Andrew Sabisky

Andrew Sabisky

… is a bit of a cunt for resigning, after being stitched up for the somewhat unwoke opinions he recorded on social media five years ago. This is not to say that the cunts who have spent the last 24 hours venting their OUTRAGE on any platform that can take their overweight are not transcendentally more gigantic cunts, but I had to get Sabisky at the top of the nom somehow. And he dared to suggest that:

(a) US black people scored lower on IQ tests
(b) compulsory contraception might offer some relief from a burgeoning population of disfunctional thick cunts and
(c) wimmins’ sports are best considered in the same forgiving light as the paralympics.

Agree with them or not, these opinions can be partially supported by evidence, and breach no known laws, but they offend black people, thick cunts, paralympians and sportswimmin; cue weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from metropolitans who are none of these things.

Cue also Professor Adam Rutherford, who co-hosts Radio 4’s weekly jokey, dumbed-down nod in the direction of science amid the wasteland of arty wokeness. By a strange coincidence, just as this one broke on Sunday, he had half an hour all to himself to explain why there was no such thing as a black race (he’s a geneticist) despite the obvious physical characteristics by which we can differentiate Afro-Caribbeans from anyone else. And he popped up again in Today, today, to deliver a precis of this.

Not mentioned were a couple of studies (in the 70’s or 80’s as I recall) which did indeed demonstrate that US black males fell a few IQ points behind their white neighbours. Quick caveat to real racists: they also demonstrated that US black women were significantly brighter than white ones, so contain yourselves.

Aside from this, there should be a statute of limitations on what the metropolitans can dredge up from the past in order to lose someone his job. Five fucking years ago? He’s 27 years old. I could, and probably should, be crucified for some of the opinions I held at 22, and I suspect I am far from alone in this.

At the time of cunting, Boris has not yet appeared in the doorway of No. 10 in sackcloth and ashes to condemn his erstwhile advisor, apologise to Long-Bailey et al, and promise only to employ wokies in future. Thus far, then, well done Boris, for declining to participate in the hate-driven character assasination of someone who could well have contributed to putting this country back on its feet.

But Sabisky’s still a cunt for resigning.

Nominated by Komodo

59 thoughts on “Andrew Sabisky

  1. Poor Andy lynched by his own historic tweets.
    Yank blacks low IQs?
    The bloods and the crips both have excellent educational programs, and ive never seen a rapper who isnt eloquent!
    He was right about contraception too!
    Just pop it into either the water supply or food of any ethnics, soon get them down to single figures.

  2. Everyone now falling over themselves to condemn his terrible extreme views.
    Whether true or not he must cast out of polite woke society.
    Anyway it must be rubbish as you only have to look at Flabbott, Lammy and Dawn Butler to see their extemely bright intelligence surely.

  3. Another brilliantly written fine cunting. Andrew Sabisky is a brilliant young man.

    Hopefully Dominic Cummings (I am a huge fan) will never employ anyone woke and will carry on cutting away the dead wood at number 10 and 11, out of date advisors and civil servants etc.

    Dominic calls Andrew a super-forecaster, I hope they find someone just as good.

    After leaving the British Government I bet Andrew could get a good job in the US gov. He deserves to be lavished with praise, success and high wages.

    If anyone has the time and inclination I would very highly recommend Dominic Cumming’s personal blog website, absolutely brilliant.

  4. Sometimes Komodo I feel you’re not totally onboard the White Supremacist bus.

    Must go the cross isn’t ready for tomorrow nights burning and i have the vicar coming round for tea .

    • Give me a bit more mass immigration and I will be. Hope the lynching goes well! Have you booked a band?

      • Can’t do lynchings any more, the man from the council showed up and quoted heath and safety regulations at us.

        I’m not allowed to book the bands anymore, the Bob Marley tribute I booked last time didn’t go down very well, I thought he was awesome. I still get dirty looks when I walk round whistling Buffalo Soldier.

