The race of those involved in the grooming of dozens of young girls in Manchester should not be the main focus in the scandal, a leading human rights lawyer has stated. Shoaib Khan says that although race was “an issue”, it was not the main one. He said the race of those involved did not form a key part of a report into how Greater Manchester Police (GMP) handled the grooming of teenage girls in the 2000s.
Operation Augusta was set up by the police force in 2004 after the death of Victoria Agoglia, a 15-year-old girl who reported being raped, but later died from a suspected overdose in 2003. She identified at least 57 victims of suspected grooming in Manchester. Only three people were convicted of related crimes at court. Mr Khan says the debate should focus on the failure of police to properly resource the investigation into grooming gangs, which the report highlighted, and not the race of those involved.
“I don’t think it’s important. The emphasis that is placed on their race and where they come from”.
Now, I’m no Sherlock fucking Holmes, but if you’re in policing work and you’re seeking people, whatever details you can get on their background, whether they’re white, they’re black, whether they’re tall, they’re short, whether they have white hair, whether they’re blonde, or whether they’re black is pretty fucking crucial. And guess what? They were predominantly Pakistani males. Also predominantly restaurant and takeaway workers from Rusholme. Surprise fucking surprise. But do we boycott these curry miles whatever city or town they are in? No we don’t, we flock to them and keep these paedos going with our hard earned pennies.
Don’t be naive, boycott the cunts.
Nominated by Fork Hunts
This curry munching son of a punkah wallah needs to fuck off back to the Raj.
This Gungadin is a pathetic whining lefty cunt.
Fuck him.
Another fine upstanding citizen called Khan. Where do they find them all?
My posts seem to be disappearing….test
Perhaps males of an Anglo Saxon persuasion could return the compliment, by ‘showing some affection’ to female offspring of the exotic creatures from the sub continent. Well, they could, if only the offspring weren’t so ‘kin ugly and stinky.
What we have here is what’s commonly known as a devious cunt. There seems to be more and more of these cunts everytime I turn round.
Are we importing them or are they just breeding like fruit flies?
Both of course…
And would this fine upstanding legal expert say the same if a gang of white men had passed around one of his sisters?
Let’s call it what it is. Muslim Jihadi rape gangs. It wasn’t that long ago these fuckers would have been driven into the sea.
They are….into the channel to cross over here! Twats !
Parkistani grooming gangs are a cultural phenomenon. The barbarians doing this do so because it’s common practice in their own backward part of the world to abuse women and children. Even the Parkistani Chancellor of the Exchequer has admitted that. Anyone that denies it deserves to be castrated and raped by a gang of smelly evil Peacefuls. Cunts.
I’m going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that had the roles been reversed – a gang of leering, snaggle-toothed whiteys fiddling up little brown suicide vests in training – then he would very much be claiming race to be the issue…..
Out on a muz¹ limb
¹ transl (Turkish) = banana
If theyd been members of the EDL an white would that of been relevant?
Some pro brexit pressure group or white neo nazis?..hed of creamed his pyjama bottoms as would the police, media, politicians and esecially the Labour party.
Of course its relevant, its a cultural thing and a act of war.
They hate us.
The fact this has been covered up is a absolute travesty and verifies everything weve said about these dirty bastards.
This is known as normalisation of denial, a well used psychological technique perpetrated and promoted by Muslims to dehumanise victims and give credence and legitimacy to perpetrators. Used quite a lot and very effectively by the National Socialist leaders of Germany in the past. (I have a “pretty serious dislike” of N*zi scum for personal reasons, staying away from me guarantees they will be going home that night and not resting for eternity in a remote and chilly Yorkshire field – what, no, I didn’t mean that, I meant I would build them a house in the countryside! ?). Muslims are filth, and no more “Asian” than Charlie f*cking Chan! (I have friends from China and Japan and they are furious the word “Asian” is being hijacked and increasingly promoted and stolen by Parking Stanley and Bungladeshi vermin, it is starting to be a big thing over there and the Chinese and Japanese have no love whatsoever for our “peaceful friends”).
We have a massive problem in the UK with muslims and islam, a barbaric recidivist backward d*ath c*lt with no place in our Country and no place in our society but because the authorities are afraid of the evil kiddy fiddler vermin the blame is turned on anyone daring to raise a dissenting voice (whitey, let’s call it how it is).
I have an idea – the nuclear option of a candlelight vigil – that will teach the buggers!
