The Fourth Plinth

The fourth plinth….

‘A giant swirl of replica whipped cream topped with a cherry, a fly and a drone is set to appear in central London for the next year two years.

Heather Phillipson’s sculpture, titled THE END, will be unveiled on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square on the 26th of March.’

London of course. What the fuck has this grandiose piece of wank got to do with anything? The END? Of what exactly, or am I too thick to work it out? We have had dead fish, beds with the wet patch and dog ends all trumpeted as art and fuck knows what else. Do these cunts live on the same planet as me, or am I just a thick cunt?

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Take a look at this ever-so insightful pile of turd about this ‘art’ coming out of the mouth of some National Gallery twat – Admin

120 thoughts on “The Fourth Plinth

  1. More loony left nonsense. It probably represents the corruption of the sweet blandishments of white dominated capitalism, or some such woke bollox.

    I’d rather have a statue of Rudyard Kipling or Cecil Rhodes put on the plinth.

    • Oh yeah there will be a pop at whitey in there somewhere, philistines like us will not see it obviously

      • What about a massive statue of Oliver Cromwell having a big shit next to a bonfire of Catholics and Muzlims?

        Art critics could ponder its hidden message and cryptic metaphors while the rest of us enjoy its literal interpretation.

  2. This kind of shite always reminds me of pretentious wine cunts; the ones that claim to be able to tell the difference between a £10 Aldi bottle and a priceless grand cru. They’ve all been caught out in numerous blind tests, but they insist something is worth far more than it is due to snobbery and fear of being the odd one out. Same with this “art” shite. Cunts. Good nomination.

  3. That’s reserved for a statue of B&WC, thought we established this yesterday! This is outrageous, a heroic British legend usurped by this shit.

    We march on Parliament at dawn.

      • Thank you Cunters…Twatter is in meltdown over my snub and all my female fans are going on hunger strike.
        I have been so shocked by this that I have had to lie down all day.
        I will play the final, unbeatable card I have left…The race card.
        Anyone noticed the plinth is white? Well that’s racist and It’ll be black by tomorrow once Lily Allen and JK Rowling get on board.

  4. If they really wanted to represent London then a sculpture of a giant cunt would be perfect!
    They already have one as mayor

  5. Wasn’t there a statue of an armless/legless fat lezza on this plinth a few years back? God’s tits, Nelson must wish his monument was elsewhere.

  6. How much more of this shit are we going to eat whilst paying for the privilege. Links up nicely to the previous post. Insanity sold as wisdom, the emperors new clothes.

  7. The National Gallery link is fucking priceless. (thanks Admin) You could get a bright 10 year old to satirise it. Fuck me, even Private Eye could do it, albeit related to ‘Brexit supporters’.

    • Glad they had some music, I could focus on that rather than try to work out what the bint was fucking talking about.

  8. Oh dear me I wish I’d not seen that,it’s not good for me.
    Where do they find these cunts?
    200ft statue of the Iron Duke instead.
    Fuck off.

  9. Maybe they will put a statue of Guy Verhofstadt up there, he is predicting Britain will rejoin the EU in the future.

    At least Hitler killed himself when he lost.

  10. If your a cunt big enough to think this is anything more than a pile of shit you almost certainly voted remoan. Everyone else can see right through this bollox. I’d like to see a stuffed khan with a massive knife sticking out of his arse up there.

    • I like it.
      Dont give a fuck what you lot say.
      Its ice cream! The only thing the italians ever invented of any value.
      Stick a flake in it an enjoy.
      The nazis made the best statues,
      Big fuck off angry eagles wings outspread!
      Said artistically “we mean business’
      An they did.
      Anyone from the arts council asks my opinion ill tell em “needs more nazi!”

  11. Only a committed philistine would plant a visual turd like that in the classical arena of Trafalgar Square. It is an obscenity, and as such belongs in Tate Modern. A public gallows would be much more appropriate, and the more effective for the dangling corpses of current ‘artists’ selected by democratic ballot.

