Rodrigo Alves, an attention seeking, nobody cunt.
This fish-headed mongoloid has annoyed me for some time, his surgically mutated visage daily haunting me from the sidebar of shame on the rapidly sinking Daily Mail. Once known as ‘The Human Ken Doll’, which is bollocks, because a Ken doll looks far more human than this prick, he has now come out as a fucking transgender woman.
Looking like a Blackpool pier waxwork dummy of Katie Price, he now has more excuses for further plastic surgery, not that he needed any. The vacuous fuck changed his nose more often than I change my socks and he’s one of the many cunts addicted to cosmetic surgery who prove that it just makes you look ugly, retarded, inhuman, and sad.
Damn him for being the no talent freak show that he is, damn the fucking Daily Mail for giving him the oxygen of publicity, and damn me for reading the fucking Daily Mail.
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye
“Fish headed mongoloid”. And there goes the morning cuppa in a big spray from both mouth and nose. Beautiful wording.
An absolute non entity that graces the shit show that is the daily mail.
Why they give space and text to fucking freaks like this is beyond me.
Bring back Paul Dacre, the Daily mail is not the paper it was.
He abaaaht to join the Labour leadership race…ticks most of.the boxes. Get your hard earned on this cunt.
I think you are right – he SHOULD be Labour leader – a true woman, who I am sure if old Qu eer Charmer hadn’t stuck his oar in could have been an all wimmin affair which would please the progressives – Butch Phillips, Lovely Liza, Rebecca Wrong-Dailey and Fatarse Thornberry could even have been interviewed in their bikini’s by Michael Aspel (“I want to travel and meet people and make a difference”). I am sure this little poofter looks lovely in his little red number. Thinking of it I guess Thornberry would be more comfortable in her shit-stained silk directoire knickers.
The man/woman/thing is an offfence to creation. I won’t say fuck him, because I doubt anybody could.
I’d like to see it and Thornberry have wrestling match to decide who is the next leader.
The Flabbot could referee and eat the loser.
Stop press news – the “girlfriend of Kermit, who enjoys spiky berries” has been advised to discontinue ahem, “Regal action”, which I think is being taken to Court by a Chinaman, after a previously unshown piece of mobile telephone footage obtained by a “Woman from Flint shire” or somewhere emerged of an MP iggy known simply as “Lady N” calling a certain demograph of society “of diminished intelligence” or something!
Think that made the point, whilst keeping on the right side of the law!
The “legal action” which Fatarse threatend against Caroline Flint seems gto have beem forgotten. I always thought Ms Flint was telling the truth in this case.
True enough. Her husband’s a judge as well so at ease with how the law works. She could have set in motion by now. Caroline Flint said she said it to a colleague which somehow rings more true to me. And we know she has previous.
Put it on a tall building in downtown Raqqa… those cunts will do the rest.
Stop press news – Uncle Vlad the Human rights and clean sport champion is so concerned about gays being hoofed off tall buildings in Raqqa he has engaged the Russian Air Force to assist the tall buildings in “no longer being tall” – what a good sport!
For all you nerdy, pedantic cunts out there: this is Rodrigo Alves [3]
I thought I’d seen this strange looking object before, but I figured it must have been in a nightmare.
Strange looking?
Beautiful as ken or Barbie!
Thinking of having a trout pout myself, look great with huge brown beard!
Treat yourself Moggie!
Have something done, eyebrows tattooed on or pec implants!
If he thought that women look like this I’d have thought Specsavers was a better first option than a surgeon.
Or get eyebrows tattooed on your pecs above your nipples.
Hehehe! Yeah!??
I stick my tongue up his arsehole. Probably the only part that hasn’t had plastic surgery!
I dunno, he was good in Team America
Not a chance, Sarah looks considerably more human.
Hmmm, ask prince Phillip if he has arranged that late night drive for Meghan, and get Phil to give this mong a lift too, kill two birds with one stone, well one is definitely a woman, ffs, what a pair of cunts
Perhaps they could make out it’s going to some awards ceremony and entice Lily Mong along for the ride, three’s a dream.
Pathetic wanker
one more botch job and he’ll look like victoria beckham
With a thumbs up to Rebel without a cunt does this tosser have an inverted Cock cunthole or are his shrivelled nads still stuck to his undercarriage. I think we have a right to know
?Eleanor Rigby
Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for??
not another fucking cunt – just how many of them are there – and are they taking over the planet – FFS??????
Fucking FREAK!
When is the media scum gonna stop giving ‘quweirdos’
like this airtime?
Everytime they do, they paint this Freaky, god knows what creature as normal.
It fucking ain’t normal…………
It needs locking away in the Vatican Vaults forevermore.
Urgent Excorcism of a cunt inside a Tranny Barbie doll needed!