Grow some balls, call them out, get them out, keep them out – we are suffering from an aggressive type of cultural cancer, and we need to operate HARD.
Just waiting for Owen Jones and Lily Allen to come out in support of the white children who have been (and are being) gang r*ped (being white and alive? The slags deserved it, they were part of the march of the far right, etc). Ask yourself why Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists hate Islam – the Parking Stanleys tried the same thing with children of these faiths and learned, quickly and brutally, they were not going to get away with it, so the cowardly dirties moved on to an easier target – whitey!
Check out the history of the rohingya, their self pitying whining and lies soon fall apart in the face of truth and fact and the true horror of what they have done to Myanmar (and every single Country they were thrown out of prior to infesting Myanmar) is revealed – it is genuinely scary. Research on this subject is hard work because the authorities hide the truth and routinely demonise anyone asking the wrong questions.
Need some smackdown on these brown rats.
I watched a truly haunting documentary last night about the filming of the liberation of the N*zi death camps – people taking their summer holidays a mile away from a slaughterhouse, but they never saw a thing, and blamed the victims, whitewash on the outside and a bloodbath on the inside (sound familiar?).
If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it, and we are doing just that as we speak.
I feel like Winston – shouting from the roof tops about the evil and obvious threat, to face denial, lies and accusations of waaycism.
We are at war, and fight with a blindfold on and our hands tied, as our leaders call us waaycist.
Give me strength.
For anyone who has any doubts about the consequences and implications of mass immigration, particularly from Parkingstan, visit esomewhere like Rusholme at least once in your lifemail, particularly at the end of Ramadanadingdong.
You won’t believe that you’re in Dear Old Blighty.
It’s about 25 years since I went to that shithole, fuck knows what it’s like now.
Fucking scum.
Good morning.
I would just point out that many Sikh organisations have been complaining for years about abuse of girls from their community.
A certain group of people – not necessarily from a particular ethnic group but sharing a certain ideology -seem to be treated with kid gloves by our rulers. I wonder why?
Treesa the Appeaser has owt better to do, now that Boris is in No. 10.
“seem to be treated with kid gloves by our rulers. I wonder why?”
My thinking is that they, as in the liberal state, are sub-contracting out thier oppression. They are empowering musssleeeems and utilising their weight of numbers to effectively do the dirty work of undermining all that is culturally recognisable as British whilst holding up a clean pair of hands to the camera… “wasn’t us, look! clean hands”.
The reckoning is a’beckoning!
Moderation ??!!?!?
On a Sunday ?????
Censorship doesn’t sleep.
As for boycotting Rusholme im right behind that, have been for years, go one further, boycott any business theyre in including working for them.
They havent come to build a better life and integrate theyve come to build a new caliphate and displace us.
I just got my first modding! I am clearly naughty – and will now bravely hide in a wardrobe and whimper!
I reached maximum personal enrichment on the Enoch Powell scale quite some time ago.
However it’s these greasy smug posh sounding herders that make me go full Heydrich.
Filthy fucking rats.
No, clearly all our fault for not being more understanding of our peaceful friends.
Hopefully this post will not go straight into moderation like my last one. ?
Ah!….Heydrich.. A pleasant and very misunderstood chap.
It was probably Tommy R’s fault for alienating the peacefuls.
There is something about the name Khan, they are all Kunts!!!
All this shit with P Stanley males predates the 2004 scandal, the cunts had been doing it long before then.
I know one thing for certain. Had it been my daughter that this human excrement had tampered with, I would not have relied on our Great British police and justice system to deliver a befitting punishment.
No, indeed. The assorted Khunts, Mohammeds, Abdullahs and Ahmeds who had perpetrated the atrocity, would have been rounded up, one by one, had their equipment removed and laid to rest in a remote pig farm, far away from the location of their crime.
How this greasy Khunt can stand by his fellow mud rats just goes to show how fucking low this filth is prepared to try and muddy the water to prevent a successful legal conviction.
I think that most of the girls who were abused were in homes. Feckless parents who are cunts plus the people who were supposed to be looking after them just looked away. The police, council and who knows how many other organizations who were told about what was going on didn’t want to know. Fucking Cunts of the highest order.
Rochdale, say no more.
“…I think that most of the girls who were abused were in homes. Feckless parents who are cunts…”
Maybe so but still no mitigation; in fact their (in effect) parentless status should have inferred that a greater degree of care and oversight was required.
