Walker and O’Neill

A where there is blame, there is a claim cunting for US law firm, Walker and O’Neill (in advance of any successful litigation).

These ambulance chasers have stuck their head above the parapet and said family members of passengers on the cruise liner ‘Ovation of the Seas’ who died while wandering around on White Island (an active volcano no less), could well be “entitled” to millions of dollars in com-pen-say-shun.

Why? Well because the nasty people on said cruise liner didn’t warn the hapless holiday makers of the dangers involved!

Fuck me sideways, but if I’m on holiday and I see an excursion advertised, then I tend to ask what it is. If the words “active volcano” are mentioned, then the rest of the conversation is fucking superfluous….it’s a dangerous day out! But of course, in this pathetic day and age, everyone and everything else is at fault should things go disastrously wrong.

This was no doubt a tragedy, but just fuck off Walker and O’Neill. Adults make their own choices, accidents happen and not least while taking a fucking selfie in front of a volcano.

Nominated by KiwiCunt

55 thoughts on “Walker and O’Neill

  1. Compensation setting in is a complication of modern life. We have lost 3 non-swimmers in a Spanish hotel pool and already the pool is to blame – there was water in the fucker for god’s sake. What were the hotel owners thinking? So compensation has hit home with a vengeance.

    Happy new year to all misogynists and weirdos.

    • I assume that others used the pool and survived . The pool has been investigated and declared to be within safety limits yet the mum does not agree and wants it to be investigated further. I understand the mum is devastated but I assume that there are several persons in the background ‘advising’ her who should know better.

    • The hotel should have covered itself by putting up a sign…”No Petting,No Pushing,No Running,No Bombing, No Non-Swimmers….this means you,Dark-Keys”.

    • That entire 3 drowned in a pool story seemed very odd to me. It just doesn’t add up and I think there’s more to this than we’ve been told.

      One thing I just find impossible to accept though is that somehow the pool operator is at fault.

      • The family name sounded Nigerian to me. And the Christian names were of the rapturous Pentecostal jungle church variety. Well, fuck it. They’re all in the arms of Jesus now, so what’s the bitch about? Sorted. Perhaps the owner of the pool was alerted by the names on the booking and slipped a couple of crocodiles into the water to make them feel at home?

    • Perhaps they should have took swimming lessons from all those immmos paddling their way across the Channel they all seem to make it

    • Africans love claiming shit. Gotta make it someone else’s fault or the payout won’t be enough for a life sat on her arse eating fried chicken.

  2. You have to admit that was pretty bad luck. How often do volcanoes erupt? It’s extremely rare, to say the least, but the one day you happen to be paying a visit the fucker goes mental and drops molten lava on your bonce!!
    Exceptional bad luck but that doesn’t stop some cunt trying to cash in on your dead fucking corpse.
    Fucking bastards.

    • Own fault.
      In a age of compensation who seriously thought a bunch tourists might like a nice stop- off on a active volcano?
      Dont know how true it is but heard a rumour lava is a bit hot, and a volcano can spit lava quite far.
      Still made for a interesting cruise.

  3. If I’d been stuck on one of those massive factory-style cruise-ship with a bunch of doddering old Farts and screaming children, I’d be actively searching for a volcano on the point of eruption.

    • That is a class comment, nothing I could add there apart from the fucker sinking with all hands.

    • The only way I can imagine you being anywhere near one of these is if you were checking up on the fleet you’d bought to supplement your pension income.

  4. There’s no such thing as an accident these days……there’s always somebody at fault.
    I read about some council in Londonistan ( can’t remember which one ) who employ a bloke to inspect every tree in their parks and green spaces and write a regular report on the safety of the branches and to remove any branch that might fall on some cunt’s head. Apparently it’s cheaper to employ this bloke than to face a compo claim from some dirty freeloading immo bastard.
    How do I know they’re immos?
    I just fucking know ok?

    • I occasionally have dealings with our local Tree Officer…she is a Cunt.

      • I make a point of not dealing with several local tree officers on the presumption that they will be cunts. I planted it, I cut it down.

      • Dead right! Tree officers are real cunts! My Council one wouldn’t approve cutting back a tree that was overhanging my garden from the roadside.
        He sent me a written report full of fuckin’ jargon saying, quote “It is in fine form and full of vitality”
        I had to write back to ask him was he talking about a tree or the favourite running in the 2.15 at Kempton Park. Cunt!
        Happy NY Dick.

      • There’s a branch around here, wood you beleive?
        Ok take it or leaf it….

    • An immo in Canada just sued a company, and won !, for not getting the job he applied for…that’s it, I wonder if the rest of the people who applied and lost out will also sue. Seems he considered himself the best candidate. You can’t make this shit up it’s like women having their balls waxed. All the time fucktards pay these cunts they will keep claiming.

