Tuition Fees

Tuition fees were introduced deliberately for one reason only – social cleansing.

The spawn of the rich get free further education. Privilege and influence are used to ensure the best Universities are attended; the children are then gifted jobs in politics, law and the media etc. Jobs in media are especially important as this gives them the forum to continue spouting the snowflake party line, and it grinds on.

Children from financially disadvantaged backgrounds and, let’s tell the truth, that’s white children from the industrial wastelands of the North, are disadvantaged from birth, in many cases born into poverty and knowing nothing else and this situation never changes. Leaving University tens of thousands of Pounds in debt guarantees one thing: no chance of a mortgage, an entire generation removed entirely from property ownership and the deliberate manifestation of the most nasty of things – social cleansing. That house is not for you, working class boy. Use the Housing association “Poor door” around the back – that’s your future.

What is more heinous, self defeating and damaging than to bypass the best and brightest because of social, financial and geographical discrimination? An utterly self defeating principle. How many potential scientists, doctors, lawyers and engineers who could do amazing things are being denied the opportunities for advancement the rich take for granted? What the hell is the point of wasting talent – poverty is NOT stupidity!

I am a passionate believer that education changes and improves life for all of us and am just so angry and frustrated at a system rigged permanently in favour of the rich and privileged. EDUCATION SHOULD BE BASED ON ABILITY, NOT SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL STATUS!

And the solution? (which WORKS, no Jezza unicorn land financing here) – Means test further education, that way the rich pay their fair share for little Tarquin and Jocasta, and any students unable to afford further education receive free tuition, then pay a slightly enhanced but affordable amount of Tax and National Insurance throughout a predetermined period in their working lives. The Government gets the money in to feed back into the further education system, does not have to waste a fortune trying to claw back student debt and poor students are not faced with a crippling bill right at the start of their working lives.

I have done boring financial things all my life, starting very young by running the household finances when my Father died, on to my first place at sixteen and hence onward until I was working in finance for some of the biggest Corporations in the World (and you are right fellow ISAC’ers, these Corporations are the most evil, empirical bastards humankind has ever vomited out) and I have run and tested the principle of working life contribution and guess what – it stacks up, and it works!

Anyway, random rant over and thanks for reading my musings – except to say one final thing: TUITION FEES ARE A CUNT!

Nominated by Vernon Fox

41 thoughts on “Tuition Fees

  1. Whats the point in University anyways?
    It seems they are full of lefty twats and radicalised cunts, you then leave with loads of debt in the hope you find a well paid job…
    I mean lets look at the big picture, more and more people in the country who are living longer, computers and the internet making loads of jobs redundant, companies going bankrupt left right and centre, you get the picture.
    Too much competition, and you leave with a massive debt and a usually shite degree in 13th century cunts…nah better a life of crime, drugs and rock and roll…
    Go fuck yourselves.

  2. Invest in potential. The issues with the one size fits all education system begins with infant schools. We have kids leaving school after 11 years unable to read and write, how is that even allowed?

    Find out a kids capability and educate the child to its limits, don’t put 30 plus kids with differing academic capabilities because they all those out, it makes smart kids average and average kids even more average.

    Vanity degrees should be paid for by the individual no matter the wealth of the parents. The government should invest our money into the future doctors, scientists and engineers with no fees for the parents. If someone fails their degree or drops out then they are charged.

    There’s enough money spent on education, it’s how it’s spent that counts, gifted kids trying to learn in the zoos we call comprehensive schools.

    If a child has ability invest in creating an environment they can flourish in. I’m not one to punish people for doing well in life and the majority of people with money will invest in their children anyway. Equivalence of opportunity is not really possible but the playing field can be evened out.

    That’s without the money wasted on subsidies for nursery places so people can work and just about make a few quid extra at the end of the month.

    Education is important so it shouldn’t be wasted on those who can’t benefit from it.

  3. Tuition fees are inevitable given Blair’s “education, education, education” aim of 50% of cunts going to University. Unless, of course, you are Jezza Corbyn who can magic up money from nowhere.
    There are spin off benefits such as manipulating the youth unemployment figures and brainwashing the young into being snowflake, libtard Labour voters for ever. This amounts to a massive social change which will not fully play out for some years yet. In many ways we are actually going backwards……more class division, more poverty, poorer health, more crime.
    Well done Blair you absolute cunt.

  4. University Students of today are complete Cunts. They do piss easy irrelevant degrees in sociology, human science, gender studies, media and arts studies, and even black history studies yet they expect every cunt else to pay for it!
    If your 18 years old you are an adult in the eyes of the law. You can legally Vote, marry, join the army, drive a car, buy a house all of your own choice.
    Therefore as an adult you can pay for your own choice to go to university. If you can’t afford it, work hard like every cunt else for 4 years, save then go university but don’t expect other cunts to fund your life choices as an adult you fucking lefty Corbyn loving, free everything millennial CUNTS!

    • I’ve always thought lots of teenagers go to university because it’s better than working for a living. But maybe that’s just envy on my part. I was a thick cunt, I only got two O levels.

      • “John Major left school with three” – Million in the bank?
        Education for all, but more so for the rich.

