Most people in this world go about their business without deliberately causing trouble and do their best to be respectful of others, their property, and the rules which underpin an orderly society. There are a minority of truly anti-social cunts who spoil things for everybody else and Mr Shakeel is one such cunt. He attacked a Picasso painting at the Tate museum and the thing I’m asking is, what’s the fucking point? You’re just a cunt pure and simple ruining other peoples enjoyment of art, a purely selfish pointless act of destruction upon something rare and refined from the creative efforts of another. It’s because of one cunt with a bomb in his pants we have to have security invading our crotches at an airport, one cunt in a white van that our once welcoming high streets and public spaces have to have crash barriers clogging up the pavements, one chippy cunt who despises culture that other people would simply like to have the right to enjoy that classic paintings will all have to be now kept behind perspex instead of being viewed in it’s natural state. Fuck Massey and every cunt who ruins it for everyone else.
Nominated by The Return of Rev. Shagga
Does he have a magic carpet? Sounds like an Ali snackbar,to me.
While a art fan if its the picture above then hes improved it.
What a bag of shite!
Like something the kids did when they were little an we stuck on the fridge.
Picasso was overrated.
But Shaggas right cant let people vandalise art.
Its fuckin naughty.
Luckily it was just a picasso next time it might be Hanna Barbera.
“Yaba daba don’t, Abba Dabba cunt”!
Nobody messes with the Flintstone! ☠
Not a fan of Picasso, except for Guernica, but hacking up art?
Why, cunt?
A perfect cunting Shagga – could not agree more! ?
Bang on Rev. I remember when some cunt smashed up Michelangelo’s incredible Pieta in the Vatican a few years ago. When I visited St Peter’s in the 80s, you could simply go and stand within inches of this incredible masterpiece. Now I suppose it’ll be behind a screen of bullet proof glass. All it takes is one mad fuckwit to ruin it for everybody.
They’re just mindless vandals pure and simple. This twat is no different to the morons that take great pleasure in trashing a perfectly good and recently opened children’s playground, purely because they can!
I read recently that that cunt Banksy did some Christmassy artwork on a brick wall in Birmingham, but was later ruined by vandals spray painting all over it.
What I don’t understand about that is how Banksy’s graffiti is praised as art even though he did paint on a public wall; while the vandals graffiti is criticised as shameful and mindless. Graffiti is graffiti in my book!
While Banksy is a lefty luvvie ducky type, seen some truly good stuff hes done.
Against my will im a bit of a fan.
Like the one he did of house of commons filled with apes.
I agree he has talent, but he is still “vandalising” public walls and even on the exterior of people’s homes.
It brings me back to the old argument of what the exact definition of art is? If I put a half-made bed in the middle of a public park, is that art (Tracy Emmin); or is it fly tipping?
Yeah that Tracy Emin bollocks is a joke just a wonky gob chancer.
But Banksy stuff i like, he puts something on your wall? Just added couple of million to your property!
Did anyone notice flabbot and lammy made more Life like in the painting?
‘something rare and refined from the creative efforts of another’
Yes we see something rare and refind in the the ‘picture’ above. Must have taken some ‘creative effort’ to produce that abomination.. It’s degenerate as good old Adolf said. I salute Mr Massey.
You Philistine Miles!
Your mask as a patron of the Arts has slipped.
I now see that your pretence as a lover of poetry is indeed a sham.
No Bertie in fact I will say it poetically-
Blue Period, Pink
But it all stinks
Pablo Picasso
Was asshole.
Well some people try to pick up girls
And get called assholes
This never happened to Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare and
So Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
Well the girls would turn the color
Of the avocado when he would drive
Down their street in his El Dorado
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole
Not like you… ?
(The Modern Lovers, 1972)
Afternoon Ruff one. I thought you were winding us up on that one till I looked it up.
I thought I had a reasonable knowledge of past music but your memory is almost elephant like!
Afternoon Bertie. Thanks for the compliment.
Would I wind you up?
My memory is average, but from my earliest years I have been obsessed with music, plus I managed several record shops over a 25 year period spanning the ’70s – ’90s. The knowledge came about by default.
There are a multitude of things I despise, and on the subject of art on public display, the crap shovelled by Tracy Emin, Damian Hirst and cunts like them definitely fits that bill. However, I wouldn’t dream of defacing it just because I don’t like it, like some fucking spoiled child. The actions of a petulant prick who deserves a thorough pasting.
Unfortunately it’s symptomatic of the times we live in. All these cunts saying get rid of external borders, only to have to resort to internal borders, such as bollards, concrete barriers and all the other measures required to try and protect the public from all this lovely diversity. It’s a strength didn’t you know…..
Agreed, there are too many twats who believe everyone has to think the same way as them. Fucking head cases should be put in an asylum..
