The Advocacy Academy

A ‘Yoof Activist, innit’ cunting for the Advocacy Academy, please.

Whilst I can see the relative merits of teaching young people to think outside the box in order to find new and better ways of doing things, I have to question exactly what these cunts are trying to achieve. To make my point, can I suggest you click this link and see if you can spot the common denominator here:

(if you’re struggling, click on the ‘show more’ link under the mugshots.)

Yes, these are the ‘future thinkers’ that are going to shape the years to come. I wonder what the theme of their focus will be. Will it be a breakthrough in green energy, or a means of feeding the world, or even a cure for cancer? Well, call me a bluff old traditionalist, but I can only hear cries of ‘whitey is waycist’, ‘more multiculturalism’ and ‘Vote Labour’ as the dominant theme from their educated gobs.

I fail to understand why this sort of shit is being encouraged. Gobshite kids should have their legs slapped and be sent to bed – and Greta, that includes you too.

Study those faces carefully, fellow cunters, because their owners are soon to be seen glued on the the top of a train near you.

Nominated by The Stained Gusset

91 thoughts on “The Advocacy Academy

  1. ” The Advocacy Academy is home to the most radical, creative, and powerful youth-led campaigning in the country. Our calendar of programmes range in length from a few days to six months, and cover topics from intersectional feminism (The Sisterhood Academy) to racial equality (The Freedom Fellowship), and almost every issue in between”

    Crisply put, eh?. You can just imagine the little arseholes this project will attract – tarts with dreadlocks, George the Poet wannabes and lads who can’t resist a doubled barreled name, ‘cos it make em sound more important innit?. I am sure David Lammy will be happy to be their “personal friend”

    • Perhaps, if these bell-ends spent more time studying maths and physics at school, instead of being obsessed with “culture”, they may not only get more of a handle on what reality is about, but they may end up being employable by cunts other than the hard left twats in opposition. Of course, real subjects are hard, and made up cultural shite is much easier to get a handle on.

      All smacks of some kind of brainwashing religion to me!

  2. Won’t last. It will eat itself, the far left always does. Students will spend all their time arguing against going to classes, against studying, against sitting exams, against speaking too loud, against clapping, against teachers who are not black enough, against teachers not gay enough, against fees and costs, against freedom of speech, against non vegan food and arguing about temperature of classes, clothing and whether each others hairstyles are politically correct…it will be the usual cunt fest full of worthless nothing cunts..hopefully it will have a very high suicide rate and their lefty parents will clog up the pages of the Guardian with sob stories to make me laugh out loud.

  3. I imagine this “academy” will be closed down very quickly as soon as they start stabbing the shit out of each other.
    No respec’ innit bruv?

  4. Looks like the future front bench of the Labour party. The notion of bettering a nation with productivity and wealth creation is alien to our less evolved arrivals. That’s why their countries are dogshit and they go where there are ‘jobs’, as if jobs are some natural resource that just happen to exist on the earth occupied by white people, instead of understanding they covet the lifestyle in countries where there are ’employers’. Want to make the world a better place? Start a business, employ as many wøgs as you like, create wealth fools!

  5. School for 5th columnists. They’ll only be advocating against Britain whites, blokes and straights. I predict the first of many cuntings for this establishment and it’s conclave of cunts.

  6. I see that Comic Relief and The National Lottery are among their “partners” who provide funding…nice to know that money which people may have assumed was going to Worthy Causes is actually being used to fund a bunch of uppity brats who despite having no life-experience are going to “fix our broken society”.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about them the looks of it, most of da boyz will
    soon either be stabbed,in prison or on drugs and most of da beatches will be hawking their Pearly or nursing(if they aren’t already) the next generation of London Yoof Movers and Shakers.

    • Never mind about “fixing a broken society”, I bet most of these cunts couldn’t fry a fucking egg ro change a lightbulb without the help of YouTube

      • I was watching The Great Hospital Experiment and this beardy millennial poncy cunt volunteering literally couldn’t make a cup of tea and needed training even to do that.

