself on the Edgeware Road in my time).

    The same was true 2yrs ago when Darren “fucking” Osborne had a go outside of that known radicalising Mosque in Finsbury Park!

    The public was just about fed up of rapey-groomy-blowy-upy “peaceful” incidents across the boards, and then Osborne single-handedly reset the needle on that barometer, gifting the authorities and the political class a free pass to simply further ignore the REAL problem, thus allowing more “peaceful” attacks, more “wape-ing”, letting terrorist fuckers out of prison early on licence, etc., to go unchecked and unpoliced.

    Moreover – just as with Darren “fucking” Osborne incident – we will hear nothing but this for the next two months, unlike when its a “peaceful” cunt getting narwhal tusked on London Bridge, or the upstanding individuals above being sent down for the systematic “wape-ing” of our children!

    No, then it’s news for 24hrs and – if your lucky – a strongly worded candle-lit vigil the day after!

    It’s also a bit rich that Angela “Les Dawson” Merkel has the brass neck to cry about waycism being the disease in western society when she single-handedly caused the conditions to elicit such an outburst in Hanau in the first place!

    I don’t want the cunts harmed, I just want them gone! And if not gone, then their law ignoring ways (such as Shariah Law zones, “young white meat” proclivities, Saudi funded Mosques, etc.) expunged completely, because they have no fucking place in BRITISH society.

    You far right extremist cunts, you damage the cause far more than you help it!

    You doss cunts!

  25. Keep writing letters of complaint to Al-Beeb, asking them why they haven’t gone undercover and exposed one of the many of these gangs or produced a documentary reporting on why this is happening again and again and again.
    I’m going to write and I urge everyone on here to do the same. Also sign the petition that Britain First has going on their website.

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