    But perhaps that would cause offence and outrage. What else might we put there to add to the nobility of this carefully and competently planned public space?

    Fiddler on horseback, I think, thrashing a cowering sab. In Cheviot (if suitable, failing that Shap) granite. We need a reminder of our Imperial greatness, and a respectful nod to the North. And NOT by bastard Anthony Gormley.

    • Offensive? It’s offensive to me to pass shit like this as art. It’s who’s being offended that counts isn’t it?

      Eminem has offended people with the following line from his latest release.

      ” I’m contemplating yelling ‘bombs away’ on the game / Like I’m outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting .”

      This has offended a few people, even people who claim to love Eminem are having a meltdown.

      These cunts ever actually listened to him before?

      Way back in the early 2000’s

      “More pain inside of my brain than the eyes of a little girl / Inside of a plane, aimed at the World Trade / Standing on Ronnie’s grave, screaming at the sky / Until clouds gathe, it is Clyde Mathers and Bonnie Jade.”

      Anyone familiar with his work knows nothings taboo to him, faux outrage now?

      I guess it’s ok until it offends you or you’re one of the professionally offended cucks.

      So we’re going to have a twatter meltdown over Eminem but me being offended about so called art being placed on a plinth in an area of London that’s purpose is celebrating British history is of no importance. White hetro males have no right to be offended because our existence is an offence.

      • No, SV. Your offendedness does not trouble the arbiters of tastelessness one tiny bit. Your opinions, rooted as they are in millenia of European and classical culture, pride in your nationality and rejection of decadent influences, are at odds with being whatever you want to be and like you know cool./ wicked/sick/whatevs. Now learn to talk patois, inventing its pronunciation as you go along, upspeak, change your gender, bulk order your tofu and oat milk and wear a manbun (or alternativelygenderedbun) Only thus will you be acceptable in this brave new world.

      • I’m still digesting the fact rationality is a white construct and it’s racist to expect other races to be rational.

  12. Pity the ice cream was not chocolate; with the fly on top, it would resemble a giant Mr Whippy turd.


  13. Did anyone have Heartbeat stalwart and ex-Basil Brush stooge Derek Fowlds in the Dead Pool?

    • I hve just checked and it appears the LIberal Liquidator has thrown the lucky seven for poor old Derek!

      • LL is a very worthy winner. He’s had it pretty hard recently, ironing my newspapers of a morning, after Willie Stroker went awol last year.

  14. Should be a statue of a pile of a shit with Sadiq khan atop of it, so then you can ask the question that you didn’t know you could stack shit that high

  15. I’ve got a great idea for the 4th plinth which would be topical: A wrestling ring, with Slubberguts Thornberry and Bulldyke Phillips, dressed in wrestling boots and jockstraps, engaging in a cross buttocks or flying tackle. Dame Keir and Ms Wrong Dailey as their seconds and Liza Nandy as the referee. I’d call it London 2020 – for the many not the few

  16. I visited the Tate modern in Cornwall and the Barbra Hepworth studio.
    The Tate was shit, the Hepworth studio was crap to the extent I decided that some of my demonstration pieces matched her work.
    One of Mrs B’s (MKIII) Friends is a Hepworth fan so I gifted her one of my “pieces”
    I sometimes have to demonstrate equipment and I use broken bits of stock to demonstrate on, so the piece in question was a broken paving slab that I had sliced one corner off and a big hole cut out the middle with a diamond drill.
    It takes pride of place in her garden (it does look like a Hepworth)

  17. For you ignoramus’; The whipped cream represents the UK, the cherry is Great British achievement, the fly is immigration, and the drone is Diane Abbott (black, and just hovering around)

  18. Typical arty farty shite that I would expect to be erected in “The City”. Thank fuck I steer well clear of that place so will never have to cast my eyes on the piece of shit – or the sculpture!

  19. I’d like to see something which reflects contemporary culture. So a statue of Owen Jones dressed as a Laydeee, with various rodents attempting to crawl up his arsehole.
    Or…..Harvey Price sucking on Katie’s tits.
    The zeitgeist symbolism is astonishing in either case but I don’t expect you white trash to understand.

