The Insufferably Smug

The There’s an old saying which goes ‘never speak ill of the dead’. Normally I’d abide by this, but there’s an exception to every rule. In my case, that exception is restaurant critic Michael ‘Winner’s Dinners’ Winner, an overbearing prick into whose soup I’m sure many a chef will have wanked. Winner epitomises that breed apart which I characterise as ‘the insufferably smug’.

Before getting down to a few cases, let me define what I mean by this phrase. Well as a characteristic, smugness displays a high degree of self-satisfaction and a sense of superiority over others, At its worst, it carries with it the certainty in the correctness of one’s own views, and a condescending attitude to those who disagree. It manifests itself in that Will Self style complacent body language and self-congratulatory inflection in the voice, and that little George Clooney insincere smirk. The insufferably smug can most readily be found in that self-regarding Metrobubble world of politics, meeja and celebrity, where they’re thicker than fleas on a dog.

So here are a few examples of smug cuntitude to illustrate my point, and for you to get your teeth into. Take champagne socialist Islington millionairess Emily ‘Peppa Pig’ Thornberry, living the high life while pontificating about her ‘working class roots’, then posting a disparaging photo of white van man’s house bedecked in the disgusting flag of St. George. Good idea Peppa; hold your smug nose in the air and sneer at the very people you purport to represent. Funny how it came back to bite your fat arse in 2019. Ten out of ten on the smugometer.

Then there’s the contemptuous attitude of luvvies such as Slaphead Stewart and Steve Coucunt, informing Brexit voters that they ‘didn’t know what they voted for’, or that they’re ‘ignorant and ill informed’. Good job for us then that we have these two world renowned experts on international affairs to demonstrate the error of our ways. Or take everybody’s favourite SJW Owen Jones. Yes, somebody PLEASE take Owen Jones. Little Owen is a past master in the art of ‘doing’ smug. It oozes out of him as he disses anyone who has the temerity to disagree with him as ‘fascist, racist, xenophobic’. I’d go so far as to say that in his case, smugness is terminal.

Have a little think about that aristocrat of smugness, that pompous fart Meryl Streep. Remember her at the Golden Globes, disrespecting ordinary folk because they preferred to watch football and martial arts rather than improving themselves by spending their money on the ‘worthy’, virtue signalling product of Hollywoke? That’s right; another cunt who thinks that her celebrity entitles her to pontificate to the rest of us, and whose vanity leads her to think that we actually give a flying fuck.

Let’s face it, this pernicious trait of insufferable smugness has grown like a cancer on the faces of those who make up what has come to be termed ‘the cultural elite’. It’s anchored in the belief that the hoi polloi in Britain and elsewhere just don’t know what’s good for them. Farage? He’s a demagogue. Trump supporters? Idiots, ‘a basket of deplorables’.

I’d love to set up a stall where we could line every one of these cunts up; Jon Snow-Flake, Bercow, Linekunt, Clinton, Izzard, Dame Elton, the Grants (Hugh and Russell), Chakrabarti, Thompson, Hislop et al, so that we can hurl coconuts at them while they regard us with that air of intellectual superiority. Actually no; make that pigshit. Let’s return the crap they spout at us in kind. The insufferably smug cunts.

PS; Happy New Year to Alex Salmond. Oh, what a wonderful deflation of smugness!

Nominated by Ron Knee

121 thoughts on “The Insufferably Smug

    • I seem to remember Patrick fuckwit making a video where he claimed the right to a fair trial and making torture illegal came from the human rights act. Dim fucking wanker.

  1. I can’t help thinking this ties in with everyone that gets cunted on here! Smug cunts to a man, woman, womxn, non-binary, gender-fluid, intersex, polygender, queer etc etc…

  2. Who else thinks RK for next Poet Laureate? (Then again they tend to be right smug cunts…..)

  3. It would have to be large stall to fit in all the smug cunts I’d want in there.My chosen instrument to twat them with isn’t the coconut but a frozen leg of lamb,right in the mush.

  4. Excellent cunting Ron.
    Back when it used to be funny Viz described Winner as ‘staggeringly bad film director Michael Winner’.
    I have much more on Winner, including a story regarding a ghastly portrait of the fat cunt which glowered at me during many a meeting, but that’s all for another time.