    • But you’re talking about some of our finest aspiring architects there Dick!

      For shame.

    • “The Advocacy Academy”?
      A simple process of elimination – put all “da yoot” in a locked room with no mobile phones, no standard “How to pretend to be mentally ill to avoid responsibility for any of your actions whatsoever” forms to fill out, no mobile phones.

      Put enough tinned food in the room for them to survive and a tin opener, without a “stupid old whitey” to operate it they will die of starvation, innit!

  7. Social justice should not be confused with justice. One has fuck all to do with the other. I hope they all stab each other.

    • The word “justice” requires neither a prefix nor a suffix.

      Outside of the law, everything else is just a manufactured construct.

      Unfortunately our legal system is hell bent on aligning itself with the weak minded imbeciles of the “hurty-feelings” mob, rather than adjudication based on existing legal precedence and – more importantly – common sense.


  8. What a bunch of miserable cunts!

    They seem to have chips on their shoulders before they’ve even crawled out of their shit-stained nappies.

    “Advocacy Academy” is a clearly a misnomer – “Attitude Academy” would seem more apposite for these ungrateful fuckers who will take this country further down the shithole in the next 10-20 years.

    What is concerning is in the election last month the majority of 18-25 year olds voted Labour; and had that demographic been the only one to determine an election win Labour would have won by a landslide.

    So as us old cunts start to peg it over the next few years, these “Me and My Attitude” cunts will eventually dominate, and a Labour victory will happen; and gawd help us all should that day ever dawn!

    • “these “Me and My Attitude” cunts will eventually dominate,”….I suspect that most of them will grow out of it when they get a bit older.

      • They look more suited to riding on dinghies and the back of refrigerated lorries.
        Theyre a force against injustice apparently?
        This Academy doesnt sound like the sort of place youd get a impartial level headed education to me,
        More like headlice, dengue fever or a crack habit.
        Cattle truck ?
        Free haircut an pyjamas
        Off to the shower block boys n girls
        Half a day filling in the pit you hope UN investigators dont find.

      • Don’t they call junior and comprehensive schools “academies” these days?

        I suppose it sounds more poncy knowing your child is going to an “academy” rather than some shithole comprehensive. But all they have done is change the name rather than the standards of the school itself.

        Books and covers, come to mind!

    • When I was young and naive I voted Tony Blair. I’m embarrassed to recall a conversation I had with my dad where I in my wisdom extolled the virtues of Blair, his new politics, and the righteous sweep of brushing off 50 years of British politics and replacing it with something better in one moment . Yes I too was a cunt.

  9. I will rint it out and cross each one out when they get stabbed/shot/jailed for drug dealing…..

    • It won’t take long. You’ll have crossed off every face on the print out by the end of January the rate these cunts stab each other.
      I say give’em more knives. Let’em Wipe each other out.

  10. They all look suitably pissed off about something or other. I wonder if the photographer made it out before one of those mardy looking cunts stabbed him?

    • It’s the default position of your average snowflake these days: they’re never happy with their lot, and if you look hard enough you’ll find a good-sized portion of chips on each shoulder, usually over the most pettiest of things:-

      “Oh boo hoo, the latest Apple iPhone is out, and my fucking parents won’t buy it for me. I’m stuck with this shitty iPhone that came out last year. It’s so shit its embarrassing. My life is over!”

      • Something like 3/4 of millennials have taken time of work for mental health issues. The kids are fucked. They’ve probably got more anxiety and paranoia than the wartime generation & the cold war generation combined just through fear of looking like a cunt on instagram.

  11. I agree with all of the cuntings above, but hats off to these cunts; they have identified a huge customer base – disenfranchised, uppity ‘effniks’ of which there is a never ending stream of them being spanked out in Sarf Londonistabistan.