Mindless cunt, you’d think he’d of attacked something you could tell was damaged afterwards.
If you’re going to display something worth 20 million you’d think it would be protected in some way?
Humanity are a strange lot.
I wonder if Mr Massey was inspired but one of his bluds here:
…cause everything white people make is bad and must be torn down and replaced with, what? What the fuck have his people ever made? Nothing. Which is what they are.
Always think people want to destroy the things they can’t reach. There’s a level of civilisation the white race has achieved that these cunts despise because it’s out of their reach.
Maybe if they look back into their own history they can find the answers, Egypt, Persia etc. Enlightened civilisations with more than one fucking book as recommended reading.
What about all those shitty stick figures on the sides of piss-strewn caves? Oh yes, you’re right. Fucking load of shite.
Pure jealousy.
He sounds like a returning ISIS member who got a taste for destroying cultural heritage sites and antiquities in Syria and Iraq. ?
What a great piece of art, and what a cunt Massey is.
Of course living in Notting Hill with many art Galleries with celebrity openings I appreciate the finer quality of art.
I’m actually in the process of buying some art for my newly decorated in Craig and Rose paint flat.
One has to match the art with the classic wall colours you see. 0
Top tip old chaps…always make an offer via the dealer directly to the artist. I never pay the Galleries there full commission.
Piss off.
Back in the day the best thing about Notting Hill was the record and tape exchange shop.
You on abaaaht the ones by Notting Hill Gate station? Still there SV.
Get some gems in there.
The value of art is determined by silly cunts who have more money than they know what to do with.
Vandalism is wrong, but was it wrong to take down the mural made famous by Steptoe just because its depictions were ‘uncomfortable’. I don’t think so art has always been controversial.
However ‘Only poofs write poetry’
Calling me a poof are you ?
You’ve got some bleedin’ front…
That Will Shakespeare – he wasn’t quéér
I brand You, Sir, a cunt !
Don’t be offended Seymour. It’s alleged Michael Hesseltine was a queer!
The mural you refer to was straight out of Nazi Germany in style and content. By all means have a go at capitalists on the backs of the workers but to put this up in East London was deliberately offensive and obviously pandering to the ‘locals’ and trendy lefties. The fact that Magic Grandpa approved says it all.
Perhaps there should be murals offensive to Islam erected in Golders Green?
This was one of the worst anti Semitic images that many people had ever seen.
I will go to the wall to defend Miles’ right to write poetry. I don’t believe he’s a poof for a minute, Sick of it.
I’ve only one piece of advice to offer you Jenny – avoid any advances by Black & White!
Don’t forget I’m not a poof neither too Bertie. ?
Ha ha! Poets are very sensitive individuals but they are not poofs!
Dont think wilfred owen was a poof.
Viking and celtic warriors liked poetry.
As did Muhammad Ali.
Poetry is for men.
Terry tibbs was a silly boy
Who lived a life so gay
He set fire to his brother Jim
And his sister Jill next day.
He went to school in a push-chair
And arrived in a pin-striped suit
He walked into the classroom
Dressed up as King Canute.
And when the bell to go would ring
He’d run into the road
And set the teachers cars alight
Whilst reciting the Highway Code.
Yes Terry was a happy kid
And I’m sorry to relate
That he died last week in agony
After eating a magistrate.
So the moral of this story
Is plain for all to see
That only those who fight for God
Will become fruit bushes called Betty.
PS Miserable: Wilfred Owen definitely was a poof.
So was W.H.Auden…. and William Burroughs… and….
Was he? Oh well still a brave an talented man wasnt he?
Ok maybe not Willy but Ali was definitely not a poof , he was so bad he made medicine sick! ?
Maybe it was the mustard gas sent mr Owens a bit ‘funny’ Rtc
A cabin boy on an old clipper
Grew steadily flipper and flipper.
He plugged up his ass
With fragments of glass
And thus circumcised his old skipper.
I know you’re only joshing Miserable. But nowt wrong with being a poof in my book.
And being brave or not has fuck all to do with poofery as well… unless you believe some of the sillier stereotypes some of us were weaned on as kids.
I beleive everything im told Rtc, and all stereotypes!
Its a scientific fact gays faint at the sight of blood and cant digest steak.
Or something.
Lot of my customers are gay Rtc,
An im openminded to both them an their money!
Ha-ha Bertie, bet you got moderated for “circümcised”. ?
When somebody can’t produce beauty, they just want to obliterate somebody else’s. Maybe it said something about his own life.
Either you like Picasso or you don’t.
I’m blonde, Johnny. What’s your excuse?
Sounds like a complete fucking Philistine. That’s what I like about classical music……. or any music for that matter – it exists in the abstract and can’t be fucked up in this way.