  5. In my humble opinion, a lot of this stems from the fact that cunts like this are lauded to a status far beyond that which their “talent” suggests. Now I’m a big film fan, but actors – why should pretending to be someone else for a couple of hours a day mean your opinion is worth anyone’s time? Makes me gag when you get the cunts on TV shows telling us how brutal their latest shoot was, having to make do with own-brand coconut milk, chipped nails etc.; hardly another day at the fucking coal face is it?

      • An he was a wrestler!
        His nanny job didnt take off though,
        Jingle jangle, now then now then…

      • Jimmy was very progressive, before his time some would say. Forget Peter Tatchall, Jimmy was at the forefront of rights for everyone. Who else gave a fuck about the sexual needs of the recently deceased?

        There are woke cunts in California just waken up to the agenda Jimmy pushed for decades.

        In all seriousness Savile is rightfully reviled but there are people pushing for acceptance of the sort of behaviour that he indulged in.

        It’s a sick race to the bottom.

      • Jimmy “The Inappropriate Toucher” Saville vs. Kendo Nagasaki…. I’d have paid to see that

      • Kendo was great wasnt he?
        Saturday afternoon world of sport!
        Gay bloke, kendo Nagasaki lived with his flamboyant manager.
        Used to go the wrestling as a kid at Belle vue, met Big Daddy, bottled it at meeting Giant Haystacks! Haha
        Bloke my dad knew, a dwarf (no shit) got me backstage to meet Big Daddy.
        I would of been about 8yrs old,

      • What was MNC, the D-word? I envision you as looking a bit like GH now! Yeah used to love the old British wrestling, viewed now without nostalgia goggles I bet it looks proper bollocks though

      • Your right Bertie, only myself to blame knew it was a trigger an still used it!

    • “pretending to be someone else for a couple of hours a day”

      Nah. These twats are pretending to be someone else for 24 hours a day.

  6. Off topic for a moment but I think the news or the rumours of recent days needs marking.
    Well he has been only keeping his powder dry. Now things are going to really hot up. I mean when Lisa entered the race it got exciting. Then Jess’s announcement turned it to fever pitch. Sir Keir… I can’t take anymore, I thought it’s all too much. But now this morning the rumours that HE is going to throw his hat into the ring. That dynamic personality will be to the fore. That powerful political Presence. What a thing we’re about to witness- the moment Barry Gardiner entered the race.

    • Even more worrying (not for me) Justin has got some health issues, not a ripped out arse hole courtesy of Krav but allegedly Lyme disease.
      But whatever, he is still a cunt.

      Barry G, fuck he would be a real winner as leader of the Labour Party.

    • Nicked from Guido Fawkes.

      If Barry Gardiner becomes leader of the Labour party and subsequently becomes Prime Minister will PMQs become Gardiner’s Question Time?

      • Gardener’s Question Time

        Turning to growing Peas
        Like sweet corn, if he doesn’t already know, peas are at their tastiest immediately after harvest. Whether you choose shell or edible-pod peas, they grow best during spring and early summer when temperatures are between 60 F to 75 F. Doesn’t the Prime Minister know that?

        The leader of the Opposition says that growing peas is his priority. Well it maybe his, but not mine. We need to get on and get The Lettuce done. That’s what the country’s crying out to hear when do we plant the lettuce seeds. And move on.

  7. I feel the tide is finally turning against these wankers. Instead of film and TV stars being revered, the mood is now turning against these shallow cunts. Brexit has certainly sorted the wheat from the chaff.

    For example, back in the 80’s/90’s Elton John wasn’t really regarded as a cunt. Fast forward to the 2010’s and he has morphed into a crown prince of cunts – an outspoken, overtly gay, flamboyant, arrogant, fat, arse rimming princess. He is wealthy enough not to let this trouble him, but hoo-eee, what a dislikable cunt.

    Schwarzaniglet is similar. Back then, a pleasant, affable (if slightly meat-headed), hammy, action firm actor of the 80’s and 90’s. Now some Democrat, woke arsehole-licking arrogant Austrian turd.

    See what I mean?

    BTW, a most eloquent cunting from Ron!

    • I generally consider Gervais to be quite the cunt but his skewering of the Hollycunts at the Golden Globes certainly hit the spot.

      • It did indeed Mecha! It’s needed these cunts to be called out for years. If you’re interested, also have a look at Dave Chappelle’s ‘Sticks and Stones’ special (it’s on youtube). More calling out of the virtue-signalling brigade for the wankers that they are.

      • I dislike Gervaise intensely. But how refreshing to see him calling out all the pomposity over there. He is a great Cunt.