        Bloody hell, I best get these pillow cases ironed.

    • Ooooo the white supremacist bus , i love getting on that bus all dressed up in my whites smelling of smoke along with some red stains after a good old cross burning .

  5. Oddly enough, although I’ve no idea how accurate this bloke’s statements are, they’re very similar to what I come out with in the pub.
    I do like to wind my left wing friends up, and they have a hair trigger. it’s fucking hilarious.

  6. What’s all this abaaaht with Mr Fiddler then? Has he disappeared? Has he fallen aaaaht with someone? I cant be fucked to read the previous cuntings to find aaaaaht.
    Would someone tell me what happened…I like a bit of confrontation.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    He is sulking, He is not banned.

    • Dick may have took a step back and moved to Canada.
      Maybe to start a new woke life and to give cuntings to the LA set.
      Only guessing mind.

      • Come on Diva Dick, no one likes a sulker, come play out with us!
        Your a gentleman of the North not bleeding Elton John!!
        For every day you skip class im going to leave a gate open in the countryside, an itd be your fault.
        Seriously, miss your posts, dont be a knob.

    • DF would never sulk Sir – he has servant issues! (F*cking corona virus – half the staff dead, lazy scum they are!)

  7. Rule 1 never apologise
    Rule 2 never apologise
    They will never accept it
    Rule 3 tell the cunts to go fuck themselves.

  8. I actually liked the guy. I haven’t a clue why he was unpopular as all he said and believed in is what most peoplr think anyway.
    All these extinction cunts bang on about the environment, yet don’t mention the ever increasing population of itinerent scroungers, fuck wits, turds and Mossie shit. Selective breeding is an excellnt Idea, as is the extermination of the vermin class of fuckwits.
    On my final note, all those Serengeti Salad Shitters and Bongo People should hand in their knackers at any point of entry to the first world
    Cunts I say ! Cunts.

  9. Boris must be breathing a huge sigh of relief tonight, he won’t have to fulfil his promise to lie down in front of bulldozers to stop the third runway at Heathrow going ahead now that the court has ruled in favour of Extinction Rebellion type cunts to block it.

    No surprise Boris has decided not to appeal the decision… ?

    • Nah, the UK taxpayer will cough up, just like they do for Blair wherever he slithers.

  10. Sabisky….sounds Polish.

    The ‘Polack’ Stanley Kowalski in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ is treated as a thick Neanderthal brute by the delicate refined Blanche Dubois.

    • America used to have a bit of a problem with anti polish sentiments didnt they?
      ‘Dumb polack’ etc
      Wonder why?

      • Fucking good soldiers before the soviets fucked them up!
        I have many Polish friends, they are in shock at their revised history, the educated killed off to make a nation of bovines, fucking russians killed more poles than the Germans did, cunts

      • Miles
        Dont know much about them, know theyre not scared of hard work though, watched them on a site,
        No meant why did they get stick in America?
        Mixed bag America with italians, irish, Jewish etc
        So why did they get shit?

      • Thanks Rtc, always puzzled me.
        Thought in New York etc theyd blend in no issues.

      • Just to add, I lived briefly in a part of the Midwest which was just about equally occupied by Polacks and Huns (as they called each other) The rancour was comparable to Rangers/Celtic: there’s a basic need in the US to identify with the European state your ancestors fled from. See also Boston Irish.

        Daft buggers: your grandparents pissed off from Europe because either they couldn’t stand it any more, or it couldn’t stand them. And you want to be multiculti?

      • PS, my best mate over there was from a Polish family, but the bird I lusted after was of German stock. Endorse Lord B…the Czechs and Poles who came over here during WW2 were the best, no question.

