Shami Chakrabarti…That useless human rights cunt, who Magic Grandpa put in the House of Lords because…well…ok, I don’t know why. But she’s a cunt. And a humourless cunt at that.
Last night (Thursday 16th January), I watched Question Time for the first time in years. I didn’t watch it because she was on, I watched it because Laurence Fox was on. Now I’ll admit that, him being an actor, I assumed he was a woke, far left luvvie type. However, a couple of days ago, I saw him do an interview on some obscure YouTube channel, and he came across as being quite down to Earth. Well, last night, I found a new respect for him. That guy does NOT give a fuck about wokeness or luvviedom.
Shagafatti was sat next to him, and what a sour faced cunt she was. First, he was asked about climate change and his carbon footprint. His response was, “Well, as an actor I have a huge carbon footprint. But I make up for it by preaching to everyone else about theirs”. Then he was asked about who he thought should replace Corbyn as Labour leader, and this is where Shagafatti showed us once again what humourless, woke cunts the left are. Bruce asked him who should replace Corbyn, and his first words (which raised a chuckle from the audience) were, “Magic Grandpa? Hmm”. Shagafatti’s response to that? A very sarcastic, “Oh, THAT’S original”. Fuck off and suck a dick Chuka, Laurence clearly understands humour. Then he committed what, to a swivel eyed feminazi, is the ultimate sin. He didn’t name one of the female candidates. I know, right? Unforgivable. But Laurence thought Keir Starmer should replace him, because he thought Starmer would be better able to stand up to Boris. Personally, I doubt it, but he’s entitled to his opinion. And I got the impression that Laurence is not a Labour supporter. His answer immediately triggered Chakrafarti, who responded with, “Huh, so none of the FOUR women would be good enough”? Yes, Shami Shagafatti, Laurence wasn’t giving his honest opinion, he was being a toxic, white, male, far right, misogynist, bigoted racist.
I have to admit, if I’d been him, I would have hit her with a sarcasm bomb. “Yes Shami. That’s right. Wammin should leave politics, business and everything else alone and stick to what they’re good at – living in the kitchen, making sammiches for us men”. He was more restrained, simply saying, “it has NOTHING to do with gender. Jeepers Creepers, (I suspect he wanted to say something stronger)”. And several of the other panel members jumped on her for that bullshit too. I would also have pointed out that, although all the candidates were equally useless, they at least were elected to their parliamentary positions. In a democratic election. I don’t remember EVER voting to put someone in the House of Lords. Certainly not BARONESS Shami Shagafatti. Fox was highly entertaining on QT last night, and clearly not a lefty luvvie. Which means it’ll be a while before he’s invited back on. Shagafatti was highly annoying, and clearly there to be the token twat. I’m not going to talk about her own answers to the questions she was asked. It was the usual woke, leftist cuntishness.
I remember Shagafatti being an annoying, self-important cunt when she was the head of that human rights organisation. Being in the Lords has made her even more self-important. And definitely even more of a cunt.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
A classic example of the enemy within.
Shami Chipbutty did a fabulous and thorough job in discovering absolutely no anti semitism in the labour party.
At last we found an actor that doesn’t spout the usual luvvie lefty bollox and went on to make Chipbutty look like the miserable thick cunt she truly is.
her name always sounds like a vegan sandwich
Having seen The Hound of the Bakervilles for the 300th time I often wish that Shami & shitty bollocks Corbyn would sink with Stapleton into the Great Grimpen mire or alternatively get torn to shreds by the hound itself!!
I’ll have a Shami Chickenbalti with a naan and mushroom rice, please.
I bet her fanny whiffs of morning after curry leftovers.
It was a fantastic performance by Fox on QT made better by seeing Shami Chuckabutty’s miserable face sat next to him. 2020 looks to be a good year as the woke backlash begins. Ricky Gervais, now Laurence Fox..can’t wait for the next one.
Fox was superb on QT, from the excerpt I saw. About time they had someone on who spoke common sense & who refused to put up with all this pc woke bollocks.
As for Chakrabarti, what a moaning sour faced ultra-cunt she is. The fucking media whore incites me to through something at the tv each time she shows her ugly fascist twat gob (which is far too often).
As for moving the House of Lords up North – I’d prefer if they moved the over-priveleged wankers to the moon…or the bottom the ocean – either one works for me.
” human rights” belong in the Soviet Union where they were born and it’s clear everyone barring a few cunts on twatter have had enough of woke bollox. Cunts
Another self serving hypocritical cunt, more than happy to wallow in the excess of our money available to such useless bastards whilst promoting anything and everything which is destroying our culture and society like a rampant cancer. One for the black book without a doubt.