    Couple the above to a growing number of cash-rich organisations, desperate to be seen as caring and socially aware and therefore willing to bankroll this arseholery.

    I wager there is a consortium of enterprising wankers making a pretty living by playing off the prejudices of da yoof and the naivety of organisations like the National Lottery and Comic Relief, who throw their proceeds around like confetti.


    • I agree with your shrewd observation in the short run at least but I do feel that the 5 year ‘old boy’ reunion will have to be held in Belmarsh Prison. Watch the financial support disappear …

  12. Da white boi on the second bottom row has one hell of a head of hair! With hair like that he could be a rockstar, fuck advocacy!

  13. Can we see the real photos as they all look like negative shots to me. Are they all from the same estate in London? You’ll never represent my beliefs you bĺàck cunts. The very few nearest ones to Norge or saxon genes look about as hard as a wet lettuce. The future is looking very dark to me.

    • I was watching the very 1st season of The Great British Bake Off, last night with the missus. And there was one episode set in Bradford, and the team went to a junior school and they were trying to convince the kids there to try some old fashioned jam rollypolly.

      Imagine my surprise when the camera panned onto the kids in the school dining hall – I would say 95% of them were dark keys & letterboxes, and I had to do a double-take to make sure this was Bradford and not fucking Delhi!

      • When I was at school it was all old bible names like Ruth, John, Paul etc now it’s fucking animal names like Poojar the elephant and Donger the donkey, it’s a pity we don’t have those crazy school shooters like the usa.

  14. “Study those faces carefully, fellow cunters…”

    In the words of Bartleby the Scrivener, I would prefer not to.

  15. These cunts will never be happy, equality isn’t enough now, white Cunt’s have brain washed them into thinking they deserve more and better, the reality for most is a fucking shit job, loads of debt, a shit house that cost a fucking fortune and retirement at 75, and that’s the evil white man’s fault, sorry Cunt’s that’s life for most people fuck all to do with
    Your skin colour

  16. Funny how, if the libtards approve of you then you are an “activist” and if they don’t, then you are an “extremist”.
    Lesson number one at this so called “academy”.

    • In the same way that cunts will say “one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter”, even if the cunt in question has just blown up a load of innocent kids.

  17. Well fuck-me readers!

    Those mug shots on the link look more like West Midlands Police most wanted list! It gave me a sense of unease and dread just looking through it!

    A true mix of peaceful ones, Dark-Quays, young flabbott the Hutts, Prince Bingo-Bongo types, africunts and of course the odd ching-chong knocking about. Truly a Labour MP’s wet dream of potential young voters.

    We could even play a game of ‘spot the Honky’ amongst this lot. I certainly did not see one white boy (innit blud)

    • The fat white cunt on the bottom row is getting cucked day 1.

  18. So what do you leave the advocaat academy with at the end ?
    O level in breakdancing?
    Btec in rapping?
    Diploma in being a moody ethnic twat?

      • Students of “The school of me, me, me entitlement” will leave with a moped, a machete and a patch to work

    • More like

      A levels in “car jacking”, “breaking & entering”, “drug running”, “Pimping”, “gun running”

      GCSEs in “stabbing”, “Hot wiring”, “Grooming”, “card dealing” (race card, sexist card, homophobia card etc) and “shoplifting”

  19. “I have never seen so many black faces in one place.”

    (John Coal, BBC News)

    • Modern day mystic and scouse supernatural gateway to the afterlife Derak Acorah has snuffed it,
      Deadpool anyone?
      Kicking myself as talking to Spoons on here other week about him?
      “Dat you dere jesus la?
      Knew i was goin heaven like, mediums do doe dont de do?”

      • I hope he comes back and haunts the shit out of Yvette Fielding for the shit she played on him during the days of Most Haunted (she proved he was a fake medium and was immediately sacked from the show)

      • To be fair to her TC I don’t think proving someone to be a “fake medium” – i.e. a medium – was overly difficult

      • Indeed. Some people will believe any old crap, regardless of how ridiculous it is. Sheep are there to be sheared…..