  8. I recall a particular smug cunt, not very popular and they had a complete dental rebuild (Told you he wasn’t very popular) any way he was a whining opinionated cunt.
    After his rebuild he became aware that every one smiled at him (maybe his new flashy dental work) and his world changed to one of naive joy.
    What he didn’t know was that one of the junior NCO’S had been sticking said persons tooth brush up his own arse.
    I was a smug cunt once (In fact we band of smug cunts!) still tickles me today.

  9. I think the tide is most definitely turning against these smuggy little cunts.
    The real bubble burst on Dec 13th with an election result non of these cunts saw coming.
    If average Joe cunt voted with his wallet and stopped funding the institutions these smug cunts get their money from then the level of smugness/cuntitude would shrink if not cease altogether.

  10. I’d be smug if I were earning what the nominated smug cunts were earning. To be one of those all you need is a good agent and a lust for publicity. Oh, and a deeply caring, compassionate and hence woke personality for use only when in the spotlight – hence the SJW requirement – it can be abandoned in the privacy of your own palatial mansion as long as the domestic menials don’t find you kicking the bichon frise or Pom round the room after unloading it from your hand/manbag. For there is still good money to be made from a Sun article. (See also Airmiles Andy.)

    Oh, and though I agree fully with her take on global warming, Grated Iceberg has possibly the smuggest expression I have ever seen, and should be included in the list.

  11. Agree totally – not sure why Russell Grant was on there, mind. He might not be able to predict the future for shit and was apparently total toilet on Strictly one year but I haven’t seen any utterances or behaviour to justify his inclusion here, but by all means correct me if wrong. I assume you mean that total shitcunt Russell Brand of course, with his wheedling voice and pathetic pretensions at being all ‘street wiv der kidz’.

  12. I feel quite smug, I knew the Harry/Meghan duo would be a fucking disaster, Harry could have gone for a nice English girl from the right sort family rather than an American snowflake.
    Hopefully they will fuck off to the US and not come back.

    • Great cunting as always Ron!?
      Agree totally.
      Smugness is elevated to art in the likes of Emily Thornberry, a truly jawdropping smug sack of shite youd stuggle to find.
      Hows the Greta doll coming along ?
      Have to pop a picture on when shes up an running!
      Knew youd find a hobby!?

      • Afternoon Miserable.
        Grunta doll’s what the artistic community calls ‘a work in progress’. I’ve got a nice big turnip for the head, with a mop on top, and I’ve stuck a picture of the gurning wee arsehole’s pinched little face on it. I’ve stuck this on top of the grandkids’ guy from bonfire night, which was gathering dust in the garage. I’ll add a couple of melons and a gutted chicken as key features, and see how I get on. It’ll keep the missus on her toes when I tell her she’s got a bit of competition.

  13. The smuggest cunts I’ve come across in recent times are the remain cunts. They are the most condescending cunts going. If ever a bunch of people suffered from a mass delusion that they are superior beings it’s remainers.

    Dame Elton John being a fine celebrity example.

    “ I am a European. I am not a stupid, colonial, imperialist English idiot.”

    We can find many examples of contempt for the way ordinary folk voted from celebrities, politicians, business leaders etc.

    These smug cunts believe their opinions outweigh the democratic choice of 17.4 million.

    Honourable mention to Jeremy Corbyn, Jez still believes he’s the best person to lead the Labour Party, believes that he is right about terrorist and every other leader is wrong, he still believes his policies are popular with the people and through all this delusion is as smug as Brad Pitt on a day he’d had a gobble from Jennifer Anniston and then done Angelina Jolie up the arse in his dressing room for lunch.

    And I’m sure he did it, I would have and if of been a smug cunt for the rest of my days!

    There are currently 6 petitions and 1 thank you for being our saviour petition.

    Might sign it myself just to keep the deluded cunt in charge and really fuck them up

    • Nice find Admin, 9 days into January and the turkeys are voting for next Christmas to come early.

  14. My Smug Cunt Finalists, not for the year, but the entire decade would be Dominic Grieve , Hilary Mary-Ann Benn, Gaylord Adonis and Anthony Blair.

    Their prize would be to have Diane Abbott sit on their faces immediately after she has shat, and without benefir of Andrex. Every day of the year.