How DARE she accept something that carries the words “British Empire” ??
Hypocrisy of the worst (but sadly all too visible) order. In her case the C obviously stands for CUNT.
She might get taken a little more seriously by normal people if she wasn’t twelve. And a cunt, obviously.
She does look young. Al Quaeeda in a training bra. The cunt.
I get taken seriously, on here at least¹ – and I’m only three. I’m also a bit of a cunt.
Shami “Kebap” Chakrababarti is, however, utterly inconsequential, extraneous and immaterial: not to mention impertinent.
¹viz divers fellow cunters, including Admin, who assumed/assume that I am, in fact, some erstwhile odious twat who used to comment … before he/she/it got the heave-ho/fucked it off/whateverrr. IP addresses are not always a reliable indication of actual location or identity. (Downright misleading in my experience)
she looks like that other cunt that reads the news, the one with a tiny head like an alien in MIB…nugget munchies
A totally miserable, libtard puritanical, joyless cunt who finds racism everywhere except when it’s staring her in the face in the Labour Party. Watching her constantly purse her lips in disapproval on Question Time made me feel physically sick.
Chakrabarti – hates the Establishment, derides the Commonwealth as colonial racism, hates the Tories; hates capitalism, hates the rich etc.
And yet……
She accepts the CBE without a glimmer of ironic protest.
Should we be so surprised? Of course not. These cunts talk the talk, but in essence they’re just two-faced cunts who are only looking out for themselves!
Another revolting foreigner catapulted into various positions to make sure the British way of life is eroded away.
This whore campaigned against what the blinkered filth called, “Excessive anti terrorist measures”, in the wake of 911.
Well you’ve done a fine job there bitch, what a shame it wasn’t you sitting next to Salman Ramadan Abedi in the Manchester Arena.
The inevitable luvvie backlash against Lawrence Fox has gone up a gear. For the last couple of days it has been confined to twatter, with some attacking him for his comments, but others defended them. Lily Mong of course was straight in, telling him to stick to acting, and don’t comment on things he knows nothing about. Fair play, without irony, as she is that retarded that she failed to see that is exactly what she does.
Today, actors union equity released a statement on twatter condemning Fox for his comments, and suggested a boycott of him. How typical of a union, as they are always run by small minded, power hungry pathetic little cunts.
As for him being out of touch, he seemed to be more in touch with us commoners than Shami Shitinabuckett, another career politician with no work experience, no public mandate for her existence in the Labour Party, and her support of Corbyn shows her competence in politics is very low.
I just hope Fox holds his ground and doesn’t falter with the usual “I am so very sorry for causing offence” trope.
as for Lily Mong. I thought she had deleted her Twitter account after the Tory election victory? If she’s reactivated it it just proves what an attention seeking airhead she really is. And a complete cunt to boot.
I think he is enjoying it, winding up all the cunts who are condemning him, including the Mong. Bathing in lefty tears was one reply he gave. This is going to run and run. Can’t wait to hear what Owen Jones thinks…..?
Oh Christ, got ready for more ‘rise of the far-right’ rhetoric and the ‘public face of white-supremacy’ nonsense.
Owen Jones has never had a single thought in his life. He’s left wing and therefore incapable of thought.
Back in December, Fox was promoting Owen Jones Is A Wanker Day, via a hashtag or whatever the fuck they do on Twitter.
If Equity actors have any fucking decency whatsoever they will stand in solidarity with Fox regardless of their political opinions – THAT is exactly what a union is all about! Strength in numbers to prevent workers suffering but in this case it’s the fucking ‘union’ itself that is trying to put an actor out of work just for being a white conservative, which is what the majority of the fucking country are! I think arts council funding should be withheld for any production featuring Equity members in response to this genuinely active political persecution, see how the cunts like that! We’ve seen this with the blackballing of ‘communists’ in the US in the 50’s now we’ve got our own version in the UK in the 21st century.
I’ve forgotten what LilycrapMong Allen was good at.
Except being an utter cunt.
Shami is named after a window cleaners rag, her parents wanted their beautiful little daughter to assimilate into british culture after struggling to get a cornershop and praying to Kali goddess of death AND ganesh the elephant headed god.
Her dad spent years serving in the forces brewing up for Windsor davies.
They must be so dissapointed in her.
Shes got weird eyes hasnt she?