      • He always made me laugh when he got “posessed” and jumped on the fat bird in the dark.

      • MNC, I remember that! Haha! That made me laugh so much. 😀
        I wonder if he and the ghost of headless Bethan will team up and go on a haunting spree.

    • They’re all coal miners – that’s what it is. Decent, hard working, working class coal miners.

      Ahhh no they’re not … my bad! I didn’t look closely enough.

    • “I have never seen so many brown faces in one place” (except outside the local school in their Mercedes)

      (John Lignite, Reality News)

  20. I see that TV psychic Derek Acorah has died.
    I wonder if he saw it coming ?
    Good morning.

    • If Derek had anything about him his ghost would pop up on some two bob tv show and prove he was right all along.
      Fucking old fraud.

  21. Jesus Christ I just scrolled to the bottom and there’s these mocked up film posters with negroes imposed as the stars. What a desperately sad group of people to feel the need to validate their existence by imitating white slebs in marketing material. And as for putting that disgusting crack ho’ bush creature in the place of Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones? The casting director might say – look you’re a repulsive drug-addled charisma vacuum of subhuman intelligence and aren’t fit to lick Renée’s arsehole.

    • Just seen it Dr.

      What the fuck is all that about?, mind you they’ve got Idris Alba as 007 finally,
      The Titanic picture made me laugh.
      Two Jam-Spoons in modern day attire posing like Kate and Leo on the front on the Titanic ship.
      Fucking hilarious.

      • of course if it was whitey taking the parts of black actors, it would be “cultural misappropriation” and banned!

      • So that’s why me blacking up and singing Ole Man river was not popular at the Labour Party conference was not popular!

      • And we solve the mystery of the lack of lifeboats on the Titanic – all stolen by stowaway “refugees” who saw an iceberg and thought “anything that white has to be Kent”!

        Iceberg subsequently stabbed and then arrested for waaycism.

  22. If the Cunts in that link are the future, then there’s no fucking future if you happen to be white.
    What a sorry looking bunch they are.
    Talking of sorry folk, Jeremy Corbyn is calling for a meeting of the Privy Council, to discuss the recent horrible ‘ US assassination ‘ of the Iranian Terrorist Cunt.
    Mr. Corbyn is willing to attend such a meeting ‘at any time ‘, as if anyone gives Two Fucks.
    You’ve got delusions of grandeur, you terrorist sympathising Cunt.
    Go and tell it to your marrows.
    Get To Fuck.

      • If Grandpa fails to get a seat in the House of Cunts he may well end up back in Iran as an Ayatollah, setting his missiles on Israel.

    • I’m actually starting to feel sorry for grandpa at this point.

      • The time for sympathy has passed, good Doctor.
        Have a good laugh, this Panto will run and run.

      • All through the campaign, and since, cunts are saying about how he was smeared and vilified by the entire media (bullshit), and it’s because he’s a good man that scares them.
        This refers to all the times he was called out as a terrorist sympathiser, which the evidence points to him being, and the cunt had many opportunities, in print, online, and on live national TV to denounce these issues. But he didn’t. Watching him stride along with Gerry Adams and McGuinness outside Parliament in the weeks after the Brighton bombing showed what type of cunt he really is, because he still sees nothing wrong with that. Fuck him.

      • Be fair for five seconds. Bill Clinton, Blair, Major, and Mandelson all talked to Adams and McGuinness too. Fine upstanding citizens that they are…

      • Imagine what the cunt must have been like at school. Telling teacher that Julian didn’t share his packet of crisps with the poor children . Arguing with the history teacher ,but Sir everywhere on the map in pink was where people were enslaved,oppressed and persecuted. Refusing to do PE in solidarity with the fat cunts ,writing a letter to the local MP complaining that his class has no black kids . In 50 years the treacherous cunt will probably have his own statue in Tower Hamlets.

