Could I put post office counter staff in the frame for a cunting, please? They sum up everything that’s wrong with the British worker.
Today a typical example. I get to the post office and there’s a huge queue but five staff working. One of them must have been a UN observer, as she did fuck all but watch.
No worries, that leaves four of them. One promptly buggers off and closes her window, so we are down to three. They serve a customer and have a little chat, then we move on to the next customer who wants to post a parcel. This innocuous parcel requires the three remaining staff and the observer to process. Ten minutes later service resumes, but only two of them could carry on after the trauma of dealing with a parcel and the two remaining had to have a five minute discussion about it. I eventually got served after a long wait.
It gave me plenty of time to watch and think though. Is it the union which encourages these cunts to move at sloth at nap time speeds. Is it really necessary to have a chat with each other every time one of them completes a transaction? It’s not just inefficient, it’s a piss take.
Post office counter staff, they can’t all be retarded. It’s a deliberate war on customers.
P.S. they decommissioned the stamp machine to ensure even if all you want is a stamp you have to endure this painful process, but the cunts left the stamp machine in place to taunt you.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
What they could do is take a nod from other areas of employment (GP receptionists, hospital staff, council wankers) and directly employ foreign staff who don’t understand, don’t want to understand, can’t be understood, couldn’t give a monkeys, and consequently garble out any old shit regardless of whether the words are in the correct order.
“Problem korrrva was being only zometimes two week of dooshka-booshka but in advance parcel sending, niet?”
Oh no, wait. They already do. Cunts.
Great nom Sixdog!?
I was shocked to see at our main post office that the stamp machines outside were now gone and if you needed a stamp (£1) youd have to join a massive fuck off queue!
What genius thought that up?
Only visit about once a year if that, but it was slackly run, slow queue, apathetic staff.
Wish id of been the manager, they needed a rocket up their arses,
Youd get served fast but the staff would be weeping.
I have to use my local Post Office (unwillingly) for business purposes.
That is all.
The worst experience I had was when I bought British travellers cheques, didn’t use them. Took them back to the same PO got served by the same woman, had all the necessary receipts and ID and she refused to cash them unless I bought something…CUNT. Now I love nothing more than printing off postage labels, which means these cunts have to do the work and get paid fuck all for it.
The counter staff at the main post office near me now resembles an immigration reception centre.
Not one fucker actually understands the basic logistics of a postal service let alone English.
Typical example of another British institution hi-jacked by a foreign private firm who employ minimum wage iron curtain cunts who don’t give a fuck about the people they serve.
Fucking useless cunts all of them.
Good cunting SV,
I went in the post office to top up the electric key for a flat as some clever cunt at British Gas decided to stop customers topping up at most normal shops.
Went in saw a queue of around 7 people and thought fuck that.
Went back again later and nobody there. Even then its a palava, everything seems to slow down when you go into a Post Office.
There is usually some old senile women in there telling the cashier what she’s going to have for dinner, and going on abaaaaht some friend who died 30 years ago.
Go fuck yourselves.
Oh I forgot when I leave, I’m greeted by some pikey romanian women…’Big issue please’.
Next time she says that I’ll say ‘you want a big tissue? I dont have any’.
A tissue to wipe your arse luv as I am just about to !!!!! now let me guess
“Big Issue” issues BWC? Do what I always do to our “peaceful” seller:
“Big Eeeshew”? “No thanks b*tch, these shoes fit perfectly fine”!
Bloody hell !!
Albany Rd, Cardiff, by any chance ??
Although I can agree with the nom I do have a little sympathy with counter staff, how many times do you see cunts at the counter with a blank form because they are either too thick or just can’t be arsed to fill it in.
The counter staff have to then waste time filling the fucking thing in for them!!
Good point. Whilst waiting to drop off one letter needing to go ‘signed for’, some local scrote wanted to change the taxation class of his car from disabled to tax it. He had the relevant form printed off the net, but other than his name, let the poor cow (who is more often than not on her own) fill out the entire thing including his bank details for monthly direct debit. You wouldn’t mind if he was genuinely thick, but the titters and peurile behaviour with his mate suggested he was simply taking the piss. She looked relieved at a simple letter when i eventually got there.