    • Well now you mention it… the “it” being Abbopottamus herself; (hestitate to call it a “her” until I see the full zooligical report) does she not bear the most condescending, shit eating, holier-than-thowwww face you ever saw? That sighing, roly-eyed rictus she throws as if she’s bearing the stupidity of her interlocuter with a patience warranting sainthood is now a DVD presentation and a mandatory module in govt/public service training regimes. But then fuck me… when she’s finished waffling out her nugget of wordly wisdom she flicks on that chubby-chopped “beat that” grin that honestly makes me want to rip cobbles up!

      SMUG = Slack Mouthed Ugly Groid

      • It’s the slowly closing of the eyelids as she speaks that takes her smugness to another level.

      • The joke is, to everybody else, the thing with the eyelids just makes her look even more utterly vacant, the useless cunt

      • Ah you’ve done the module Miles? Yes that’s it exactly, the slowness with which she does it, jeez the hair on my neck is rising at the mere recollection!

      • Speaking of hair, that’s surely a syrup that Flabbott wears? It looks pretty dodgy to me; makes her look even more bizarre

  15. What a cunting, Ron Knee.
    Very true indeed, this ‘smugness’ is a by product of achievement (usually in the arts)… because a lot of these cunts have ‘made it’ as Actor’s, musicians etc they feel that because they have succeeded where many others don’t they have the right to talk down to people and that there viewpoint is the fairer and correct one.
    Smugness also has its roots in the class system and here in dear old blighty the class system is alive and kicking.
    It’s those bastard Royals who started it all, and all the cunts who want to be like them.
    It’s because a lot of these smug cunts have a large audience that listens to their every word and the fact they feel guilty for their wealth they preach the kind of bollocks they would call bollocks if they were who they are.
    They can all go fuck themselves.
    However Keira Knightly could talk all the bollocks she wanted whilst I gave her her a good pounding in her English rose cunt.
    Piss off.

      • We past eachother on the pavement once in my area SV and I swear she was smiling to herself…I should have realised back then that she was a bit of a psycho.
        She is small but perfectly formed and looks a right naughty cow.
        What the fuck was all that abaaaaaht with her boyfriend? I haven’t bothered reading the full story but didn’t she attack him and then he said she didn’t? A pair of Psychos perhaps.

      • I dunno the full story but I read something like she done him round the head with a lamp when he was asleep.

        She must have a lot of redeeming characteristics which in my mind means she must be awesome in bed and dirty and and and oh my

        You sure that little smile wasn’t an expression of her thoughts. “There’s a man who looks like he’d stick his tongue up my arse”?

      • She may have noticed my tongue hanging out like a hungry dog SV…I was trying to act normal, or she may have noticed my boner sticking out.
        She has something about her though and I might even risk a lampshade around the head whilst I slept to give her one.

      • Harry Styles is an utter bell-end but I couldn’t blame the little wanker when he was a teenager and she offered it up on a plate. She was a fame hungry cougar wanting to further her career by shagging the flavour of the month and he wanted to get his dick wet, win/win.

      • Harry Styles looks very much like a young Sam Allardyce, best he gets as much pussy as he can before he goes full Sam.

      • I did a job over near knutsford somewhere, an this nosy old cunt came over mithering
        “Know who lived there? Eh? Know who lived there?”
        “Not a clue mate,who?”
        “Go one have a guess!,
        Getting a bit impatient,
        “Dunno mate, im working, George Best?
        “No, go on guess again!”
        Starting to get annoyed
        “Not a clue, look im really busy here mate”
        ….”Harry Styles!”
        “Who the fucks Harry Styles?”
        He was gutted hehehe

      • What’s the difference between One Direction and Futurama..?

        Only one bender in Futurama….

    • I never hear Sean Bean talking snug, the Sheff lad might smack it out of them!


  16. Shouldn’t speak ill of the dead? Well I do. Frequently. If someone’s a cunt when they’re alive, being dead doesn’t alter that fact. They simply go from being a live cunt to a dead cunt. Fuck tact and diplomacy. Tell it like it is.

      • Point taken Allan. That being the case, I now have no further compunction with regards to calling out Danny La Rue and Cilla ‘lorra laffs’ Black as insufferably smug cunts.

      • Mate of mine’s sister did a spell at ITV doing reception work, she insists to this day that Cilla was an absolute 24-karat prize cunt, rude and totally up herself. Worra worra cunt

      • Can well believe it Cuntan. I always felt that she had ‘PHONEY’ printed through her like a stick of Blackpool rock.

