
A “lets all follow the crowd because we’re sheeple” cunting for those incapable of deciding something for themselves and instead being unable to resist the temptation of seeing a “celeb” and try to copy them,

In this case its royal nipper Archie. Now the lad himself has done nothing wrong, but hes a leeching royal, so fuck him.

More in general my point is, why are people so fucking shallow that they MUST copy someone rich and famous “ooh, look at this little bobble hat, I want it!”

Why can’t people just decide for themselves, what is this fucking thing where society has to try and be someone else?

Id rather stick a hot poker up my japs than copy the cuntebrities of today.

Nominated by General Zod

Show some originality you sheeple cunts.

75 thoughts on “Sheeple

  1. I’ve got the opposite problem of being a contrarian. I’ve got to disagree for the sake of it, like a purely provocative cunt. I’m not happy unless I’m getting up peoples noses challenging their opinions and opposing their outlook. I think there’s something adversarial in the national character, we enjoy a good argument and sheeple are anti-British.

  2. Sleeve tattoos, veganism, plastic surgery, YouTube “challenges”, Trump/Boris derangement syndrome, the list is fucking endless. Anybody seen the film Idiocracy? That’s where we’re fucking heading, full steam ahead and fuck the icebergs I tells ye.
    All ably enabled by the government and media. Cunts!

    • Often thought that myself QCC, Idiocracy is simultaneously hilarious and terrifying ‘cos it ain’t far off where we’re currently headed. It was an absolute bomb, $4m budget and made $500,000 back – I guess cunts don’t like being told the truth about themselves. When Gretchen Thunderbirds makes her inevitable movie you can guarantee it’ll make about $500 billion

  3. General Zod. I would follow into the jaws of hell. Can you let me know when we’re going. And also what to wear.

  4. Wireless 4 keep interviewing *influencers* – these are either wimmin in their 30s but sound about 14 or effeminate nancy boys – woman or woofter must of them go on about “fashion” – usually confiningtheir drivel to t’internet, but Wireless 4 likes to keep it’s finger on the pulse, though it is highly unlikely they will find the pulse where they keep their fingers.

    Wjy would anyone want to do things just because *everybody else* is doing it?

    • Speaking as a doctor of psychotic enlightenment (D.O.P.E), I’d say it’s a case of low self esteem and an overwhelming need to be accepted by the herd.

  5. Sheeple? Follow the herd, fit in, conform, baaaa
    What hes having
    What shes wearing baaaaa
    Everyone thinks that i think it too
    Dont stand out baaaa
    Just have the strenth of character to be true to yourself
    Anyone doesnt like it? Fuck em

    • Our English teacher Miserable trying to instill individuality into us, gave the example of us all running down the corridor and he heard someone ask-‘why are we running?’
      I didn’t tell him it was me.
      My mother (often) ‘Someone’s just got to put up their finger, and off you go’.


      The Leader

      I wanna be the leader
      I wanna be the leader
      Can I be the leader?
      Can I? I can?
      Promise? Promise?
      Yippee I’m the leader
      I’m the leader

      OK what shall we do?

      by Roger McGough

      • Mr McGough might have written that poem for Dame Keir. Mark my words it will be just the same as Blair’s 1994 coronation/annointment

      • Hi Miles!
        Roger was bordering on copyright infringement by age of consent campaigner and rock Idol Gary Glitter obe there wasnt he?
        Im the leader
        Im the leader
        Im the leader of the gang
        Maybe they studied together and Roger copied off Gary?

      • Very timely MNC as GG has just been rearrested; after a search of his house police found numerous quantities of drugs – class A in the kitchen, class B in the living room and class 5C in the bedroom

      • I’ve had Rock & Roll Part II stuck in my head since watching Joker!! Da Da Daaa – Da Da Da – HEY!! Da Daaa Da Da

      • “Our English teacher Miserable”

        That’s were you’ve been going wrong Miles!
        Do you really, really think it was wise having Miserable as your English teacher!

      • Naw not this week, Bertie!
        All the bills to pay this month, taxes etc
        Reality bites after Christmas.
        So a lazy sunday at home?

      • Your English teacher was English?

        F*ck me – that must have been a while ago!

        Diversity – yeay!

    • “Four legs good, two legs bad”! Four legs good, two legs bad”!

      “Napoleon is walking on his hind legs and carrying a whip”!

      “That is because all animals are equal – but some are more equal than others”.

  6. Personally I make a point of never buying anything unless it’s been endorsed by a celebrity. They’re so much better placed than the ordinary punter to know what’s worth buying and what isn’t. What’s the time? Mmmm… must just check it on my easily affordable Patek Phillipe watch

    • Ron, just googled them paki philip watches, wtf?
      No one would pay that for a watch surely ?
      250k! An it looked like something from fucking Ratners!

  7. It’s a thin line between not following the Sheeple and actually being considered a Fucking Raving Nutter ( “eccentric’ if you’ve got money).
    Luckily I can walk that thin line.