It would help if they made them easier. They said to my wife, renewing her passport, ‘oh yeah, we can do everything for you’ so she took the forms in ‘oh no, your hair is a different colour, you need your photos countersigning’. Her hair may be a different fucking colour again when she travels, will she need some cunt following her about to vouch for her identity? Or perhaps she should get a new passport, free of charge, every time she changes the colour?
Why not try the method Mog that appears to work for our considerable local populace of dooshka dooshkas and not bother with one? Just turn up in your country of choice, pretend to be one of 30 fucking people all with the same surname, say “no speak eengleesh meester” to any authority figure and Bob’s your uncle. Although on second thought that may only work on entry into the UK.
Remember once stuck behind some dooshka doooskha who was using the PO Passport application checking service for his sprogs applications, however the counter service refused to counter sign them as he was obviously trying it on somehow, so full marks to her.
But you wonder how forensic some staff are in checking I’m sure these people think they can pull a fast one at the PO
Shave her head.
Shes a trouble causer.
Not a nice thing to say MNC, what did St Jade of Goody ever do to you??
Just trying to impart my wisdom!
Not had a passport for years, not bothering getting another either,
Lost the last one.
Women are always changing hair colours arent they?
Not sure what thats about?
Just give the thumbs up “wow! Looks great!”
Not a complete idiot.
Just partially?
Hope you reported it missing MNC – if not there’s probably a p*ki family using it right now, taking turns wearing the big fake beard so the picture matches!!
I’m sure she’d be a trouble causer with a shaved head, I know I would be, but perhaps I’ll get her a frizzy glitter wig for formal photos.
PS not Gary Glitter.
Why can’t these fuckers be taught to smile and be welcoming? Cunts.
What’s a ‘post office’ Sixdog?
I don’t know what one is around you’re way but my local post office has many functions.
1. Providing employment for people who want to do as little as possible and chat with each other for 45% of the time.
2. A meeting place for Eastern European’s who can send some money home and buy alcohol in the same place.
3. A blood pressure test centre, they raise your blood pressure and if you don’t collapse you’re ok for another week or so.
I get they have various roles but they spend an inordinate time on the basic tasks such as sending a parcel. To be fair they are mostly white middle aged menopausal cunts. There is one Asian woman who’s always good and an Eastern European lass who seems destined to be sacked as she does the job without fuss or bother.
There was a nasty Irish cunt who I haven’t seen for ages and way well of died due to getting blood in the toxic puss that pumped around her body.
Ah thanks! From your description I think there used to be a couple around here, but they’ve disappeared.
There are far more black rag letterboxes where I live than letterboxes , post offices or any other “.service”
Oh, you live in Telford, aswell? Fucking peedough central…
Me? Not for much longer- the dog-hating, taxi-driving, misogynist cunts have taken over here. I’m off to pastures new soon.
At the risk of sounding waycist, all the post office staff I have encountered apart from those in the big Crown post offices seem to have come from the Sub Continent and they are usually abrupt and officious in their manner, that is those who have a reasonable command of the English language.
Idi Amin had the right idea!
They’re like that with people from a lower caste. Do you have a dark complexion?
No Allen, white northern european, that’s probably my problem.
As said frequently on this site – “White man bad!”
There’s a timid, little intern in my Post Office who wanders down the queue attempting to encourage people to use the self-automated computer thingies. I’ve never seen anybody use them. Do you think they’re getting the message yet that the majority loathe those machines?
It’s the first I’ve heard of them, don’t believe I’ve ever even seen one. Then again, I would have no idea what they look like.
That could be a wonderful job for Harry when he returns in five years, post-Canada, post-divorce with his tail between his legs, looking to endear himself to the British public again.
“Hell-o, would you like any help with the self-service machine? Do you want any stamps? I used to be Prince Harry, you know. Look, that’s my granny on the 60p stamp whom I snubbed. Any envelopes today?”
Do not address Sparkle as Gummy Bum…
Time does indeed seem to slow down when in the post office.
I don’t think I’ve queued in there for stamps as I buy them elsewhere (at the till of a corner shop, supermarket etc).
“To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, ”
Talking of time Spoons, did you know that we’re as close to 2050 as we are to 1990.
Blimey, Captain!
To go forwards to 2050 or backwards to 1990… I wonder.
I’ve experienced 1990. That was…OK I suppose.
2050 we might not use stamps by then.
What would you do, Captain, and fellow members of ISAC website?