      • No, it’s because it’s seen as the only way to get work now. Because so many have degrees, companies can be even more picky and unreasonable when hiring.

  5. Science, technology, engineering free. The rest charged at it’s rate of uselessness so that Gender Studies, Meeja Studies, PPE etc are top wack. You can work in McDonalds or a Call Centre without your fucking pointless arty farty degree. And PPE only equips you for political cuntitude.

    • Well said CC – but maybe I am just bitter and twisted because I had to pay my way through education!

      When I left school the top ten per cent got the chance to go to college, I was offered the chance but had to work as my Father died when I was a kid and it was a simple case of work or go hungry, so I took the former!

      After college ten per cent of the best would then go on to University, and would have employers offering them good, responsible, high level high pay positions in management etc well before they even left.

      Now we have degrees in “Meeja Studies” and other irrelevances, as someone who has done the hiring and firing thing I am concerned at Post Grads who do not demonstrate the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. After being told to take these (I use these strong words advisedly) “fucking bone idle bad attitude arsebook obsessed idiots” on and seen the utter disaster that was I decided that post grad applications would be immediately binned and I hired and promoted from within, it worked – it always works, because if you want a mouse catching you hire a cat not a fish with a f*cking degree!

      • Quite right VF. I also think apprenticeships make sense versus Uni nowadays anyway, not just as second class alternatives.
        An exceptional engineering apprentice in Sheffield can go all the way to PhD while working and earning. Not many will of course but a mechanical trade will always feed you anyway.

      • Apprenticeships in real terms have disappeared, modern apprenticeships are a bit of a joke and by and large give desperate kids false hope of a future they will simply not have.

        Apprenticeships were also a great social leveller – Tarquin can tell you all about the artistic impression and classical Bauhas inspired leanings of a car design, but he is fucked unless Kev changes the clutch for him!

        My Nephew hated his apprenticeship but was reminded of the pain for gain principle, he now works as an engineer for Rolls Royce, pokes around nuclear power stations (I think in fairness it’s a bit more technical than that) and makes in excess of a hundred Thousand a Year – the little cunt!

  6. Life is an education. Most, not some, university graduates leave uni with letters after their name and qualified in something with fuck all relevance. but most importantly they leave with not one ounce of common sense. Uni is a breeding ground for bell ends.

  7. In the end there must be a lot of tuition fees that will be written off, unless the cunts get a good well paid job, it’s a flawed system. Education is free up to 18 but after that it’s no the responsibility of the tax payer to fund fucking Micky Mouse degrees.

    I agree that for students who take ‘proper degrees’ the fees should be means tested and if the Parents are wealthy they should be asked to pay and poorer families not.

    Most students are cunts so deserve to fucked over!

  8. Someone has to pay for university tuition and I am not sure that those earning just above the income tax threshold should subsidise students from affluent backgrounds so it shouldn’t come out of general taxation.I am with Martin Lewis the moneysupermarket bloke. It is the difference of perception. If you call it a student loan then you leave university with debt around your neck, albeit a large percentage of that debt is never paid off. However if you call it a ‘graduate tax’ and explain that those who have graduated earn more than those who have not had the benefit of a university education and most people, I think, would agree that it is fair and reasonable.
    It would also help to get people doing degrees in worthwhile subjects.

    • I agree but word Tax is a problem, maybe graduate levy, sounds less intrusive and a little more vague

      • “Tax”? – Aargh! “Proportionate fiscal realignment”, that should fool the Proles!

        For a bit.

      • What is the first thing a newly qualified meeja studies student says?

        “D Yu want fries wi’ dat”?

  9. The fact that doctors, nurses and midwives have to pay for their training is a national disgrace. If Boris is going to pump all this dough into the NHS that’s the first thing the cunt should do something about.
    Then we wouldn’t have to nick them all from poor countries, something the BBC never mentions on “Children in Need” and “Comic Cunting Relief.”

    • We have qualified and experienced medical staff born and trained in the UK who cannot get work because the available positions are being taken up by foreign Nationals employed by agencies who charge the NHS (IE, you and me) a fortune.


    • Yeah, it is a joke, Freddie.

      This supposed bringing back of bursaries for nurses is actually cobblers. It is basically a grant that they can apply for, up to £8000 depending on their chosen speciality. They will still have tuition fees, yet there is Boris saying he will get 50,000 more nurses for the NHS.

      Fucking laughable.

      I was lucky. I got a bursary and paid nothing for my training at all as I was in the final intake of students to study under the pile of educational shite that was Project 2000.

      It really is taking the piss to expect nurses to pay for their training. The final year of their studies, they are basically on the ward 24/7, so plugging the staff vacancies and working for fucking free. Then when they qualify, they will work like fucking dogs for peanuts and be expected to repay their huge student debts…..

      …yet BoJo still reckons he will get 50,000 more of them. He is living in La La Land.

  10. They’re a good way to deter people from doing silly degrees, respectively speaking. They’re also a good revenue for foreign students who want to come here to earn money.

  11. Why all the fuss?

    Graduates don’t have to pay a penny toward their fees until they’re earning over £26,000, and then only 9% p.a. on amounts above that figure.