Watched this the other night
An hour and a half or so of example after example of everyone from line management up actively depositing the files of evidence at the back of the filing cabinet and quivering fear. And in the final five minute summary what was it they flashed up three or four times in the concluding headlines? It was that…
“Society failed to challenge the abuse of…”
you utter cunts! No it fucking didn’t you dissimulating cock-jugglers, parents, social work frontliners were submitting incidents and evidence on a daily fucking basis for fucking years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaargh!
That’s what really grates, even after screening 80 minutes of damning narrative it turns out it was all OUR fault after all.
A quick straw poll gents/ladies… how many of the assembled cunters can tie a serviceable noose?
“The police, council and who knows how many other organizations who were told about what was going on didn’t want to know.”
And the bastard ‘teachers’ the cunts, they had a front row seat to what was going on right outside their school gates f.f.s! I’ll make no bones about it, this was the catalysing factor that finally made me say “fuck this shit!” and join the B.N.P back in 03.
They said they did want to encourage “islamophobia and the far right”… woah there! pull over, kill the engine… A phobia is by definition an irrational fear, the so called ‘far’ right have very rational fears concerning pisslarm based on long experience, countless contemporary examples all confirmed with even superficial research into their historiography and ideology.
Conversely it is the liberal who has the irrational fear, but of what? What is it that they fear? Of upsetting a few thousand of their mouthier adherents, so what? That there’ll be demonstrations on the streets? pffft bring it on boys… I think you’ll find the native British would not shun such a provocation, true they’d take a lot before rolling up their collective sleeves and taking it into the streets but once that point is reached these cunts will find out they’ve got hold of a tiger by the wrong fucking end. are they afraid that they somehow immortal and don’t expire when suspended at a gallows rope? That they’ll conjure the djinn to plague the land?
My greatest fear is the silent unmarked ticking of the clock because every hour that passes wherein this goes unopposed means greater unpleasentness bequeathed to our next generation. I can’t have it on my conscience that I passed the sword to my son that I was too afraid to wield myself. This should be the shaming primary thought and motivation imprinted on the heart mind and soul of every white Father in this country.
I understand the girls were abused. I also know what it’s like in a children’s home. I was not saying it was in any way their fault. They were let down big time. “Looked after” by cunts.
I forgot – Excellent cunting.
Gosh, this cunt’s a feckin ewman rites lavyer. It just gets better and better, doesn’t it. Shifty-little shitstain. He’s got the Wankseach’s lips, and frosted pink lippy, by the looks.
Fairs fair HBH, the lippy does suit him!
“Don’t give me that lip, you chinless wonder! “
I remember last year when the BBC was reporting on the jailing of one of these gangs, and they went to great lengths to mention the diverse races that made up the gang, referring to the main group as Asian, making it a bit vague, but then mentioned the others, which included Iraqis and a Bosnian man. They made no attempt to explore the common denominator with the group, and it didn’t take a world renowned team of experienced investigative journalists to work it out. It was glaringly obvious that their faith had brought them together, and they had probably worshipped together. So perhaps this Khan cunt may be right in some respects, and should start blaming their religion instead, for seemingly being compatible with this kind of behaviour.
As Maajid Nawaz pointed out last week on the radio, one of the main defendants in the recent grooming gang /rape trial argued that it was his religious right as a Muslim to have sex with underage girls:
He gets very specific at approx 5 mins in.
It’s Gods will, Allah* akba*
Bring me the next virgin Mohamed.
“How old! Eighteen! Banish this old crone from my sight”.
It’s a bit harder for the apologists to wash away that little detail when it’s act coming from the mouth of a believer, not an anti campaigner. It’s hardly secret that their prophet, who they regard as a perfect man who should be emulated as closely as possible, had a nine year old wife. If I remember right, he married her at seven, but waited two years to consummate the union. Religion eh, it’s fucked more kids than measles and polio put together.
Fantastic interview RTC. Listened to it all. Don’t know Maajid Nawaz. Who is he?
Basically he’s a British born non-religious activist of Pakistani Muslim descent, highly critical of Islamism, probably best known for his appearances on Sky debate programme ‘The Pledge’ and his LBC radio show on Saturdays and Sundays 12 – 3pm.
Also founding chairman of Quilliam, a counter-extremism think-tank that seeks to challenge the narratives of Islamist extremists. Strong advocate of free speech, etc.