Unless it’s used by shitey rappers for their shitey rap tunes. Mind you, rather even that the Stormzy grime cack.
Let them get away with defacing a Picasso then next they will be getting shot of Nelson’s column including representations of the black freed slaves who fought and died alongside their white comrades in bronze around the base. Nasty racists those Victorians.
Nelson was 5ft 4ins whereas on the column he’s 18 ft.
That’s Horatio of just over 3:1
Shakeel…what a feckin stoopid name. Up there with Jolyon.
Art must be vandalised bos it’s culture, innit, bro.
And Shakeel’s only culture is the penis-envy relationship he has with his blade, the cunt.
Chuck him in an industrial macerator, feet first.
Good Evening, m’Lord !
I’m not a great fan of The Arts…most of it is “the Emperor’s new clothes”…..people pretend to like and “understand” it even though it is a load of old shite.
Picasso can shove his Blue Period up his arse and Fuck Off.
Thought id give Pablo the benefit of the doubt an googled his work…
No i was right, hes fuckin rubbish!
Not just the shite at the top all of it!
Pablo, your a mitmot.
Gather up your crayons an FUCK OFF.
I’m yet to discover a Shakeel that’s not a complete cunt.
Throw him off the roof of the gallery.
Fuck off.
I’m not a fan, so I don’t go out of my way to be annoyed by this shite. I’ll never be seen dead in the Tate modern, but it doesn’t annoy me that it exists. One thing you don’t have to go out of your way to get annoyed with is the fucking royal runaways. The acres of coverage vastly outweighs the interest by the whole population. Who gives a fuck what these minor celebrities do (ultimately that’s what they are, they are completely irrelevant to everything), but you can’t open your fucking eyes without being bombarded with supposition and hearsay on what this pair of cunts are doing. Get fucked, the pair of you, and if this shit still sells papers, then the world needs rebooting.
If a picture paints a thousand words,
Picassos say. “im a cunt”
He could draw unemployment benefits.
As a artist hes a bullshit artist.
He says he was framed!
I say guilty!
Random one, but a skanking Bogo Bogo b*tch is trying to screw me over – I sell designer goods (how very twee daahling!) and recently sold a seriously expensive handbag (Fendi) and the purchaser, a “Diane Abbott” hued gal who “cant speaking de English a good” is trying to allege it’s “not genuine” and (get this) wants a full refund, will not return the bag and refuses to have it inspected to establish authenticity – not shifty at all then!
I have forwarded the original purchase bill of sale showing it is genuine but “handout from the honky” girl is STILL trying it on!
Pretty angry about this one, I work my bollocks off to earn a living and this little fucker thinks she can lift my leg?
Hate the conning smelly revolting thieving cunts!
That is all, rant over, nothing to see here!
Keep a log of it all Vernon, emails calls etc
Trying it on.
Otherwise shed return the bag for a refund, maybe shes sold it on already.
Fuck her off.
Got them all MNC, the girl be bang to rights guvnor! I am quite forensic in that respect as I used to work in law – “L*bel, loss of business, loss of reputation and profit etc” on the C*urt paperwork, being posted Monday, Bogo Bogo has a most unpleasant surprise coming along with a claim amount which could get quite a nice house round here – paybacks a b*tch, and I think in this case the chiselling third World c*nt will regret playing with whitey! ?
I’m not really an art lover I think most of its a load of bollocks – especially anything by Damian Hurst or Tracey Emin. I can appreciate a good painting or drawing but not a load of random shit, like an unmade bed.
Years ago I used to go to Art galleries in a bid to impress a artsy girl I was interested in at the time. It didn’t work out in the long run. She wanted us to live on a barge for some reason.
Fuck that. Who are we? Rosie & Jim?
I think art is subjective. To me, if I see something and I like it, I like it. It doesn’t matter who says what’s good or not.
Michelangelo’s David for instance. I like that.
Picasso’s Guernica.
Dali’s painting of melting watches.
Klimt’s the kiss.
The person whom illustrated the book The tiger that came to tea etc.
The Seine at Asnieres by Renoir is very good – got it on my wall! (A copy of, should I say!), from a foot away it’s just a bunch of blobs but move back to six feet away and everything comes into pin sharp focus – it’s pretty amazing someone can paint distance perspective like that!
(And it also rather cunningly covers the “slight depression” in the wall from a golf ball, slightly over enthusiastic chipping – if the good lady ever spots it I have the distinct feeling I will be sleeping in the shed for the rest of my natural!)
Cezanne’s The Lake at Annecy is really gorgeous.
Otherwise, I am a great admirer of Beatrix Potter’s drawings for her “little books”; “A Rabbit’s Christmas Party” frieze is a beauty – the expressions on their faces as they arrive at the “venue” is priceless, like me arriving at Mistress Lucy Lane the Cane…