As much as I hate this cunt, and I do, he’s representative of all the look at me for no reason cunts that are ten a penny these days, I think I would have to go a long way to hate him as much as he hates himself. No one that was remotely happy would do what he has done to himself. Three packs of paracetamol and a half litre of spar vodka would sort him out. Night night.
Send the freak to Canada to live with the Sussexes.
Hasn’t this vain jizzbag suffered enough? Not only does he look like Picasso has painted a Tweenie but he now has to live with the Duchess of Cuntiness? A heavy sentence, Ma’am.
More proof that trannyism is a mental health issue.
It has come as a great revelation to me that a female to male tranny knob is not a real knob. I thought they took flesh from the forearm, moulded one then attached it to the clitoris so they would get sexual pleasure. But it’s not like that at all. There are three options (from LB post the other day) the ‘Non inflatable implant’. Now that is just like a lump of lead that you can bend. But even the inflatable implants (2 and 3 piece) it’s the same thing. A bendy piece of lead for the shaft.
So a woman with a lump of lead between her legs can turn up to an airport with a male passport, go into male toilets. ‘Thank you madame, enjoy your flight’. And that’s OK supposedly. We are indulging this madness.
Just thought it might set off security. ‘What do think it is?’ ‘My metal knob’.
Got it wrong. Should have been ‘Thank you Sir, enjoy your flight’.
And how do they piss out if these implants?
I need to do more research.
A sort of “Jane the Peg diddle diddle diddle dee, with my extra leg…” option
Quite right CC, any surgeon who operates on something like that should able be struck off. Same goes for those supposed professionals who enable confused kids to embark on puberty blockers/gender reassignment treatment, etc.
I have been conducting research into Jess Phillips remarkably large arse, I am trying to test my hypothesis that she has the biggest butt in parliament, possibly the most humongous since Cyril Smith broke the toilet following a liberal party curry and sexual deviancy night out. Having difficulty with viewing the results of Google image searching Diane Abbott’s bum though. The YouTube video of the hippo with diarrhoea keeps coming up.
Jesus wept, looks like The Master from Salem’s Lot on that picture on the left. Hope it never stands too close too the fire, I’ve seen less plastic at the Lego factory than on that fizz hog.
Jeez! What an ugly cunt.
I wondered what Madame Tussaud’s had done with the wax after removing Me-again’s figure from display.
Notice the subtle repackaging, turning her into a whitey with blonde hair.
Now there’s nothing for the nasty racist Brits to dislike about her!
It looks like a Gerry Anderson sex doll.
What a fucking mess.
House of Lords?
Plastic cunt.
I wonder what his parents think.
Nothing, they don’t recognise him.
His “parents” are couple of scientists who found a globule of man-yoghurt on a petri dish.
#He did the mash, the monster mash waa-ooh#.
What a hideous looking cunt he/she/what-the-fuck-ever is – unless you’re into the “bastard child of Kryton and Max Headroom” look??
The sad thing is – like most plastic and pneumatic cunts these days – they think they look gorgeous. You don’t!
Troy Tempest and Scott Tracy hand more facial expression!
This is my reaction to that oh so popular vacant stare look…
Didn’t this prick used to be in Dollar in the 80s?
? “Mirror Mirror…”
Looks every inch like ‘a real woman’ to me.
Didn’t need to read the nom to agree with this cunting. A picture paints a thousand words. Every one of them ‘Cunt’.
Well I haven’t laughed so much in a while, great counting, great responded, I type this with tears rolling down my face, he looks like a melted candle even the doctors on botched said there was fuck all they could do for this clown, maybe Spielberg might be able to find him/her/it a job.
I wonder where this fucker hides in daylight, maybe a coffin and out hunting for blood of a virgin at night, he must be super careful in the summer time or around any naked flames?=?=?=? what a sad wanker and I thought I was the fugly ukker…
LOL a nice heat wave this summer and it will become a puddle of melted plastic
The cunt looks like he’s a member of Archibald McIndoe’s Guinea Pig Club. (Famed pioneer plastic surgeon who operated on aircrew shot down in flames in WW2). Come to think of it, so dies Harry Redknapp.
‘Does’, you cunt…
Or Abdullah’s Raddled Goat Arse Club…
I’ve seen this thingamy on the Mail Online and probably channel 5..
Has the Mail online now because entirely Sidebar material?
Yes it fucking has, all shite about z- grade celebrities and where you can buy a knock off version of the rag there wore to last night’s luvvie self love in for £14.99
How else would I know I can look just as fab as Lorraine Kelly?
That is the posterchild for KILL IT WITH FIRE. Christ!!
So many wankers to hate and so little time, this freaky reptile is a pleasure to hate