He regularly receives death threats, mostly from Muslims who see him as a traitor to the faith. A very brave man, imo, not afraid to speak out, surprised he hasn’t already been taken out.
They weren’t fiddling peaceful or paki girls as there would have been peaceful consequences. They chose white girls knowing the racism of their community toward whites would help them rape as much as possible. Our institutions could be relied upon in the same way.
Racism towards whites and peaceful beliefs are absolutely an issue here. This shit will persist until they’re acknowledged and addressed.
Slight typo in op. Should be ‘Surprise sur-fucking-prise’.
You’ve obviously not heard, CG. Racism may be everywhere, all over the planet in fact, but there isn’t any racism against white people. Such a thing has been declared impossible by loony left ‘wokedom’. Only whites can in fact be racist; it’s an inherent part of our make-up which doesn’t appear in other ethnicities.
It’s the only focus!
And it’s not an “Asian” problem either (no Chinese, Thai, Korean or Japanese amongst their number is there), it’s overwhelmingly (99%) a Pakistani problem within these ethnic grooming gangs.
We should never have let that vermin in in the first place. Just because it was part of India in a former era – and therefore gifted Commonwealth status by proxy – when India split we should have revoked those niceties with that lot in the north west of the subcontinent.
Don’t get me wrong, the Pakistani people can run their country however they see fit, including whatever proclivities are part of their culture, but don’t expect us to run our country just how you cunts like it.
Also – you cunts – learn fucking English! There were parky’s in Luton who’ve been here over 40yrs and didn’t know a word of the lingo.
It’s not our responsibility to provide a national service in Urdu – or whatever – just because you can’t be arsed to learn. If that means you don’t get to see a doctor – tough! Learn or live in pain! Cunts!
I’m also fed up of cunts – like this other Khan cunt – trying to conflate anti-Semitism with Islamaphobia (which – to be clear – is really ParkyPhobia).
Anti-Semitism is basically born of jealousy, and I for one do not feel remotely unsafe walking through Jewish communities.
Even though “phobia” means “irrational fear”, there’s nothing irrational about fear of being blown up, or having your daughter raped by the cunts! What we’re hearing about now is just the tip of the iceberg because the “powers that be” are now being shamed into revealing their cover-ups (for fear of “waycism”) dating back to the 1970’s.
In that time, some estimate that there have been over 1million rape incidents by the Parky crew!
I also never feel remotely safe in a predominantly Parky enclave. If I end up in one – in MY fucking country – I about turn and exit stage left.
Also, when I see a skinny mullah in an overly baggy bedsheet outfit – I immediately think: “That would be ideal to hide a bomb jacket.”
So there it is. We shouldn’t allow any more of those cunts in, and any of the cunts here who don’t speak the lingo, don’t integrate and basically hate OUR way of life, should be repatriated.
Fuck ’em!
There were cunts moaning the other day about bilingual signs in Wales, but they were forgetting two things, one, Welsh is a language spoken by some of the indigenous people of Wales, so it shouldn’t be unusual to see it on signs there, and two, how many bilingual signs are there across England that have nothing to do with any language indigenous to the U.K., let alone England? In Birmingham I could swear I was in Bangladesh, in Stroud it was more like Warsaw. Don’t even start on London….
When you go into hospitals “darn scarf” (Milton Keynes/Luton) English isn’t even the first language on most signs these days, just some jumbled up squiggle shite, which I’m betting isn’t Hebrew or Japanese!
Luton is lost.
That is all.
‘Well he would (say that), wouldn’t he?’
Mandy Rice-Davies
Great job, Forks. We’re all feeling a little more enriched this morning.
Thanking you all for your contributions fellow cunters, extremely interesting reading.
Luton and many towns are already lost, near me in Stoke on Trent there are no go areas for white men.
And you would all be surprised at how many restaurants (I know of locally) and their workers are involved and the police are fully aware but do nothing about it.
Etruria and Cobridge is wick with the cunts!
I haven’t back to my home shitty for over 10yrs, so I imagine that it’s immeasurably worse now!
It’s just part of their culture, look up the Bangladeshi genocide from the early seventies, up to 400,000 rapes committed by the Pakistani army and their allies.
“What did you do in the war Dad?”
“Well son, I forced myself on 2 Bengali women and a goat, but I was only following orders. Apart from the goat, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”