Like a serial killer on those true crime magazines.
She looks like Mola Ram from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Probably less fun on a night out though
I liked het brother Mowgli he understood the bear necessities of life,
But shami understands fuck all.
Shes nailed that 70s punk vacant stare though eh?
Whats up Shami? “Im so bored of the USA, boredom, boredom,de dum de dum….”
Shami Cickhercuntin looks to me like Betty Boop’s idiot bastard half sister:
With a face that’s been flattened with a heavy pig-iron frying pan.
Bheti bhup?
Oh Shiva !!!?
Kali maa. Kali maa!
I tell you what the uncut version of Temple of Doom is tougher than most ‘adult’ movies these days. And the mine cart chase is hands down the best action sequence of all time.
It’s waaycist now though so most cunts nowadays no-platform it and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Have any white liberals thought to ask the many Indian actors and extras who appeared in Temple of Doom what they thought?
Of course not, what am I thinking? ???
I dealt with Chakrabarti some Years ago with regard to a discrimination case a white Man had brought, clear evidence of racial discrimination, no public funding, no help from “Liberty”, and the funniest bit of all? – I was falsely accused of waaycism by informing dogs arse mouth Chakrabarti she was being waaycist not investigating a clear case of discrimination and deciding, completely illegally and in direct contravention of the Human Rights Act, not to offer funding and legal support, Rattybatty then threatened to “expose my right wing racism to the media”, a pretty unpleasant thing to do and a false allegation which I reported, Rattybatty told to apologise, did not do so and blocked my emails, investigation done at my insistence, got some slimy shit back that as I was taking action against the Director of “Liberty” (the fucking irony!) and Rattybatty, realising there were an number of these issues in the pipeline pulled in some favours, and arranged to “leave to take up a new challenge”, taking up the new position meant “The entity no longer exists in it’s previous legal capacity so legal action is null and void”, case thrown out and funding withdrawn.
Little snake oil saleswoman rat bastard, hates us, hates whitey, hates our Country and everything we have sacrificed to make it what it is but loves the money and power her gifted position affords her.
I am unable to disguise or control my contempt for this quisling rodent traitor, she is a CUNT, and seems to dislike foxes intensely!
Didn’t she also sit on the floor pulling the cord for the paddle fan?
Shami is great at wiping off your motor after washing it, but weirdly needs lots of rinsing as there seems to be a lot of brown pus produced!
And now for my arsebook styled subliminal political campaigning – beergirlspiesgoodvotefox.
Nothing to see here, and thanks to Cambridge analassaultical!
Punka wallah!?
The thing Is the Labour Party already had an all female short list for the leadership, Dame Keir Starmer is such an old woman he qualifies. I guess that is why he is called Dame Keir rather than for any sexual proclivities.
As far as I am concerned Chakrabutti has turned the House of Lords from The Noble House (as it is often referred to) into a House of I’ll repute. She has done that by selling her honour (if she had any in the first place) for financial gain, the job of the whore.
Apparently, it is mooted that the HoL be moved to York, in an attempt to help heal divisions, reconnection with society &c.
Quite frankly, I reckon the old twats wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Yorkie, they’d be dealt with in a thoroughly sensible manner…
Perhaps they’d have to sit in some old drill huts at Catterick Clap Centre.
Bollocks, its pissing down here! Clearly a case of blatant racism
Oh and my broadband is on a go slow. Must be racism
And a sparrow is fighting a blackbird for a piece of bread – racism
I can’t spell bauroe… burow…. burau …. fuck it, must be racism
My tea’s gone fucking cold now … RACISM!
Sorry, I just momentarily went into the mind of Chakrabarti where everything is racist!
“Cold tea”? – clearly a subliminal piece of waaycism reminding Clartyfanny of her days on the plantation!
She lookalike a man with that dyke haircut, try smiling you twat it just might make you look less miserable
And Fox’s put down of a wimmenz cunt in the audience stating that “…saying I have no say because of my ‘white privilege’ is waycist!” shut the cunt up good and proper, and to rapturous applause in the audience. It was wonderful.
The worm is turning.
It started in 2016 in the wake of BrexTrump and has taken 4yrs for folk in the spotlight to start calling out this ever increasing “woke” bullshit!
BoJo is in four 5yrs at least, Trump will hopefully parallel that with another term, so it gives us the impetus to push back on these militant leftist bastards and their civilization destroying antics!