  17. Talking of smug cunts…I woke up late and put LBC on…how does anyone listen to James o’Shithead for more than 10 minutes.
    What a cunt he is, he cannot let someone say more than a sentence without interrupting.
    He’d be quite happy marooned on a desert island talking to himself.
    The cunt.

    • Remainer smug cunt, but yes a prime example, he’s so fucking smug and condescending that even if he’s got a valid point I’m automatically opposed to it.

      The cunt gets uglier and more deformed every day, his own toxic self opinion is eating his face.

    • Oh my Bertie, but Kumar is a smug cunt. Like a lot of (so-called) stand-ups these days. You only need to have a look at the likes of HIGNFY and Mock The Week. They’re like fucking flies on shit.

      • Nish Kumar? No words but cunt, cunt, cunt!

        “Off you go Nish”

        “Brexit, stupid northern racists, waaycism, Trump”!

        “Repeat, repeat, repeat”

        Thanks Nish – here’s 30 grand of licence fee payers money”

        It’s not enough you waaycist bastard”!

        I NEED to slap that “Man”. So much.

  18. Coconuts? A large goldfish bowl over their heads with some giant japanese hornets being introduced one at a time..

  19. Emily Pigberry, Owen Jones, James O Shithead etc.
    So many of the smuggest cunts of the last 20 years mentioned on here today.
    Also Burley and Fatcunt Boulton at Sly plus every fucker at the Beeb.
    Fabulous all round cunting today, Ron!

    • Thanks Helmit.
      Yep there are a few in broadcasting aren’t there? Burley’s a prime example, along with cunts like Jon Snowflake, Guru-Murthy, Emma ‘Trout Pout’ Barnett and that ridiculous cunt who got her arse handed to her on a plate by Jordan Perterson.
      Christ on a bike mate, so many smug cunts, so little time…

  20. On the subject of insufferably smug cunts, The Royal Family are said to be “hurt” at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s announcement they will step back as senior royals….

    Prince Harry and Meghan did not consult any senior royal about making the statement, it is understood….

    Who never thought this would never happen? Into Eden comes the serpent, into Abbey Road comes Yoko Fucking Ono. into Old Trafford comes Skeletor Spice…. It’s an old and familiar story… Markle is a snake with tits and Harry is as stupid and pussywhipped as they fucking come…

    • I foresee in my crystal ball…

      Hewitt Jr, his pet Marmoset and their half-breed, baby Fred, migrating to Canada.

      They try to set up a climutchange charidee and Hewitt Jr runs out of cash after the cash hose to his publicly funded pot is severed by Brenda. The Marmoset still simply *must* be seen in the very best outfits, at the very most prestigious events. The Marmoset bankrupts the ginger fuckwitt. The Marmoset flees Canada with Fred and finds solace in being serviced by some B&W, C list actor with a giant cock.

      The ginger one goes on a minge crawl with his Uncle Andrew and then crawls back to Brenda with his cap in hand and an empty pot.

      “Oh, pleeeease, Nanny, can I have my royal allowance reinstated, pleeeease”.

  21. And that human xylophone, Keira Cuntley is fucking insane… As mad as a wagon load of baboons on angel dust wearing party hats… Stark raving slavering buggo, she is…

  22. I always counter the insufferably smug with my unreconstructed cuntitude. They soon fuck off. Jehova’s cunts, LibUndems and champagne Marxists give my place a miss.

  23. And those smug Twatteratti cunts at that Golden Globes thing… Bellends like Turkey Neck Paltrow and Love Handles Di Caprio laughing along to Ricky Gervais… OK, Ricky did a good turn, he was on the ball… But these liuvvie gold plated arses were only laughing at him because of who he is: the celebricunt’s comedian of choice, the Hollywood court jester… Had a bloke ‘off the street’ done the sane thing, the security gorillas would have thrown him out and given him a hiding and all these Tinsletwat tossers would be crying about ‘haters’ and (drum roll) being ‘violated’…. Hollywood is like Ancient Rome… And just like Rome it needs to go,with everyone in it…

    Oh, and Jennifer Aniston is a mong and Hollywood bullshit personified… Using the Aussie fires to push her climate change virtue signalling shows both her immorality and her stupidity… Someone should tell this thick trollop that The Australian bushfires were caused and made worse by ‘green’ environmentalist regulations that outlawed land owners from creating firebreaks, allowing the fires to spread…. It has fuck all to do with “climate change”, you daft fat slag…

    • Those luvvie cunts weren’t laughing at Gervais, they were acting laughing, in an vain attempt to save face. Simply made themselves look like even bigger cunts.