    • I like your train of thought FtF. I do like the idea of something that represents contemporary culture in today’s Britain. How about a statue of a grooming gang or something more specific to the capital – someone getting stabbed perhaps?

    • 17 years ago you probably could have seen Harvey Price sucking his Mum’s tits…….mind you, he couldn’t.

  20. You’re clearly a pleb and a philistine CC.
    Personally I adore modern art for pushing the boundaries of experimentation and exploration. In these post-modern, nay, nihilistic times of existentialist angst, the artist must struggle to overcome his inner demons , and by his sacrificies and endeavours, help us to gain vital insight into the human experience, and indeed, what it means to be human.
    I was particularly inspired by such works as the empty room with the light switching on and off at random, and the cow cut in half and preserved in a glass tank. Such insight, such vision.

    • Ron. I do believe that you must be an art critic of if not you should be. I need to up my game and empathise far more. Maybe only then will I understand and appreciate how modern art enriches our lives. Until now though I never have. That half a cow thing just made me want a burger and the room with a bulb, as inspired as it was, took me 2 minutes to recreate at home with my Hue system – I didn’t win the Turner Prize with my version though and my missus just thought I was a prick! ☹

  21. Perhaps it’s time to do a nostalgic but punchy collage piece called scuff mags of my yoof, a 3mtr by 3mtr by 3mtr revolving MDF cube printed with centre spreads from Razzle and Fiesta, topped with a wireframe pyramid from which will be suspended a latex scrotum raggedly torn, as if ripped from the body and soaked in blood to represent the ongoing attempts by WOKE society to emasculate the modern male.

  22. Clearly, I went into the wrong game. I should have become an ‘artist’ if this is all it takes to gain notoriety, a prime spot alongside Lord Nelson and a shit load of cash.

    I would shave my minge hair and make a collage of a moustache out of it called ‘the feminist construct of the vag’ or such like. The lefty bra-burners will lap it up and the National Gallery will be calling it ‘a fascinating representation of societal expectations of the female body’ or some other utter bollocks.

    How the National Gallery have the nerve to display this shit is beyond me. They have some of the most beautiful works of art in that place that well deserve to be there and be seen……and then they have this pile of horse shit.

    Shame on them and shame on the cunt who is trying to sell this shit as ‘art’. Don’t even get me started on the ludicrous cunts who deemed this fit to go on display in Trafalgar Square, just to give all of the tourists a bloody good laugh.

    Thanks for that, shit-for-brains.

    • Too late,
      We have desk diary’s here, I drew a nice face in my colleagues diary covered his chin with prit stick and covered it in pubes creating “The bearded man” as you can imagine the chap was thrilled to own an original Benny.

  23. I like traditional art, proper stuff.
    Like garden gnomes.
    Should just put a 10ft gnome up!
    But he should be white
    And male, not one of those made up confused sexes, male.
    And hetero.
    And blonde with blue eyes.
    An have his cock out facing France!
    In disdain at effete Europe.
    Maybe a pile of bones of drowned immigrants at his feet…

    Now that’s art !


      • A crying kid in blue jumper
        A blue face chinky woman
        A spanish looking woman
        2 naked people on a giant swans wings!
        Remember them Vern in 70s?
        Every house eh??

      • MNC, the painting by Giovanni Bragolin? The sad boy wearing the jumper? Is supposedly cursed.

      • Yeah burns your house down!
        Someone said its a myth,
        but we never had that painting and our house didnt set on fire,
        So goes to show its cursed in my book.

      • We’ve got that 2 naked people on a giant swan’s wings painting. As featured in ‘Abigail’s Party’.

        Got it from a car boot sale 15 years ago, now hanging in Lady Creampuff’s bedroom.

    • Im confused Admin is he a gnome?
      Hes got the a whiteface like Buster Keaton, a turban on a frankly rubbish beard,..hes all kinds of wrong!!
      The Fit girl distracted me a bit but hes a bona fida bellend isnt he?