What Trump did, which is what people like him for, is just to completely ignore the slander of ‘sexist/racist’ in what the Left up to that point had successfully utilized to make sure the Game was played on their terms. Trump just shrugged it all off and carried on, and people now recognise that it you can still be voted in by the general public, despite these shallow accusations. So hopefully more people are now feeling at liberty to offend the modern Left and ignore their attempts to oppress freedom of expression.
You’d think resembling a terrorist so much, as Smarmi JackyaBody does, she’d soften her anti-British views but no, just keep on chipping away at our way of life. I abhor these dark things we’ve imported.
Laurence Fox has just posted on Twitter, he is having a day off after winding up the ‘wonderful wokies’.
This man is a legend. He dumped his girlfriend after she told him how great the man-eating Gillette advert was.
Man hating not man eating. But then again…
Paul, that reminds me of that song…
#Oh there she comes watch out boy she’ll chew you up#
#Oh there she comes she’s a man eater#
That was on Gold, just as I started reading this post. Spooky.
I’m not totally against dyke haircuts btw I might add. Watched Alien covenant bout a month ago and Katherine Waterson’s dyke haircut still gives me the horn.
Also Barbara Gordons dyke haircut in gotham gives me the horn as well, still a bossy man hating cunt, tho not quite on shami’s level. Wonder if she would be happier in india no white males there to give her the blues? Or is that too racist of a question to ponder I wonder
I managed to struggle through that film the other day. Fuck me, I was bored.
Sadly, Ridley Scott seems to have joined the “turn out any old crap for a paycheck” club…
Even without comparing to the excellent Alien and Aliens, this film was just boring in its own right.
Agreed one and all. Never got how Ridley Scott, the man behind the seminal Alien, could have misunderstood completely the appeal of his own movie and churned out such turds as Prometheus and Covenant. Twat. Alien, Blade Runner (purely for visuals which was more due to set designers etc.) and at a push Gladiator, everything else he’s done is overrated shite.
Cuntan, in Alien Covent, as soon as I saw the long haired David, I knew it be like Data and Lore.
I just knew David would pretend to be Walter. I rolled my eyes, doubly so at the ending when she finally realises.
Hilarious! 🙂
Exactly Spoons!!! That was SO obvious that I genuinely thought we were supposed to think that, and there would a further twist – nope!! And to make it even less subtle there was that bit where his hood blew up over his head, making him look like the other android – ooooohhhh!!! Clever!! Fuck off Ridders. He’s got form with this shit, in the 37 different versions of Blade Runner where he’s made the replicants eyes glint red cos the audience are too fucking daft to work it out for themselves
I like a bird with short hair, some folks tell me that’s closet gayness but fuck it I’m not ashamed. I think the pageboy cut was partially pioneered by Jean Seberg, here she is in Bonjour Tristesse:
I’m a great fan of Dyke Haircuts. You have a much better view when a bird is sucking your cock ??
Not really, I’ve not seen my cock in 10 years and a punk haircut won’t change that.
Really moggie and cuntan? Fuck me I actually really liked Alien covenant might be my favourite one next to the original Alien film. I hope they make another one with Waterson before Ridley gives up the franchise. I dunno I see alot of shitty films and this one sat alright with me after I watched it, had alot of great kills in it too
I Haven’t seen Prometheus yet or resurrection for that matter but I watched Aliens last week and although it was alright it seemed it didn’t hold up that well definitely dated special effects
Thats the spirit Dr Shagga I agree bout Seberg, charlie therzon is sort of stealing her likeness thats another with the saucy femboy dyke cut too
I’ve seen Resurrection but don’t remember anything about it. I’ve seen Prometheus several times but, on account of being mostly pissed on each occasion and not really paying attention, I have yet to work out the storyline.
Resurrection has my interest piqued a bit, french director only American released film same guy who did Amèlie.
Ripley is a clone after a alien queen was found in her corpse and yank military wants to breed aliens to study and research. Winona ryder costars in resurrection had no idea she was even in the aliens franchise also didn’t know aliens 3 existed til now, apparently it was really shite tho I don’t watch many films drunk but I’m usually high when I do
Another boring cunt who you’d take down the pub for a laugh and would bore you and start telling you abaaaht the latest outrage on Twatter.
I watched a bit of QT and that Fox actor cunt is alright…very posh but with tattoos etc and used to bang Billie Piper so may be a little confused but overall a decent chap and quite nice to hear an actor talking sense and not bollocks for once.
White Man? – Waaycist!
White Man with an opinion? – F*scist!
White Man with an opinion who does not live in London? – Bigot!