      • Tower Hamlets is going to be wiped off the map in the civil war. It’s HQ for the Bangladeshi Sharia Britain Army

    • The only reason For inviting magic grandad would be to show him the strike footage from the drone, in slo mo of course.
      This cunt just keeps on going. Has the deluded twat not realised that most people don’t give a fuck if some terrorist leader gets blown to fuck one less to worry about. Cuntbin just fuck off, you had your chance and fucked up big time, piss off.

  23. Justice and equality for everyone except whitey……..
    Trump is hitting the wrong targets, should just aim a few missiles inside London and sort a few of these cunts out.
    I have never before in my life felt more like a racist as I do now.
    Mrs B would box my ears, yet she has similar feelings to me, but just not as extreme.

  24. This is nothing more than some cult group attracting easily led cunts who haven’t got the iq of a turd and have a high capacity to be brainwashed with the bollocks this place will force feed them. Most probably fronted by some fucker who’s living the life of Riley creaming off the income going into this piss pot organisation.

    • That is probably what this institution will most assuredly end up as, imparting nothing to it’s students !!!!! apart from a sense of entitlement and bitterness at what a fucking waste of time it all was.
      Conversely it would be a most remunerative time for the lecturers and managers in inflated salaries and pension benefits, I guess you wouldn’t have to look beyond the usual cess pit of the London boroughs educational institutions and Union offices to recruit to those positions

  25. Why not dig a big hole and throw all the money this wankers concoction will have chucked at it by numerous worthies into said hole. The big hole approach will prove more fruitful to the well being of this country than a pack of entitled cunts spouting shite and glueing themselves to roads. This is just a vehicle for silly old bastard libtards to try and promote the crap that never worked in the past so they can feel better about their useless twisted chipped shoulder pox ridden existence, and in the case of old sjw men, maybe get a crack at some young pussy. Fuck the lot of them.

  26. I wish I lived in a country with a free and fair democracy where discrimination is illegal, generous benefit system and free health care.

    I wonder if any of the tutors at the ‘Academy’ mention that at the start of the course.

    Place should be shut down, bunch of cunts!

  27. The young have never been more shielded from reality. Some of the blokes in their mid 20s I work with are still out playing on their BMX on the weekend, and have the mentality and lifestyle of a teenager, and a fourteen year old one at that. Some moan that they will never afford a house, but spend twenty quid a day on coffee and takeaways, and spunk the rest of their cash away on entertainment. They are emotionally and intellectually retarded, with very little work ethic, even getting up in the morning is real graft to them.
    With very little attention span, it’s headlines only, memes and soundbites for them, as reading up on a subject would be way too boring. Add to that a bred in sense of entitlement, and you have a spin doctors dream. So, is it any wonder that labour, with their freebee loaded manifesto polled well with this demographic? And, it’s why those cunts want the voting age lowered to 16, for and even bigger slice of ill informed, life experience bereft electorate. The Scots Nazis hope to win the next referendum with this tactic, let’s see if they get their way. If anything, the voting age should be fucking raised, to 25 at least, but with young people avoiding reality and responsibility for longer these days, it might not be enough.

    • We have a cunt of around 30 with a manbun and a battery-powered skateboard. Which he uses on the road. I hope and expect he isn’t insured.

  28. 0n their website I noticed two matters of interest.

    1. They are advertising for an assistant to the Director at a salary of £34 to £37K a year, which is more than my wife is paid as a junior GP. Given the generous remuneration apparent, I suspect the Director must pay herself something approaching six figures.

    2. From the website photo, Alex Johnston, one of their Directors, has a cracking pair of topbollocks.

    • There’s usually plenty of lucrative opportunities for similar bullshit artists in the Guardian ads, I remember. Persons requiring their piss boiled should claim a discarded copy and take a quick look. I disclaim responsibility for berserker rages leading to baseball bat deployment.

  29. I’d like to advocate that all of these uppity cunts should jump into the fucking North Sea.

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