      • Yes, you’re right, like a court jester: allowed to do it. He is of course one of them.

  24. Speaking of smug cunts, I see the Markle creature and the half-cucked prince are going to finance themselves going forwards.

    Good luck with that!

    The cost of their existence is eye-watering to the UK Taxpayer’s purse (security details alone cost millions each year) and as royals they are prohibited from earning their own money.

    Their intention is to set up their own Ponzi scheme…sorry charadee…and run that instead. Hmmm?

    “Meghan has to walk 8yds from her bulletproof limousine into Harrod’s to buy her new Prada handbag. Something she has to do each day. Can you help? Text CUNT to donate just £2,000,000 to keep minor royals in the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.”

    The writing was on the wall as soon as Hewitt Jnr picked a yank actress as his spunk bucket of choice. And – contrary to what the Markle creature and her hangers on would like to believe is because of race – it’s because she’s a self-aggrandising, low-rent actress from that fortress of cuntitude known as Tinseltown.

    The same scenario would have played out if it had been any Tinseltown skanklett irrespective of race/colour.


  25. Bring back Dennis Pennis is all I can say. Brought a few smug Hollywood cunts down to earth, especially the king of smug Bruce Willis.

    • He also fucked up Hugh Grant. ‘They throw a chair on the stage cos it’s less wooden than your acting’ Words to that effect. The smug cunt wasn’t amused.

      • I rejoice at the joke about Dame Judy plonking her arse down and licking her crotch. How that mighty luvvie has fallen. She’s had a few sharp reversers lately from her tattoo of Harvey is God to this pile of wank ‘Cats’. Oh, she could keep up with the new modern sensibility as ‘M’ in Bond. She, like Mirren, have embraced every bit of the moden bullshit. But even in the past she was shit. She was a shit as Lady Macbeth with Ian McKellen as the eponymous character.
        To think she was married to the lovely Michael Williams. She should have bowed out when he died.

      • Wasn’t the daft bat claiming that her ‘Cats’ character was a tranny? What a fucking tit.

      • The clip I saw of her as the CGI cat was of her writhing around….fucking horrible. Everyone has said even the Guardian there is something horrible about it. You could readily imagine her licking her crotch.

      • Her Daminess Dench used to live near me, constantly whining to anyone who would listen (a monologue then) about “the poor dahling people”.

        Then got her first well paid gig and fucked off to London.

      • As they inevitably do. Every luvvy cunt seems to live in the London bubble. It seems to be part and parcel of being a luvvy cunt.

      • Anyone else remember Victor Lewis-Smith? Had a brilliant radio show when I was at school doing prank phone calls, some were absolutely fucking hilarious. Did some TV afterwards then went off the boil

      • Lewis-Smith’s “Celebrity Obituaries” on “TV Offal” were gems – introduced, IIRC, by Michael Buerk. The tragic death of Vanessa Feltz was pure genius. Not forgetting The Gay Daleks…

      • Yes, all bangers HBH. I’ve still got his CD “Tested on Humans for Irritancy” somewhere, genius

    • More than Andrew Porchester-Windsor, who hasn’t got a leg to stand on, but fewer than “Jake the Peg fiddle fiddle fiddle – dee, with my extra leg, fiddle fiddle” &c.

  26. Agree with all except Patrick Stewart.

    He’s Captain Picard for fucks sake!

    I would be smug too!

    Prince Hewitt and his pet yank are smug cunts who should he stripped of titles and royal privileges and told to shack up with Uncle Prince P*do!

    • I never used to mind him when he was an ack-torr. He seriously pissed on my chips when he turned into a full on Remoaning cunt, having the fucking neck to go to Germany and apologise for all of us who voted for Brexit because we didn’t know what we’d voted for. Like he’s a world renowed expert on international affairs, the smug cunt.

  27. Got onto trouble once for doing precisely that at work
    “Did you here about poor old Ray. Dropped dead over his desk”
    “Blokes was a cunt”
    “You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead”
    “Why not. He was a cunt. Only difference is that now he’s a dead cunt”

    Ironically he was bollocking one of his staff at the time. I congratulated him for finishing the bastard off. Job well done.

    Cunt once told one of my managers that if he could get enought shit on me to force me out, then he could have my job working under him. Naturally my opo didn’t trust the cunt as far as he could kick him and tipped me off.

    Only good cunt is a dead cunt…

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