    • You a bit eccentric Dick?
      Its dawning on me i might be, refuse to wear label clothes, dont like owt modern, look like a extra from the hobbit, etc
      Tend not to like things others do,
      In life you have to choose which path to go down
      Socio or psycho!?

      • You sound like Bilbo Baggins with gigantism Miserable, you need a little shed for clog making or bladesmithing.

      • Dildo ballbag?
        Are you eccentric LL?
        Know few lads on here are a bit.
        I like eccentricity what makes Britain great!..nutters!

      • Morris dancing, cheese rolling, the Haxey hood – we are a nation of nutcases, and damn it Sir, I am proud of the fact! ?

      • Me too Vernon!
        Love anything Traditional!
        Missus miserable has to restrain me from joining in morris Dancing.
        Apparently they get funny about it?
        Few ales an im up for cheese rolling n maypole dancing too!?

  8. I hate the cunts especially young wimmin who copy all those brainless fuckwits from ‘The only way is Essex’
    Fake hair, fake nails, fake eye-lashes, crappy tramp-stamp tattoos, nose piercings all these fake accessories making natural good looking girls look like Medusa or some other gopping creature.
    Trouble is the population is being dummed down every successive generation making youngsters especially more stupid, gullible and sheeple enough to do what those in charge tell them. People are being bred to deliberately become sheeple.

    I personally laugh at these brainless cunts and vow never to let my kids turn out like this.

  9. Worse sheep ever fat birds who stick a mobile in the right hand side back pocket , why the fuck to they all do it. Look your fucking arse is massive you fat cunt don’t draw my eyes to it with phone wedged in it. Want to borrow my phone fuck of stinks of shit

  10. Come March chaps and let’s see how many people “ used”to follow fat Alex “ soapy “ Salmond !!!!!!!!!
    It’s all went very very quiet up here

  11. At least 50% of the UK population can now be classified as Sheeple. The largest bunch of Sheeple are those that join in with every bit of woke nonsense put out on Twatter and Al Beeb. That’s why I like sites like ISAC and Spiked. They are usually populated by those that refuse to be Sheeple and can see through the shite that’s peddled 24/7 from just about every broadcaster.

    • Look at the voting stats for Cardiff Central…
      So many sheeple, so many sheeple.
      Croeso y Caerdydd – You’ll never leave.

      Well, maybe I’ll at least spot Charlotte hanging her rubber stockings up to dry on the washing line…

  12. A good measure of how people follow the herd is through language. New phrases or words appear and within time, sheeple are repeating them like fucking idiots.

    “It is wot it is”
    “Oh my days”
    “listen, fam”
    “D’y’understand wo’ ‘am sayin’?”
    “chattin’ shit”
    “ima gonna do dat”

      • When I hear a young Dark Key say “oh my days” I am always astonished as it sounds the sort of remark you would expect a little old lady like Miss Marple to say, a very maiden-aunt sort of expression, yet it seems to be one of the favourite words of these young thugs. Innit, though.

      • Ha, yes. It is like something you’d hear old women say. It’s always said with a sort of Yorkshire accent. Strange.

        @miserable – I thought it was American.

      • Not sure General, to be honest not heard any of those said,
        Oh my days sounds awfully english though!

    • Fashion language. Too true. Ten years ago no twat said ‘narrative’ or ‘conflate’. They’re fucking everywhere now and being said by every cunt politician around.

  13. It’s how we are wired, we do follow the leader as a species, most of us don’t want to lead. It’s apparent through history where we have followed deeply floored leaders into disaster. This trait has been exploited by politicians and marketing companies alike and now with the advent of social media it’s being exploited more than ever before.

    Wokeness is a prime example, when those who are viewed as important by the masses and there is a correlation between media exposure and how much weight a person’s opinion carries push a particular agenda or view a large percentage of the people will follow like sheep. Indoctrination of youth is always the desire, get em young and they are yours for life.

    Typically seen in the decline of civilisations is a lack of principle and morality in leadership. This is an excellent cunting by General Zod, so much of what we cunt on here stems from the leadership and direction given from the top.

    It’s not going to end well.

  14. I follow Stormzy. However the college has terminated my contract just for calling my colleagues and students bitches and hos. You cant fucking win.

    • Tell them waaycist brexiteer whiteys made you do it CC!

      People get so offended these days – you can’t even call hoes and bitches birds apparently!

  15. Be careful what you wish for. The opposite of SHEEPLENESS is DIVERSITY and we all know where that has taken us to!

    • Have to disagree Bertie, diversity is a natural state, it’s the core of our humanity. What we suffer with is division sold as diversity. 99% of our needs and wants are universal and the last thing they want is us to define ourselves by our common humanity and unite. The small differences are made the focus and we are meant to believe that only by submission to the state can our individual rights be protected. It’s a psyop on a massive scale.

    • “The opposite of SHEEPLENESS is DIVERSITY ”

      I’d say the opposite of sheepleness would be “individuality” and that’s a rare trait.
      Conformity is a hard wired characteristic for aound 95% of any social group be it social, military, business, sporting etc. In any group you’ll have that five percent leadership caucus, ie those individuals who have what you’d call a natural leadership personality.