    A substantial proportion will never contribute a penny toward obtaining their Mickey Mouse degrees, and whatever debt they have left after 30 years is written off anyway.

    Keeps them off the unemployment statistics for a few years though.

    My feckless brother-in-law has been doing a degree and a masters in ‘business studies’ for over 3 years now. The idiot is completely unsuitable for higher education, let alone employment. We suspect his professor (a neighbour) writes his essays etc for him (at a price) and no doubt trousers a cut of the never to be repaid fees the university gets from the Government (us).

    University nowadays is little more than big business leeching off the taxpayer.

  12. Can’t cunt this.

    If you can’t afford something you can make sacrifices so that your kids might have more options.
    We’re born into situations defined largely by the sacrifices our antecedents were prepared to make for us. If your own kin couldn’t be arsed, why should I be?

    Tuition is already waived for poor kids and loans can be minimised or eliminated by working part-time and not going out on the piss all the time.

  13. “A lot of hangovers?”
    Many ot the useless asshole students today are not even interesting enough that they’d drink!
    When I was at college, I was blotto most days. And what’s more, it was all courtesy of the tax payer!
    Ah! the benefits of being a baby boomer!

    • How’s that degree in Tibetan basket weaving and 13th century Sanskrit poetry working out Blunty?

      • ? It’s served me well LL!
        Still, what’s a poor working class boy from a council estate on a full grant to do? ?

      • With qualifications like that I am surprised you and Percy haven’t got your snouts in the Westminster trough, even Compo got two E grade A-levels and he is now a living god (in Islington)

      • I’ve always believed in the power of niche markets LL. As far as I’m aware, nobody else offers Tibetan basket weaving to their students. I even number several of the Islington set amongst my clients.
        Have you any niche areas of expertise you could cash in on?

      • Yes Blunty, I have spent the last three and a half years gaining a degree in counselling and psychiatric disorders, specializing in Brexit Derangement Syndrome and to a lesser extent, Trump Derangement Syndrome. I expect to be flat out by the 31st.

  14. Bring back proper grammar schools. They offer a real chance to anyone with the abilities to get in regardless of social background.

    Then have means tested Grant’s for the people with proven ability but not the funds to carry on their education.

    I totally agree about tuition fee’s but it also fucks me right off the way any cunt can go to university and degrade the whole education system.

    Personally I feel the student loan system was just a way of stimulating the economy short. All those loans just unlocked many millions of pounds of spending, most of it pissed up the wall by the cunts in higher education.

  15. I am “soup to nuts” state educated. Luckily for me this saw the majority of my education under Margaret Thatcher’s tenure as PM (junior school thru Polyversity).

    My higher education was state funded. I lived at home during this period (as I went to the local polytechnic – like most of my contemporaries) so received a grant for the education bit only.

    As you needed a brain to study the course I intended to do, the entry requirements were high. This meant that the chaff was expelled from the wheat at the point of source, and even then the first year was designed to weed out the stragglers and hangers-on.

    My course also involved a year in industry where I learned far more there than the other 3 years combined. I will be eternally grateful for that time with my working mentors and colleagues because I was put to work rather than merely being seen as a glorified tea boy.

    During that time my poly got delusions of grandeur and (like most polytechnics at the time) became a university. This was a huge mistake because polytechnics were where you went to learn a trade, universities were for the academics who liked to “talk a good story”.

    Our education system lost something when polytechnics disappeared.

    Less than 3yrs after starting work the LABOUR government (under the shit-weasel in chief – Tony B.Liar) scrapped grants and replaced them with tuition fees.

    This was great for the “universities” but not so much for the economy.

    In my time I have paid eye-watering amounts of tax – commensurate with the wage I was afforded at given times (most of which went back into the economy) – and have also raised corporate taxes operating my “one man band” company for over 20yrs.

    On balance, I have rewarded the state tenfold compared to what I have taken out. That would not have been possible with a crippling amount of debt from the outset.

    I’m pretty fucking far from being a left winger but I do believe that the grant system should be reintroduced, but, with caveats.

    Grants should only be awarded for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects only. If you want to do gender, Beyonce and social studies, sociology, etc., and – I’m sad to say – art, then you pay your own way. We need home-grown doctors and the like, not curators and professionally offended blue-haired cunts!

    When we educate OUR doctors and leave them with a hefty debt hole, is it any wonder that most leave for the US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada – seeking higher remuneration tariffs – as soon as their 2yr internship is over?

    This means the rest of the developed world gets OUR best and brightest while we make do with poaching the 3rd world’s best and brightest.

    If they had no debt (which then makes the NHS’s remuneration far more attractive), and were tithed to 10yrs service (if they leave early then they pay the balance) then we could have our OWN doctors providing most of the care in OUR NHS within a few generations (o’course pointless immigration needs to stop as well).

    Alas, that seeks to look beyond the 5yr election cycle, and who the fuck would wants to do that in parliament!


    P.S. Great cunting.

  16. On the flip side not only does it stop clever poor people doing well. It puts rich stupid people in positions of power and responsibility they otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach. A double whammy of cuntishness

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