      He needs working on…

      • All those jars in the background. Are they full of the mental’s urine? Like what Howard Hughes had in his closet?

        Cunt’s not fit to lick the shit off Howie’s haemorrhoids!

        That Blaire White bint gave me the horn. Not a tranny, is she?

      • Is Blair White the fit girl?
        You like Howard Hughes dont you Rtc?
        Interesting bloke wasnt he?
        World at his feet, smart, rich, good looking, but none to keen on germs!
        Tissuebox shoes an long fingernails never caught on but he tried.

      • I am very much like Howard Hughes MNC, except less bothered about germs and I carry a roll of toilet paper around with me instead of tissues, and have short nails cos mine are very brittle and keep on breaking.

        Apart from that you’d be hard pressed to tell us apart.

        Yeah, Blaire White is the fit bird. Just watched another of her videos and you won’t believe this MNC: she IS a tranny!

        Blew me a kiss at the end and said “love you!”

      • Im genuinely stunned!!
        Shes a man?
        Never of guessed that, feel a bit cheated as my groins saying go cat go!
        My brain on the other hand has had a stroke!
        Jesus, cant be sure of anything nowadays, what a strange world!
        Fit birds who have a bigger dick at the urinal.?

  24. 98% of modern art is rubbish. Mind you, I love a cherry and cream so I have to admire this.

    • Yeah agree Jenny!
      Be even better if they had the first course as well a massive pudding, chips peas an gravy!
      Bread n butter optional.
      An the ice cream!
      Maybe a big cup of tea too.

      Art is giant food.
      Started with James an the giant peach.

      • personally I’m not a Chips & gravy type girl, Mr.Miserable but whatever floats your boat. Ice cream is luxurious though. How about chips and ice cream as an alternative?

      • No ta.
        Its a religious an cultural thing for me,
        We have chips n gravy at weddings an funerals, for any meal including breakfast.
        Its the building block of northern life
        Food of the gods.
        Why we spurned Jeremy Corbyn!
        He was eating chips without gravy,
        He had no chance from that point,
        Earmarked as a heretic.
        An a soft southern streak of shite.

      • Very true Miserable, like that rubber faced bell end, Ed Milibands bacon roll faux pas, he never recovered and lost what little respect he had outside of the M25.

      • They should be more aware of cultural differences shouldnt they LL?
        Call themselves progressives?!!
        Soon sniff these types out, is this rice vinegar?
        Is the salt Himalayan?
        Was it fried in virgin olive oil?
        Theyre a disgrace.

      • MNC Do you serve the Yorkshire pudding before the meat and potatoes?
        It’s just that this soft sudden fairy needs to know if the Mrs has been taking the piss all these years

      • With the meat an potatoes mate!
        It acts as a tidal barrier to soak up overflow gravy.
        Keep your eye on her pal, shes trying to take the mick,
        If its not done properly you can turn french!!!

      • Les Miserable has potato fries with everything but his favourite is the chip on his shoulder about Southerners.

        ? ?

      • He’s very envious of me and my upper class southerner status. Perfectly understandable.

      • Naw, only playful teasing lads, i dont really mind fancypant southerners and their la-di-da ways, at the end of the day we’re all englishmen!?
        If everyone could be as understanding and generous of spirit as me the world would be a awfully nice place.

      • Indeed Mnc. We are Englishmen, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.

  25. Emily Thornberry on telly saying she was bullied everyday on way home from school.
    Saying one day her dad never came home.
    I dont blame him.
    She looks like shes had a drink again,
    Being posh it wont be special brew,
    Itll be something that doesnt show on yer breathe, shes pitching her leadership bid, hehehe blind drunk leading the blind….

    • Her stupid 80s hair pisses me off almost as much as her politics. If Spandau Ballet had advertised for a chubby, ugly dancer, she’d have got the gig.

      • Alright Cap?!
        Your spot on!
        80s hair! Like Alison Moyet at last orders.
        Just watch her an half the time shes had a drink, unless its anti depressants or something?
        But im banking on her being a alecan.