  11. Guilty as fuck. Look at those flags in the background……..obviously attending a Neo Nazi rally.

  12. Another bloke made to quit for saying what everyone knows, perhaps he is a cunt for stating the obvious. There’s tons of research from all over the world and across time (suppressed as, you know, it’s just not nice!) and plain old common experience that shows certain races aren’t as intelligent in the extremes as others, I mean how many maths theorems have come from Africans? I suppose we’ll never know as they couldn’t add them up.

    • Boris lost a good Man there.
      Perhaps the next one will “self identify” as competent.
      Good luck with that one, and introducing Sir/Madam/squirrel..

  13. The three points he made …I agree with .
    So fucking what?
    Stand by what you say and believe and tell the woke lefty cunts to swivel.

    Cunt for resigning.

  14. James Cleverly is clever and he’s black. He is cleverer than Dianne Abbot. Though that’s not saying much.

    • Not just Flabbott. He’s cleverer than all the whites on the Labour front bench put together too. And that’s not saying much either.

    • Too a look. Started off quite moody which I like. Half decent drum track too, decent without being obvious, blonde tart running naked through the woods…..all OK so far. Then she started singing. Oh dear. Not a terrible voice by any means, but not distinctive or engaging. I think she’s trying to be a bit too ‘Alanis Morissette’ 2.0.

      Ah well, back to that Suede album I was enjoying.

    • Watching the labour leadership debate, never seen so many speccy foureyes in one place.
      Some nutter just kicked off!?
      Quiff stormer sounds like hes got a cold,
      Wrong daily is obviously puddled, Lisping Lisa comes across best,
      Quite like that lisp.
      “Mitherable, ith massith,
      Be genthle, ?? eh? Eh?
      Yes i would!
      Dont judge me.

  15. As I have said, no matter what rung on the totem-pole of victimhood these cunts land on and begin to cheese off about everyone else’s XYZ privilege, just say: “You’re welcome!”

    You can’t argue with the cunts because they’re not listening and won’t listen so by saying: “You’re welcome!” – you are neither being antagonistic towards, nor complicit with their moaning.

    If they then start to cheese off about how YOU have no idea about how bad things are (in their particular victimhood tranche), simply say: “Compared to what?”

    Whatever it is you can guarantee that things simply haven’t been better – for that group – at any other point in time and that WE – the wider nation – have been responsible for that, so I repeat: “You’re welcome!”

    In a society where we literally have headlines like: “Man sues Doctor for removing his vagina without permission.” – yep, think about that one for a second or two – you fucking faux “victims” really have never had it so fucking good, but by all means, keep pushing, and see where that gets you, because the backlash against all this twatfoolery is reaching boiling point even within mainline and centrist circles, and the Overton window is due a good push back to the right!

    So shut the fuck up, accept it’s never been so fucking good (for YOU), oh, and before I forget: “You’re welcome!”


  16. No need for any emails JW, click on the red ‘cunt me’ button on the homepage and write up your nom. Hopefully in a week or so depending on the queue and quality of the cunting it will be published. Good luck.

  17. Where did that Dick pic go that was headline news earlier? Ooo err.

    Is Dick Fiddler missing in action again? I miss birdman, General Cunster and a few others too. Their wit and wisdom is always welcome.

    Speaking of hilarious, I just saw this:

    Is it wrong that I found this funny? Which reminds me, I need to get down the range and put a hundred or so rounds through my semi-auto. Aaahhhh…can’t beat the smell of cordite in the morning.

    • Evening IY, those crazy Americans eh? I saw a story earlier this week of a six year old in Orlando I think, being arrested and led away in zip ties by an officer for misbehaving in class, a bit different than some ‘expert’ pulling out the ADHD card or manufacturing an ‘ism’ like over here.

      • Evening LL. Yes, I did see that. Zip ties on a toddler. Comedy gold. Makes you wonder what the little shit got up to.

        Crazy Americans undersells it big style. Bless ’em. Just as well I’m over here to show them how to be real classy. LOL!

  18. The founder of the big issue on QuestionTime John Bird or whatever, is a right virtue signalling cunt
    fuck off fatty

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