      Then below that you’ll have another 5-10% who have the basic moral qualities that enable them to assume leadership; should the leader fall the men/team/company naturally look to them to step up.

      The rest will always be content to follow and have no desire (or indeed a positive aversion) to the responsibility that comes with it. Military trainingl and discipline seeks to up those percentages a bit but it would be unfair to expect more from any population. there will always be the majority who are a bit boring, a bit lazy, are totally unadventurous and risk averse, have no heroic or inventive ambitions whatsoever and they will never rock a boat or think outside any of their soft furnished boxes.
      It’s just a fact of human psychology and genetic inheritance.

  16. I must admit I tend to base my style on a mixture of Gary Glitter with a hint Savile.

    • Yes its best to have clear style icons,
      Nice understated jewellery like Jimmy
      Nice clothing like Gary.
      Best of both!

      • This one for MNC – Morris dancers are indeed touchy aggressive b*stards! (Good on them – haaah hhhah, you are dressed like a prick! So I am my lovely, but, whack – you have no teeth!)

        Morris dancing was originally created to let people practice battle with weapons without the feudal Lords knowing about it, handshaking came about to prove to any stranger met there was no weapon in the dominant hand, a sign of trust.

      • Really? Hehe!
        I know them workers clogs are serious footwear!
        Theyres a place in Lancashire called Bacup an know at least in the 90s they were still having ‘clog fighting’ in a pub there, 2 blokes booting fuck out of each other!

    • I look sharp and on the upside annoying parents don’t try and talk to me when I am on the school run.

  17. There’s a film called Antiviral which takes the piss out of sheeple, it’s about a company that buys viruses from celebrities when they’re ill so that their fans can suffer the same symptoms as their idols, for a price.

  18. Aye hordes of sheeple all over the shop.
    Thick as shit,maybe it’s a virus?
    Fuck knows,they’re all cunts anyways.
    Stand on your own two feet and think for yourself.
    Now pass the bourbon!

  19. I suppose I may be sheeple,
    I have what I consider to be a lovely black double breasted great coat (German) with nice big pockets and a roomy inside pocket more than capable of holstering a Luger, Just there aren’t many who follow that particular fashion now.

  20. Do the funky sheeple?

    I am deeply offended that none of you cunts commented on how great my video was. Do you not realise that criticising sheeple is waycist?…

  21. Good cunting. This behaviour is quite laughable.

    Just because a Celebricunt or Royal’s child is wearing it, they HAVE to have it, like it will make everyone think they are so very in with the ‘in’ crowd, when actually they are some chav called Chantelle living in Hackney, who probably sold her vagina to pay for it, or spent her rent money on it as she has no qualms in stiffing the landlord.

    It is hilarious. I really don’t know what people like this are trying to prove. Are they going to brag to all their Mummy friends that little Fifi-Tallulah is wearing the same jumper as Princess Charlotte? What kind of smug, low self-esteem arsehole needs to do that to make themselves feel accomplished in life?

    Pathetic cunts.

  22. Here is the church,
    And here is the steeple,
    Open the door and see all the sheeple..

  23. The one and only piece of ‘advice’ I’ve ever taken on board, given to me by an erudite friend, in a purely pragmatic and not misanthropic way, is that most people are stupid. I thoroughly believe it – the majority of us are born to become part of the ‘horde’, and only a few of our brains develop beyond that capacity. Including all of us here, naturally 🙂

    • “.. the majority of us are born to become part of the ‘horde’, .only a few of our brains develop beyond that capacity.”

      Issa fakt! And that inconvenient FACT is perhaps the greatest ‘heresy’ you can utter because it instantly fells all niaive conceptions of ‘Equality’. It is dangerous talk because ‘equality’ and the promotion of it (at all cost) is Liberalism’s ideological foundation and the twisted, semi-sadistic justification that they offer for its endless persecution of those who fail to conform/agree. They can morally validate pretty much any diabolical discrimination if they can somehow ‘demonstrate’ how it might (even in theory never mind practice) …”promote equality” whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean?

      “…Including all of us here, naturally”
      I think you will also find a corellation between most cunters’ individuality, intellect and position on the ‘F’ Scale.

      • Mankind is not equal, and never can be – the forced promotion of “equality” is communism, where everyone is “equally” broke – and f*cked.

        I could not do the further education thing until later in life due to financial restraints, and did some truly dire jobs to pay for it and it is amusingly ironic that long term “friends” who did f*ck all constantly whine about having nothing, call me tight, mean etc but f*ck them – no, I am not financing their w*ed, c*caine and alcohol habits because I have dragged my arse out of a bad situation, where’s a will there’s a way – no will? then sorry, no way!

        Life is three Men in a desert dying of thirst who come across a sign saying “fresh water three hours walk away”.

        One Man says “I can’t walk all that way”.

        One Man says “somebody should fetch me that water, sob”.

        One Man says “no problem – I am going to get a drink, and if I see a Man on the way with a broken leg I will help him to the oasis”.

        We are not called the Human “race” for nothing.

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