Shami Chakrabarti…That useless human rights cunt, who Magic Grandpa put in the House of Lords because…well…ok, I don’t know why. But she’s a cunt. And a humourless cunt at that.
Last night (Thursday 16th January), I watched Question Time for the first time in years. I didn’t watch it because she was on, I watched it because Laurence Fox was on. Now I’ll admit that, him being an actor, I assumed he was a woke, far left luvvie type. However, a couple of days ago, I saw him do an interview on some obscure YouTube channel, and he came across as being quite down to Earth. Well, last night, I found a new respect for him. That guy does NOT give a fuck about wokeness or luvviedom.
Shagafatti was sat next to him, and what a sour faced cunt she was. First, he was asked about climate change and his carbon footprint. His response was, “Well, as an actor I have a huge carbon footprint. But I make up for it by preaching to everyone else about theirs”. Then he was asked about who he thought should replace Corbyn as Labour leader, and this is where Shagafatti showed us once again what humourless, woke cunts the left are. Bruce asked him who should replace Corbyn, and his first words (which raised a chuckle from the audience) were, “Magic Grandpa? Hmm”. Shagafatti’s response to that? A very sarcastic, “Oh, THAT’S original”. Fuck off and suck a dick Chuka, Laurence clearly understands humour. Then he committed what, to a swivel eyed feminazi, is the ultimate sin. He didn’t name one of the female candidates. I know, right? Unforgivable. But Laurence thought Keir Starmer should replace him, because he thought Starmer would be better able to stand up to Boris. Personally, I doubt it, but he’s entitled to his opinion. And I got the impression that Laurence is not a Labour supporter. His answer immediately triggered Chakrafarti, who responded with, “Huh, so none of the FOUR women would be good enough”? Yes, Shami Shagafatti, Laurence wasn’t giving his honest opinion, he was being a toxic, white, male, far right, misogynist, bigoted racist.
I have to admit, if I’d been him, I would have hit her with a sarcasm bomb. “Yes Shami. That’s right. Wammin should leave politics, business and everything else alone and stick to what they’re good at – living in the kitchen, making sammiches for us men”. He was more restrained, simply saying, “it has NOTHING to do with gender. Jeepers Creepers, (I suspect he wanted to say something stronger)”. And several of the other panel members jumped on her for that bullshit too. I would also have pointed out that, although all the candidates were equally useless, they at least were elected to their parliamentary positions. In a democratic election. I don’t remember EVER voting to put someone in the House of Lords. Certainly not BARONESS Shami Shagafatti. Fox was highly entertaining on QT last night, and clearly not a lefty luvvie. Which means it’ll be a while before he’s invited back on. Shagafatti was highly annoying, and clearly there to be the token twat. I’m not going to talk about her own answers to the questions she was asked. It was the usual woke, leftist cuntishness.
I remember Shagafatti being an annoying, self-important cunt when she was the head of that human rights organisation. Being in the Lords has made her even more self-important. And definitely even more of a cunt.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
I will have a Naan Bread with mine please.?
Another Communist Labour hypocrite
The sour faced cunt worked in The Home Office yep the enemy within ?
The repeat of QT has just started on the BBC Parliament channel… I’ve got my beers, got my snacks, and I’m going to have a great time for the next hour watching ChakraFarti getting her arse handed to her on a plate again. Lawrence Fox. At last an actor with an enormous pair of bollocks. And a brain.
On the sidelines of this debate, Private Eye, which still does some anti (woke) establishment reporting, noticed that Chuckabutti’s fellow subcontinental, Apsana Begum (Lab, Poplar and Limehouse) had had a very unchallenging ride to the Commons. Not only did Poplar have to select its candidates from an all-woman shortlist, against the wishes of constituency party members, but there was only one woman on it, Apsana. This was the idea of the Soviet Praesidium aka Labour NEC, which had previously prevented Vauxhall from having an all-wimminz shortlist!
The Eye also alleges* that the fervent Corbynite and former administrator for Lutfur Rahman (doing time for corrupt electoral practices), a single woman with no dependents, managed to leapfrog the 19,000 queue for social housing to obtain her current abode, a housing association property on the Isle of Dogs. Appropriate, looking at the pic, but hardly to each according to their need.
Beats ‘Animal Farm’.
*Your Honour
Human rights are paramount so I totally think an unelected spoke in the wheels of democracy is the best place to ensure human rights are best served, said nobody ever!
Just a quick off-topic (but sort of related) comment to recommend that everyone watch ‘Celebrity Gogglebox’ from last year on ALL4 On Demand.
Laurence Fox is on it with his cousin Emilia and he is fucking hilarious. His very forthright, honest, not-giving-a-single-fuck attitude comes shining through once again.
You’re a fan ain’t ya Nurse 😉
I am, Sixdog! 🙂
It is a real breath of fresh air to see an actor who isn’t actually a luvvie or talking bollocks.
Bloody great!
We don’t do a Hero of the Year but if we did Fox’d be a shoo-in.
Actually Fox has just appeared on the Spiked podcast:
Will say that so long as I’ve got a hole in my arse and spunk in my nuts, if you don’t like this country please feel free to FUCK OFF.
Shagmi Upthebarti is a totally brainwashed snowflake wanksock. She should be happy to have sold her soul and lost any credence whatsoever by swallowing the left-wing jiz of magic grandpa just to get in the Lords. Why is it that she mooches around with a face like a smashed fucking crab?
Answer- because she’s a megacunt, and deserves her own wall, let alone a place on one. And when I say her own wall, I mean the one they lean her up against, blindfolded, as the lads are loading up their weapons……..
She really is a sour-faced cunt. I dread to think what her expression looks like when she’s checking the bog-paper after wiping her arse.
With a face like that you would have to shag her in the doggy position……funnily enough Rowan Atkinson’s wife insisted that he did the same thing.