  5. I have actually been to White Island.

    I have to say that from what I saw of the pictures just prior to the big bang, it looked CONSIDERABLY more active than it was when I went ashore there. The plume of stuff pouring out into the atmosphere should have been a bit a clue I would have thought. I saw nothing like that from our ship…

    • WTF would anyone even go there? It’s a pile of ash in the sea with a hole in it. A giant ashtray of fuck all. Even the birds give it a pass.

  6. Shame there’s no active volcano in Londonisstabistan.That would be fireworks I would be willing to pay to see??

  7. I recently attended the burial of someone who died in a power boating accident.
    The funeral was quite a small affair, whereas the wake was fucking enormous….

  8. Had to be a greedy fucking Yankee Doodle dandy Law firm didn’t it?

    Fucking money obsessed septic tanks would happily sue their own Grandmother’s for a few quid.

    Cos of these greedy colonial fuckers we have crap signs on a Starbucks coffee saying ‘warning contents hot’…..Duhh no shit Sherlock.

    I know 99% of yanks possess low IQ’s (this is due to the original Devonshire settlers cross breeding with Mick’s and eye-ties and the odd Dark-Key or Gucho-Mex over the years- all of which are not known for their intelligence) that’s why they have warning notices and disclaimers every fucking where……

    The more brighter/greedy yanks capitalise on this stupidity and therefore you have a thriving ‘Blame Claim’ culture.

    Fucking greedy Yankee Cunts piss me off………

  9. Nice header for ‘Cunts of the Year 2019’, Bercunt looks like he is straining for a massive post-Christmas shit while Greta Thunderbird thinks about strangling him.
    Happy NY to all and another year of shitting on the cunts of the world!

  10. Can’t get my head around this. Lawyers are cunts, that is solid ground. Active volcanos are to be avoided in my book due to my aversion to sulphur and molten rock.

    I dunno, maybe I should apply for compensation just for having to decide who the cunts are in this sad misadventure.

      • They had to ship in 1 million cubic centimetres of skin for grafting on to the victims of this event.

        If cunts weren’t convinced active volcanos were not a day trip destination they ought to be now.

        Spose it’s Fukushima or nothing now MNC. Radioactivity ain’t so bad…….

      • There are actually organised tours around Pripyat and the area surrounding the remains of the Chernobyl power station.
        Such fun… ?

  11. I genuinely think people today seem to be of the opinion that it’s their inalienable right to live forever, free from illness, and misfortune; if something like this happens to them, then clearly it’s someone else’s fault and therefore kom-pen-say-shun beckons. People – adults, children – die, every single fucking day, and some die much harder* than others – get used to it you soft cunts**.
    *Copyright 20th Century Fox
    **And on that jolly note Happy New Year!! ?

  12. Bay of Naples, Vesuvius, 25 Euros to go up and sniff gas, 4 weeks following the death of 2 people who sniffed too much gas and croaked.
    The tour guide got fuck all that day from me.


    • Just in: descendants of Herculaneum and Pompeii putting in a class action against Naples shire “They never warned our ancestors that someday Vesuvius would bury our ancestors in a scalding sulphurous pyroclastic flow”

  13. On the subject of cruise ship compo, I see that fucking idiot who did a Michael Jackson with his granddaughter (holding her out of an upper deck window, past the safety rail – but then letting her fall to the ground; even Jacko didn’t go that far) is now retracting his initial statement that it was his fault, and on the advice of – you guessed it, his lawyers – is now saying the cruise line is somehow at fault for his total lack of brain cellls?? Alright, the poor cunt will relive that moment every waking moment for the rest of his life, but to try and blame someone else – fuck off. Are they going to sue gravity for some compo?

  14. As far as the deaths of a man and two of his children in a Fuengirola swimming pool on christmas eve are concerned, it does sound like much more than a coincidence, especially as no faults have been found and his wife said all three of them could swim.
    Apparently they were all members of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, so it will be interesting to see if she puts it down to divine intervention or sues the resort for compensation.

    • How long did it take the fat arse wife to call for help…compensation is a wonderful thing when you’re addicted to fried chicken and a life in Britain never having to work again.

  15. I was walking along the beach in warmer climes when I saw what appeared to be one of the locals getting into difficulty about 30m from the beach.
    He started shouting, “HELP! SHARK! HELP!
    I just laughed, I knew that shark wasn’t gonna help him…..

  16. The irony being – if irony is the right word – such cunts probably hate rules and laws, but are not aware that the existence of many of the rules and laws they hate most is a direct result of their own reckless fucking behaviour.

    Cunts need to wake up to themselves.

  17. Frequent eruptions, check
    Phreatomagmatic explosions, check
    Increased seismic activity for a month, recent rise in alert level, check.

    I’ll just advertise this as an exciting excursion for a bunch of cunts who know fuck-all about volcanology (and why should they? They trust me.)

    Might think twice about that if I’m bankrupted by compo claims, of course.
    Can’t cunt the punters unless they were told of the real risk, and it doesn’t look as if they were. Can cunt the tour operator for culpable negligence, at least. Can cunt the lawyers, but only because lawyers are all cunts.

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