My little poem
In The Post Office
Queuing up at the post office
I nearly said to that attractive girl-
‘We’re stationary with our stationery’
But the queue moved
Right on cue.
Whenever I go to my post office which is every week I always say thank you have nice week, as I was brought up to be polite even if the person your talking to is a cunt, but they look at me like I’ve raped there fucking cat!
Also they always have the heating in there at 40,000 fucking kelvin so you come out with 3rd degree burns.
Do you wear your eye patch and black satin tank top when you visit Snake? Hope the perm’s nice and bushy! ?
Just my strap on! ?
The Post Office is a mong magnet.
And a cunt circus.
Fuck off.
I’m sure years ago you needed five O level passes to get behind the PO counters. Now they let the thick as fuck minimum wage girls in my local Spar shop operate it as they’re all having them installed. Fuck me, watching one of them trying to issue a stamp the other day was like watching a Stormz…., I mean chimp trying to plumb in a sink. Cunts!
My local post office is full of the most miserable unhelpful cunts it would be your complete misfortune to meet!! , but that pales into insignificance if I miss a parcel or its “ too big” to fit thru the letter box as it guarantees me a meeting with old stoneface down at the depot, this motherfucker is quite possibly the biggest jobsworth cunt I’ve ever met , when presented with the card left by postman plod stoneface acts as if you’ve interrupted him, that you’ve invaded his space ? Listen you miserable old cunt It’s your FUCKING JOB!! Go get my parcel
Never mind, around the world loads of cunts celebrate no trousers day today, travelling on tube trains with no trousers, what a hoot these people are.
Why? Because a few wankers did it in New York as a prank once. Now all these woke cunts think they are so hilarious and right on copying the original prank.
“ They stated on the events Facebook page that they “want the event to be fun and safe for everyone for many more years to come” and “anybody found to be removing more than their trousers, or acting out personal fantasies in public, will be reported to the British Transport Police, and station authorities.”
Think the jokes on the participants the self absorbed cunts.
Sorry for going off topic but it made me want to hurt people.
In Crete last year I ran out of pipe tobacco, A kindly resident gave me the last of theirs and when offered compensation asked that I send them a particular type of tobacco I (knowing a good tobacconist) faithfully offered to return the favor.
He wrote out his address on a scrap of paper and handed it to me.
On my return I went to the bespoke old school Tobacconist at Camp road, Aldershot where I presented his prescription, she hazarded a guess at what was written and packed a good 50g in a bag for the good fellow.
I then went to the local post office to send said item.
It was at this point that I noticed that the chaps hand writing was pretty much eligible, so logic dictated that I just sellotape his note to the package.
so with this in mind ( having only just discovered it in the que to send it) I asked to use a bit of sellotape to stick label to parcel.
The clerk kindly supplied about 2cm of tape and I had to buy a roll of tape to affix said note to parcel to send it.
Never got a thank you letter, but I didn’t give him my address (one of those dark foreign types).
But the gist of my reply is why the fuck give someone the end of your sellotape?
Its not helpfull, just say buy a roll.
Anyone have Roger Scruton in the Deadpool?
The widow of Derek Acorah has said that she intends to give all of his clothes away.
He was a medium….
My local Post Office is akin to ordering food in India, none of the counter staff are Indian but fuck me it takes ages and ages and ages. I fucking despise the places.
Seems any kind of connection with “customer services” whether its cunts at the PO, cunts at supermarket tills, cunts at car garages, cunts over the phone etc. is hard fucking work, and the terms “customer services” a massive misnomer!
Most of them are miserable, mardy, impatient, unintelligible cunts of the first degree, and about a helpful as Jimmy Saville in a children’s nursery.
That would of been a self service situation.
What especially cunts me off is how the old half dead fucks always have to have a chat about how they’re sending marmalade to their nephew in Vancouver while I stand there like a cunt with my precious life ebbing away while I endure their monotonous unnecessary cunt jibber jabber. Makes me want to give a pensioner a haymaker to the jaw. Cunts!
Fuck it while I’m here. Notice how the cunts always make fucking absolutely certain your letter is too wide by putting it diagonally through the slot before declaring “it doesn’t fit you have to pay more” of course it doesn’t fit if you attempt to slide it through like a monkey with Down syndrome. Absolute cunts.