White Man with no University education? – Undereducated moron!
White Man breathing in and out? – ENEMY!
“Thanks for your script there Shami, now there’s a toilet blocked in room 3, crack on and do something in line with your skillset – you have been pushing shit for Years”!
my new political party will be called the “shut up or talk sense you cunt” party, I feel I can tap into a significant voter base!
Vote Fox, at least we will be honest enough to tell you it’s a dictatorship! ✌
Are you Laurence Fox, Vernon Fox? You get my vote.
The Fox knows naaaafink abaaaaaht that!
Vote Fox!
She’s as much use to the UK as my knob cheese is to cooking.
She’s probably well aware of the value of adding something sour and creamy to temper a blindingly hot vindaloo or phal. I reckon this is what gives her that attractive, fuck-me demeanour.
Ah yes, Baroness Shameless Checkmebankaccount, fearless campaigner for equality who sends her brat to Dulwich College at 40 grand a year. Tireless seeker of truth who sees racism everywhere except in the cunting Labour Party and well rewarded for her “I see no ships” act. Shameless is a fucking disgrace, probably the biggest hypocrite in this country and that’s saying something. The very epitome of a champagne socialist, and only the best House of Lords champagne for Shameless. Fucking slag.
Cmon Freddie, how else is the cunt gonna spend her £300 a day for simply turning up.
Do you think she would burn well ? or need some petrol or turps to act as an accelerant ?
It’s a good job I can’t flamethrowers on e-bay..
I don’t give a fuck if she is Ravi or not, one thing I do know is there are far too many women in politics.
I am not saying ban them all but a limit of say 10 per Party.
It’s no coincidence that all this soppy shite and luvvie crap has entered politics since all these women got their feet under the table.
Too many of The Gay as well.
Go fuck yourselves.
Morning B&WC.
UK Head of State – woman
Scotch 1st Minister – woman
Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police – woman
Director General of the CBI – woman
General Secretary of the TUC – woman
Shadow Home Secretary – female sub-primate
Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade – woman
Chief operating officer of Manchester United – woman
Leader of Sinn Fein /IRA – woman
Leader of DUP – Wonder Woman
Leader of Plaid Cymru – woman
Co-leader of the Green Party – woman
Leader of the Wimminz Equality Party – woman
President of the EU – woman
Chancellor of The Fourth Reich – woman
New Zealand Prime Minister – woman
President of South Korea – woman
Prime Minister of Poland – woman
IMF Managing Director – woman
Tip of the useless iceberg.
Morning RTCP, that’s quite a shocking read…no wonder we are fucked, or as you say ‘This country is finished’ ?
And lest we forget…
2016 – 2019, the most useless* UK Prime Minister ever – woman
* useless to everyone except the EU.
How could I forget dear old Teresa May, then again the sooner that cunt is forgotten the better.
Reading that list really puts my northern, working class, white man’s privilege to task.
I shall now go outside and self-flagellatie myself in protest of our totally patriarchal and masochistic society.
P.S. I wouldn’t mind a couple of month’s interest from their combined bank balances. I wouldn’t have to work for a year! I’d love to feel that kind of sexist oppression…
It wouldn’t be so bad if they had got to where they are by merit. My mate for his sins works for the civil service, and he said that there is no scope for promotion if you are male, unless you start fucking around with the pro nouns nonsense. Again, not in any way related to merit.
Didn’t Barry Obama say the other day that women should rule the world? Just because you’re a cuck baz, don’t shoulder the rest of us with that burden. Cunt.
Just watched the episode of Bone detectives from last night. All the presenters and ‘experts’ were wimmin. Are CH4 trying to outdo the BBC?
“Wank, wank, wank for Penny Mordaunt !”
What a miserable looking cunt as well, that stare…
I bet she looks at her bloke when he giving her one with that lifeless stare…poor cunt deserves a medal for keeping his boner alive.
What a shite start to Sunday.
Surely Chipbutty has never stirred a boner in any bloke that has a set of eyes and ears except maybe a sandal wearing lefty vegan.
I have feeling she would regard any bloke with a boner as a sexist/racist/Trump supporting bastard unless they’re are child botherers from Rotherham/Rochdale etc in which cases they are misunderstood men suffering from nasty racism.
Your probably right SH, she looks like a lezzer. Someone said she’s got a kid though so maybe the ‘Hugh’ the vegan gave her one whilst drunk on pineapple juice.
nah she got that sprog getting groomed in Rotherham in her dad’s corner shop
Chuckabhaji was married to honkey, he probably spent as much time walking on eggshells and apologizing for his ‘privilege’ and ‘toxic masculinity’ as he did breathing.