    • I won’t hear a word against her. Emily is a sex goddess. I dream about her endlessly in a tight basque, suspenders and stockings. That’s got to be a work of modern art worth setting up on the fourth plinth.

      I know it’s insane, but I can’t help myself…

      • Basque? Jesus itd be under the same sort of pressure as that dam in whaley bridge!
        Is it xxxxl?…… of corset is!?

  26. *Puts on a pair of eccentric look-at-me, my opinion overrides yours, art critic glasses*

    “Hmm yes. This piece evokes virginity, the cherry, the cream. The cream then attracting the fly. The fly of course symbolising death and decay. The drone thing, well that just crashed there but I would say it symbolises poor flying skills. Narff narrf!” *Snorts*

    *Removes arty glasses*

    “How much did this load of bullocks cost? Forking shite!”

    • Evening Spoons!
      Hows the leg? Healing up ok?
      Notice you never swear do you?
      I like that Spoons, to many foulmouthed types on here, Cuntan,
      Vernon, etc
      Used to be a guy posted called Jason,
      His language was disgusting!
      Funny though!
      You see that weird link admin sent me?
      Jesus! Felt sick, then confused, nice looking girl was a transistor too!

      • Evening MNC.
        Nah I try not to swear. Although I have said the C word a couple of times. Ya know…cabbages.

        My leg is better thankyou. I go to hospital on monday. I shall let you all know how I get on.

      • It might give you nightmares!
        Check it out.
        Rtc says the horny young girls a bloke!
        Not sure i beleive him.

      • I am just as Dog made me MNC, yer fucking great cuntstain of a bastard. Can’t fucking help myself. (Actually did have an eccentric uncle we used to visit as a kid, had what would have been classed as Tourette’s now – I aspire to be as sweary as him! Funny it was, watching the rest of the family trying to enjoy their little glasses of sherry while pretending they couldn’t hear him go “FUCK” under his breath every 30 seconds!

      • Haha, yeah my mates as a kid all loved my dad, hed swear at them, and he collected weaponry, swords, guns, knives, guns all decommissioned for any nosy cunts reading (fuck you GCHQ) and hed let them hold cavalry swords, divers knives, shotguns if they showed interest, they all thought he was great when hed say “right lads fuck off now”.
        His dad told me to fuck off!

  27. Change of subject. If it’s that expensive to sound Big Ben on January 31st. to celebrate Brexit, then fuckin’ play a recording!!! It’s only symbolic. However, we all know the real reason is we don’t want to upset the snowflake losers.
    However, we can’t be seen to have losers in this world.
    This country is fucked. . . . . . . . .

    ©️ Rough Tough Creampuff. Back somewhere in the annals of time.

    • They was discussing this on sky news,
      Yasmin alibaba brown saying shes totally opposed!
      We’re rubbing their nose in it!?

      Ps- Hows your bollocks?

    • From a Get Britain Out missive:

      “While a recording could do the job, the symbolism of our world famous Big Ben being revived to celebrate such a momentous occasion as the UK Leaving the EU (while realising we still have a great deal to do) would send a far more powerful message of pride right across the country and around the world, to celebrate the expansion of our global future outside the EU. And while the crowdfunding attempts are very impressive, it should not be necessary.

      “It has now emerged that even if the ridiculously inflated cost of £500,000 (which is 30 times the cost of bonging Big Ben on New Year’s Eve) was raised by the public, the Remain-controlled House of Commons Commission will not accept the money, even though this was the PM’s idea in the first place. It makes the whole issue a farce.”

      • Your right of course, cuntymort.
        They hate the idea of us celebrating leaving their beloved EU.
        Truly bad losers arent they?
        Fuck em.
        Im celebrating.

      • ‘ang on a cotton pickin’ minute, wasn’t there a thing called “The (fucking) National Lottery”? Surely an eventuality like this should be a shoo in for a wodge of their/OUR cash? (not mine of course ’cause I don’t gamble, never have)

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