I bet the poor bastard offered to cook a curry one night LL and she screamed ‘cultural appropriation’ at him.
I bet she made him do all the women jobs like ironing and washing up for a month. The poor cunt.
“Well she’s the Queen of the mingers yeah, the Red Baize VIP”
“She’s reached the top and had to stop and that’s what’s bothering she”
“Now I’m a dire waycist liar and you should be like me”, now
“OObi Doo, I really hate the fucking J*w, but wanna walk like them, talk like them and pretend I’M one of you-oo-oo”
Cue Louis Armstrong on his waycist trumpet!
She’d make a great Star Wars villain. Not the Death Star, more the Death Stare
You remined me Mr Knee, she has more than a passing resemblance to Nik Nak from The Man with the Golden Gun.
Aahh meesthter Scaramanga!
I kill you for this Mr Liquidator, put me down you big bully.LOL
Mind you I bet the Waycist card would get an airing too.
she;d do better selling postal orders and tins of beans
Fox absolutely stole every episode of Lewis off Kevin “why aye” Whateley.
In one episode he even utters the classic line..
“Spare me from armchair lefties and their cheap disdain”
How true… ?
I fear this bloke Fox is finished as an actor, he has broken the cardinal rules of luvviedom. In the eyes of the libtards he has outed himself as a Nazi on the BBC of all places. He may as well have leprosy as far as the luvvies are concerned.
I reckon he’ll be fine, he’s already almost a poster boy here against the left wing cunts.
the left cunts deleted their tweets when they remembered they needed his family of fox actors,,silent witness brings in the viewers
Chukabutty utterly epitomes the corruption of the system. Whitewashes the Labour anti-semitism scandal, gets a seat in the Lords for life.
It was fantastic to see her on Channel 4’s election night coverage with that cunt Guru-Murthy. She was fucking gobsmacked as the results started to come in. Fucking classic!!
PS Great nom Quick Draw!
Judging by the way cunters keep saying how funny the faces were on election night, I now wish I’d stayed up to watch the results coming in. Feel I really missed something.
It must’ve been a pure embarrassment if C4 won’t won’t put any clips up on youtube.
There are a good selection of them here. Fantastic viewing.
Thanks for that, I’ve seen a couple over the weeks but most were stills when what I really want to see is that look smug knowledge of victory disintegrate into pure, unadulterated ‘I’ve-shit-my-pants’ look of realisation that we’re not the cunts, they are.
You did Moggie. For three years they’d only heard one opinion.
That being, it was all a mistake and anyone who voted out are dead or realise they’ve made a mistake.
Utter shock on metro bùbble faces.
Mind you, we’re still tip toeing around the miserable remainer cunts.
We should all be out with baseball bats giving some fucking payback for the last 3 years of shit, and the shit that’s, no doubt, yet to come from those bastards. The worst thing we could do now is relax and think we’ve won, I don’t believe we have.
This cunt is in the vanguard of Stanleys that can string a sentence together and wear clean clothes…they appear to accept the British way of life but in fact fucking despise us and are just biding their time.
At some point they are going to be unmasked and shortly thereafter given the Lionheart cure.
Fuck off.
My new principle is challenge – talk shit? Call me a waaycist etc?
Provide evidence, provide fact!
Shouting is not fact, does Mummy let you behave like this?
This shit has gone too far because our very tolerance is being used against us and we now need a campaign called “I’m calling you out, cunt” and challenge them to justify their shit, they never can, and just engage in hysterical shouting and “Hate shutdown”.
A strong cuff about the head also effective, but being the gentleman I am this course of action could never approved of!
Try a bat instead.
Interesting factoid. Shagafatti was throughly hated and detested by everyone of the IRC estate ( me being one ). She ( and others ) were responsible for millions of ridiculous expenditure in tax payers money, to satisfy her arrogant and twisted self centred beliefs. I quote the bitch directly…” you are white and no of nothing. No whiteman has humanity or humility…” This was shouted infront of many witnesses ,m noe of whom ( other than me ) passed comment. ( too fwitened )
I have told this cunt on many occassion ( and to her face ) to fuck right off. She is a cunt, and IMO should never have been given any position in life other than on her back.
Look up the activities of The Immigation Advisory Service and the Refugee Legal Centre. Also read this weeks story of the lawyers and Judges who swindled 19 Million in fees from their scams…….Interesting stuff.